Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-
After defeating the villains, Makoto and his friends continue their journey to Rotsgard Academy and towards the two other heroes who have yet to be met! This is the second act of the fantasy tale of a man forsaken by gods and humankind as he embarks on a journey to restore balance in another world! 在击败了魔族之后,真与他的朋友们继续前往学园都市「罗茨加德」继续他们的旅程,尚未见面的两名勇者就在那里!这是关于一位被神和人类抛弃的男子的奇幻故事的第二幕,他踏上了恢复另一个世界平衡的旅程!
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After defeating the villains, Makoto and his friends continue their journey to Rotsgard Academy and towards the two other heroes who have yet to be met! This is the second act of the fantasy tale of a man forsaken by gods and humankind as he embarks on a journey to restore balance in another world! 在击败了魔族之后,真与他的朋友们继续前往学园都市「罗茨加德」继续他们的旅程,尚未见面的两名勇者就在那里!这是关于一位被神和人类抛弃的男子的奇幻故事的第二幕,他踏上了恢复另一个世界平衡的旅程!
Makoto and Shiki stop in Orbit, where they meets Lana and Eto. They seek help against thieves threatening their village. 深澄真和识朝着学园中央都市,遇到了人类少女拉娜和兽人少年艾德。他们寻求帮助,以对抗威胁他们村庄的盗贼……。
Makoto and Shiki stop in Orbit, where they meets Lana and Eto. They seek help against thieves threatening their village. 深澄真和识朝着学园中央都市,遇到了人类少女拉娜和兽人少年艾德。他们寻求帮助,以对抗威胁他们村庄的盗贼……。
Talented high schooler Hibiki is summoned as a hero to fight demons, while another hero, Tomoki, appears in Gritonia Empire. 才华洋溢的女高中生音无响被召唤为勇者,去对抗魔族,而另一位勇者岩桥智树则出现在古里多尼亚帝国……。
Talented high schooler Hibiki is summoned as a hero to fight demons, while another hero, Tomoki, appears in Gritonia Empire. 才华洋溢的女高中生音无响被召唤为勇者,去对抗魔族,而另一位勇者岩桥智树则出现在古里多尼亚帝国……。
Hibiki and Tomoki clash before the battle to reclaim Stella Fortress, where hidden demonic traps await the human army. 响和智树在重夺史戴拉要塞的战斗前发生冲突。第二天,魔族在战场上设下陷阱, 等着人类军队自投罗网……。
Hibiki and Tomoki clash before the battle to reclaim Stella Fortress, where hidden demonic traps await the human army. 响和智树在重夺史戴拉要塞的战斗前发生冲突。第二天,魔族在战场上设下陷阱, 等着人类军队自投罗网……。
After arriving in Rotsgard, Makoto and Shiki gather info for their new store but soon help a girl named Luria in trouble. 到罗兹卡尔德后,真和识收集新店的资讯,但不久后便帮助了一位名叫露莉亚的女孩,解决了她的困境……。
After arriving in Rotsgard, Makoto and Shiki gather info for their new store but soon help a girl named Luria in trouble. 到罗兹卡尔德后,真和识收集新店的资讯,但不久后便帮助了一位名叫露莉亚的女孩,解决了她的困境……。
Makoto passes the teacher recruitment exam and starts as an adjunct at a school. Meanwhile, Tsubasa investigates a lake linked to a war. 真通过了教师招聘考试,开始在一所学校担任兼任教师。与此同时,巴前往当初人类和魔族在史戴拉要塞大战时,突然冒出来的湖泊“星湖”调查……。
Makoto passes the teacher recruitment exam and starts as an adjunct at a school. Meanwhile, Tsubasa investigates a lake linked to a war. 真通过了教师招聘考试,开始在一所学校担任兼任教师。与此同时,巴前往当初人类和魔族在史戴拉要塞大战时,突然冒出来的湖泊“星湖”调查……。
A new store opens in Lotzgard, but issues arise for the shop and school. Meanwhile, Tomoki seeks to charm and obtain a sword.新店在罗兹卡尔德开张,但商店和学校出现了一些问题。与此同时,智树为了得到巴和莱姆的刀, 试图用能魅惑人心的魔眼力量……。
A new store opens in Lotzgard, but issues arise for the shop and school. Meanwhile, Tomoki seeks to charm and obtain a sword.新店在罗兹卡尔德开张,但商店和学校出现了一些问题。与此同时,智树为了得到巴和莱姆的刀, 试图用能魅惑人心的魔眼力量……。
After returning to Akuu, Makoto is welcomed with a surprise party. They celebrate, but new revelations about the heat emerge before an upcoming audition. 回到亚空后,真受到了惊喜派对的热烈欢迎。晚宴过后,巴向真报告星湖和智树的事,过程中真询问亚空异常炎热的原因,从巴那里得知关于亚空的新事实。隔天,亚空举行迎接新种族入住的“新成员选拔”……。
After returning to Akuu, Makoto is welcomed with a surprise party. They celebrate, but new revelations about the heat emerge before an upcoming audition. 回到亚空后,真受到了惊喜派对的热烈欢迎。晚宴过后,巴向真报告星湖和智树的事,过程中真询问亚空异常炎热的原因,从巴那里得知关于亚空的新事实。隔天,亚空举行迎接新种族入住的“新成员选拔”……。
In a busy yet enjoyable time, Makoto returns to work with Shiki. Meanwhile, at Rotsgard Academy, Shifu and Yuno Rembrandt have returned to school and will attend a lecture with transfer student Karen. 在繁忙而愉快的时光中,真和识回到罗兹卡尔德继续努力工作。与此同时,在罗兹卡尔德中央学园,复学的希芙.连布兰多和优诺.连布兰多,还有转学生卡莲.弗鲁斯加入真的课程……。
In a busy yet enjoyable time, Makoto returns to work with Shiki. Meanwhile, at Rotsgard Academy, Shifu and Yuno Rembrandt have returned to school and will attend a lecture with transfer student Karen. 在繁忙而愉快的时光中,真和识回到罗兹卡尔德继续努力工作。与此同时,在罗兹卡尔德中央学园,复学的希芙.连布兰多和优诺.连布兰多,还有转学生卡莲.弗鲁斯加入真的课程……。
Lime sets out to investigate the secret human experiments in Rotsgard. He ends up being captured along with Eva. They escape and uncover secrets. 莱姆开始调查罗兹卡尔德的秘密人体实验。在过程中他最终与伊娃一起被捕。他们逃脱并揭开了秘密。
Lime sets out to investigate the secret human experiments in Rotsgard. He ends up being captured along with Eva. They escape and uncover secrets. 莱姆开始调查罗兹卡尔德的秘密人体实验。在过程中他最终与伊娃一起被捕。他们逃脱并揭开了秘密。
To dismantle an underground organization, Makoto confronts the mastermind, Bright, and delivers harsh justice before a final lecture. 为了摧毁地下组织,真找出幕后主使者,也就是布莱德, 并毫不留情制裁了他。
To dismantle an underground organization, Makoto confronts the mastermind, Bright, and delivers harsh justice before a final lecture. 为了摧毁地下组织,真找出幕后主使者,也就是布莱德, 并毫不留情制裁了他。
During summer break, Makoto spends his time doing miscellaneous work and learning magic. He faces strong winged opponents in mock battles. 在暑假期间,真利用暑假返回亚空,一边努力处理杂务一边努力学习有关魔力的运用方法。真和亚空的新居民翼人们进行模拟战……。
During summer break, Makoto spends his time doing miscellaneous work and learning magic. He faces strong winged opponents in mock battles. 在暑假期间,真利用暑假返回亚空,一边努力处理杂务一边努力学习有关魔力的运用方法。真和亚空的新居民翼人们进行模拟战……。
As summer ends, Highland Orces are attacked by wolves and bears while exploring the forest. Makoto seeks peace but is met with hostility from a bear he encounters. 随着夏天的结束,高地半兽人在探索森林时遭到狼和熊的攻击。诚寻求平静,但遇到的熊却对他表现出敌意……。
As summer ends, Highland Orces are attacked by wolves and bears while exploring the forest. Makoto seeks peace but is met with hostility from a bear he encounters. 随着夏天的结束,高地半兽人在探索森林时遭到狼和熊的攻击。诚寻求平静,但遇到的熊却对他表现出敌意……。
As the school festival approaches, priest Shinai, arranges a meeting with Makoto. Shinai informs Makoto about rumors concerning the shop medicine and offering to help dispel them. 随着学校祭典的临近,信仰女神的神殿准祭司西耐来找真。她告诉真,葛之叶商会所贩售的药品在市面上有不好的传闻。西耐提出,如果真能向神殿公开药品的制作过程,神殿就会协助消除这些谣言。真对这个建议……。
As the school festival approaches, priest Shinai, arranges a meeting with Makoto. Shinai informs Makoto about rumors concerning the shop medicine and offering to help dispel them. 随着学校祭典的临近,信仰女神的神殿准祭司西耐来找真。她告诉真,葛之叶商会所贩售的药品在市面上有不好的传闻。西耐提出,如果真能向神殿公开药品的制作过程,神殿就会协助消除这些谣言。真对这个建议……。
On the second day of the festival, Makoto is approached by Sairitsu who suspects that he may be from another world. 校庆第二天,真受邀参加学生和来宾聚餐的宴会, 洛雷尔联邦的重要人物彩律来向他搭话。她怀疑真是从异世界来的人……。
On the second day of the festival, Makoto is approached by Sairitsu who suspects that he may be from another world. 校庆第二天,真受邀参加学生和来宾聚餐的宴会, 洛雷尔联邦的重要人物彩律来向他搭话。她怀疑真是从异世界来的人……。
In a school festival's tournament, students are forced to face off against their peers due to noble schemes. Jin advances to the finals and faces off against Ilumgand Hopleys. 在学校祭典的比赛中,学生们因为贵族的诡计被迫与同门对决。吉恩晋级决赛,将与把真视为眼中钉的伊尔姆甘德·霍普利斯对决……。
In a school festival's tournament, students are forced to face off against their peers due to noble schemes. Jin advances to the finals and faces off against Ilumgand Hopleys. 在学校祭典的比赛中,学生们因为贵族的诡计被迫与同门对决。吉恩晋级决赛,将与把真视为眼中钉的伊尔姆甘德·霍普利斯对决……。
After deciding to support the demon clan, Makoto plans to leave Rotsgard after watching the tournament, where Jin's team faces the powerful Ilumgand. 决定支持魔族后,真并打算观看完学生们比赛后离开罗兹卡尔德。此次比赛中,吉恩的队伍将迎战强大的伊尔姆甘德率领的队伍。
After deciding to support the demon clan, Makoto plans to leave Rotsgard after watching the tournament, where Jin's team faces the powerful Ilumgand. 决定支持魔族后,真并打算观看完学生们比赛后离开罗兹卡尔德。此次比赛中,吉恩的队伍将迎战强大的伊尔姆甘德率领的队伍。
Ilumgand transforms into a monster due to demon schemes. Jin and Abelia launch an attack to stop him. However, their attacks have no effect. 伊尔姆甘德因魔族的阴谋变成了怪物。吉恩和阿贝莉亚等人发起攻击以阻止他,但他们的攻击毫无效果……。
Ilumgand transforms into a monster due to demon schemes. Jin and Abelia launch an attack to stop him. However, their attacks have no effect. 伊尔姆甘德因魔族的阴谋变成了怪物。吉恩和阿贝莉亚等人发起攻击以阻止他,但他们的攻击毫无效果……。
In the chaos of Rotsgard, Jin and his group prepare to fight mutants while Mio, guarding a shelter, encounters the reawakened Ilumgand. 在罗兹卡尔德的混乱中,吉恩和阿贝莉亚等人准备与变异生物战斗,而澪在守护一处避难所时遇到了重新苏醒的伊尔姆甘德……。
In the chaos of Rotsgard, Jin and his group prepare to fight mutants while Mio, guarding a shelter, encounters the reawakened Ilumgand. 在罗兹卡尔德的混乱中,吉恩和阿贝莉亚等人准备与变异生物战斗,而澪在守护一处避难所时遇到了重新苏醒的伊尔姆甘德……。
In a chaotic situation with mutants, Makoto's group joins the mutant subjugation force. 在一个混乱的局势中,真的团队加入了加入变异体讨伐部队。
In a chaotic situation with mutants, Makoto's group joins the mutant subjugation force. 在一个混乱的局势中,真的团队加入了加入变异体讨伐部队。
The demon army advances on the Kingdom of Limia and the Empire of Gritonia amid a mutant crisis. The two great powers are on the verge of collapse. 魔族军队在突变危机中向里米亚王国和古里多尼亚帝国推进。两个大国处于陷落的危机之中……。
The demon army advances on the Kingdom of Limia and the Empire of Gritonia amid a mutant crisis. The two great powers are on the verge of collapse. 魔族军队在突变危机中向里米亚王国和古里多尼亚帝国推进。两个大国处于陷落的危机之中……。
Tomoe and Mio lead their forces to reclaim their homeland, Kaleneon. Meanwhile, in the Gritonia Empire, the powerful adventurer Sophia, allied with demons, confronts Tomoki. 巴和澪率领他们的军队重夺故乡凯利尼翁。与此同时,在古里多尼亚帝国,强大的冒险者苏菲亚与魔族结盟,对抗智树。
Tomoe and Mio lead their forces to reclaim their homeland, Kaleneon. Meanwhile, in the Gritonia Empire, the powerful adventurer Sophia, allied with demons, confronts Tomoki. 巴和澪率领他们的军队重夺故乡凯利尼翁。与此同时,在古里多尼亚帝国,强大的冒险者苏菲亚与魔族结盟,对抗智树。
In battle, Makoto is shocked to discover that the hero, Hibiki Otonashi, is his high school senpai. He suggests retreating to avoid conflict. 在战斗中,真惊讶地发现英雄音无响竟是他的高中学姊。他建议撤退以避免冲突。
In battle, Makoto is shocked to discover that the hero, Hibiki Otonashi, is his high school senpai. He suggests retreating to avoid conflict. 在战斗中,真惊讶地发现英雄音无响竟是他的高中学姊。他建议撤退以避免冲突。
Sofia suddenly barges into the battle between Makoto and Io. Despite being outnumbered, Makoto appears unfazed. 苏菲亚突然闯入真和伊欧之间的战斗。尽管人数不敌,真看起来毫不在意。
Sofia suddenly barges into the battle between Makoto and Io. Despite being outnumbered, Makoto appears unfazed. 苏菲亚突然闯入真和伊欧之间的战斗。尽管人数不敌,真看起来毫不在意。
Outside Limia's royal castle, a fierce battle between Shiki and Mitsurugi unfolds. Meanwhile, inside the castle, the battle between Makoto and Sofia continues. 在里米亚的皇家城堡外,识和御剑之间展开了一场激烈的战斗。与此同时,城堡内,真和苏菲亚的战斗仍在继续……。
Outside Limia's royal castle, a fierce battle between Shiki and Mitsurugi unfolds. Meanwhile, inside the castle, the battle between Makoto and Sofia continues. 在里米亚的皇家城堡外,识和御剑之间展开了一场激烈的战斗。与此同时,城堡内,真和苏菲亚的战斗仍在继续……。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | action and adventure, anime, sci-fi and fantasy |
Seasons | 2 |