Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-


After defeating the villains, Makoto and his friends continue their journey to Rotsgard Academy and towards the two other heroes who have yet to be met! This is the second act of the fantasy tale of a man forsaken by gods and humankind as he embarks on a journey to restore balance in another world! 在击败了魔族之后,真与他的朋友们继续前往学园都市「罗茨加德」继续他们的旅程,尚未见面的两名勇者就在那里!这是关于一位被神和人类抛弃的男子的奇幻故事的第二幕,他踏上了恢复另一个世界平衡的旅程!

Misumi Makoto is an ordinary high school student, who's been summoned to another world to become a hero with magical powers. 平凡的高中生深澄真因为某种原因被当作"勇者"召唤到了异世界。

Ep 1 The First Night, Failed…hero
24 mins

Misumi Makoto is summoned to the otherworld to become a hero, but the Goddess there hates him and exiles him. 平凡高中生深澄真因某些原因被召唤到异世界,结果惨遭不讲理的女神嫌弃,导致本该成为勇者的他被扔到荒郊野外。

Ep 1 The First Night, Failed…hero

Misumi Makoto is summoned to the otherworld to become a hero, but the Goddess there hates him and exiles him. 平凡高中生深澄真因某些原因被召唤到异世界,结果惨遭不讲理的女神嫌弃,导致本该成为勇者的他被扔到荒郊野外。

Ep 2 The Second Night, Black Spider Of Disaster
24 mins

Great Dragon Shin becomes Makoto's servant. Black Spider of Disaster is approaching Demiplane where Makoto can hide. 真在有利的立场和上位龙「蜃」缔结契约。 「蜃」将他带往创造出的雾中异界『亚空』。另一方面,「灾难的黑蜘蛛」在外界受无尽的饥饿感所折磨,失去理智的黑蜘蛛逐渐逼近『亚空』。

Ep 2 The Second Night, Black Spider Of Disaster

Great Dragon Shin becomes Makoto's servant. Black Spider of Disaster is approaching Demiplane where Makoto can hide. 真在有利的立场和上位龙「蜃」缔结契约。 「蜃」将他带往创造出的雾中异界『亚空』。另一方面,「灾难的黑蜘蛛」在外界受无尽的饥饿感所折磨,失去理智的黑蜘蛛逐渐逼近『亚空』。

Ep 3 The Third Night, Human Shock
23 mins

When Makoto visits the street in Demiplane where humans live, all humans point their weapons at him. What happened?! 以古种矮人为首的各种族亚人纷纷移居于『亚空』。处在被亚人围绕的环境,开始想念人类的真前往人族城镇。但等着他的却是手持武器的人族!原因究竟为何?

Ep 3 The Third Night, Human Shock

When Makoto visits the street in Demiplane where humans live, all humans point their weapons at him. What happened?! 以古种矮人为首的各种族亚人纷纷移居于『亚空』。处在被亚人围绕的环境,开始想念人类的真前往人族城镇。但等着他的却是手持武器的人族!原因究竟为何?

Ep 4 The Fourth Night, Too Late
24 mins

Makoto meets a young girl, Rinon, who is looking for her missing elder sister. That night, Makoto gets attacked. 真等人在人族城镇绝野遇到正在寻找失踪姐姐托娅的少女莉诺。但有一名男子阻挡了巴等人的去路。

Ep 4 The Fourth Night, Too Late

Makoto meets a young girl, Rinon, who is looking for her missing elder sister. That night, Makoto gets attacked. 真等人在人族城镇绝野遇到正在寻找失踪姐姐托娅的少女莉诺。但有一名男子阻挡了巴等人的去路。

Ep 5 The Fifth Night, The Greedy Wagon's Journey
24 mins

Makoto, Toa, and Rinon leave the collapsing street to a new place and encounters many demons along the way. 真离开崩坏的绝野城镇,与托娅、莉诺和其他冒险者前往新城镇。虽然中途遇到许多魔物,一行人仍平安到达齐格镇。

Ep 5 The Fifth Night, The Greedy Wagon's Journey

Makoto, Toa, and Rinon leave the collapsing street to a new place and encounters many demons along the way. 真离开崩坏的绝野城镇,与托娅、莉诺和其他冒险者前往新城镇。虽然中途遇到许多魔物,一行人仍平安到达齐格镇。

Ep 6 The Sixth Night, The Melancholy Of Handsome Middle-Aged Men
24 mins

Makoto accepts the request from Rembrandt. The boss doubts Makoto's ability as he doesn't have any achievements. 真等人接下连布兰多商会的委托。但作为冒险者尚无实绩的真遭商会之主帕多利克连布兰多怀疑,想加入商人工会的他还得通过两项测验。

Ep 6 The Sixth Night, The Melancholy Of Handsome Middle-Aged Men

Makoto accepts the request from Rembrandt. The boss doubts Makoto's ability as he doesn't have any achievements. 真等人接下连布兰多商会的委托。但作为冒险者尚无实绩的真遭商会之主帕多利克连布兰多怀疑,想加入商人工会的他还得通过两项测验。

Ep 7 The Seventh Night, Wondrous Medicine Production
24 mins

In order to save Rembrandt's wife, Makoto and Hazal refine the cure, Ambrosia which really cures her curse. 连布兰多的妻小被咒病缠身,真为了治好她们和哈扎尔炼制秘药安布罗西亚。成功完成委托的真和前来迎接的巴与澪会合。

Ep 7 The Seventh Night, Wondrous Medicine Production

In order to save Rembrandt's wife, Makoto and Hazal refine the cure, Ambrosia which really cures her curse. 连布兰多的妻小被咒病缠身,真为了治好她们和哈扎尔炼制秘药安布罗西亚。成功完成委托的真和前来迎接的巴与澪会合。

Ep 8 The Eighth Night, Subspace Ranking
24 mins

Warriors in Demiplane lose their confidence by training Makoto. In order to restore that, Tomoe holds a competition. 真等人训练并指导的高地欧克与蜥蜴人战士丧失了自信。巴为了再度提振士气,宣布将举办无关种族,全员皆要参与的个人战「亚空排名 」!

Ep 8 The Eighth Night, Subspace Ranking

Warriors in Demiplane lose their confidence by training Makoto. In order to restore that, Tomoe holds a competition. 真等人训练并指导的高地欧克与蜥蜴人战士丧失了自信。巴为了再度提振士气,宣布将举办无关种族,全员皆要参与的个人战「亚空排名 」!

Ep 9 The Ninth Night, Eat Or Be Eaten
23 mins

Makoto sets up a trading company and throws a party. During the party, Makoto leaves to practice archery. 众人为了庆祝真在人族城镇设立葛叶商会而兴办宴会。与『亚空』居民加深感情的真中途离席,锻炼起射箭技术。

Ep 9 The Ninth Night, Eat Or Be Eaten

Makoto sets up a trading company and throws a party. During the party, Makoto leaves to practice archery. 众人为了庆祝真在人族城镇设立葛叶商会而兴办宴会。与『亚空』居民加深感情的真中途离席,锻炼起射箭技术。

Ep 10 The Tenth Night, Hidden Ogre Village
24 mins

In order to purchase the flower of Ambrosia, Makoto and Mio visit a forest where they are attacked by demons. 为了采集葛叶商会需要的安布罗西亚花,来到提纳拉克森林的真与澪被守护花朵的森鬼阿克娅和艾莉丝袭击。

Ep 10 The Tenth Night, Hidden Ogre Village

In order to purchase the flower of Ambrosia, Makoto and Mio visit a forest where they are attacked by demons. 为了采集葛叶商会需要的安布罗西亚花,来到提纳拉克森林的真与澪被守护花朵的森鬼阿克娅和艾莉丝袭击。

Ep 11 The Eleventh Night, Goodbye
24 mins

Demiplane suddenly explodes. Shocked by many casualties, Makoto heads to the center of explosion to know what happened. 亚空发生原因不明的爆炸案,巴被波及而倒下。得知亚空居民因爆炸受害的真大受打击,他藉由流入脑中的人族记忆拼凑出了爆炸案真相!

Ep 11 The Eleventh Night, Goodbye

Demiplane suddenly explodes. Shocked by many casualties, Makoto heads to the center of explosion to know what happened. 亚空发生原因不明的爆炸案,巴被波及而倒下。得知亚空居民因爆炸受害的真大受打击,他藉由流入脑中的人族记忆拼凑出了爆炸案真相!

Ep 12 The Twelfth Night, Guided By The Moon…
23 mins

The Goddess transfers Makoto to the center of the battle between humans and demons. He releases his true power. 真本该启程前往学园都市,女神却将他传送到人族与魔族争斗的战场正中央。协助魔族的索菲娅将真视作女神的使徒,毫不留情地对他展开猛烈攻势,陷入危机的真用尽最后的力气发动魔法。

Ep 12 The Twelfth Night, Guided By The Moon…

The Goddess transfers Makoto to the center of the battle between humans and demons. He releases his true power. 真本该启程前往学园都市,女神却将他传送到人族与魔族争斗的战场正中央。协助魔族的索菲娅将真视作女神的使徒,毫不留情地对他展开猛烈攻势,陷入危机的真用尽最后的力气发动魔法。

Additional Information

Genresaction and adventure, anime, sci-fi and fantasy
Some Violence