

A brand new stay-home cooking challenge where 2 celebrities will showcase their culinary skills with a "mystery ingredient" to compete. Entire challenge is recorded via their personal electronic devices. Find out more about their secret recipes and lifestyle tips while staying at home! 首次打造全新的网络连线烹饪节目,每集邀请两位艺人连线,用神秘“指定食材”烹煮美食来个厨艺比拼,艺人在家练出怎样的好厨艺?他们有哪些明星食谱要公开呢?节目中还会窥探艺人厨房的秘密,宅星有哪些宅家的生活趣事要分享?

Stay-home cooking challenge where 2 celebrities will showcase their culinary skills with a "mystery ingredient" to compete. Entire challenge is recorded via their personal electronic devices. Find out more about their secret recipes and lifestyle tips while staying at home! 全新系列的网络连线烹饪节目,每集邀请两位艺人连线,用神秘“指定食材”烹煮美食来个厨艺比拼,艺人在家练出怎样的好厨艺?他们有哪些明星食谱要公开呢?节目中还会窥探艺人厨房的秘密,宅星有哪些宅家的生活趣事要分享?

Ep 1 Kym Ng VS Quan Yi Fong – Pork Ribs
22 mins

The first episode pitches celebrities Kym Ng and Quan Yi Fong against each other. Their challenge is to whip up a tasty dish using pork ribs and other ingredients that they can find in their kitchens. Stay tuned to see what they have for us. 首集节目迎来了两位综艺阿姐鐘琴和权怡凤!第一次较量厨艺的两人,必须在限时内烹煮一道“排骨”料理!怡凤随心所欲的烹煮风格是否能成功煮出色香味俱全的料理?鐘琴的料理会带给大家什么惊喜?敬请期待两位宅星的刀叉战!

Ep 1 Kym Ng VS Quan Yi Fong – Pork Ribs

The first episode pitches celebrities Kym Ng and Quan Yi Fong against each other. Their challenge is to whip up a tasty dish using pork ribs and other ingredients that they can find in their kitchens. Stay tuned to see what they have for us. 首集节目迎来了两位综艺阿姐鐘琴和权怡凤!第一次较量厨艺的两人,必须在限时内烹煮一道“排骨”料理!怡凤随心所欲的烹煮风格是否能成功煮出色香味俱全的料理?鐘琴的料理会带给大家什么惊喜?敬请期待两位宅星的刀叉战!

Ep 2 Jin Yin Ji VS Hong Hui Fang - Salmon
22 mins

Excited to find out what happens when Jin Yin Ji and Hong Hui Fang take up the cook-off challenge this week using salmon? Besides showing us their culinary skills, they also brought much joy and laughter to this episode. 两位演技精湛、厨艺高超的宅星挑战刀叉战!高手金银姬对垒洪慧芳会擦出怎样的火花? 她们会如何用神秘食材“三文鱼”巧妙的自创出一道味觉与视觉兼具的料理?不擅长科技的两位艺人会闹出哪些笑料呢?精彩连连,不容错过!

Ep 2 Jin Yin Ji VS Hong Hui Fang - Salmon

Excited to find out what happens when Jin Yin Ji and Hong Hui Fang take up the cook-off challenge this week using salmon? Besides showing us their culinary skills, they also brought much joy and laughter to this episode. 两位演技精湛、厨艺高超的宅星挑战刀叉战!高手金银姬对垒洪慧芳会擦出怎样的火花? 她们会如何用神秘食材“三文鱼”巧妙的自创出一道味觉与视觉兼具的料理?不擅长科技的两位艺人会闹出哪些笑料呢?精彩连连,不容错过!

Ep 3 Lee Teng VS Cavin Soh - Cabbage
22 mins

Hosts for different seasons of the cooking show "King of Culinary", Lee Teng & Cavin Soh will be the ones doing the cooking this week. They are going to challenge each other by using the "mystery ingredient" - cabbage. 宅星刀叉战迎来两季《三把刀》节目主持人李腾和苏梽诚比拼厨艺!平时说得一口好菜的主持人,厨艺会是如何?面对简单的食材“卷心菜”,两位如何在限时30分钟内完成一道料理? 究竟是谁的宅星料理更诱人?更多烹饪的小贴士在节目中一一献上,请锁定!

Ep 3 Lee Teng VS Cavin Soh - Cabbage

Hosts for different seasons of the cooking show "King of Culinary", Lee Teng & Cavin Soh will be the ones doing the cooking this week. They are going to challenge each other by using the "mystery ingredient" - cabbage. 宅星刀叉战迎来两季《三把刀》节目主持人李腾和苏梽诚比拼厨艺!平时说得一口好菜的主持人,厨艺会是如何?面对简单的食材“卷心菜”,两位如何在限时30分钟内完成一道料理? 究竟是谁的宅星料理更诱人?更多烹饪的小贴士在节目中一一献上,请锁定!

Ep 4 Sharon Au VS Yeo Yann Yann – Chicken Wings
22 mins

It's Sharon Au versus Golden Horse Best Actress Yeo Yann Yann. Both have known each other for more than 20 years, who will out-perform the other in their first-ever cooking challenge of making a dish with chicken wings? 最后一集节目邀请到回乡度假的欧菁仙和金马影后杨雁雁!两人是相识20多年的朋友,第一次在线上比拼厨艺,挑战的神秘食材是“鸡翅”。谁的厨艺更胜一筹?谁能煮出吸引眼球的料理呢?边煮边畅聊过去的点点滴滴,绝对不能错过!

Ep 4 Sharon Au VS Yeo Yann Yann – Chicken Wings

It's Sharon Au versus Golden Horse Best Actress Yeo Yann Yann. Both have known each other for more than 20 years, who will out-perform the other in their first-ever cooking challenge of making a dish with chicken wings? 最后一集节目邀请到回乡度假的欧菁仙和金马影后杨雁雁!两人是相识20多年的朋友,第一次在线上比拼厨艺,挑战的神秘食材是“鸡翅”。谁的厨艺更胜一筹?谁能煮出吸引眼球的料理呢?边煮边畅聊过去的点点滴滴,绝对不能错过!

Additional Information

Genresfood, variety
Suitable For All Ages