

A brand new stay-home cooking challenge where 2 celebrities will showcase their culinary skills with a "mystery ingredient" to compete. Entire challenge is recorded via their personal electronic devices. Find out more about their secret recipes and lifestyle tips while staying at home! 首次打造全新的网络连线烹饪节目,每集邀请两位艺人连线,用神秘“指定食材”烹煮美食来个厨艺比拼,艺人在家练出怎样的好厨艺?他们有哪些明星食谱要公开呢?节目中还会窥探艺人厨房的秘密,宅星有哪些宅家的生活趣事要分享?

A brand new stay-home cooking challenge where 2 celebrities will showcase their culinary skills with a "mystery ingredient" to compete. Entire challenge is recorded via their personal electronic devices. Find out more about their secret recipes and lifestyle tips while staying at home! 首次打造全新的网络连线烹饪节目,每集邀请两位艺人连线,用神秘“指定食材”烹煮美食来个厨艺比拼,艺人在家练出怎样的好厨艺?他们有哪些明星食谱要公开呢?节目中还会窥探艺人厨房的秘密,宅星有哪些宅家的生活趣事要分享?

Ep 1 Chicken
23 mins

The first episode pitches celebrities Chen Hanwei and Vivian Lai against each other. Their challenge is to whip up a tasty dish using chicken meat and other ingredients that they can find in their kitchens. Hanwei admits that he doesn't really cook, so does that mean Vivian will have the upper hand? 第一集的厨艺PK赛,迎来了两位超级红星 陈汉玮和赖怡伶,他们的挑战是用指定食材“鸡肉”配搭家里现有的材料,煮出一道“宅星料理”,到底他们的厨艺如何?谁的厨艺作品更胜一筹?平时极少下厨的汉玮,又会带给大家怎样的惊喜?敬请期待两位宅星的厨艺刀叉战!

Ep 1 Chicken

The first episode pitches celebrities Chen Hanwei and Vivian Lai against each other. Their challenge is to whip up a tasty dish using chicken meat and other ingredients that they can find in their kitchens. Hanwei admits that he doesn't really cook, so does that mean Vivian will have the upper hand? 第一集的厨艺PK赛,迎来了两位超级红星 陈汉玮和赖怡伶,他们的挑战是用指定食材“鸡肉”配搭家里现有的材料,煮出一道“宅星料理”,到底他们的厨艺如何?谁的厨艺作品更胜一筹?平时极少下厨的汉玮,又会带给大家怎样的惊喜?敬请期待两位宅星的厨艺刀叉战!

Ep 2 Pork Belly
23 mins

What are the sparks to be expected when traditional-style challenges the innovative way of cooking? Pan Ling Ling and Bryan Wong undertake the challenge this week using pork belly for the cook-off. Stay tuned! 偏爱古早味的潘玲玲遇到追求创新和精致的王禄江会擦出怎样的火花? 今日挑战主题是“三层肉”,他们的PK可谓是高手过招、精彩连连。厨艺精湛的禄江自创一道Circuit Breaker汉堡,让你食指大动;潘玲玲要带来的是从小吃到大,妈妈的好滋味!谁输谁赢,敬请期待!

Ep 2 Pork Belly

What are the sparks to be expected when traditional-style challenges the innovative way of cooking? Pan Ling Ling and Bryan Wong undertake the challenge this week using pork belly for the cook-off. Stay tuned! 偏爱古早味的潘玲玲遇到追求创新和精致的王禄江会擦出怎样的火花? 今日挑战主题是“三层肉”,他们的PK可谓是高手过招、精彩连连。厨艺精湛的禄江自创一道Circuit Breaker汉堡,让你食指大动;潘玲玲要带来的是从小吃到大,妈妈的好滋味!谁输谁赢,敬请期待!

Ep 3 Eggs
23 mins

Both Lee Teng & Ben Yeo took up the challenge this week. Having hosted numerous food shows, will Lee Teng be able to out beat Ben Yeo, who is well known for his culinary skills? Let's see what they have in store for us! 这一集,宅星李腾和杨志龙要展开刀叉战! 平时主持很多美食节目的李腾到底厨艺如何?厨艺精湛的杨志龙会给大家怎样的惊喜?两位艺人如何在限时30分钟内必须用神秘食材“鸡蛋”烹煮出一道料理呢? 究竟是谁的宅星食谱更诱人?记得锁定节目!

Ep 3 Eggs

Both Lee Teng & Ben Yeo took up the challenge this week. Having hosted numerous food shows, will Lee Teng be able to out beat Ben Yeo, who is well known for his culinary skills? Let's see what they have in store for us! 这一集,宅星李腾和杨志龙要展开刀叉战! 平时主持很多美食节目的李腾到底厨艺如何?厨艺精湛的杨志龙会给大家怎样的惊喜?两位艺人如何在限时30分钟内必须用神秘食材“鸡蛋”烹煮出一道料理呢? 究竟是谁的宅星食谱更诱人?记得锁定节目!

Ep 4 Egg Toufu
23 mins

Comedian Ho Ai Ling faced off showbiz newbie, KeLe this week. Besides showcasing their culinary skills in turning egg toufou into mouth-watering dishes, the two hilarious artistes have also brought us much joy and laughter in this episode. 古灵精怪的鬼马艺人宅在家也能宅出欢乐和精彩!本集节目由开心果何爱玲PK能歌善舞的阳光可乐,要挑战的主题是“蛋豆腐”。面对柔软易碎的蛋豆腐,她们会如何接招,煮出色香味俱全的宅星料理呢?现场笑料不断、状况百出,到底谁更厉害?节目中见分晓!

Ep 4 Egg Toufu

Comedian Ho Ai Ling faced off showbiz newbie, KeLe this week. Besides showcasing their culinary skills in turning egg toufou into mouth-watering dishes, the two hilarious artistes have also brought us much joy and laughter in this episode. 古灵精怪的鬼马艺人宅在家也能宅出欢乐和精彩!本集节目由开心果何爱玲PK能歌善舞的阳光可乐,要挑战的主题是“蛋豆腐”。面对柔软易碎的蛋豆腐,她们会如何接招,煮出色香味俱全的宅星料理呢?现场笑料不断、状况百出,到底谁更厉害?节目中见分晓!

Ep 5 Prawns
23 mins

Many celebrities deemed to have improved on their culinary skills during the Circuit Breaker period. So are Desmond Tan and Shane Pow. Both will challenge each other with the "mysterious ingredient": prawns. Stay tuned to see what they have for us. 艺人宅家两个月练出好厨艺,这集型男陈泂江和包勋评要比拼厨艺!他们的挑战是在30分钟用神秘食材“虾”烹煮一道料理。帅气的两位宅星会煮出怎样的菜色来吸引大家的眼球呢? 更多烹饪的小贴士在节目中一一献上,绝对不能错过!

Ep 5 Prawns

Many celebrities deemed to have improved on their culinary skills during the Circuit Breaker period. So are Desmond Tan and Shane Pow. Both will challenge each other with the "mysterious ingredient": prawns. Stay tuned to see what they have for us. 艺人宅家两个月练出好厨艺,这集型男陈泂江和包勋评要比拼厨艺!他们的挑战是在30分钟用神秘食材“虾”烹煮一道料理。帅气的两位宅星会煮出怎样的菜色来吸引大家的眼球呢? 更多烹饪的小贴士在节目中一一献上,绝对不能错过!

Ep 6 Potatoes
23 mins

In this finale episode, cool dad Darren Lim challenges tiger mum Lina Ng. Both have known each other for more than 20 years. Who will out-perform the other in their first-ever cooking challenge using potatoes as the main ingredient? Stay tuned. 最后一集《宅星刀叉战》邀请到好爸爸林明伦和好妈妈黄嫊方,认识20多年的老朋友,第一次PK厨艺,非常令人期待!他们将以“马铃薯”为主题进行挑战。嫊方带来的是一道大人小孩都爱吃的西式料理,而明伦呈献的是一道香辣够味的中式料理。这场东西方的对决谁将更胜一筹?你一定要看!

Ep 6 Potatoes

In this finale episode, cool dad Darren Lim challenges tiger mum Lina Ng. Both have known each other for more than 20 years. Who will out-perform the other in their first-ever cooking challenge using potatoes as the main ingredient? Stay tuned. 最后一集《宅星刀叉战》邀请到好爸爸林明伦和好妈妈黄嫊方,认识20多年的老朋友,第一次PK厨艺,非常令人期待!他们将以“马铃薯”为主题进行挑战。嫊方带来的是一道大人小孩都爱吃的西式料理,而明伦呈献的是一道香辣够味的中式料理。这场东西方的对决谁将更胜一筹?你一定要看!

Additional Information

Genresfood, variety
Suitable For All Ages