Small Town Surprises
Small Town Surprises is a fun and exciting reality series. In each episode, our host brings one Singaporean family to a quaint and charming small town in Malaysia - with big surprising adventures awaiting them! From close interaction with stingless bees to wayang kulit puppetry & making of own traditional Hakka kueh. Watch and learn with our families as we explore the unique culture of different small towns through fun and play! 《小城花样多》是一个轻松有趣的真人实况节目。在每一集的节目里,我们的 “城管" 会带领着来自新加坡的一个家庭北上邻国马来西亚,探寻风情各异的小城魅力!无论是近距离接触无刺蜜蜂、或皮影戏表演,又或者是亲手制作传统客家糕点!一起跟着我们的新加坡家庭,通过好玩的游戏和挑战,学习不一样的新知识!
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Small Town Surprises is back again to uncover exciting new adventures, not just in the small towns of Malaysia but also our very own Singapore! Join us as we unravel the secrets to making the best satay in the "Satay Town" of Malaysia, immerse ourselves in an "Arts-capade" staycation in Singapore and unveil the seas of our sunny island! 《小城花样多》又回来了!虽然疫情限制了我们出游冒险的地方,但这也难不倒我们的两位城管!在这全新系列的节目中,Sugie 哥哥和慧馨姐姐将继续带领出游的家庭到新马各地寻找美食,探索美景和无数有趣好玩的新鲜事!
In the first episode of our brand new season, join Hui Xin and our special guests- ex-mediacorp artiste Le Yao and her family as they unravel the secrets to making the best satay in the "Satay Town" of Malaysia, Kajang! What other surprises does the rustic streets of Kajang Old Town have to offer? Tune in to find out! 《小城花样多 2》的第一站!城管慧馨带领着特别嘉宾- 前新传媒艺人乐瑶和她的一家人来到了位于雪兰莪州的加影!这里为什么被誉为 “沙嗲之城”?加影老街又有着什么不一样的古早味呢?跟着我们就知道啦!
In the first episode of our brand new season, join Hui Xin and our special guests- ex-mediacorp artiste Le Yao and her family as they unravel the secrets to making the best satay in the "Satay Town" of Malaysia, Kajang! What other surprises does the rustic streets of Kajang Old Town have to offer? Tune in to find out! 《小城花样多 2》的第一站!城管慧馨带领着特别嘉宾- 前新传媒艺人乐瑶和她的一家人来到了位于雪兰莪州的加影!这里为什么被誉为 “沙嗲之城”?加影老街又有着什么不一样的古早味呢?跟着我们就知道啦!
Balik Pulau is a quaint and quiet agricultural town located on the western side of Penang Island. This week, Hui Xin brings our family on a retreat to find out more about how the island's famous produce, nutmeg is cultivated. They also visit a horse farm and even attempt to make their own Hakka yong tau foo at a quaint Hakka village. 这一集的《小城花样多 2》,我们来到了马来西亚槟城的浮罗山背!这里可是东南亚重要的豆蔻产地之一!除了了解豆蔻的种植和生产过程,城管慧馨还带领着出游的家庭逃离城市,到郊外的浮罗休闲马场和客家山寨游玩!
Balik Pulau is a quaint and quiet agricultural town located on the western side of Penang Island. This week, Hui Xin brings our family on a retreat to find out more about how the island's famous produce, nutmeg is cultivated. They also visit a horse farm and even attempt to make their own Hakka yong tau foo at a quaint Hakka village. 这一集的《小城花样多 2》,我们来到了马来西亚槟城的浮罗山背!这里可是东南亚重要的豆蔻产地之一!除了了解豆蔻的种植和生产过程,城管慧馨还带领着出游的家庭逃离城市,到郊外的浮罗休闲马场和客家山寨游玩!
This week, Sugie brings our family on an arts-capade to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life! From intricate miniature food art to exquisite glass blowing and traditional rangoli, watch as they learn to appreciate the beauty of various art forms. 无论是精致可爱的迷你食物模型,或者是绚丽夺目的玻璃艺术,又或者是五彩缤纷的传统蓝果丽,艺术家通过色彩营造出独特的氛围,让我们脱离外界的喧哗。这个星期,跟着我们的城管 Sugie 和出游的家庭 一起放慢脚步,欣赏艺术的美!
This week, Sugie brings our family on an arts-capade to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life! From intricate miniature food art to exquisite glass blowing and traditional rangoli, watch as they learn to appreciate the beauty of various art forms. 无论是精致可爱的迷你食物模型,或者是绚丽夺目的玻璃艺术,又或者是五彩缤纷的传统蓝果丽,艺术家通过色彩营造出独特的氛围,让我们脱离外界的喧哗。这个星期,跟着我们的城管 Sugie 和出游的家庭 一起放慢脚步,欣赏艺术的美!
Technology is a major game changer that offers endless possibilities. From futuristic VR flight simulators to classic playground mechanics with a modern technological twist, join our host and family as they embark on an extraordinary tech-venture! 科技的发展不只给我们的生活带来了便利,也让很多不可能的体验变成可能!这一集的《小城花样多2》,城管 Sugie 带领着一起出游的家庭体验虚拟实境飞行和高科技电子游戏机,最后还开启了一场紧张刺激的镭射战斗!
Technology is a major game changer that offers endless possibilities. From futuristic VR flight simulators to classic playground mechanics with a modern technological twist, join our host and family as they embark on an extraordinary tech-venture! 科技的发展不只给我们的生活带来了便利,也让很多不可能的体验变成可能!这一集的《小城花样多2》,城管 Sugie 带领着一起出游的家庭体验虚拟实境飞行和高科技电子游戏机,最后还开启了一场紧张刺激的镭射战斗!
Gear up for the ultimate fitness test as we embark on a sports themed retreat in this episode of Small Town Surprises 2! From boxing to zorb sports and high elements obstacle courses, will our host and family rise up to the challenge or will they throw in the towel? Stay tuned to find out! 这一集的宅度假主题是一个考验体力与耐力的运动营!城管 Sugie 率领着我们的出游家庭出征,挑战不同刺激且高难度的运动!从拳击训练,到有趣好玩的滚人球运动,再到极限攀岩和高空绳索挑战- 他们是否能一一完成?
Gear up for the ultimate fitness test as we embark on a sports themed retreat in this episode of Small Town Surprises 2! From boxing to zorb sports and high elements obstacle courses, will our host and family rise up to the challenge or will they throw in the towel? Stay tuned to find out! 这一集的宅度假主题是一个考验体力与耐力的运动营!城管 Sugie 率领着我们的出游家庭出征,挑战不同刺激且高难度的运动!从拳击训练,到有趣好玩的滚人球运动,再到极限攀岩和高空绳索挑战- 他们是否能一一完成?
This week, Huixin and our family "venture into uncharted waters" as they visit a mysterious floating restaurant in the middle of the sea and attempt to fish for their own meal. They also try their hands at stand-up paddling and even go on a yacht tour around Singapore's beautiful Southern Islands! 新加坡是个四面环海的岛国!要在这里找到水上活动还有海洋主题的新体验,当然难不倒我们的城管慧馨!这个星期,跟着我们和出游的家庭一起尝试刺激的站立式划桨板,探索神秘的海上餐厅,还有美丽的南部岛屿!
This week, Huixin and our family "venture into uncharted waters" as they visit a mysterious floating restaurant in the middle of the sea and attempt to fish for their own meal. They also try their hands at stand-up paddling and even go on a yacht tour around Singapore's beautiful Southern Islands! 新加坡是个四面环海的岛国!要在这里找到水上活动还有海洋主题的新体验,当然难不倒我们的城管慧馨!这个星期,跟着我们和出游的家庭一起尝试刺激的站立式划桨板,探索神秘的海上餐厅,还有美丽的南部岛屿!
Additional Information
Premiered | 2020 |
Genres | children and family, older kids (7-12) |
Seasons | 2 |