Small Town Surprises


Small Town Surprises is a fun and exciting reality series. In each episode, our host brings one Singaporean family to a quaint and charming small town in Malaysia - with big surprising adventures awaiting them! From close interaction with stingless bees to wayang kulit puppetry & making of own traditional Hakka kueh. Watch and learn with our families as we explore the unique culture of different small towns through fun and play! 《小城花样多》是一个轻松有趣的真人实况节目。在每一集的节目里,我们的 “城管" 会带领着来自新加坡的一个家庭北上邻国马来西亚,探寻风情各异的小城魅力!无论是近距离接触无刺蜜蜂、或皮影戏表演,又或者是亲手制作传统客家糕点!一起跟着我们的新加坡家庭,通过好玩的游戏和挑战,学习不一样的新知识!

Small Town Surprises is a fun and exciting reality series. In each episode, our host brings one Singaporean family to a quaint and charming small town in Malaysia - with big surprising adventures awaiting them! From close interaction with stingless bees to wayang kulit puppetry & making of own traditional Hakka kueh. Watch and learn with our families as we explore the unique culture of different small towns through fun and play! 《小城花样多》是一个轻松有趣的真人实况节目。在每一集的节目里,我们的 “城管" 会带领着来自新加坡的一个家庭北上邻国马来西亚,探寻风情各异的小城魅力!无论是近距离接触无刺蜜蜂、或皮影戏表演,又或者是亲手制作传统客家糕点!一起跟着我们的新加坡家庭,通过好玩的游戏和挑战,学习不一样的新知识!

Ep 1
23 mins

In the first episode of Small Town Surprises, our host Sugie brings the Low family to the Pineapple Town of Malaysia, Pontian! Watch and learn with the Low brothers, Rui Kai and Rui Yi, as they find out how to differentiate between the different types of pineapples, try their hand at harvesting honey from stingless bees, as well as wrap their own wonton dumplings. 第一集的《小城花样多》,城管 Sugie 带领着刘家来到了黄梨之乡-笨珍!跟着我们的刘家兄弟,,,

Ep 1

In the first episode of Small Town Surprises, our host Sugie brings the Low family to the Pineapple Town of Malaysia, Pontian! Watch and learn with the Low brothers, Rui Kai and Rui Yi, as they find out how to differentiate between the different types of pineapples, try their hand at harvesting honey from stingless bees, as well as wrap their own wonton dumplings. 第一集的《小城花样多》,城管 Sugie 带领着刘家来到了黄梨之乡-笨珍!跟着我们的刘家兄弟,,,

Ep 2
22 mins

Did you know that male and female ducks quack differently? What do mushrooms need in order to grow? How is charcoal made from the trunk of a tree? Find out the answers to these questions in this episode, as our host Hui Xin and the Lee family uncover the surprises that await them in Kuala Sepetang! 你们知道公鸭和母鸭的区别吗?种植蘑菇需要哪些材料?木炭又是怎么从红木加工制成的呢?这一集的《小城花样多》,我们的女城管慧馨将带领着李家成员,来到位于霹雳州的太平县和十八丁一起探究竟!

Ep 2

Did you know that male and female ducks quack differently? What do mushrooms need in order to grow? How is charcoal made from the trunk of a tree? Find out the answers to these questions in this episode, as our host Hui Xin and the Lee family uncover the surprises that await them in Kuala Sepetang! 你们知道公鸭和母鸭的区别吗?种植蘑菇需要哪些材料?木炭又是怎么从红木加工制成的呢?这一集的《小城花样多》,我们的女城管慧馨将带领着李家成员,来到位于霹雳州的太平县和十八丁一起探究竟!

Ep 3
23 mins

Batu Pahat, meaning "Chiselled Stone" in Malay, is a quaint town famous for ceramic and pottery. This week, Sugie brings our Lee Family to a ceramic factory, to make their very own ceramic product! Our Lee Siblings, Jun Le, Yang Le and Min Xi battle it out in a Kuda Kepang dance performance and even try their hands at making their own Hock Chew noodles! “峇株巴辖" 在马来语里是“凿石"的意思,所以峇株巴辖也被称为“凿石城"。在这一集节目里,城管 Sugie 带领着李家5口来到了这个以陶瓷艺品闻名的小城,尝试制作陶艺品。。。

Ep 3

Batu Pahat, meaning "Chiselled Stone" in Malay, is a quaint town famous for ceramic and pottery. This week, Sugie brings our Lee Family to a ceramic factory, to make their very own ceramic product! Our Lee Siblings, Jun Le, Yang Le and Min Xi battle it out in a Kuda Kepang dance performance and even try their hands at making their own Hock Chew noodles! “峇株巴辖" 在马来语里是“凿石"的意思,所以峇株巴辖也被称为“凿石城"。在这一集节目里,城管 Sugie 带领着李家5口来到了这个以陶瓷艺品闻名的小城,尝试制作陶艺品。。。

Ep 4
23 mins

In this week's Small Town Surprises, Hui Xin and the Leung Family set foot on the Little Fuzhou of Perak, Sitiawan! Our Leung siblings have a taste of their self made Fuzhou pastry. They witness how bird's nest is processed and have their knowledge of Chinese myths tested in a fun and exciting riddle competition. 这个星期的《小城花样多》,女城管慧馨带领着梁家来到了拥有“小福州”之称的实兆远!看我们梁家的成员如何学习制作福州光饼的诀窍!梁家兄妹也亲眼目睹了燕窝采摘和加工过程的艰辛。最后,梁家成员必须根据城管所发出的谜题,寻找与中华文化和民间故事有关的雕像!

Ep 4

In this week's Small Town Surprises, Hui Xin and the Leung Family set foot on the Little Fuzhou of Perak, Sitiawan! Our Leung siblings have a taste of their self made Fuzhou pastry. They witness how bird's nest is processed and have their knowledge of Chinese myths tested in a fun and exciting riddle competition. 这个星期的《小城花样多》,女城管慧馨带领着梁家来到了拥有“小福州”之称的实兆远!看我们梁家的成员如何学习制作福州光饼的诀窍!梁家兄妹也亲眼目睹了燕窝采摘和加工过程的艰辛。最后,梁家成员必须根据城管所发出的谜题,寻找与中华文化和民间故事有关的雕像!

Ep 5
23 mins

This week's Small Town Surprises brings us down the memory lane! Our Lee siblings relive their parents nostalgic childhood as they compete in a gasing challenge! Papa Lee and Mama Lee battle it out in a trishaw competition and together, our Lee family give traditional wooden clogs a modern twist by adding their own unique designs! 这一集的《小城花样多》来到了马来西亚历史悠久的古城 - 马六甲!我们的李家兄弟玩起了父母的儿时玩具,马来陀螺!李爸爸和李妈妈也进行了一场激烈的三轮车大比拼!最后,李家成员各自发挥了自己的想象力,设计并亲手彩绘自己的木屐鞋!

Ep 5

This week's Small Town Surprises brings us down the memory lane! Our Lee siblings relive their parents nostalgic childhood as they compete in a gasing challenge! Papa Lee and Mama Lee battle it out in a trishaw competition and together, our Lee family give traditional wooden clogs a modern twist by adding their own unique designs! 这一集的《小城花样多》来到了马来西亚历史悠久的古城 - 马六甲!我们的李家兄弟玩起了父母的儿时玩具,马来陀螺!李爸爸和李妈妈也进行了一场激烈的三轮车大比拼!最后,李家成员各自发挥了自己的想象力,设计并亲手彩绘自己的木屐鞋!

Ep 6
22 mins

Kuala Terengganu is a quaint and picturesque place where the locals lead simple and modest lives. This week, our host Hui Xin brings the Neo family way up north to learn about traditional mengkuang weaving from the local villagers. They also sink their teeth into Terengganu's famous delicacy, bamboo rice and set foot on Pulau Duyong, home of the artisan boatmakers known for their remarkable craftsmanship. 这个星期的《小城花样多》带大家一路向北,来到了阳光普照,,,

Ep 6

Kuala Terengganu is a quaint and picturesque place where the locals lead simple and modest lives. This week, our host Hui Xin brings the Neo family way up north to learn about traditional mengkuang weaving from the local villagers. They also sink their teeth into Terengganu's famous delicacy, bamboo rice and set foot on Pulau Duyong, home of the artisan boatmakers known for their remarkable craftsmanship. 这个星期的《小城花样多》带大家一路向北,来到了阳光普照,,,

Ep 7
23 mins

This week, Sugie brings a Hakka family to a quaint Hakka village nestled in the state of Negeri Sembilan- Titi! 95.8FM DJ Koh Yi Xin and her family rediscovers Hakka culture as they learn to make a traditional Hakka kueh previously unheard of to them. Next, the adults go against each other in a rattan weaving competition. In the end, our Loh family comes together to perform a melodious Caklempong tune! 位于森美兰州的知知港,是一个客家新村。。。

Ep 7

This week, Sugie brings a Hakka family to a quaint Hakka village nestled in the state of Negeri Sembilan- Titi! 95.8FM DJ Koh Yi Xin and her family rediscovers Hakka culture as they learn to make a traditional Hakka kueh previously unheard of to them. Next, the adults go against each other in a rattan weaving competition. In the end, our Loh family comes together to perform a melodious Caklempong tune! 位于森美兰州的知知港,是一个客家新村。。。

Ep 8
23 mins

This week's Small Town Surprises brings us back to Terengganu! What other fun surprises await us in this episode? Follow our host, Hui Xin, and the Foo Family as they have a taste of the local Peranakan delicacies in Terengganu's Chinatown. The Foo sisters also learn about self-defense from a Silat master, as well as the unique art of wood carving in Terengganu! 这一集的《小城花样多》带大家回到了登嘉楼!登嘉楼还有什么好吃好玩的呢?跟着城管慧馨,还有我们的符家,到登嘉楼的唐人街品尝让人垂涎三尺的道地娘惹美食!

Ep 8

This week's Small Town Surprises brings us back to Terengganu! What other fun surprises await us in this episode? Follow our host, Hui Xin, and the Foo Family as they have a taste of the local Peranakan delicacies in Terengganu's Chinatown. The Foo sisters also learn about self-defense from a Silat master, as well as the unique art of wood carving in Terengganu! 这一集的《小城花样多》带大家回到了登嘉楼!登嘉楼还有什么好吃好玩的呢?跟着城管慧馨,还有我们的符家,到登嘉楼的唐人街品尝让人垂涎三尺的道地娘惹美食!

Ep 9
23 mins

This week, Sugie and the Koh family uncovers the secret reason why bean sprouts in Ipoh are extra fat and juicy. Our Koh siblings also learn to package kacang putih just like the good old days during their parents' time! Watch and play along as our Koh family struggle to differentiate and identify our endearing orangutans from The Orangutan Island! 怡保著名的芽菜为什么比新加坡的豆芽更鲜甜肥美?这一期的《小城花样多》,Sugie 和高家来到了怡保发掘种植芽菜的秘诀!高家兄妹俩还尝试以爸爸妈妈熟悉的复古式包法来包装 kacang putih!

Ep 9

This week, Sugie and the Koh family uncovers the secret reason why bean sprouts in Ipoh are extra fat and juicy. Our Koh siblings also learn to package kacang putih just like the good old days during their parents' time! Watch and play along as our Koh family struggle to differentiate and identify our endearing orangutans from The Orangutan Island! 怡保著名的芽菜为什么比新加坡的豆芽更鲜甜肥美?这一期的《小城花样多》,Sugie 和高家来到了怡保发掘种植芽菜的秘诀!高家兄妹俩还尝试以爸爸妈妈熟悉的复古式包法来包装 kacang putih!

Ep 10
23 mins

What comes to mind at the mention of Muar? That's right, its Otah! In this episode, our Law family finds out how the famous Muar Otah is made. The Law brothers pay their respects to a world class lion dance troupe champion and learn about the different types of durians in a local Durian Farm. 说到麻坡,相信大家一定会想到乌达!这个星期,我们的刘家来到了麻坡第一间冷冻乌达制作工厂,了解乌达的制作过程。刘家兄弟也向当地荣获 “狮王之王” 美誉的世界冠军舞狮团拜师学艺。此外,刘家还在当地的榴莲园大饱口福,边学习榴莲的种植过程,边尝试不同极品的榴莲。

Ep 10

What comes to mind at the mention of Muar? That's right, its Otah! In this episode, our Law family finds out how the famous Muar Otah is made. The Law brothers pay their respects to a world class lion dance troupe champion and learn about the different types of durians in a local Durian Farm. 说到麻坡,相信大家一定会想到乌达!这个星期,我们的刘家来到了麻坡第一间冷冻乌达制作工厂,了解乌达的制作过程。刘家兄弟也向当地荣获 “狮王之王” 美誉的世界冠军舞狮团拜师学艺。此外,刘家还在当地的榴莲园大饱口福,边学习榴莲的种植过程,边尝试不同极品的榴莲。

Ep 11
22 mins

What makes the rice in Nasi Kerabu blue? How can we differentiate a good character from a bad character in a Wayang Kulit puppet show? Why is the malay traditional drum Rebana Ubi shaped like a flower? In this week's "Small Town Surprises", Sugie brings our Chng family to Kota Bahru in search of these answers. Watch on to find out! 兰花饭为什么是蓝色的呢?马来传统皮影戏里的好人和坏人角色有什么区别?马来传统热巴那鼓又为什么长的像一朵花呢?跟着我们的城管 Sugie 还有庄家一同踏上我们的《小城花样多》吉兰丹之旅,寻找答案!

Ep 11

What makes the rice in Nasi Kerabu blue? How can we differentiate a good character from a bad character in a Wayang Kulit puppet show? Why is the malay traditional drum Rebana Ubi shaped like a flower? In this week's "Small Town Surprises", Sugie brings our Chng family to Kota Bahru in search of these answers. Watch on to find out! 兰花饭为什么是蓝色的呢?马来传统皮影戏里的好人和坏人角色有什么区别?马来传统热巴那鼓又为什么长的像一朵花呢?跟着我们的城管 Sugie 还有庄家一同踏上我们的《小城花样多》吉兰丹之旅,寻找答案!

Ep 12
23 mins

This week, Hui Xin brings our Ng family to the Bat Town, Kluang, where our Ng siblings get the chance to interact with baby goats up close and even have a taste of nutritiously fresh goat milk! They also learn how coffee is made in Kluang Coffee Powder Factory and together, the Ng family try their hands at making their own Tau Sar Piah! 这个星期,城管姐姐慧馨带领着黄家来到了位于柔佛州的居銮!黄家姐弟来到了 UK 休闲农场,与羊寮里的小羊儿近距离接触,还尝试了营养丰富的新鲜羊奶!黄家也参访了远近驰名的电视机牌咖啡厂,让热爱咖啡的黄爸爸兴奋不已。。。

Ep 12

This week, Hui Xin brings our Ng family to the Bat Town, Kluang, where our Ng siblings get the chance to interact with baby goats up close and even have a taste of nutritiously fresh goat milk! They also learn how coffee is made in Kluang Coffee Powder Factory and together, the Ng family try their hands at making their own Tau Sar Piah! 这个星期,城管姐姐慧馨带领着黄家来到了位于柔佛州的居銮!黄家姐弟来到了 UK 休闲农场,与羊寮里的小羊儿近距离接触,还尝试了营养丰富的新鲜羊奶!黄家也参访了远近驰名的电视机牌咖啡厂,让热爱咖啡的黄爸爸兴奋不已。。。

Ep 13
23 mins

In our final episode of "Small Town Surprises", Sugie brings the Pang family back to Kota Bahru to learn how to make an ice-cream shaped Nasi Tompang! Our Pang siblings visit a batik factory to appreciate the beauty of batik craft and unleash their creativity in a Wau (Malay traditional kite) making competition! 很快的,《小城花样多》来到了尾声!最后一集的《小城花样多》,城管 Sugie 带领着冯家回到了哥打巴鲁学习如何制作形状怪异的隆邦饭!冯家三姐弟也深入了解了富有马来文化特色的蜡染手艺,并且凭借自己丰富的创意和想象力,制作了独具风格的马来传统风筝!

Ep 13

In our final episode of "Small Town Surprises", Sugie brings the Pang family back to Kota Bahru to learn how to make an ice-cream shaped Nasi Tompang! Our Pang siblings visit a batik factory to appreciate the beauty of batik craft and unleash their creativity in a Wau (Malay traditional kite) making competition! 很快的,《小城花样多》来到了尾声!最后一集的《小城花样多》,城管 Sugie 带领着冯家回到了哥打巴鲁学习如何制作形状怪异的隆邦饭!冯家三姐弟也深入了解了富有马来文化特色的蜡染手艺,并且凭借自己丰富的创意和想象力,制作了独具风格的马来传统风筝!

Additional Information

Genreschildren and family, older kids (7-12)
Suitable For All Ages