My Agent Is A Hero


“My Agent is a Hero” follows the story of Bert, a reformed gangster turned property agent who forms a reluctant partnership with Suzy, an intelligent and result-orientated agent. Together, the two must learn to set aside their differences and put the interest of their clients before themselves. The series follows their comical struggles of working together only to realize that they have been soul mates all along. 一个曾经是个流氓,在社会毫无贡献,后来弃暗投明,重新做人,成为一个房屋经纪。另一个呢,从小就读书聪明,家庭背景也良好,受过高等的教育,生活至今一帆风顺,做了房屋经纪后,业绩也一向名列前茅。一个叫Bert,一个叫Suzy。他们两人如今需要一起合作,却不知道其实在多年前,他们早就认识对方了...

“My Agent is a Hero” follows the story of Bert, a reformed gangster turned property agent who forms a reluctant partnership with Suzy, an intelligent and result-orientated agent. Together, the two must learn to set aside their differences and put the interest of their clients before themselves. The series follows their comical struggles of working together only to realize that they have been soul mates all along. 一个曾经是个流氓,在社会毫无贡献,后来弃暗投明,重新做人,成为一个房屋经纪。另一个呢,从小就读书聪明,家庭背景也良好,受过高等的教育,生活至今一帆风顺,做了房屋经纪后,业绩也一向名列前茅。一个叫Bert,一个叫Suzy。他们两人如今需要一起合作,却不知道其实在多年前,他们早就认识对方了...

Ep 1
22 mins

Ah Bert, a reformed troubled teen is now a helpful and hardworking property agent who is well loved by the uncles and aunties in the neighbourhood. The good-natured Ah Beng meets his match when he bumps into Suzy, a rival property agent, who is highly competitive. Will the two rivals be able to put the interest of their clients before their bitter feelings for each other? Bert是一间房地产公司的房屋经纪,在公司好几年了,但业绩一直都很烂,主要原因就是Bert每次都帮人,就算有损自己的利益,他还是会尽力的协助...

Ep 1

Ah Bert, a reformed troubled teen is now a helpful and hardworking property agent who is well loved by the uncles and aunties in the neighbourhood. The good-natured Ah Beng meets his match when he bumps into Suzy, a rival property agent, who is highly competitive. Will the two rivals be able to put the interest of their clients before their bitter feelings for each other? Bert是一间房地产公司的房屋经纪,在公司好几年了,但业绩一直都很烂,主要原因就是Bert每次都帮人,就算有损自己的利益,他还是会尽力的协助...

Ep 2
23 mins

Ah Bert and Suzy, two rival property agents, are now faced with an uncomfortable alliance of having to work together. Their first case together involves Ah Gui, a client who seems very desperate and in a hurry to sell away his home. When Ah Bert later learns that Ah Gui is actually trying to evade loan sharks and pay his gambling debts, will he still help sell his home? 经理Karl却告诉Bert和Suzy,要二人一起搭档,因为Bert的业绩是倒数第一的。二人一起合作处理的第一件交易,就是要卖掉阿鬼的房子。Be...

Ep 2

Ah Bert and Suzy, two rival property agents, are now faced with an uncomfortable alliance of having to work together. Their first case together involves Ah Gui, a client who seems very desperate and in a hurry to sell away his home. When Ah Bert later learns that Ah Gui is actually trying to evade loan sharks and pay his gambling debts, will he still help sell his home? 经理Karl却告诉Bert和Suzy,要二人一起搭档,因为Bert的业绩是倒数第一的。二人一起合作处理的第一件交易,就是要卖掉阿鬼的房子。Be...

Ep 3
22 mins

Ah Bert and Suzy encounter a flicker-minded “crying’ client, Fatimah, who can’t decide if she wants to sell her apartment or not. After learning that the reason for her holding back is for fear that her missing son, Ibrahim, wouldn’t find them around when he returns, Ah Bert becomes determined to find her missing son and help Fatimah find closure. Fatimah住的是四房式,自从丈夫去世后,自己必须出外打工,但所赚的钱很难偿还房屋贷款,所以想卖掉房子,买一间三房式的。但Fatimah的家年久失修,有很多问题。Suzy后来来到Fatim...

Ep 3

Ah Bert and Suzy encounter a flicker-minded “crying’ client, Fatimah, who can’t decide if she wants to sell her apartment or not. After learning that the reason for her holding back is for fear that her missing son, Ibrahim, wouldn’t find them around when he returns, Ah Bert becomes determined to find her missing son and help Fatimah find closure. Fatimah住的是四房式,自从丈夫去世后,自己必须出外打工,但所赚的钱很难偿还房屋贷款,所以想卖掉房子,买一间三房式的。但Fatimah的家年久失修,有很多问题。Suzy后来来到Fatim...

Ep 4
23 mins

Max has been secretly working as an Uber driver to afford a condo for his wife, Jean. He is feeling overworked and exhausted everyday and his friend Bert comes up with a brilliant plan to make Jean give up on buying a condo. Bert decides to stage a scene where he will act as an angry and verbally abusive passenger on Max’s ride and let Jean witness the whole act. Will it work? 为了帮忙劝服Jean不要买公寓,Bert想了一个方法,假扮顾客,乘搭Max驾驶的车子,让Suzy配合,带着Jean一路跟踪。后来...

Ep 4

Max has been secretly working as an Uber driver to afford a condo for his wife, Jean. He is feeling overworked and exhausted everyday and his friend Bert comes up with a brilliant plan to make Jean give up on buying a condo. Bert decides to stage a scene where he will act as an angry and verbally abusive passenger on Max’s ride and let Jean witness the whole act. Will it work? 为了帮忙劝服Jean不要买公寓,Bert想了一个方法,假扮顾客,乘搭Max驾驶的车子,让Suzy配合,带着Jean一路跟踪。后来...

Ep 5
23 mins

After a nasty confrontation with Alan, a tenant who has been using his rented premise for illegal activities, Bert manages to save Suzy in time and apprehend Alan to the police. Shortly after the incident, Bert and Suzy are handed their next challenging case of handling both a home buyer (Madam Mak) and a seller (Mr Lim) from hell. Both are equally hard to pleased. Both are equally intimidating. And both think they know more than their ...

Ep 5

After a nasty confrontation with Alan, a tenant who has been using his rented premise for illegal activities, Bert manages to save Suzy in time and apprehend Alan to the police. Shortly after the incident, Bert and Suzy are handed their next challenging case of handling both a home buyer (Madam Mak) and a seller (Mr Lim) from hell. Both are equally hard to pleased. Both are equally intimidating. And both think they know more than their ...

Ep 6
22 mins

Tension between Jean and her mother-in-law is so high that even Max’s father is considering selling their house and moving out. Bert comes up with a brilliant plan to make their relationship better. However, Bert’s plan involves himself forcefully moving in to stay with them and create new problems for their household. How will things really work? 佳叔要卖掉自己的房子,但一直提不起劲,后来Bert才知道,原来佳叔要卖房子,主要是因为婆媳关系不和,天天吵架,Max左右为难,所以佳叔说要卖房子,其实是要让Max可以有借口买房子搬出去住。

Ep 6

Tension between Jean and her mother-in-law is so high that even Max’s father is considering selling their house and moving out. Bert comes up with a brilliant plan to make their relationship better. However, Bert’s plan involves himself forcefully moving in to stay with them and create new problems for their household. How will things really work? 佳叔要卖掉自己的房子,但一直提不起劲,后来Bert才知道,原来佳叔要卖房子,主要是因为婆媳关系不和,天天吵架,Max左右为难,所以佳叔说要卖房子,其实是要让Max可以有借口买房子搬出去住。

Ep 7
22 mins

In an attempt to meet up with her secret pen pal from 10 years ago, Suzy had to abruptly leave a client meeting mid way. However, she arrives at the café only to find that it has already closed. Seeing how disappointed Suzy is with her day, Bert decides to bring Suzy out to relax and enjoy herself. At the same time, Jean suspects that Max is having an affair when she finds him checking into a hotel with his friend, Stacy. Karl临时叫Suzy去应酬客人...

Ep 7

In an attempt to meet up with her secret pen pal from 10 years ago, Suzy had to abruptly leave a client meeting mid way. However, she arrives at the café only to find that it has already closed. Seeing how disappointed Suzy is with her day, Bert decides to bring Suzy out to relax and enjoy herself. At the same time, Jean suspects that Max is having an affair when she finds him checking into a hotel with his friend, Stacy. Karl临时叫Suzy去应酬客人...

Ep 8
22 mins

After a footage of Bert hitting a client gone viral, Bert gets fired and even loses his housing agent license. In an attempt to help Bert get back his job, Suzy decides to get the client to explain the truth behind the incident. Bert打阿鬼的画面在网络上火速散播,网民认出Bert的身份,并向Bert的公司投诉。Karl大怒,当场炒掉Bert,并说会申请吊销他的执照。Suzy为了救Bert,找了阿鬼,希望阿鬼说出真相,但阿鬼不肯,说Bert咎由自取。Suzy为了说服阿鬼帮忙,帮阿鬼还清了欠大耳窿的钱。阿鬼内疚,最终答应帮忙Bert。

Ep 8

After a footage of Bert hitting a client gone viral, Bert gets fired and even loses his housing agent license. In an attempt to help Bert get back his job, Suzy decides to get the client to explain the truth behind the incident. Bert打阿鬼的画面在网络上火速散播,网民认出Bert的身份,并向Bert的公司投诉。Karl大怒,当场炒掉Bert,并说会申请吊销他的执照。Suzy为了救Bert,找了阿鬼,希望阿鬼说出真相,但阿鬼不肯,说Bert咎由自取。Suzy为了说服阿鬼帮忙,帮阿鬼还清了欠大耳窿的钱。阿鬼内疚,最终答应帮忙Bert。

Additional Information

Some Coarse Language,Some Sexual References