My Agent Is A Hero


“My Agent is a Hero” follows the story of Bert, a reformed gangster turned property agent who forms a reluctant partnership with Suzy, an intelligent and result-orientated agent. Together, the two must learn to set aside their differences and put the interest of their clients before themselves. The series follows their comical struggles of working together only to realize that they have been soul mates all along. 一个曾经是个流氓,在社会毫无贡献,后来弃暗投明,重新做人,成为一个房屋经纪。另一个呢,从小就读书聪明,家庭背景也良好,受过高等的教育,生活至今一帆风顺,做了房屋经纪后,业绩也一向名列前茅。一个叫Bert,一个叫Suzy。他们两人如今需要一起合作,却不知道其实在多年前,他们早就认识对方了...

Bert, our gangster agent is back! This time, he chances upon an old friend, Ah Hua. Together, they form a two-man property agent team. Ah Hua, ex-gangster slowly grows fond of Bert and his heart-warming nature. But, Bert’s heart only has Suzy! Tiger, Suzy’s mother finds out Bert is not a Harvard graduate but a gangster agent. She looks down on him and resolves to break Suzy and Bert up. Will Tiger succeed? Would there be any sparks flying between Ah Hua and Bert? 流氓经纪,Bert,又回来了!这一次,他重遇了以前的好友,阿花,二人一起做agent,在帮助顾客买卖房子的同时,也帮助他们解决不同的问题。阿花本是个阿莲,渐渐的也被Bert的热心肠感染,并爱上了他。但Bert爱的是Suzy啊!Suzy此时正在美国念书,和Bert长距离恋爱。但二人的感情很快就收到了严重的考验。原来Suzy的妈妈,Tiger,来到新加坡了。此人凶神恶煞,而且最讨厌的就是男人。Bert能被未来丈母娘看上吗? Tiger知道Bert是流氓经纪之后,觉得此人根本配不上自己的女儿,千方百计的想搞破坏。Tiger是否会成功?Bert和Suzy的感情是否能够乘风破浪?阿花暗恋Bert,是否又会开花结果?

Ep 1
23 mins

Being kidnapped in the dark, Ah Nan forced Bert to sell his flat, and Bert agreed after knowing Ah Nan is not a Loan Shark anymore. Coincidentally, Bert met his old friend, Ah Hua, who had just run away from home, and agreed to take her as his disciple on being an Agent. At night, Suzy left Bert in shock after revealing to him that her mother is coming to Singapore to visit him. 夜黑风高,Bert被人追赶。Bert被他们捉回去,原来捉他的人是阿南哥的手下。阿南逼Bert卖房子,Bert不肯,阿南威胁。。。

Ep 1

Being kidnapped in the dark, Ah Nan forced Bert to sell his flat, and Bert agreed after knowing Ah Nan is not a Loan Shark anymore. Coincidentally, Bert met his old friend, Ah Hua, who had just run away from home, and agreed to take her as his disciple on being an Agent. At night, Suzy left Bert in shock after revealing to him that her mother is coming to Singapore to visit him. 夜黑风高,Bert被人追赶。Bert被他们捉回去,原来捉他的人是阿南哥的手下。阿南逼Bert卖房子,Bert不肯,阿南威胁。。。

Ep 2
23 mins

Jean and Max revealed that Suzy’s mother, Tiger, was well-known to be ferocious, and that she especially hated men. Bert brought Ah Hua out to find customers and they came to know Uncle Robert, Uncle Lester and some of the Neighbours in the area. Uncle Lester gave Ah Hua perverted looks and even invited her to his house to discuss about selling his house, and little did she expect that Uncle Lester would start touching her.

Ep 2

Jean and Max revealed that Suzy’s mother, Tiger, was well-known to be ferocious, and that she especially hated men. Bert brought Ah Hua out to find customers and they came to know Uncle Robert, Uncle Lester and some of the Neighbours in the area. Uncle Lester gave Ah Hua perverted looks and even invited her to his house to discuss about selling his house, and little did she expect that Uncle Lester would start touching her.

Ep 3
23 mins

This time, Bert and Ah Hua is meeting a client called Uncle Bao, who is loud and wanted to sell his house at a high price. After some time of explaining, Uncle Bao understood the current retail price and accepted to sell his house at a reasonable price. On the other hand, Uncle Jia had Ah Hua to rent his flat out, but later he realised that the person he rented to is acting a little suspicious. 二人今天见的顾客是豹叔。豹叔要高价卖自己的房子,不肯接受市场的市价,一直骂Bert和阿花。。。

Ep 3

This time, Bert and Ah Hua is meeting a client called Uncle Bao, who is loud and wanted to sell his house at a high price. After some time of explaining, Uncle Bao understood the current retail price and accepted to sell his house at a reasonable price. On the other hand, Uncle Jia had Ah Hua to rent his flat out, but later he realised that the person he rented to is acting a little suspicious. 二人今天见的顾客是豹叔。豹叔要高价卖自己的房子,不肯接受市场的市价,一直骂Bert和阿花。。。

Ep 4
23 mins

Bert found Ah Hua and Ah Gui betting at the gambling den and was exasperated. Ah Gui felt guilty for gambling again and even stealing his wife’s money to gamble. On the other hand, Tiger finally arrives in Singapore and expected to meet Bert, but Bert got caught up in a last-minute issue. Bert在赌档发现阿花和阿鬼竟然都在赌钱,气急败坏。二人输了很多钱,后来Bert和赌档老板赌,借此拖延时间,等待佳叔报警来捉人。警察捉人之后,Bert怒骂阿鬼,之前不是戒赌了?阿鬼哭着说自己又赌钱了,还偷了老婆的钱。 另一方面,Tiger终于来到新加坡了,要和Bert见面。Bert本来打扮好好要去见面的。。。

Ep 4

Bert found Ah Hua and Ah Gui betting at the gambling den and was exasperated. Ah Gui felt guilty for gambling again and even stealing his wife’s money to gamble. On the other hand, Tiger finally arrives in Singapore and expected to meet Bert, but Bert got caught up in a last-minute issue. Bert在赌档发现阿花和阿鬼竟然都在赌钱,气急败坏。二人输了很多钱,后来Bert和赌档老板赌,借此拖延时间,等待佳叔报警来捉人。警察捉人之后,Bert怒骂阿鬼,之前不是戒赌了?阿鬼哭着说自己又赌钱了,还偷了老婆的钱。 另一方面,Tiger终于来到新加坡了,要和Bert见面。Bert本来打扮好好要去见面的。。。

Ep 5
23 mins

Ah Hua needs to amend for her mistake, thus Bert gets Ah Hua to settle a client who was untidy, smelly and heartbroken, Ah Xiong. Hence, she thought of something to let him regain himself. On the other hand, the buyer of the flat brought her friend, Tiger, to visit the house causing a conflict between Tiger and Bert, leaving a bad impression of Bert in Tiger. Bert怒骂阿花死性不改,竟然联合外人来欺骗自己的客户。阿花知错,求Bert原谅,Bert说除非阿花帮忙搞定自己的一个客户。另一方面,Tiger等Bert等了很久...

Ep 5

Ah Hua needs to amend for her mistake, thus Bert gets Ah Hua to settle a client who was untidy, smelly and heartbroken, Ah Xiong. Hence, she thought of something to let him regain himself. On the other hand, the buyer of the flat brought her friend, Tiger, to visit the house causing a conflict between Tiger and Bert, leaving a bad impression of Bert in Tiger. Bert怒骂阿花死性不改,竟然联合外人来欺骗自己的客户。阿花知错,求Bert原谅,Bert说除非阿花帮忙搞定自己的一个客户。另一方面,Tiger等Bert等了很久...

Ep 6
23 mins

Discovering Bert’s identity, Tiger is determined to break them up by trying to make Bert cheat on Suzy. On the other hand, Ah Hua and Bert comes up with a plan to make Ah Juan believe that Ah Gui has turned over a new leaf. Tiger发现原来Bert就是流氓经济,气急败坏的离去。Tiger在电话骂Suzy,并告诉Jean,要拆散他们的感情。Tiger的方法就是美人计。Jean为了帮Bert,找了丑女如花来勾引Bert,Bert口吐白沫跑掉。Tiger不满,找了美女来勾引Bert,但也是失败。另一方面,Bert知道阿娟还没有原谅阿鬼,于是和阿花设计,让阿娟知道阿鬼真的戒赌了。

Ep 6

Discovering Bert’s identity, Tiger is determined to break them up by trying to make Bert cheat on Suzy. On the other hand, Ah Hua and Bert comes up with a plan to make Ah Juan believe that Ah Gui has turned over a new leaf. Tiger发现原来Bert就是流氓经济,气急败坏的离去。Tiger在电话骂Suzy,并告诉Jean,要拆散他们的感情。Tiger的方法就是美人计。Jean为了帮Bert,找了丑女如花来勾引Bert,Bert口吐白沫跑掉。Tiger不满,找了美女来勾引Bert,但也是失败。另一方面,Bert知道阿娟还没有原谅阿鬼,于是和阿花设计,让阿娟知道阿鬼真的戒赌了。

Ep 7
22 mins

Bert and Ah Hua meets a couple, Zhen Luo Suo, who has been picky with the houses she sees and her husband, Fan Si Ren, exploding in sudden anger at her nit-picking. Meanwhile, Ah Gui’s house has been used as an illegal dormitory for foreign workers. Tiger 为了破坏Bert和Suzy的感情,不惜花重本,请了新加坡 no. 1 私家侦探,008, 来挖Bert的资料。Bert和阿花今天面对的顾客,名叫甄罗锁和范思仁。甄罗锁看了1年的房子,但挑三拣四。丈夫范思仁忍无可忍,终于爆发了压抑已久的情绪,怒骂甄罗锁。二人差点分手。另一方面,阿鬼出租房子,但后来邻居投诉,所以Bert和阿花就去调查,发现租户竟然把整间房子租给许多外籍客工。

Ep 7

Bert and Ah Hua meets a couple, Zhen Luo Suo, who has been picky with the houses she sees and her husband, Fan Si Ren, exploding in sudden anger at her nit-picking. Meanwhile, Ah Gui’s house has been used as an illegal dormitory for foreign workers. Tiger 为了破坏Bert和Suzy的感情,不惜花重本,请了新加坡 no. 1 私家侦探,008, 来挖Bert的资料。Bert和阿花今天面对的顾客,名叫甄罗锁和范思仁。甄罗锁看了1年的房子,但挑三拣四。丈夫范思仁忍无可忍,终于爆发了压抑已久的情绪,怒骂甄罗锁。二人差点分手。另一方面,阿鬼出租房子,但后来邻居投诉,所以Bert和阿花就去调查,发现租户竟然把整间房子租给许多外籍客工。

Ep 8
23 mins

Ah Hua and Jean put their hatred aside and work together to catch a roaming pervert near their residence. Bert and Ah Hua decides to scare Feng Jie, who scam others with quirky antics. Knowing Ah Hua has a crush for Bert, Tiger decides to ask her to seduce him. 阿花和Jean的房子出现了色狼,二人同时被暴露狂非礼。二人决定放下对彼此的仇恨,联手捉色狼。阿花和Bert去见客户,凤姐。凤姐要卖房子,最喜欢装神弄鬼欺骗别人。Bert不满凤姐的所作所为,和阿花一起扮鬼吓凤姐,让凤姐改过自新。Tiger通过008,知道了阿花渐渐喜欢上了Bert,要阿花勾引Bert上床 。

Ep 8

Ah Hua and Jean put their hatred aside and work together to catch a roaming pervert near their residence. Bert and Ah Hua decides to scare Feng Jie, who scam others with quirky antics. Knowing Ah Hua has a crush for Bert, Tiger decides to ask her to seduce him. 阿花和Jean的房子出现了色狼,二人同时被暴露狂非礼。二人决定放下对彼此的仇恨,联手捉色狼。阿花和Bert去见客户,凤姐。凤姐要卖房子,最喜欢装神弄鬼欺骗别人。Bert不满凤姐的所作所为,和阿花一起扮鬼吓凤姐,让凤姐改过自新。Tiger通过008,知道了阿花渐渐喜欢上了Bert,要阿花勾引Bert上床 。

Ep 9
22 mins

Max quits his job to open a comic book shop, resulting in a heated argument between Jean and himself. Meanwhile, Bert and Ah Hua finds out why Mr. Soh’s house is rumoured to be haunted and helps to sell it. Whilst happily celebrating, they mysteriously got knocked out. Max因为做agent不开心,决定辞职开漫画店,引起了Jean的不满。Max后来同Jean吵架,暂时搬出去住。凤姐介绍Bert和阿花去卖Mr Soh的房子。Mr Soh的房子闹鬼半年多了,卖不出去。Bert决定捉鬼,帮助Mr Soh卖掉房子。当晚他和阿花喝酒庆祝,回家路上竟然被人打晕。

Ep 9

Max quits his job to open a comic book shop, resulting in a heated argument between Jean and himself. Meanwhile, Bert and Ah Hua finds out why Mr. Soh’s house is rumoured to be haunted and helps to sell it. Whilst happily celebrating, they mysteriously got knocked out. Max因为做agent不开心,决定辞职开漫画店,引起了Jean的不满。Max后来同Jean吵架,暂时搬出去住。凤姐介绍Bert和阿花去卖Mr Soh的房子。Mr Soh的房子闹鬼半年多了,卖不出去。Bert决定捉鬼,帮助Mr Soh卖掉房子。当晚他和阿花喝酒庆祝,回家路上竟然被人打晕。

Ep 10
22 mins

With disappointment, Suzy flies back to Singapore to hear Bert’s explanation about his one-night stand with Ah Hua. However, Bert and Ah Hua gets held up at a meeting with Jean’s aunt to help jog up her dementia husband’s memories, who was an ex-property agent. Will Bert make it to Suzy to explain what happen or will it be too late? Tiger带着Jean冲进去,捉奸在床,Bert百口莫辩。Suzy得知后气煞,同Bert分手。后来Suzy冷静后,觉得需要给Bert解释的机会,特地飞回国,约了Bert见面。不料当时Bert和阿花要去见Jean的表姑婆。。。

Ep 10

With disappointment, Suzy flies back to Singapore to hear Bert’s explanation about his one-night stand with Ah Hua. However, Bert and Ah Hua gets held up at a meeting with Jean’s aunt to help jog up her dementia husband’s memories, who was an ex-property agent. Will Bert make it to Suzy to explain what happen or will it be too late? Tiger带着Jean冲进去,捉奸在床,Bert百口莫辩。Suzy得知后气煞,同Bert分手。后来Suzy冷静后,觉得需要给Bert解释的机会,特地飞回国,约了Bert见面。不料当时Bert和阿花要去见Jean的表姑婆。。。

Additional Information

Some Coarse Language