Let's Talk About Health


Let's Talk About Health is a talk show that advocates healthy lifestyle! Doctors, TCM physicians, nutritionist and physiotherapist will share their knowledge and addressing on common myth. Mark Lee, Lee Teng & Jeremy Chan will take turn to host to present useful medical knowledge in a fun way!《医聊大小事》是一档倡导健康生活、关注大众身心的全新保健谈话类节目。医生、中医师、营养师、物理治疗师等将贴心解答一切健康大小事。妙语如珠的主持人李国煌、李腾以及Jeremy田铭耀,也将轮番上阵将医疗资讯通过轻松对话变得浅而易懂。希望聊着聊着,大家就了解了!别错过这一档可以一起长知识的节目哦!

Cast & Crew

Let's Talk About Health is a talkshow that advocates healthy lifestyle! Doctors, TCM physicians and nutritionist will share their knowledge and addressing on common myth or health issues. Mark Lee, Lee Teng & Kym Ng will take turn to host. Hence, be sure to catch this show! 《医聊大小事》是一档倡导健康生活、关注全民健康的保健节目。医生、中医师、营养师将呈现与示范最实用的健康贴士、筛查、食疗等。主持人李国煌、李腾和鐘琴的妙语如珠,将让资讯变得浅而易懂。千万别错过这一档可以一起长知识的节目!

Ep 1
22 mins

Even babies experience stress, so it's inevitable. But what we can do when facing stress is to manage it! Psychiatrists and TCM Physician will share the 6 most useful tips for managing stress! Don't miss it! 听说就连婴儿也会感受到压力,所以压力无可避免。但我们可以做的就是管理压力!精神科医生和中医师将分享管理压力最有用的6大妙招!你可千万别错过了!

Ep 1

Even babies experience stress, so it's inevitable. But what we can do when facing stress is to manage it! Psychiatrists and TCM Physician will share the 6 most useful tips for managing stress! Don't miss it! 听说就连婴儿也会感受到压力,所以压力无可避免。但我们可以做的就是管理压力!精神科医生和中医师将分享管理压力最有用的6大妙招!你可千万别错过了!

Ep 2
22 mins

How many types of Hepatitis are there? Is there a different way of infection for each? Will I be infected if I eat with a Hepatitis B patient? What are the available vaccinations? An aromatic & tasteful TCM soup recipe would be shared in this episode which is benefits for our livers. 肝炎到底有几种类型?每一种的传染方式都不同吗?与B型肝炎患者同吃饭,是否会被传染?哪一种肝炎有疫苗可接种呢?中医的疏肝护肝汤,色香味俱全!别错过肝胆与肠胃专科医生和中医师的分享。

Ep 2

How many types of Hepatitis are there? Is there a different way of infection for each? Will I be infected if I eat with a Hepatitis B patient? What are the available vaccinations? An aromatic & tasteful TCM soup recipe would be shared in this episode which is benefits for our livers. 肝炎到底有几种类型?每一种的传染方式都不同吗?与B型肝炎患者同吃饭,是否会被传染?哪一种肝炎有疫苗可接种呢?中医的疏肝护肝汤,色香味俱全!别错过肝胆与肠胃专科医生和中医师的分享。

Ep 3
21 mins

In Singapore, there are an average of 5 to 10 cases of Cardiac Arrest every day, and more than 3,000 cases a year! How does sudden death occur? Is there any way to prevent it? How to use the life-saving tool AED? TCM physician is sharing a recipe that is good for our hearts, so learn them all in this episode! 在新加坡,几乎天天发生心脏骤停。而且平均每天5到10起,一年超过3千起!猝死又是怎么发生的,有预防方法吗?救命神器AED随处可见,到底该怎么用?还有中医师将传授”护心良方”,统统学起来!

Ep 3

In Singapore, there are an average of 5 to 10 cases of Cardiac Arrest every day, and more than 3,000 cases a year! How does sudden death occur? Is there any way to prevent it? How to use the life-saving tool AED? TCM physician is sharing a recipe that is good for our hearts, so learn them all in this episode! 在新加坡,几乎天天发生心脏骤停。而且平均每天5到10起,一年超过3千起!猝死又是怎么发生的,有预防方法吗?救命神器AED随处可见,到底该怎么用?还有中医师将传授”护心良方”,统统学起来!

Ep 4
22 mins

Flu season is here again! Do you know the difference between Cold and Flu? Does phlegm color have diagnostic significance for TCM and Western doctors? Some people say that a cough at night is a cold cough', is it true? Fever when you having Cold is a good thing', how is that so? Is the flu vaccine suitable for everyone? TCM Physician has practical acupuncture points to share for soothing cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, etc.

Ep 4

Flu season is here again! Do you know the difference between Cold and Flu? Does phlegm color have diagnostic significance for TCM and Western doctors? Some people say that a cough at night is a cold cough', is it true? Fever when you having Cold is a good thing', how is that so? Is the flu vaccine suitable for everyone? TCM Physician has practical acupuncture points to share for soothing cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, etc.

Ep 5
22 mins

Flu season is here again! Do you know the difference between Cold and Flu? Does phlegm color have diagnostic significance for TCM and Western doctors? Some people say that a cough at night is a cold cough', is it true? Fever when you having Cold is a good thing', how is that so? Is the flu vaccine suitable for everyone? TCM Physician has practical acupuncture points to share for soothing cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, etc.

Ep 5

Flu season is here again! Do you know the difference between Cold and Flu? Does phlegm color have diagnostic significance for TCM and Western doctors? Some people say that a cough at night is a cold cough', is it true? Fever when you having Cold is a good thing', how is that so? Is the flu vaccine suitable for everyone? TCM Physician has practical acupuncture points to share for soothing cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, etc.

Ep 6
22 mins

Wearing jeans often can lead to UTI in women? The causes of UTI for men and women are very different! Do you want to learn about the two common herbs which can help to relieve UTI symptoms? What are the root causes of recurrence infections and what are the complications? 常穿牛仔裤可能导致女性尿路感染?男女病因大不同,预防方法也不一样!两种常见药材能帮助缓解症状,中医告诉你!反复感染又是怎么一回事?有哪些并发症呢?

Ep 6

Wearing jeans often can lead to UTI in women? The causes of UTI for men and women are very different! Do you want to learn about the two common herbs which can help to relieve UTI symptoms? What are the root causes of recurrence infections and what are the complications? 常穿牛仔裤可能导致女性尿路感染?男女病因大不同,预防方法也不一样!两种常见药材能帮助缓解症状,中医告诉你!反复感染又是怎么一回事?有哪些并发症呢?

Ep 7
21 mins

Why is ADHD diagnosed only in adulthood? What factors lead to this? What are the typical symptoms in an adult with ADHD? Why do patients describe feeling relieved after being diagnosed? 为何不是在童年时期,而是成年后才确诊ADHD?是什么因素导致?有哪些典型症状可以识别?为什么患者形容确诊后是种解脱呢?解密成人ADHD,全在这一集节目!

Ep 7

Why is ADHD diagnosed only in adulthood? What factors lead to this? What are the typical symptoms in an adult with ADHD? Why do patients describe feeling relieved after being diagnosed? 为何不是在童年时期,而是成年后才确诊ADHD?是什么因素导致?有哪些典型症状可以识别?为什么患者形容确诊后是种解脱呢?解密成人ADHD,全在这一集节目!

Ep 8
22 mins

Is it a truth or myth that only people in their 50 will be affected by Frozen Shoulder? Will doing housework cause frozen shoulders? Have you heard of "warm acupuncture"? The doctor is going to show us a set of stretching exercises! 为什么肩周炎也叫五十肩?听说痛更应该动,不动则更痛?长期做家务会导致五十肩吗?中医的温针灸你听过吗?还有医生的拉伸运动示范!记得学起来哦!

Ep 8

Is it a truth or myth that only people in their 50 will be affected by Frozen Shoulder? Will doing housework cause frozen shoulders? Have you heard of "warm acupuncture"? The doctor is going to show us a set of stretching exercises! 为什么肩周炎也叫五十肩?听说痛更应该动,不动则更痛?长期做家务会导致五十肩吗?中医的温针灸你听过吗?还有医生的拉伸运动示范!记得学起来哦!

Ep 9
22 mins

Is it just a mole or a tumor, how do one tell the differences? Skin cancer is divided into melanoma and non-melanoma. Why is melanoma more dangerous? Who is at high risk for skin cancer? How to choose sunscreen? 是痣还是瘤,医生教你怎么分辨!皮肤癌分黑色素瘤和非黑色素瘤。为什么黑色素瘤的致死率较高?谁属于皮肤癌高风险群?防晒霜怎么选?全都在这一集!

Ep 9

Is it just a mole or a tumor, how do one tell the differences? Skin cancer is divided into melanoma and non-melanoma. Why is melanoma more dangerous? Who is at high risk for skin cancer? How to choose sunscreen? 是痣还是瘤,医生教你怎么分辨!皮肤癌分黑色素瘤和非黑色素瘤。为什么黑色素瘤的致死率较高?谁属于皮肤癌高风险群?防晒霜怎么选?全都在这一集!

Ep 10
22 mins

How to exercise from a chair to increase muscle mass! We often make soup at home, so why not learn a therapeutic soup from TCM Physician that can help to absorb protein better! Many elderly people have poor appetites, pressing acupoints can improve. Be sure to catch this episode. 居家建议锻炼,增加肌肉量!家里常熬汤,不如向中医师学一道有助增肌的食疗汤品!老人家胃口不好,原来按压穴位可改善。优质蛋白质来源有哪些?如果你都想知道,记得收看这集节目哦。

Ep 10

How to exercise from a chair to increase muscle mass! We often make soup at home, so why not learn a therapeutic soup from TCM Physician that can help to absorb protein better! Many elderly people have poor appetites, pressing acupoints can improve. Be sure to catch this episode. 居家建议锻炼,增加肌肉量!家里常熬汤,不如向中医师学一道有助增肌的食疗汤品!老人家胃口不好,原来按压穴位可改善。优质蛋白质来源有哪些?如果你都想知道,记得收看这集节目哦。

Ep 11
22 mins

If you always have trouble sleeping, wake up easily, and find it difficult to fall asleep, then you must watch this episode! Guests will share ways to improve sleep quality and adjust to jet lag. You've heard of melatonin, but how exactly does it help us fall asleep? It's all in this episode! 总是睡不好、容易醒、难入睡,那一定要收看这集讨论!嘉宾将分享改善睡眠质量以及调整时差的方法。听说过褪黑素,但它究竟如何帮助我们入睡呢?全都在这一集!

Ep 11

If you always have trouble sleeping, wake up easily, and find it difficult to fall asleep, then you must watch this episode! Guests will share ways to improve sleep quality and adjust to jet lag. You've heard of melatonin, but how exactly does it help us fall asleep? It's all in this episode! 总是睡不好、容易醒、难入睡,那一定要收看这集讨论!嘉宾将分享改善睡眠质量以及调整时差的方法。听说过褪黑素,但它究竟如何帮助我们入睡呢?全都在这一集!

Ep 12
22 mins

Before your menstruation, were you depressed, extremely irritable, and suffering from various physical ailments? You may have "premenstrual syndrome". Learn how to improve these conditions from this episode. “姨妈”要来前,你是否情绪低落、极度暴躁,还伴有各种身体不适?你或许有“经前综合征”而不自知!中西医如何帮助患者可改善情况?我们一起来了解!

Ep 12

Before your menstruation, were you depressed, extremely irritable, and suffering from various physical ailments? You may have "premenstrual syndrome". Learn how to improve these conditions from this episode. “姨妈”要来前,你是否情绪低落、极度暴躁,还伴有各种身体不适?你或许有“经前综合征”而不自知!中西医如何帮助患者可改善情况?我们一起来了解!

Ep 13
22 mins

Is shingles actually related to chickenpox? Be sure to watch this episode to understand and recognize early symptoms so one can seek medical attention promptly to avoid serious complications! 俗称“生蛇”,带状疱疹竟和水痘有关系?许多人因错过对症下药的黄金时间而产生后遗症。一定要收看这一集,教你如何识别早期症状,及时就医!

Ep 13

Is shingles actually related to chickenpox? Be sure to watch this episode to understand and recognize early symptoms so one can seek medical attention promptly to avoid serious complications! 俗称“生蛇”,带状疱疹竟和水痘有关系?许多人因错过对症下药的黄金时间而产生后遗症。一定要收看这一集,教你如何识别早期症状,及时就医!

Ep 14
22 mins

Coronary heart disease is related to high cholesterol level and what are the other risk factors? What are the symptoms before a heart attack? Patient will also share his experiences to further raising awareness regarding this disease. 冠心病与体内高胆固醇息息相关。此外,还有哪些风险因素呢?心脏病发前有哪些症状?所谓的“痛”究竟会出现在哪个身体部位?患者也将分享经历,警惕世人。

Ep 14

Coronary heart disease is related to high cholesterol level and what are the other risk factors? What are the symptoms before a heart attack? Patient will also share his experiences to further raising awareness regarding this disease. 冠心病与体内高胆固醇息息相关。此外,还有哪些风险因素呢?心脏病发前有哪些症状?所谓的“痛”究竟会出现在哪个身体部位?患者也将分享经历,警惕世人。

Ep 15
22 mins

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is very common. What are the treatments available? How can it be prevented? Be sure to tune in to this episode to find out. 肠易激综合征很常见。但肠胃不好就是有肠易激综合征吗?中西医治疗方式有哪些?可以怎么预防?请记得收看这一集一一了解。

Ep 15

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is very common. What are the treatments available? How can it be prevented? Be sure to tune in to this episode to find out. 肠易激综合征很常见。但肠胃不好就是有肠易激综合征吗?中西医治疗方式有哪些?可以怎么预防?请记得收看这一集一一了解。

Ep 16
22 mins

Singaporeans are eating too much and too sweet! How do we unknowingly consume too much sugar? What harm will a long-term high-sugar diet do to the human body? Endocrinologist and dietician teach you how to make smart low-sugar eating choices! 新加坡人吃太多,还吃太甜?!国人如何在不知不觉中摄入过高糖分?长期高糖饮食对人体会带来怎样的伤害?医生和营养师手把手教你如何做出明智的低糖饮食选择!

Ep 16

Singaporeans are eating too much and too sweet! How do we unknowingly consume too much sugar? What harm will a long-term high-sugar diet do to the human body? Endocrinologist and dietician teach you how to make smart low-sugar eating choices! 新加坡人吃太多,还吃太甜?!国人如何在不知不觉中摄入过高糖分?长期高糖饮食对人体会带来怎样的伤害?医生和营养师手把手教你如何做出明智的低糖饮食选择!

Ep 17
22 mins

Every year, 1,500 people in Singapore are diagnosed with kidney failure, but only 70 can get a successful kidney transplant. Can the elderly also donate organs? What are the procedures for living donor and list-based kidney donation? There is also a touching story of a couple that is not to be missed! 每年,新加坡有1千500人确诊肾衰竭,但只有70人能成功换肾。年长者也能捐献器官吗?活体和名单捐肾的程序又是怎样的?还有一对夫妇的感人故事,不容错过!

Ep 17

Every year, 1,500 people in Singapore are diagnosed with kidney failure, but only 70 can get a successful kidney transplant. Can the elderly also donate organs? What are the procedures for living donor and list-based kidney donation? There is also a touching story of a couple that is not to be missed! 每年,新加坡有1千500人确诊肾衰竭,但只有70人能成功换肾。年长者也能捐献器官吗?活体和名单捐肾的程序又是怎样的?还有一对夫妇的感人故事,不容错过!

Ep 18
22 mins

Wondering which items and foods may cause cancer? Do you know anything about Group 1, Group 2A, and Group 2B carcinogens? Oncologist and dietician work together to answer all your questions about cancer prevention! 想知道哪些物品和食品可能致癌?对1级、2A级、2B级致癌物一知半解?肿瘤专科医生和营养师携手解答防癌的所有疑问!

Ep 18

Wondering which items and foods may cause cancer? Do you know anything about Group 1, Group 2A, and Group 2B carcinogens? Oncologist and dietician work together to answer all your questions about cancer prevention! 想知道哪些物品和食品可能致癌?对1级、2A级、2B级致癌物一知半解?肿瘤专科医生和营养师携手解答防癌的所有疑问!

Ep 19
22 mins

Is the brain divided into left and right brains, or small and large brains? What is the difference between short-term memory and working memory? How to improve memory? What foods are good for your brain? This episode unveils the mysteries of the brain with brain surgeon and nutritionist! 大脑是分为左脑和右脑,还是大小脑?短期记忆和工作记忆有何不同?如何提升记忆力?哪些食物有助于健脑?本集节目将与脑外科专家和营养师一起揭开大脑的神秘面纱!

Ep 19

Is the brain divided into left and right brains, or small and large brains? What is the difference between short-term memory and working memory? How to improve memory? What foods are good for your brain? This episode unveils the mysteries of the brain with brain surgeon and nutritionist! 大脑是分为左脑和右脑,还是大小脑?短期记忆和工作记忆有何不同?如何提升记忆力?哪些食物有助于健脑?本集节目将与脑外科专家和营养师一起揭开大脑的神秘面纱!

Ep 20
22 mins

The year-end travel peak is coming! Want health and wellness tips before and after traveling? This episode will share important information about diet before and after traveling, taking altitude sickness prevention medications, as well as practical information about vaccines, acupressure points, etc. Be sure to watch it before going abroad! 年底旅游高峰即将来临!想了解旅行前后的保健贴士?本集将分享出行前后食疗,服用高山症预防药物的重要信息,还有关于疫苗、穴位等的实用讯息,出国前记得一定要收看!

Ep 20

The year-end travel peak is coming! Want health and wellness tips before and after traveling? This episode will share important information about diet before and after traveling, taking altitude sickness prevention medications, as well as practical information about vaccines, acupressure points, etc. Be sure to watch it before going abroad! 年底旅游高峰即将来临!想了解旅行前后的保健贴士?本集将分享出行前后食疗,服用高山症预防药物的重要信息,还有关于疫苗、穴位等的实用讯息,出国前记得一定要收看!

Ep 21
22 mins

Cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancer among women in Singapore, and about 99% of cervical cancer cases are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Where did the patient get the virus? Vaccinations can prevent cervical cancer, but when is the best time to get vaccinated? Keep an eye out for this episode. 子宫颈癌是新加坡女性第10大常见癌症!大约百分之99的子宫颈癌病例,是由“人乳头瘤病毒”(HPV)造成。患者是从什么地方感染此病毒呢?疫苗接种可以预防子宫颈癌,但是时机很重要!记得要留意这一集的精彩内容哦。

Ep 21

Cervical cancer is the 10th most common cancer among women in Singapore, and about 99% of cervical cancer cases are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Where did the patient get the virus? Vaccinations can prevent cervical cancer, but when is the best time to get vaccinated? Keep an eye out for this episode. 子宫颈癌是新加坡女性第10大常见癌症!大约百分之99的子宫颈癌病例,是由“人乳头瘤病毒”(HPV)造成。患者是从什么地方感染此病毒呢?疫苗接种可以预防子宫颈癌,但是时机很重要!记得要留意这一集的精彩内容哦。


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Suitable For All Ages