Let's Talk About Health
Let's Talk About Health is a talk show that advocates healthy lifestyle! Doctors, TCM physicians, nutritionist and physiotherapist will share their knowledge and addressing on common myth. Mark Lee, Lee Teng & Jeremy Chan will take turn to host to present useful medical knowledge in a fun way!《医聊大小事》是一档倡导健康生活、关注大众身心的全新保健谈话类节目。医生、中医师、营养师、物理治疗师等将贴心解答一切健康大小事。妙语如珠的主持人李国煌、李腾以及Jeremy田铭耀,也将轮番上阵将医疗资讯通过轻松对话变得浅而易懂。希望聊着聊着,大家就了解了!别错过这一档可以一起长知识的节目哦!
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Let's Talk About Health is a talk show that advocates healthy lifestyle! Doctors, TCM physicians, nutritionist and physiotherapist will share their knowledge and addressing on common myth. Mark Lee, Lee Teng & Jeremy Chan will take turn to host to present useful medical knowledge in a fun way!《医聊大小事》是一档倡导健康生活、关注大众身心的全新保健谈话类节目。医生、中医师、营养师、物理治疗师等将贴心解答一切健康大小事。妙语如珠的主持人李国煌、李腾以及Jeremy田铭耀,也将轮番上阵将医疗资讯通过轻松对话变得浅而易懂。希望聊着聊着,大家就了解了!别错过这一档可以一起长知识的节目哦!
Have you ever felt like your heart is beating too fast or too slow? Does that mean you have arrhythmia? Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia. Do you want to know who is at high risk? This episode will be answered by cardiologists and TCM Physician. 你或许曾经感觉心跳太快或太慢,这样算不算心律不齐呢?什么样的情况下我们需要求医?房颤,是最常见的心律不齐,你想了解哪些人属于高危吗?这集由心脏内科医生和中医师为您解答。
Have you ever felt like your heart is beating too fast or too slow? Does that mean you have arrhythmia? Atrial fibrillation is the most common type of arrhythmia. Do you want to know who is at high risk? This episode will be answered by cardiologists and TCM Physician. 你或许曾经感觉心跳太快或太慢,这样算不算心律不齐呢?什么样的情况下我们需要求医?房颤,是最常见的心律不齐,你想了解哪些人属于高危吗?这集由心脏内科医生和中医师为您解答。
Neck pain is common, and it's getting more common in young people. Under what circumstances should you seek medical attention in time? Have you ever heard of using PRP injection and Auriculotherapy to treat neck pain? Get all the answers from pain doctor and TCM physician in this episode. 颈椎痛呈现年轻化趋势,为什么会这样?什么情况下应该及时就医?你听过注射自身血清治疗法吗?原理何在?中医的耳穴治疗你想了解吗?这一集,由疼痛专家和中医师贴心回答。
Neck pain is common, and it's getting more common in young people. Under what circumstances should you seek medical attention in time? Have you ever heard of using PRP injection and Auriculotherapy to treat neck pain? Get all the answers from pain doctor and TCM physician in this episode. 颈椎痛呈现年轻化趋势,为什么会这样?什么情况下应该及时就医?你听过注射自身血清治疗法吗?原理何在?中医的耳穴治疗你想了解吗?这一集,由疼痛专家和中医师贴心回答。
In this episode, we will understand the secrets of the bladder and urine together. We all need to visit the toilet every day, but how often is normal? Urinary incontinence is a common and embarrassing problem, is there a way to cure it? The urologist and TCM physician will tell you one by one. 这一集,我们将带观众去了解膀胱和尿液的秘密。我们每天都需要上厕所,但上多少次才算正常?尿失禁让患者伤透心。有办法可以根治吗?泌尿科医生和中医师将一一告诉你。
In this episode, we will understand the secrets of the bladder and urine together. We all need to visit the toilet every day, but how often is normal? Urinary incontinence is a common and embarrassing problem, is there a way to cure it? The urologist and TCM physician will tell you one by one. 这一集,我们将带观众去了解膀胱和尿液的秘密。我们每天都需要上厕所,但上多少次才算正常?尿失禁让患者伤透心。有办法可以根治吗?泌尿科医生和中医师将一一告诉你。
In this episode, we will share a trick to self-test the possibility of acid reflux! Want to know why stomach acid suddenly reflux and wish to know what to do when you have it? Don't miss this episode with answers from gastroenterologists and TCM physician. 5个人就有1个有胃酸倒流!这一集,教你一招胃酸倒流自测!想了解胃酸为什么会忽然往上流?胃酸倒流时该怎么处理?那就不要错过由肠胃科医生和中医师联手解答的这集节目。
In this episode, we will share a trick to self-test the possibility of acid reflux! Want to know why stomach acid suddenly reflux and wish to know what to do when you have it? Don't miss this episode with answers from gastroenterologists and TCM physician. 5个人就有1个有胃酸倒流!这一集,教你一招胃酸倒流自测!想了解胃酸为什么会忽然往上流?胃酸倒流时该怎么处理?那就不要错过由肠胃科医生和中医师联手解答的这集节目。
3-4% of Chinese over the age of 60 suffer from glaucoma. It also has a nickname, called "Silent Thief", but why? Who is the high-risk group? Ophthalmologists and TCM physician will unveil the secrets of glaucoma. 60岁以上的国人,3-4%患有青光眼。它还有个外号,叫做“无声小偷”,为什么呢?谁又是高风险群?眼科医生和中医师贴心告诉您答案。
3-4% of Chinese over the age of 60 suffer from glaucoma. It also has a nickname, called "Silent Thief", but why? Who is the high-risk group? Ophthalmologists and TCM physician will unveil the secrets of glaucoma. 60岁以上的国人,3-4%患有青光眼。它还有个外号,叫做“无声小偷”,为什么呢?谁又是高风险群?眼科医生和中医师贴心告诉您答案。
A 2012 study estimated the prevalence of gout in Singapore was 4.1%! Which high-purine foods should patients avoid? Gout tends to occur in the lower limbs, so TCM physician will teach you a "lower limb strengthening exercise"! 2012年研究估计,新加坡痛风患病率为4.1%!听说痛风是种富贵病,患者该避免食用哪些高嘌呤食物呢?痛风好发于下肢,所以中医师要教你” 下肢养护操” !记得锁定这集节目哦!
A 2012 study estimated the prevalence of gout in Singapore was 4.1%! Which high-purine foods should patients avoid? Gout tends to occur in the lower limbs, so TCM physician will teach you a "lower limb strengthening exercise"! 2012年研究估计,新加坡痛风患病率为4.1%!听说痛风是种富贵病,患者该避免食用哪些高嘌呤食物呢?痛风好发于下肢,所以中医师要教你” 下肢养护操” !记得锁定这集节目哦!
About 6 people in Singapore are diagnosed with kidney failure every day! What habits in our daily life can damage the kidneys? What is the difference between chronic kidney disease and kidney failure? Nephrologist and TCM physician will explains one by one. 我国每天有大约6人被诊断患上肾衰竭!日常生活中有哪些习惯会伤肾?慢性肾病和肾衰竭有什么不一样?肾脏专科医生和中医师携手为您一一道来。
About 6 people in Singapore are diagnosed with kidney failure every day! What habits in our daily life can damage the kidneys? What is the difference between chronic kidney disease and kidney failure? Nephrologist and TCM physician will explains one by one. 我国每天有大约6人被诊断患上肾衰竭!日常生活中有哪些习惯会伤肾?慢性肾病和肾衰竭有什么不一样?肾脏专科医生和中医师携手为您一一道来。
Singapore's high cholesterol patients approached 40%! Do fat people have high cholesterol problems? Should patients abstain from high-cholesterol foods altogether? In this episode, let us listen to the explanations of endocrinologists and nutritionists. 新加坡高胆固醇患者直逼40%!是不是胖的人才会有高胆固醇问题?患者应该完全禁止食用高胆固醇食物吗?这集,让我们一起聆听内分泌专科医生和营养师的解释。
Singapore's high cholesterol patients approached 40%! Do fat people have high cholesterol problems? Should patients abstain from high-cholesterol foods altogether? In this episode, let us listen to the explanations of endocrinologists and nutritionists. 新加坡高胆固醇患者直逼40%!是不是胖的人才会有高胆固醇问题?患者应该完全禁止食用高胆固醇食物吗?这集,让我们一起聆听内分泌专科医生和营养师的解释。
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in Singapore! Is it true or myth that men who consumed more tomatoes decreased risk of prostate cancer compared with men who never consumed this food? Who are the high-risk groups? How can Traditional Chinese Medicine help prostate cancer survivors overcome complications? Urologists and TCM Physician are going to explain one by one. 新加坡男性第二大常见癌症就是前列腺癌!听说番茄可以降低患癌风险,是否属实?谁是高危群...
Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer among men in Singapore! Is it true or myth that men who consumed more tomatoes decreased risk of prostate cancer compared with men who never consumed this food? Who are the high-risk groups? How can Traditional Chinese Medicine help prostate cancer survivors overcome complications? Urologists and TCM Physician are going to explain one by one. 新加坡男性第二大常见癌症就是前列腺癌!听说番茄可以降低患癌风险,是否属实?谁是高危群...
One out of every three people in the world has experienced short-term insomnia! Insomnia is a topic related to almost all human beings! Can't sleep even though you're tired? The psychiatrist will tell you what the reason could be. TCM Physician introduces a tea that could calm your mind and make you less restless. 失眠几乎是和全人类都有关的一个话题,因为全世界每三个人就有一个人曾经历短暂失眠!想睡不能睡,为什么会这样?要怎么睡得好?中医介绍“助眠茶”,你想知道怎么做吗?全都在这一集的节目。
One out of every three people in the world has experienced short-term insomnia! Insomnia is a topic related to almost all human beings! Can't sleep even though you're tired? The psychiatrist will tell you what the reason could be. TCM Physician introduces a tea that could calm your mind and make you less restless. 失眠几乎是和全人类都有关的一个话题,因为全世界每三个人就有一个人曾经历短暂失眠!想睡不能睡,为什么会这样?要怎么睡得好?中医介绍“助眠茶”,你想知道怎么做吗?全都在这一集的节目。
Stomach flu is a common illness. Can stomach flu causes complications? How can you take better care of your gut health? Let's hear it from Gastroenterologist and TCM physician. 肠胃感冒是常见的疾病。综合诊疗所每天就有大概有300-400起的“急性腹泻”病例。肠胃感冒是否会带来并发症?平日可以如何照顾肠胃健康呢?
Stomach flu is a common illness. Can stomach flu causes complications? How can you take better care of your gut health? Let's hear it from Gastroenterologist and TCM physician. 肠胃感冒是常见的疾病。综合诊疗所每天就有大概有300-400起的“急性腹泻”病例。肠胃感冒是否会带来并发症?平日可以如何照顾肠胃健康呢?
Melasma is a common skin disorder, but what causes it? How much sunscreen do you need per day? TCM physician uses acupuncture to treat skin pigmentation! There are even TCM herbal masks! Let's find out together from Dermatologist and TCM Physician. 黑斑是常见的色素沉淀问题,但是什么因素造成的呢?会不会有些人不会长斑?防晒霜到底要擦多少?中医师可以用针灸治疗色斑,又是什么原理?甚至还有中药面膜呢!且听皮肤专科医生和中医师娓娓道来。
Melasma is a common skin disorder, but what causes it? How much sunscreen do you need per day? TCM physician uses acupuncture to treat skin pigmentation! There are even TCM herbal masks! Let's find out together from Dermatologist and TCM Physician. 黑斑是常见的色素沉淀问题,但是什么因素造成的呢?会不会有些人不会长斑?防晒霜到底要擦多少?中医师可以用针灸治疗色斑,又是什么原理?甚至还有中药面膜呢!且听皮肤专科医生和中医师娓娓道来。
10% of Singaporeans suffer from type 2 diabetes! Moreover, Singapore has one of the highest rates of lower extremity amputation (LEA) in the world! What causes diabetes and how can we prevent it? How can people with diabetes prevent their condition from getting worse? Listen to the sharing of Endocrinologist and TCM Physician. 10%新加坡人都患有2型糖尿病!而且新加坡的“糖尿病截肢率”还是世上最高的国家之一!是什么原因造成糖尿病,该怎么预防?糖尿病人该如何防止病情恶化?一起听听内分泌科专科医生和中医师的分享。
10% of Singaporeans suffer from type 2 diabetes! Moreover, Singapore has one of the highest rates of lower extremity amputation (LEA) in the world! What causes diabetes and how can we prevent it? How can people with diabetes prevent their condition from getting worse? Listen to the sharing of Endocrinologist and TCM Physician. 10%新加坡人都患有2型糖尿病!而且新加坡的“糖尿病截肢率”还是世上最高的国家之一!是什么原因造成糖尿病,该怎么预防?糖尿病人该如何防止病情恶化?一起听听内分泌科专科医生和中医师的分享。
Sarcopenia is prominent in older age, but it is already nontrivial among young and middle-age people. If you want to know how to prevent it, remember to watch this episode, where Orthopaedic Surgeon and TCM Physician share insight about Sarcopenia. 现代人的生活方式导致肌少症年轻化,不到50岁也可能患上此病。想知道如何预防的话,就记得收看这一集,听骨外科专科和中医娓娓而谈。
Sarcopenia is prominent in older age, but it is already nontrivial among young and middle-age people. If you want to know how to prevent it, remember to watch this episode, where Orthopaedic Surgeon and TCM Physician share insight about Sarcopenia. 现代人的生活方式导致肌少症年轻化,不到50岁也可能患上此病。想知道如何预防的话,就记得收看这一集,听骨外科专科和中医娓娓而谈。
The startling resilience of Aedes mosquitoes which can breed easily with just a few drops of water makes them a serious threat to humans! Other than Mozzie Wipeout, we should not forget to identify the symptoms and other important information about dengue fever! In this episode, listen to the practical sharing from Infectious Disease Expert and TCM Physician. 伊蚊的生命力很顽强!我们既要努力灭蚊,也要努力防蚊,也绝不忘多了解骨痛热症的其他讯息!这一集,且听传染病专家和中医师的实用分享!
The startling resilience of Aedes mosquitoes which can breed easily with just a few drops of water makes them a serious threat to humans! Other than Mozzie Wipeout, we should not forget to identify the symptoms and other important information about dengue fever! In this episode, listen to the practical sharing from Infectious Disease Expert and TCM Physician. 伊蚊的生命力很顽强!我们既要努力灭蚊,也要努力防蚊,也绝不忘多了解骨痛热症的其他讯息!这一集,且听传染病专家和中医师的实用分享!
A fragility fracture is estimated to occur every 3 seconds around the world. In this episode, Sports & Orthopaedic Surgeon and TCM Physician team up to present important information you need to know about Osteoporosis! 全球大约每3秒就会产生一起骨质疏松性骨折,严重甚至造成死亡,所以防治刻不容缓!这一集,有骨科和运动医学医生以及中医师联手呈现你必须知道有关骨质疏松症的重要讯息。
A fragility fracture is estimated to occur every 3 seconds around the world. In this episode, Sports & Orthopaedic Surgeon and TCM Physician team up to present important information you need to know about Osteoporosis! 全球大约每3秒就会产生一起骨质疏松性骨折,严重甚至造成死亡,所以防治刻不容缓!这一集,有骨科和运动医学医生以及中医师联手呈现你必须知道有关骨质疏松症的重要讯息。
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer among women in Singapore. 350 new cases are discovered every year! In this episode, Oncologists and TCM Physician will explain risk factors, symptoms, and treatment. 卵巢癌是新加坡女性第六大常见癌症。每年会发现350个新病例!这集,我们聚焦卵巢癌,让肿瘤专科医生和中医师为大家一一解释卵巢癌的风险因素、症状以及治疗方式。
Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer among women in Singapore. 350 new cases are discovered every year! In this episode, Oncologists and TCM Physician will explain risk factors, symptoms, and treatment. 卵巢癌是新加坡女性第六大常见癌症。每年会发现350个新病例!这集,我们聚焦卵巢癌,让肿瘤专科医生和中医师为大家一一解释卵巢癌的风险因素、症状以及治疗方式。
Could trembling hands and fast heartbeat be related to thyroid dysfunction? What is the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? If left untreated, will there be serious consequences? Otolaryngologist/Head & Neck Robotic Surgeon and TCM Physician will answer one by one. 手抖和心跳太快可能和甲状腺失调有关?那甲亢和甲减有什么区别?不治疗的话,会带来严重后果吗?耳鼻喉/头颈肿瘤专科医生和中医师将一一解答。
Could trembling hands and fast heartbeat be related to thyroid dysfunction? What is the difference between hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism? If left untreated, will there be serious consequences? Otolaryngologist/Head & Neck Robotic Surgeon and TCM Physician will answer one by one. 手抖和心跳太快可能和甲状腺失调有关?那甲亢和甲减有什么区别?不治疗的话,会带来严重后果吗?耳鼻喉/头颈肿瘤专科医生和中医师将一一解答。
In this episode, we learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), commonly known as Autism. Why is there so much emphasis on early intervention? What kind of mental adjustments do parents who have autistic children need to make? Hear from Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Psychiatrist in this episode. 这一集让我们一起来了解自闭症谱系障碍,也就是一般俗称的自闭症。为什么治疗方面极强调早干预?家有自闭儿的父母,须要做出怎样的心态调整呢?且听小儿发育与行为科医生以及精神及心理专科医生的分享。
In this episode, we learn about Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD), commonly known as Autism. Why is there so much emphasis on early intervention? What kind of mental adjustments do parents who have autistic children need to make? Hear from Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and Psychiatrist in this episode. 这一集让我们一起来了解自闭症谱系障碍,也就是一般俗称的自闭症。为什么治疗方面极强调早干预?家有自闭儿的父母,须要做出怎样的心态调整呢?且听小儿发育与行为科医生以及精神及心理专科医生的分享。
Hair will metabolize normally and dops, but under what circumstances do you need to see a doctor? Is hair transplant a permanent solution? Are there any risks? Are there any other ways to treat hair loss? Dermatologists and TCM Physician will answer one by one. 头发会正常代谢并掉落,但在什么情况下必须去看医生呢?植发是不是一劳永逸?有没有风险?还有什么方式可以治疗脱发?皮肤专科医生和中医师将一一解答
Hair will metabolize normally and dops, but under what circumstances do you need to see a doctor? Is hair transplant a permanent solution? Are there any risks? Are there any other ways to treat hair loss? Dermatologists and TCM Physician will answer one by one. 头发会正常代谢并掉落,但在什么情况下必须去看医生呢?植发是不是一劳永逸?有没有风险?还有什么方式可以治疗脱发?皮肤专科医生和中医师将一一解答
The prevalence of Kidney Cancer is increasing by 2-3% every year in Singapore! Could blood in urine, anemia, and back pain are the symptoms to watch out for? What are the risk factors and treatments available? In this episode, Urologists and TCM Physician provide you with important information about Kidney Cancer. 在本地,肾癌患病率每年以2-3%增长!听说尿血、贫血、背痛都可能是症状?有哪些风险因素和治疗方式呢?这一集就让泌尿专科医生和中医师为大家提供关于肾癌的重要资讯。
The prevalence of Kidney Cancer is increasing by 2-3% every year in Singapore! Could blood in urine, anemia, and back pain are the symptoms to watch out for? What are the risk factors and treatments available? In this episode, Urologists and TCM Physician provide you with important information about Kidney Cancer. 在本地,肾癌患病率每年以2-3%增长!听说尿血、贫血、背痛都可能是症状?有哪些风险因素和治疗方式呢?这一集就让泌尿专科医生和中医师为大家提供关于肾癌的重要资讯。
Menstruation is a barometer of a woman's health. If it is late or early, it may indicate something is wrong. Even the amount and smell of menstruation can indicate a woman's health. If you want to learn more, be sure to tune in to this episode for expert insights from an Urogynaecologist and Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, and TCM Physician. 月经是女人的健康晴雨表,迟了或早了都可能表示身体出了问题。甚至月经的量和气味,都可能预示女性的健康状况。想了解更多的话,一定要收看这集由妇产科兼泌尿科医生以及中医师的专业见解。
Menstruation is a barometer of a woman's health. If it is late or early, it may indicate something is wrong. Even the amount and smell of menstruation can indicate a woman's health. If you want to learn more, be sure to tune in to this episode for expert insights from an Urogynaecologist and Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, and TCM Physician. 月经是女人的健康晴雨表,迟了或早了都可能表示身体出了问题。甚至月经的量和气味,都可能预示女性的健康状况。想了解更多的话,一定要收看这集由妇产科兼泌尿科医生以及中医师的专业见解。
Is this a myth or a fact that WIFI, mobile phones and microwave ovens induce brain tumors? Why do some brain cancer patients experience numerous recurrences? What are the advantages of awake surgery? How can traditional Chinese medicine help patients relieve symptoms? Neurosurgeons and TCM Physician will answer them one by one. WIFI、手机、微波炉可能诱发脑瘤?!这是迷思还是事实?为什么有的脑癌患者会经历无数次复发?清醒手术有什么优势?中医疗法可以如何帮助患者减轻症状?神经外科医生和中医师将一一解答。
Is this a myth or a fact that WIFI, mobile phones and microwave ovens induce brain tumors? Why do some brain cancer patients experience numerous recurrences? What are the advantages of awake surgery? How can traditional Chinese medicine help patients relieve symptoms? Neurosurgeons and TCM Physician will answer them one by one. WIFI、手机、微波炉可能诱发脑瘤?!这是迷思还是事实?为什么有的脑癌患者会经历无数次复发?清醒手术有什么优势?中医疗法可以如何帮助患者减轻症状?神经外科医生和中医师将一一解答。
Lupus used to be a very mysterious disease. There are currently about 5,000 patients in Singapore. Why is diagnosing lupus so difficult? Can Traditional Chinese Medicine prevent it? Let's hear it from Rheumatologist and TCM Physician. 红斑狼疮曾经是非常神秘的疾病,而新加坡目前约有5000名患者。究竟此病与蝴蝶和狼有什么关系?为什么诊断红斑狼疮是非常不容易的事呢?中医疗法或能预防病发?食疗又能为带来什么好处?这一集,由关节炎与风湿病专科医生和中医师联手炮制。
Lupus used to be a very mysterious disease. There are currently about 5,000 patients in Singapore. Why is diagnosing lupus so difficult? Can Traditional Chinese Medicine prevent it? Let's hear it from Rheumatologist and TCM Physician. 红斑狼疮曾经是非常神秘的疾病,而新加坡目前约有5000名患者。究竟此病与蝴蝶和狼有什么关系?为什么诊断红斑狼疮是非常不容易的事呢?中医疗法或能预防病发?食疗又能为带来什么好处?这一集,由关节炎与风湿病专科医生和中医师联手炮制。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 2 |