Catch award-winning host, Quan Yi Fong, in her very own celebrity talk show, with no holds barred. Watch how she leads her guests through as they share timeless life stories or even shed light on rumors and gossips that made it to the headlines in those days. From popular celebrities, online influencers to reputable personalities, they open up to Yi Fong in this in-depth and yet entertaining show. 权怡凤与嘉宾的深度聊天实录。汇集青春轨迹、时代故事、励志范本与八卦杂谈。既犀利又温馨的权式访谈风格,以知性、幽默的方式,为嘉宾熬出一碗碗心灵鸡汤。
Cast & Crew
Cast | Quan Yifong |
Producer | Elaine See Ee Ling |
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Hear U Out returns for a second season with Quan Yifong delving into what truly lies behind the glamour and glitz of her 18 celebrity guests. In between savouring sweet treats and delectable food, Yifong probes with a witty combo of dare and care with the aim of getting her guests to bare their heart and soul to her. Then she tops it off with a gift full of love and surprises. 深度访谈节目《权听你说》第二系列来了,主持人权怡凤展现待客之道,满足嘉宾味蕾上的享受,窥探18位人物卸下光环后的真实人生,倾听嘉宾心底最柔软的一块,回味人生中的酸甜苦辣、喜怒哀乐,并献上暖暖的礼物祝福。
Tosh and Wei Liang with different backgrounds had misunderstandings when they first met. How do they open up hearts and go through ups and downs together? How did ah boys become men in real life? Tosh和伟良,背景迥异的两人,刚认识时,语言不通加上多重误解,藉由音乐走进对方的内心,共同经历事业走红、低潮,到如今的相知相惜。两位国民男孩,如何在真实人生里成为真正男子汉?权听你们说。
Tosh and Wei Liang with different backgrounds had misunderstandings when they first met. How do they open up hearts and go through ups and downs together? How did ah boys become men in real life? Tosh和伟良,背景迥异的两人,刚认识时,语言不通加上多重误解,藉由音乐走进对方的内心,共同经历事业走红、低潮,到如今的相知相惜。两位国民男孩,如何在真实人生里成为真正男子汉?权听你们说。
Tosh is suffering from depression due to his childhood grief. After Wei Liang left his ex-company, he experienced the worst time of his life. Who was the guy who saved him? How will the future go after the big hit? 多年前Tosh因童年悲痛经历诱发忧郁症,直到今日仍与病魔搏斗中。伟良在事业上跌了一跤,最后是谁牵起他的手,昂首阔步?迷途羔羊在跌倒后展露坚强,实践梦想的路上,他们更加无所畏惧?权听你们说。
Tosh is suffering from depression due to his childhood grief. After Wei Liang left his ex-company, he experienced the worst time of his life. Who was the guy who saved him? How will the future go after the big hit? 多年前Tosh因童年悲痛经历诱发忧郁症,直到今日仍与病魔搏斗中。伟良在事业上跌了一跤,最后是谁牵起他的手,昂首阔步?迷途羔羊在跌倒后展露坚强,实践梦想的路上,他们更加无所畏惧?权听你们说。
Dennis Chew, famous for Aunty Lucy. He is good at acting and hosting. His success is not easy to come by. How to persist in the love of acting under limitations and difficulties? 天生艺人崇庆,即登神台的超级红星,驾驭多个角色如流,演艺事业多角发展,能演能说又能唱。但一路走来并非顺遂,多重难关下,从未浇熄他对表演的热爱,他的坚持从何而来?权听你说。
Dennis Chew, famous for Aunty Lucy. He is good at acting and hosting. His success is not easy to come by. How to persist in the love of acting under limitations and difficulties? 天生艺人崇庆,即登神台的超级红星,驾驭多个角色如流,演艺事业多角发展,能演能说又能唱。但一路走来并非顺遂,多重难关下,从未浇熄他对表演的热爱,他的坚持从何而来?权听你说。
How did Dennis meet his godsister Rui En? And how did they become the spiritual support of each other? He decides to change his attitude because he has seen through the hypocrisy of the showbiz? 走进崇庆的内心世界,聊起与干妹妹瑞恩的相识趣事,到成为彼此的心灵支柱,超越血缘的兄妹情谊令人动容。近年来,看透演艺圈的虚情假意,他决定挥别过去的自己,不再随意献上真心?权听你说。
How did Dennis meet his godsister Rui En? And how did they become the spiritual support of each other? He decides to change his attitude because he has seen through the hypocrisy of the showbiz? 走进崇庆的内心世界,聊起与干妹妹瑞恩的相识趣事,到成为彼此的心灵支柱,超越血缘的兄妹情谊令人动容。近年来,看透演艺圈的虚情假意,他决定挥别过去的自己,不再随意献上真心?权听你说。
A sucessful entreprenur, an award-winning comedian and a woman of her words is what Irene Ang is always known for. Behind her positive attitude, fame and success is an unexpected childhood and a promise she made to her grandmother. Can she really forgive and forget the pain? 具有双重身份的洪爱玲,是一名艺人,也是一名成功的企业老板。不亏欠他人、言而有信是她的做人处事原则。为了信守在奶奶病榻前承诺,面对几十年来内心挣扎,她能走出与亲生父母的心结?权听你说。
A sucessful entreprenur, an award-winning comedian and a woman of her words is what Irene Ang is always known for. Behind her positive attitude, fame and success is an unexpected childhood and a promise she made to her grandmother. Can she really forgive and forget the pain? 具有双重身份的洪爱玲,是一名艺人,也是一名成功的企业老板。不亏欠他人、言而有信是她的做人处事原则。为了信守在奶奶病榻前承诺,面对几十年来内心挣扎,她能走出与亲生父母的心结?权听你说。
Irene Ang's role as 'Rosie' from "Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd" brought her fame throughout Southeast Asia where she was treated like a superstar for 10 years! From outstanding comedian to running a blooming artiste management company and bringing her artistes to Hollywood, what is Irene's secret fomula? 因鬼马家族中Rosie一角,红遍东南亚的洪爱玲,享尽长达10年巨星般的待遇!她把赚来的第一桶金勇闯美国,她搬出什么法宝吸引选角导演?20年后,又如何将旗下艺人送进好莱坞?权听你说。
Irene Ang's role as 'Rosie' from "Phua Chu Kang Pte Ltd" brought her fame throughout Southeast Asia where she was treated like a superstar for 10 years! From outstanding comedian to running a blooming artiste management company and bringing her artistes to Hollywood, what is Irene's secret fomula? 因鬼马家族中Rosie一角,红遍东南亚的洪爱玲,享尽长达10年巨星般的待遇!她把赚来的第一桶金勇闯美国,她搬出什么法宝吸引选角导演?20年后,又如何将旗下艺人送进好莱坞?权听你说。
Yi Fong confronts Dasmond about the fights they have whenever they co-host a program. What kind of friendship do they have? Dasmond shares his growing up stories and the traits of his dream girl! 唯有振荣,才能请得动怡凤亲自下厨。为何关系密切的两人,每合作节目必翻脸?无事生非的怡凤,总能让振荣一秒暴怒。振荣的成长背景,影响一生乐于助人的性格?而他心目中的女神,就是长年伙伴鍾琴姐姐?权听你说。
Yi Fong confronts Dasmond about the fights they have whenever they co-host a program. What kind of friendship do they have? Dasmond shares his growing up stories and the traits of his dream girl! 唯有振荣,才能请得动怡凤亲自下厨。为何关系密切的两人,每合作节目必翻脸?无事生非的怡凤,总能让振荣一秒暴怒。振荣的成长背景,影响一生乐于助人的性格?而他心目中的女神,就是长年伙伴鍾琴姐姐?权听你说。
Years of care for his dementia mother made Dasmond doubt his filialness. How did the passing of two important people in his life change him from a rational person to a sensitive being? What words does he have for them? 振荣照顾失智多年的母亲,他坦言孝心曾动摇?一向来特别理性的他,这几年因爱徒与母亲相继离世,性格大逆转?迟了一年终于上神台,他最想跟伟衷和母亲说什么?怡凤准备的神秘礼物也来到现场。权听你说。
Years of care for his dementia mother made Dasmond doubt his filialness. How did the passing of two important people in his life change him from a rational person to a sensitive being? What words does he have for them? 振荣照顾失智多年的母亲,他坦言孝心曾动摇?一向来特别理性的他,这几年因爱徒与母亲相继离世,性格大逆转?迟了一年终于上神台,他最想跟伟衷和母亲说什么?怡凤准备的神秘礼物也来到现场。权听你说。
Behind the smiles of Star Search Champion and Best Newcomer, Zhang Ze Tong is a young boy who wants to do his parents proud. Ze Tong shares his growing up stories and is caught surprised by two special guests whom he never expect. 顶着才华冠军头衔的张哲通,来到节目会被主持人气场震慑住吗?他能交出真实的自己吗?从小跨堤来新读书,父母倾全力栽培,对他是祝福还是压力?哪位神秘人物在节目里出现,让哲通泪流满面?权听你说。
Behind the smiles of Star Search Champion and Best Newcomer, Zhang Ze Tong is a young boy who wants to do his parents proud. Ze Tong shares his growing up stories and is caught surprised by two special guests whom he never expect. 顶着才华冠军头衔的张哲通,来到节目会被主持人气场震慑住吗?他能交出真实的自己吗?从小跨堤来新读书,父母倾全力栽培,对他是祝福还是压力?哪位神秘人物在节目里出现,让哲通泪流满面?权听你说。
Chantalle's path in the entertainment industry isn’t all smooth sailing from the start. How did the young starlet from My Star Bride create such a memorable character that brought her to fame? 一部《过江新娘》走红的暄婷,跃升为下一颗闪亮的明日之星。从小待片场看母亲林梅娇拍戏,长大后参与试镜屡屡挫败,机会是给准备好的人,这位戏剧小花旦如何磨练自己,给自己信心走到今天这步?权听你说。
Chantalle's path in the entertainment industry isn’t all smooth sailing from the start. How did the young starlet from My Star Bride create such a memorable character that brought her to fame? 一部《过江新娘》走红的暄婷,跃升为下一颗闪亮的明日之星。从小待片场看母亲林梅娇拍戏,长大后参与试镜屡屡挫败,机会是给准备好的人,这位戏剧小花旦如何磨练自己,给自己信心走到今天这步?权听你说。
Behind the innocent smiles of Chantalle Ng is a girl determined to be strong so that she can protect her mother who brought her up singlehandedly. Chantalle shares her darkest childhood trauma that left her scarred till today. 从小与母亲林梅娇相依为命的暄婷,立志长大后要做个成功的人,发愿要让别人看得起,小女孩为回报母爱,展现无比坚韧与勇敢。十多年前的一次暴力冲突,暄婷与生父再无联系…权听你说。
Behind the innocent smiles of Chantalle Ng is a girl determined to be strong so that she can protect her mother who brought her up singlehandedly. Chantalle shares her darkest childhood trauma that left her scarred till today. 从小与母亲林梅娇相依为命的暄婷,立志长大后要做个成功的人,发愿要让别人看得起,小女孩为回报母爱,展现无比坚韧与勇敢。十多年前的一次暴力冲突,暄婷与生父再无联系…权听你说。
Yi Fong puts her best partner Guo Liang's hosting skills to the test. In his opinion, what makes a good host? The duo with more than 20 years of friendship spill secrets of their friendship. 最佳拍档郭亮和怡凤在访谈节目中合体,亮哥堪称史上最难访问的嘉宾之一,先用北京烤鸭收买味蕾,再用即兴考题激发实力,三打出伙伴牌逼供真心话。激烈的一来一往,怡凤被反爆料,两人原来私底下零来往?权听你说。
Yi Fong puts her best partner Guo Liang's hosting skills to the test. In his opinion, what makes a good host? The duo with more than 20 years of friendship spill secrets of their friendship. 最佳拍档郭亮和怡凤在访谈节目中合体,亮哥堪称史上最难访问的嘉宾之一,先用北京烤鸭收买味蕾,再用即兴考题激发实力,三打出伙伴牌逼供真心话。激烈的一来一往,怡凤被反爆料,两人原来私底下零来往?权听你说。
Guo Liang shares his challenges at work and in his personal life when he started his career in showbiz. The big man was caught by surprise and showed a soft side that has never been revealed on screen. 主持功夫了得的亮哥,独挑大梁直播节目曾发抖上台。事业一帆风顺的他,多次与主持人奖擦身而过,其实多年来他心口不服?最后听见来自远方的乡音,看见亮哥最柔情的一面。权听你说。
Guo Liang shares his challenges at work and in his personal life when he started his career in showbiz. The big man was caught by surprise and showed a soft side that has never been revealed on screen. 主持功夫了得的亮哥,独挑大梁直播节目曾发抖上台。事业一帆风顺的他,多次与主持人奖擦身而过,其实多年来他心口不服?最后听见来自远方的乡音,看见亮哥最柔情的一面。权听你说。
Life behind the glamorous runway is never as easy as it seems. International model turned actress Sheila Sim shares her modeling journey and what communication means to her. 从国际名模转演员的沈琳宸 Sheila,真实的她是个大胃王、特爱煲电话粥、渴望爱情的一般女子。她带来少女时期的惊悚自拍照,惊吓全场。她如何从一名普通女孩,跃上国际模特平台发光发热?权听你说。
Life behind the glamorous runway is never as easy as it seems. International model turned actress Sheila Sim shares her modeling journey and what communication means to her. 从国际名模转演员的沈琳宸 Sheila,真实的她是个大胃王、特爱煲电话粥、渴望爱情的一般女子。她带来少女时期的惊悚自拍照,惊吓全场。她如何从一名普通女孩,跃上国际模特平台发光发热?权听你说。
Personal happiness was always above fame and fortune for Sheila Sim. What advice does she have for others who are seeking for their lifelong partners on dating apps and how has motherhood changed her? 不追求名利,名利自来。Sheila 沈琳宸对人生态度即是快乐至上,当了母亲后,更将家庭摆在第一顺位。网恋认识的老公,在角色升级后,夫妻关系如何维系?权听你说。
Personal happiness was always above fame and fortune for Sheila Sim. What advice does she have for others who are seeking for their lifelong partners on dating apps and how has motherhood changed her? 不追求名利,名利自来。Sheila 沈琳宸对人生态度即是快乐至上,当了母亲后,更将家庭摆在第一顺位。网恋认识的老公,在角色升级后,夫妻关系如何维系?权听你说。
Xu Bin shares his rebellious childhood and the unforgetable lessons from his youth. The father of two reveals his struggles with acting in the early years of his career. 年轻双宝爸徐彬“哥哥”,翻开人生轨迹,11岁时迷糊来到新加坡,降三级读小学。叛逆期曾让母亲伤透了心,还发起明星梦荒废课业。机运极佳的徐彬,该如何撕掉标签,用实力证明自己?权听你说。
Xu Bin shares his rebellious childhood and the unforgetable lessons from his youth. The father of two reveals his struggles with acting in the early years of his career. 年轻双宝爸徐彬“哥哥”,翻开人生轨迹,11岁时迷糊来到新加坡,降三级读小学。叛逆期曾让母亲伤透了心,还发起明星梦荒废课业。机运极佳的徐彬,该如何撕掉标签,用实力证明自己?权听你说。
Encountering difficulties in his acting career, Xu Bin once considered a change in career path. How did he overcome the difficulties and regain his confidence? 陷入低潮期的徐彬,自认对演戏开窍较慢,想过转行做生意?曾经错过上位的最佳时机点,因为努力方向不对?家庭与事业皆上轨道的他,视帝奖项是他的最终目标吗?权听你说。
Encountering difficulties in his acting career, Xu Bin once considered a change in career path. How did he overcome the difficulties and regain his confidence? 陷入低潮期的徐彬,自认对演戏开窍较慢,想过转行做生意?曾经错过上位的最佳时机点,因为努力方向不对?家庭与事业皆上轨道的他,视帝奖项是他的最终目标吗?权听你说。
A straightfoward and honest chat between Marcus Chin and Quan Yi Fong. Marcus shares his three biggest setbacks in life and how he gets back to his feet and eventually goes back on screens after 18 years away from the television scene. 人称建彬大哥的资深前辈莅临访谈,打开心房畅所欲言,他的人生曾经跌了三次跤,每一次都摔得不轻,卧薪尝胆十八年,该如何从谷底东山再起?这一集是他的人生缩影,是一堂宝贵的人生课,且让我们权听你说。
A straightfoward and honest chat between Marcus Chin and Quan Yi Fong. Marcus shares his three biggest setbacks in life and how he gets back to his feet and eventually goes back on screens after 18 years away from the television scene. 人称建彬大哥的资深前辈莅临访谈,打开心房畅所欲言,他的人生曾经跌了三次跤,每一次都摔得不轻,卧薪尝胆十八年,该如何从谷底东山再起?这一集是他的人生缩影,是一堂宝贵的人生课,且让我们权听你说。
Marcus Chin's philosophy 'Face situations bravely and honestly' brought him to where he is now. Sharing about his extramarital affair, he reveals that he is never happy after it happened and the reasons for its end. This is an episode full of life's lessons. 建彬人生哲学其一:勇敢面对。嫩草事件后,他坦言从未感到开心,对太太的亏欠要用余生承担后果。当在面对人生每个转折点时,他如何选择拥抱磨难,把握时机,出奇制胜?节目中怡凤得到救赎,有如醍醐灌顶,如沐春风?权听你说。
Marcus Chin's philosophy 'Face situations bravely and honestly' brought him to where he is now. Sharing about his extramarital affair, he reveals that he is never happy after it happened and the reasons for its end. This is an episode full of life's lessons. 建彬人生哲学其一:勇敢面对。嫩草事件后,他坦言从未感到开心,对太太的亏欠要用余生承担后果。当在面对人生每个转折点时,他如何选择拥抱磨难,把握时机,出奇制胜?节目中怡凤得到救赎,有如醍醐灌顶,如沐春风?权听你说。
Quan Yi Fong is caught by surprise seeing Naomi's appearance, an image different from the ones on her social media. Buried under her picture perfect smiles is a heart longing for love and a first love that shattered her heart. 网红梁文珊大驾光临,怡凤惊讶Naomi本人和网络上形象大有不同?用实力买下高档跑车是想炫耀,或证明自己?渴望爱情的她,为何初恋经验遭人指点多年?权听你说。
Quan Yi Fong is caught by surprise seeing Naomi's appearance, an image different from the ones on her social media. Buried under her picture perfect smiles is a heart longing for love and a first love that shattered her heart. 网红梁文珊大驾光临,怡凤惊讶Naomi本人和网络上形象大有不同?用实力买下高档跑车是想炫耀,或证明自己?渴望爱情的她,为何初恋经验遭人指点多年?权听你说。
A rebellious girl when she is younger, Naomi Neo looks back and shares her search for emotional security. How does being a mother change her perspectives of being a family? Do the letters from her parents finally bring her reconciliations with her inner feelings? 网红梁文珊在叛逆期与父母不和,在爱情里得不到安全感,甚至做出自残行为。直到婚后,养儿方知父母恩,将疏远的关系慢慢拉近。节目中当她读到父母亲笔信件,不禁泪如雨下,为当初的错误向父母真诚道歉…权听你说。
A rebellious girl when she is younger, Naomi Neo looks back and shares her search for emotional security. How does being a mother change her perspectives of being a family? Do the letters from her parents finally bring her reconciliations with her inner feelings? 网红梁文珊在叛逆期与父母不和,在爱情里得不到安全感,甚至做出自残行为。直到婚后,养儿方知父母恩,将疏远的关系慢慢拉近。节目中当她读到父母亲笔信件,不禁泪如雨下,为当初的错误向父母真诚道歉…权听你说。
Known for his skills in both hosting and acting, Bryan Wong reveals his dark moments in his early years of hosting. Saddened with negative comments from the audiences on his straightforward hosting style, what made him persevere to where he is now? 横跨主持与戏剧的才子王禄江,出道时自我风格强烈,连三年上榜最不受欢迎艺人,多重信心打击下,他却咬牙留在演艺圈发展,是由于父亲骤逝?权听你说。
Known for his skills in both hosting and acting, Bryan Wong reveals his dark moments in his early years of hosting. Saddened with negative comments from the audiences on his straightforward hosting style, what made him persevere to where he is now? 横跨主持与戏剧的才子王禄江,出道时自我风格强烈,连三年上榜最不受欢迎艺人,多重信心打击下,他却咬牙留在演艺圈发展,是由于父亲骤逝?权听你说。
Picking up new artistic skill comes naturally for Bryan Wong who writes, paints and plays the piano effortlessly. His biggest regret in life is not spending more time with his late father whom he feels has never left him. 才情兼具的禄江,学什么像什么,可谓天才型艺术家。从小与家人感情紧密,在父亲过世后,他一肩扛起养家责任毫无怨言,他最深的憾事就是未能尽孝于父亲? 关于孝顺之道,权听你说。
Picking up new artistic skill comes naturally for Bryan Wong who writes, paints and plays the piano effortlessly. His biggest regret in life is not spending more time with his late father whom he feels has never left him. 才情兼具的禄江,学什么像什么,可谓天才型艺术家。从小与家人感情紧密,在父亲过世后,他一肩扛起养家责任毫无怨言,他最深的憾事就是未能尽孝于父亲? 关于孝顺之道,权听你说。
Quan Yi Fong meets entrepreneur / influencer Xiaoming who shares how he started a career from creating memes. How did his sunglasses come about and what inspires him. 今日受访嘉宾有两个身份,他是企业家洪锦荣,也是网红小明。创业初期以梗图恶搞获得声量,还赚得一笔大生意?戴太阳眼镜是为了不被肉搜?靠着创意获得商机,他绝对是年轻创业的成功代表!看他如何用小抄来完成华文访谈?权听你说。
Quan Yi Fong meets entrepreneur / influencer Xiaoming who shares how he started a career from creating memes. How did his sunglasses come about and what inspires him. 今日受访嘉宾有两个身份,他是企业家洪锦荣,也是网红小明。创业初期以梗图恶搞获得声量,还赚得一笔大生意?戴太阳眼镜是为了不被肉搜?靠着创意获得商机,他绝对是年轻创业的成功代表!看他如何用小抄来完成华文访谈?权听你说。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2021 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 4 |