Catch award-winning host, Quan Yi Fong, in her very own celebrity talk show, with no holds barred. Watch how she leads her guests through as they share timeless life stories or even shed light on rumors and gossips that made it to the headlines in those days. From popular celebrities, online influencers to reputable personalities, they open up to Yi Fong in this in-depth and yet entertaining show. 权怡凤与嘉宾的深度聊天实录。汇集青春轨迹、时代故事、励志范本与八卦杂谈。既犀利又温馨的权式访谈风格,以知性、幽默的方式,为嘉宾熬出一碗碗心灵鸡汤。
Cast & Crew
Cast | Quan Yi Fong |
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Hear U Out returns for a new season with Quan Yi Fong using her sharp wit and empathetic interviewing style to lead her guests to open their hearts. In their sometimes emotional conversations, the guests recount their past achievements, regrets as well as the turning points in their lives which makes them what they are today. Through these sincere heart-to-heart talk with the guests, we get a rare insight into their minds which we never get to see in front of the cameras, that can be both heart-warming and inspirational. 深受欢迎的访谈节目《权听你说》新系列来了,主持人权怡凤将延续犀利又不失温情的风格,让嘉宾们敞开心扉、诉说他们的人生转折点与心路历程,回首当年,人生感悟可不少,倾听嘉宾们真情地与当年的自己对话,窝心又励志,会有不一样的收获.
Mark Lee became a household name as a comedian on TV and later starred in movies that even garnered him a Best Actor nomination at the Golden Horse Awards. Besides a successful career in entertainment, his business ventures are also flourishing. Despite being so well-received, Mark has been equally plagued by adverse media in his 30-year career. How did Mark overcome his odds from his humble beginnings to become what he is today? 在本地演艺圈打滚30多年、晋身阿
Mark Lee became a household name as a comedian on TV and later starred in movies that even garnered him a Best Actor nomination at the Golden Horse Awards. Besides a successful career in entertainment, his business ventures are also flourishing. Despite being so well-received, Mark has been equally plagued by adverse media in his 30-year career. How did Mark overcome his odds from his humble beginnings to become what he is today? 在本地演艺圈打滚30多年、晋身阿
Mark Lee may be a top comedian and funny man, but when it comes to educating his children, what is one mistake he is unable to tolerate? Despite being witty in handling difficult situations, Mark has his emotional moments. Looking back, why did he feel a sense of guilt towards his family? 擅长搞笑,经过多年奋斗成为本土天王的李国煌,是个孩子王,却不能容忍孩子犯什么错?诙谐风趣的他,谈笑风生,处变不惊,但他也有崩溃的时刻… 回首当年,他又因何事对家人愧疚不已?
Mark Lee may be a top comedian and funny man, but when it comes to educating his children, what is one mistake he is unable to tolerate? Despite being witty in handling difficult situations, Mark has his emotional moments. Looking back, why did he feel a sense of guilt towards his family? 擅长搞笑,经过多年奋斗成为本土天王的李国煌,是个孩子王,却不能容忍孩子犯什么错?诙谐风趣的他,谈笑风生,处变不惊,但他也有崩溃的时刻… 回首当年,他又因何事对家人愧疚不已?
It took Brandon Wong 27 years to clinch his first Top 10 Most Popular Male Artiste at Star Awards 2022. Struggling financially as a student, Brandon initiated many startup ideas and took on multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. This hardship enriched his life experience and acting career, but it was not totally a bed of roses. 本地实力派演员黄炯耀,才华选秀出道,默默耕耘27年,才首获红星十大奖项,一路走来,他半工半读时的创业点子和非一般的打工经历,让他人生历练更丰富,但演艺之路,有喜有悲,五味杂陈,听他一一道来。
It took Brandon Wong 27 years to clinch his first Top 10 Most Popular Male Artiste at Star Awards 2022. Struggling financially as a student, Brandon initiated many startup ideas and took on multiple part-time jobs to make ends meet. This hardship enriched his life experience and acting career, but it was not totally a bed of roses. 本地实力派演员黄炯耀,才华选秀出道,默默耕耘27年,才首获红星十大奖项,一路走来,他半工半读时的创业点子和非一般的打工经历,让他人生历练更丰富,但演艺之路,有喜有悲,五味杂陈,听他一一道来。
Jeffrey Xu was one of the most sought-after models for advertisements before he was crowned the Star Search champion 12 years ago. It wasn't all smooth sailing after he joined the entertainment industry. He finally clinched the Best Supporting Actor award at the last Star Awards. Next, he'll be tying the knot with Felicia Chin. 入行12年的才华冠军徐鸣杰,出道前是广告宠儿,凭阳光笑容掳获人心。科班出身的他,渴望在演艺圈大展拳脚,却几经波折才获最佳男配角奖。事业爱情双丰收的他,分享了他的星路历程和甜蜜的情史。
Jeffrey Xu was one of the most sought-after models for advertisements before he was crowned the Star Search champion 12 years ago. It wasn't all smooth sailing after he joined the entertainment industry. He finally clinched the Best Supporting Actor award at the last Star Awards. Next, he'll be tying the knot with Felicia Chin. 入行12年的才华冠军徐鸣杰,出道前是广告宠儿,凭阳光笑容掳获人心。科班出身的他,渴望在演艺圈大展拳脚,却几经波折才获最佳男配角奖。事业爱情双丰收的他,分享了他的星路历程和甜蜜的情史。
Celebrity couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang, made the bold move to Taiwan at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. What problems did the Kandie family face as a result of the frequent quarantine and separation? Andie Chen realised his actor dream after his win in Star Search 2007 but how did Taiwan native Kate Pang end up as an artiste in Singapore? 本地演艺圈的恩爱夫妻陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨,疫情期间,举家搬迁到台湾生活,因两地隔离所产生的矛盾,他们会如何解决?才华冠军邦鋆从小就立志当艺人,而来自台湾的蕾馨,又为何来新追梦?
Celebrity couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang, made the bold move to Taiwan at the peak of the Covid-19 pandemic. What problems did the Kandie family face as a result of the frequent quarantine and separation? Andie Chen realised his actor dream after his win in Star Search 2007 but how did Taiwan native Kate Pang end up as an artiste in Singapore? 本地演艺圈的恩爱夫妻陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨,疫情期间,举家搬迁到台湾生活,因两地隔离所产生的矛盾,他们会如何解决?才华冠军邦鋆从小就立志当艺人,而来自台湾的蕾馨,又为何来新追梦?
From onscreen siblings to couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang turned their onscreen romance into real life love affair. Kate Pang used to have phobia for marriage due to her past trauma. How did Andie Chen win her over and help her overcome this fear? The happily married couple also shares some of their quirky parenting tips. 陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨这对演艺夫妻档,从兄妹演到情侣,戏假情真,最终开花结果,但蕾馨却对婚姻毫无安全感,到底是什么经历,让她心灵受创?对于育儿理念,他们的观点也相当另类,让人刮目相看。
From onscreen siblings to couple, Andie Chen & Kate Pang turned their onscreen romance into real life love affair. Kate Pang used to have phobia for marriage due to her past trauma. How did Andie Chen win her over and help her overcome this fear? The happily married couple also shares some of their quirky parenting tips. 陈邦鋆和庞蕾馨这对演艺夫妻档,从兄妹演到情侣,戏假情真,最终开花结果,但蕾馨却对婚姻毫无安全感,到底是什么经历,让她心灵受创?对于育儿理念,他们的观点也相当另类,让人刮目相看。
Despite disapproval from his father, Jaspers Lai aspires to be a celebrity since young. He was a trainee in a local entertainment company for five years. What were the pains during his trainee journey? After struggling for years, Jaspers' career took a new turn with his first ever script for movie, "Number 1". 从小发明星梦的赖宇涵,不顾父亲反对,坚决闯星途,还受过5年演艺培训,这段培训过程,到底有多艰辛?浮沉多年的他,又是如何误打误撞当上电影<男儿王>编剧,迎来事业的春天?
Despite disapproval from his father, Jaspers Lai aspires to be a celebrity since young. He was a trainee in a local entertainment company for five years. What were the pains during his trainee journey? After struggling for years, Jaspers' career took a new turn with his first ever script for movie, "Number 1". 从小发明星梦的赖宇涵,不顾父亲反对,坚决闯星途,还受过5年演艺培训,这段培训过程,到底有多艰辛?浮沉多年的他,又是如何误打误撞当上电影<男儿王>编剧,迎来事业的春天?
Jeremy Chan's unfortunate elimination in Project SuperStar was a silver lining that set out his career in hosting and acting. Known for his humour and wit, the comedian wins the heart of statuesque beauty, Jesseca Liu. How does the couple keep their relationship strong and happy after marriage? Looking back, what is his biggest regret in life?
Jeremy Chan's unfortunate elimination in Project SuperStar was a silver lining that set out his career in hosting and acting. Known for his humour and wit, the comedian wins the heart of statuesque beauty, Jesseca Liu. How does the couple keep their relationship strong and happy after marriage? Looking back, what is his biggest regret in life?
Liu Ling Ling is one of the top hosts in the local Getai scene. Little did we know that she hated performing at the start! Under her father's stringent training, Ling Ling started performing as a child to support her family. Was it pure luck or true grit that she became one of Getai's most sought after hosts at a young age? 纵横歌台多年的歌台一姐刘玲玲,从小家境贫困,经父亲严厉栽培,她年幼就登台表演,赚钱养家,但她内心世界可有谁了解?从跑台歌星到歌台主持,是天时地利吗?父亲的教诲,为何会让她毕生难忘?
Liu Ling Ling is one of the top hosts in the local Getai scene. Little did we know that she hated performing at the start! Under her father's stringent training, Ling Ling started performing as a child to support her family. Was it pure luck or true grit that she became one of Getai's most sought after hosts at a young age? 纵横歌台多年的歌台一姐刘玲玲,从小家境贫困,经父亲严厉栽培,她年幼就登台表演,赚钱养家,但她内心世界可有谁了解?从跑台歌星到歌台主持,是天时地利吗?父亲的教诲,为何会让她毕生难忘?
Getai veteran Liu Ling Ling thought her blissful marriage would be her ticket to leave the industry. But her husband's business debts caused them to be separated on different shores for many years. Why didn't Ling Ling give up her dream of being a mother despite a pregnancy journey fraught with difficulties? Looking back, what has she realised about her life so far? 贵为歌台一姐的刘玲玲,曾经千方百计想脱离歌台,婚后两夫妻虽恩爱,却因债务分隔两地,而她的求子之路,也波折重重,高龄产妇不易当,她为何坚持不放弃?回首过往,她对人生
Getai veteran Liu Ling Ling thought her blissful marriage would be her ticket to leave the industry. But her husband's business debts caused them to be separated on different shores for many years. Why didn't Ling Ling give up her dream of being a mother despite a pregnancy journey fraught with difficulties? Looking back, what has she realised about her life so far? 贵为歌台一姐的刘玲玲,曾经千方百计想脱离歌台,婚后两夫妻虽恩爱,却因债务分隔两地,而她的求子之路,也波折重重,高龄产妇不易当,她为何坚持不放弃?回首过往,她对人生
Phyllis Quek made a comeback on our screens, looking as good as ever! Behind the glamour is a childhood filled with hardship that is not known to many. Happily married now, does she want anything more for her career? 本地冻龄女星郭妃丽,近日复出拍戏,风采依旧。从小由外婆带大的她,童年的经历令人鼻酸,幸好进入演艺圈的她,找到了目标。曾到海外发展星途的她,到底经历过什么样的挫折?而如今婚姻美满的她,还想再战江湖吗?
Phyllis Quek made a comeback on our screens, looking as good as ever! Behind the glamour is a childhood filled with hardship that is not known to many. Happily married now, does she want anything more for her career? 本地冻龄女星郭妃丽,近日复出拍戏,风采依旧。从小由外婆带大的她,童年的经历令人鼻酸,幸好进入演艺圈的她,找到了目标。曾到海外发展星途的她,到底经历过什么样的挫折?而如今婚姻美满的她,还想再战江湖吗?
Leon Jay Willams found instant fame in his very first Taiwanese idol drama but was it fate or fluke? The filial son and dedicated father moved back to Singapore despite a successful career overseas, is this retirement for Leon? 凭台湾偶像剧<天国的嫁衣>一炮而红的本地艺人立威廉,他的演艺之路能成功,靠的是天时地利人和,还是其它因素?在海外奋斗多年的他,为何会选择回国当二十四孝父亲及陪伴母亲?他会就此淡出娱乐圈,还是另有打算?
Leon Jay Willams found instant fame in his very first Taiwanese idol drama but was it fate or fluke? The filial son and dedicated father moved back to Singapore despite a successful career overseas, is this retirement for Leon? 凭台湾偶像剧<天国的嫁衣>一炮而红的本地艺人立威廉,他的演艺之路能成功,靠的是天时地利人和,还是其它因素?在海外奋斗多年的他,为何会选择回国当二十四孝父亲及陪伴母亲?他会就此淡出娱乐圈,还是另有打算?
In her 7 years as a KPOP idol, Tasha Low went through a series of ups and downs. Coming from a famed family of ballroom dancers, how did she make her debut in former KPOP group, Skarf? 曾是韩国女团Skarf队长的Tasha刘怡伶,出身自国标舞世家,从小习舞的她,为何会远赴韩国追逐明星梦?当练习生的那七年半,她又经历了哪些不为人知的魔鬼式训练?
In her 7 years as a KPOP idol, Tasha Low went through a series of ups and downs. Coming from a famed family of ballroom dancers, how did she make her debut in former KPOP group, Skarf? 曾是韩国女团Skarf队长的Tasha刘怡伶,出身自国标舞世家,从小习舞的她,为何会远赴韩国追逐明星梦?当练习生的那七年半,她又经历了哪些不为人知的魔鬼式训练?
Ex-KPOP idol, Tasha Low, struggled for seven years, attempting to achieve her dream of being a successful singer in Korea. Yet, it only took one incident for her to give everything up and return home. 韩流当道,身为前女团成员的Tasha,青春貌美,唱跳俱佳,为何却出师不利、接二连三遭遇挫折?离乡背井的她,这些年来,是如何在异乡求存?之后又是发生什么事,才让她愿意放下一切,回来本地发展?
Ex-KPOP idol, Tasha Low, struggled for seven years, attempting to achieve her dream of being a successful singer in Korea. Yet, it only took one incident for her to give everything up and return home. 韩流当道,身为前女团成员的Tasha,青春貌美,唱跳俱佳,为何却出师不利、接二连三遭遇挫折?离乡背井的她,这些年来,是如何在异乡求存?之后又是发生什么事,才让她愿意放下一切,回来本地发展?
Take a walk down memory lane as Wang Yu Qing talks about being Singapore's first idol after his role in the well-received drama, "The Flying Fish". What were the struggles of the actors during the early years of drama production and Wang Yu Qing with his boy-next-door image? 本集是回忆杀,嘉宾是本地第一代青春偶像王昱清,他的经典作品<小飞鱼>在80年代红遍狮城,每逢出席宣传活动,影迷都挤爆现场。回首演艺道路,有苦有乐,当红时期的他,为何一直演好人角色,没办法突破自己呢?
Take a walk down memory lane as Wang Yu Qing talks about being Singapore's first idol after his role in the well-received drama, "The Flying Fish". What were the struggles of the actors during the early years of drama production and Wang Yu Qing with his boy-next-door image? 本集是回忆杀,嘉宾是本地第一代青春偶像王昱清,他的经典作品<小飞鱼>在80年代红遍狮城,每逢出席宣传活动,影迷都挤爆现场。回首演艺道路,有苦有乐,当红时期的他,为何一直演好人角色,没办法突破自己呢?
Wang Yu Qing has his share of regrets even as he proves his acting chops with forty years of extensive experience. However, he made more headlines with his love life. He opens up for the first time and shares his thoughts on his romance. 王昱清从当年的青春偶像,到如今的演技派艺人,从影40年,热爱演戏的他,可曾有什么遗憾?而他的感情世界,一直都让外界很关注,到底他对演艺事业和爱情观,有什么看法呢?他将坦然地与大家分享。
Wang Yu Qing has his share of regrets even as he proves his acting chops with forty years of extensive experience. However, he made more headlines with his love life. He opens up for the first time and shares his thoughts on his romance. 王昱清从当年的青春偶像,到如今的演技派艺人,从影40年,热爱演戏的他,可曾有什么遗憾?而他的感情世界,一直都让外界很关注,到底他对演艺事业和爱情观,有什么看法呢?他将坦然地与大家分享。
Desmond Ng was the relatively unknown challenger among industry bigwigs, Ke Le had an unstable voice. How did they overcome the criticism while competing in Getai Challenge to become the latest hosting combo today? 本集嘉宾是黄振隆和阳光可乐,两人都是歌台歌手,参加“歌台星力量”后转战电视圈,虽然比赛期间,他们都承受许多压力和挑战,但追梦无悔,被批五音不全的可乐、跟一夜成名的振隆,都勇于分享他们的心路历程。
Desmond Ng was the relatively unknown challenger among industry bigwigs, Ke Le had an unstable voice. How did they overcome the criticism while competing in Getai Challenge to become the latest hosting combo today? 本集嘉宾是黄振隆和阳光可乐,两人都是歌台歌手,参加“歌台星力量”后转战电视圈,虽然比赛期间,他们都承受许多压力和挑战,但追梦无悔,被批五音不全的可乐、跟一夜成名的振隆,都勇于分享他们的心路历程。
Desmond Ng and Ke Le had difficulties adjusting as TV hosts after making the jump from getai singers. Facing inadequacies both in work and private lives, they share how they strive to fulfill their dreams. 振隆与可乐,初入行当主持,到底经历过什么样磨练?可曾想过要打退堂鼓?两人出道当歌手,经历各不相同,有欢笑也有泪水,难得他们都能坦然面对过往的情伤与缺憾,继续为梦想奋斗。
Desmond Ng and Ke Le had difficulties adjusting as TV hosts after making the jump from getai singers. Facing inadequacies both in work and private lives, they share how they strive to fulfill their dreams. 振隆与可乐,初入行当主持,到底经历过什么样磨练?可曾想过要打退堂鼓?两人出道当歌手,经历各不相同,有欢笑也有泪水,难得他们都能坦然面对过往的情伤与缺憾,继续为梦想奋斗。
The guest for this season's finale is none other than our host, Quan Yi Fong. No stranger to controversy, Yi Fong shares her insecurities from her days as a newbie to her plastic surgery and her marriage. 本集请来郭亮坐上主持人位子,访问怡凤。听听这位得奖无数的名嘴,述说这些年来她经历的大小事件,从年轻时的感情、婚姻问题到近期的整容话题,这位当事人真正的心声和想法是什么呢?
The guest for this season's finale is none other than our host, Quan Yi Fong. No stranger to controversy, Yi Fong shares her insecurities from her days as a newbie to her plastic surgery and her marriage. 本集请来郭亮坐上主持人位子,访问怡凤。听听这位得奖无数的名嘴,述说这些年来她经历的大小事件,从年轻时的感情、婚姻问题到近期的整容话题,这位当事人真正的心声和想法是什么呢?
Guo Liang takes over the reins as host for this season finale as Yi Fong confesses her determination to be the top host and her battle with depression. She shares how her fierce reputation often precedes her but she is actually a very approachable person! 本系列的完结篇,权怡凤在最佳搭档郭亮的面前,坦承她对事业的好胜心、如何与抑郁症抗战多年,以及所面对的新生活。让大家不单看见她强悍一面,也心疼她不顺遂的人生经历,她的感言也为节目画上完美的句点。
Guo Liang takes over the reins as host for this season finale as Yi Fong confesses her determination to be the top host and her battle with depression. She shares how her fierce reputation often precedes her but she is actually a very approachable person! 本系列的完结篇,权怡凤在最佳搭档郭亮的面前,坦承她对事业的好胜心、如何与抑郁症抗战多年,以及所面对的新生活。让大家不单看见她强悍一面,也心疼她不顺遂的人生经历,她的感言也为节目画上完美的句点。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2022 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 4 |