Eat Already?


A cooking competition is happening at a Community Centre. Amongst the participants is Ah Bee, who wins the competition. Ah Bee starts his thank-you speech by recounting his past; how he was contemplating suicide just a mere few months ago. Ah Niu Sao finds Ah Bee sleeping, and not fulfilling his promise to bring his brother Ah Qiang to the Enabling Village. She has no choice but to do it herself. She receives a call from her boss, who threatens to fire her if she doesn’t report to work. Ah Niu Sao goes to work but faints. 大巴窑西区的民众联络所举办了一场厨艺大赛。胜出者就是Ah Bee。他发表感言时,表示他站在这么多人的面前,觉得很荣幸。几个月前,他也是站在很多人的面前,然而那一次却是觉得生不如死,站在天台上,准备跳楼。 时间倒退回到十个月前,Ah Bee不守承诺,没有送阿强去Enabling Village参观。阿牛嫂只好自己送阿强去,可是她的老板要她马上回去开工,不然就扣薪水。阿牛嫂匆匆来到咖啡店,开工不久,就晕过去了。

Ever had such high hopes for your future, only to be stung by disappointment? Ever wished you could turn back time and right your wrongs? The 4th season of Eat Already? explores the ups and downs that we face in life, how they spice up our everyday, and make us more resilient and ready for tomorrow's challenges.你是否对未来曾抱着很大的期望,但最终却败给了残酷现实?你是否也曾因一时糊涂犯了错,而恨不得时光能倒流,好让你重来一次?《吃饱没?》第四系列将探讨我们生活中的酸甜苦辣,带领观众一同尝尽人生百味,并在一次次摔倒后越挫越勇,收起眼泪擦干汗水,为明天继续打拼! 阿米(黄俊雄)走出厨房开创新事业,却走不出过去的阴影,新来报到却又似曾相识的神秘助手Ah Tan(刘谦益)会不会是那个拉他一把的人?单亲妈妈瑞云(林慧玲)不仅得面对性格躁动的老爸汉杰(朱厚任),还要应付成天焦虑不安的妈妈金凤(林茹萍)和顽皮捣蛋的儿子Ol i ver 。在这种家庭关系紧张的环境下,要兼顾工作和家庭的她,会怎样撑过去呢?

Ep 1 Blast Back to the Past
24 mins

In the year 2048, a geomagnetic storm transports Ah Tan thirty years back into the past, where he comes face to face with his younger self — Ah Bee. Realising that this is his chance to change his destiny, he resolves to help the young Ah Bee find love. Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Choo’s daughter Swee Hoon returns from Australia with her son Oliver...Ah Tan在2048年的一场磁暴中穿越时空,回到30年前,遇到了年轻时的自己——Ah Bee。他意识到这将会是他改写命运的机会,决心要帮Ah Bee牵起姻缘的红线。同时,朱夫妇的女儿瑞云带着儿子。。。

Ep 1 Blast Back to the Past

In the year 2048, a geomagnetic storm transports Ah Tan thirty years back into the past, where he comes face to face with his younger self — Ah Bee. Realising that this is his chance to change his destiny, he resolves to help the young Ah Bee find love. Meanwhile, Mr and Mrs Choo’s daughter Swee Hoon returns from Australia with her son Oliver...Ah Tan在2048年的一场磁暴中穿越时空,回到30年前,遇到了年轻时的自己——Ah Bee。他意识到这将会是他改写命运的机会,决心要帮Ah Bee牵起姻缘的红线。同时,朱夫妇的女儿瑞云带着儿子。。。

Ep 2 The Dating Game
24 mins

Swee Hoon shows up for her first day of work at the farm, where Ah Bee is struggling to adjust to Ah Tan’s methods of running its operations. Ah Bee sits through a series of interviews that were arranged by Ah Tan to find him a “secretary". Meanwhile, Swee Hoon goes on a few blind dates to placate her mother. On the eve of Chinese New Year, Ah Bee invites Ah Tan for reunion dinner...瑞云第一天到农场开工报到。Ah Bee则为了要适应Ah Tan的经营方式而感到很吃力。Ah Bee在Ah Tan的安排下。。。

Ep 2 The Dating Game

Swee Hoon shows up for her first day of work at the farm, where Ah Bee is struggling to adjust to Ah Tan’s methods of running its operations. Ah Bee sits through a series of interviews that were arranged by Ah Tan to find him a “secretary". Meanwhile, Swee Hoon goes on a few blind dates to placate her mother. On the eve of Chinese New Year, Ah Bee invites Ah Tan for reunion dinner...瑞云第一天到农场开工报到。Ah Bee则为了要适应Ah Tan的经营方式而感到很吃力。Ah Bee在Ah Tan的安排下。。。

Ep 3 A Leopard’s Spots
24 mins

As production ramps up at the farm, tension grows under Ah Tan’s supervision. Oliver attends his first Mandarin class and gets laughed at by his classmates. Mrs Choo bumps into Ah Soon at a booth promoting Digital Inclusiveness, and he encourages her to embrace technology. While doing her shopping, she catches Oliver gallivanting at the mall...随着农场产量的持续增加,工作气氛也因为Ah Tan的监督而变得更紧张。Oliver第一次上华语课,竟被同学取笑。朱太太在推广数码展位遇到阿顺,对方鼓励她多接触新科技。朱太太购物时,无意中发现在商场。。。

Ep 3 A Leopard’s Spots

As production ramps up at the farm, tension grows under Ah Tan’s supervision. Oliver attends his first Mandarin class and gets laughed at by his classmates. Mrs Choo bumps into Ah Soon at a booth promoting Digital Inclusiveness, and he encourages her to embrace technology. While doing her shopping, she catches Oliver gallivanting at the mall...随着农场产量的持续增加,工作气氛也因为Ah Tan的监督而变得更紧张。Oliver第一次上华语课,竟被同学取笑。朱太太在推广数码展位遇到阿顺,对方鼓励她多接触新科技。朱太太购物时,无意中发现在商场。。。

Ep 4 The Monster Reawakens
24 mins

Ah Tan gives Ah Bee a credit card, despite his adamant objections. They arrive at the farm to find Cheryl and the girls from the night before. Swee Hoon is tasked to drive them to breakfast, but ends up dropping the girls off at an underground casino. Meanwhile, Oliver tries to sneak out of school again but gets caught by the Choos...Ah Tan不理会Ah Bee的抗议,坚持要给他信用卡。Ah Bee来到农场,发现前一晚遇见的一班女生在农场等候。瑞云原本被吩咐开车送他们去吃早餐,结果却阴差阳错地来到地下赌档。同时,Oliver再次企图溜出学校。。。

Ep 4 The Monster Reawakens

Ah Tan gives Ah Bee a credit card, despite his adamant objections. They arrive at the farm to find Cheryl and the girls from the night before. Swee Hoon is tasked to drive them to breakfast, but ends up dropping the girls off at an underground casino. Meanwhile, Oliver tries to sneak out of school again but gets caught by the Choos...Ah Tan不理会Ah Bee的抗议,坚持要给他信用卡。Ah Bee来到农场,发现前一晚遇见的一班女生在农场等候。瑞云原本被吩咐开车送他们去吃早餐,结果却阴差阳错地来到地下赌档。同时,Oliver再次企图溜出学校。。。

Ep 5 Madness Reigns
23 mins

Swee Hoon sends a drunk Ah Bee home from the underground casino at an unearthly hour. Ah Tan is aghast that he has fallen back into gambling. Meanwhile, the Choos catch Swee Hoon sneaking back in the middle of the night and accuse her of going out with unsavoury men. The next day, Ah Tan implores Swee Hoon to ferry Ah Bee around on his date with Cheryl, and to keep an eye on them...瑞云天还未亮就到地下赌档载喝醉的Ah Bee回家。Ah Tan得知Ah Bee再次染上赌瘾,感到十分错愕。同时,朱夫妇半夜撞见。。

Ep 5 Madness Reigns

Swee Hoon sends a drunk Ah Bee home from the underground casino at an unearthly hour. Ah Tan is aghast that he has fallen back into gambling. Meanwhile, the Choos catch Swee Hoon sneaking back in the middle of the night and accuse her of going out with unsavoury men. The next day, Ah Tan implores Swee Hoon to ferry Ah Bee around on his date with Cheryl, and to keep an eye on them...瑞云天还未亮就到地下赌档载喝醉的Ah Bee回家。Ah Tan得知Ah Bee再次染上赌瘾,感到十分错愕。同时,朱夫妇半夜撞见。。

Ep 6 Falling Out
24 mins

Mr Choo interrogates Oliver about Ah Tan over breakfast. Ah Tan tries to hand control of the farm back to the disengaged Ah Bee, who rejects him. The Yuans arrive at the farm with Ah Soon and other friends. Uncle Yuan narrowly misses a fatal injury after a rude encounter with Ah Bee. Back in school, Oliver teaches his classmates how to gamble..朱先生在吃早餐时频问Oliver关于Ah Tan的细节。Ah Tan想要将农场交给游手好闲的Ah Bee打理却被拒。圆叔圆嫂和阿顺等一班朋友到农场参观时,碰到了鲁莽的Ah Bee,还险些酿成悲剧。。。

Ep 6 Falling Out

Mr Choo interrogates Oliver about Ah Tan over breakfast. Ah Tan tries to hand control of the farm back to the disengaged Ah Bee, who rejects him. The Yuans arrive at the farm with Ah Soon and other friends. Uncle Yuan narrowly misses a fatal injury after a rude encounter with Ah Bee. Back in school, Oliver teaches his classmates how to gamble..朱先生在吃早餐时频问Oliver关于Ah Tan的细节。Ah Tan想要将农场交给游手好闲的Ah Bee打理却被拒。圆叔圆嫂和阿顺等一班朋友到农场参观时,碰到了鲁莽的Ah Bee,还险些酿成悲剧。。。

Ep 7 Lost and Found
24 mins

Ah Bee is in a depressed funk, sleeping and drinking heavily. Swee Hoon meets Wee Keat and requests to resign. That night, Ah Bee looks for Cheryl at the bar to beg her for money, and is greeted with ridicule. After being referred to as a 'fat lady', Aunty Lucy joins her friend at an ActiveSG fitness programme. While in the midst of a series of job interviews, Swee Hoon receives a call that Oliver has been caught gambling in school.

Ep 7 Lost and Found

Ah Bee is in a depressed funk, sleeping and drinking heavily. Swee Hoon meets Wee Keat and requests to resign. That night, Ah Bee looks for Cheryl at the bar to beg her for money, and is greeted with ridicule. After being referred to as a 'fat lady', Aunty Lucy joins her friend at an ActiveSG fitness programme. While in the midst of a series of job interviews, Swee Hoon receives a call that Oliver has been caught gambling in school.

Ep 8 The Clock Ticks
24 mins

Aunty Yuan almost falls into a drain, and Uncle Yuan panics. Thankfully, Aunty Lucy rushes to their aid, and offers some handy tips. Broke and hungry, Ah Bee returns to the farm to look for food. Swee Hoon is disappointed by his lacklustre attitude. Meanwhile, Mr Choo begins his investigation into Ah Tan's true identity. A lawyer arrives at the farm to deliver some good news...圆嫂险些失足跌入水沟,圆叔感到惊慌失措。幸好Aunty Lucy赶紧施予援手,还给两老许多宝贵贴士。身无分文的Ah Bee回到农场找食物。。

Ep 8 The Clock Ticks

Aunty Yuan almost falls into a drain, and Uncle Yuan panics. Thankfully, Aunty Lucy rushes to their aid, and offers some handy tips. Broke and hungry, Ah Bee returns to the farm to look for food. Swee Hoon is disappointed by his lacklustre attitude. Meanwhile, Mr Choo begins his investigation into Ah Tan's true identity. A lawyer arrives at the farm to deliver some good news...圆嫂险些失足跌入水沟,圆叔感到惊慌失措。幸好Aunty Lucy赶紧施予援手,还给两老许多宝贵贴士。身无分文的Ah Bee回到农场找食物。。

Ep 9 Reunited
23 mins

Ah Bee gathers everyone at the farm to apologise for his past misdeeds, and promises to turn over a new leaf. He shares his plans for the farm, and everybody works together to make it happen. Over lunch with the Yuans, Ah Soon shares some investment tips. Back at the farm, Ah Bee bonds with Oliver and Swee Hoon. Meanwhile, Mr Choo meets with his informant to learn about Ah Tan's true identity...Ah Bee召集所有人到农场,为自己过去的所作所为忏悔,并保证会改过自新。他向众人分享他的农场计划。。。

Ep 9 Reunited

Ah Bee gathers everyone at the farm to apologise for his past misdeeds, and promises to turn over a new leaf. He shares his plans for the farm, and everybody works together to make it happen. Over lunch with the Yuans, Ah Soon shares some investment tips. Back at the farm, Ah Bee bonds with Oliver and Swee Hoon. Meanwhile, Mr Choo meets with his informant to learn about Ah Tan's true identity...Ah Bee召集所有人到农场,为自己过去的所作所为忏悔,并保证会改过自新。他向众人分享他的农场计划。。。

Ep 10 Back To The Future
24 mins

Ah Bee is excited for his date with Swee Hoon, and Ah Tan is beyond overjoyed. Meanwhile, Swee Hoon gets ready for the big night, with some help from Oliver and Mrs Choo. On his way to the date, Ah Bee runs into Cheryl, who bids him a tearful farewell. Swee Hoon witnesses their warm embrace, and leaves in a huff. Back home, she packs for a flight back to Australia with Oliver, leaving Mr and Mrs Choo in dismay. Ah Bee arrives just moments ...

Ep 10 Back To The Future

Ah Bee is excited for his date with Swee Hoon, and Ah Tan is beyond overjoyed. Meanwhile, Swee Hoon gets ready for the big night, with some help from Oliver and Mrs Choo. On his way to the date, Ah Bee runs into Cheryl, who bids him a tearful farewell. Swee Hoon witnesses their warm embrace, and leaves in a huff. Back home, she packs for a flight back to Australia with Oliver, leaving Mr and Mrs Choo in dismay. Ah Bee arrives just moments ...

Additional Information

Genresdrama, entertainment
Parental guidance advised for young children