

四十年代,’喜记’是本地家喻户晓的传统潮州饼店,尤其是它们制作的中秋饼更是闻名遐迩。’喜记’的老板连学庚育有独子连文鼎,在制饼方面有着极高的天分。文鼎与卖唱女林小梅情投意合,让父亲得知,千方百计阻止两人来往,还安排了他和富商的女儿孙秀兰成亲。碍于父亲的威严和传统的束缚,文鼎无奈接受安排,而实际上秀兰确实是个好妻子、好媳妇,使得文鼎认为父亲当初的选择是正确的。 In the 1940s, ‘Xiji’ was a famous traditional Teochew traditional pastry shop in Singapore. Their mooncakes are particularly renowned. Lian Xuegeng, the boss of ‘Xiji’, has an only son Lian Wending who is very talented in baking pastry. Wending shares a bond with Lin Xiaomei, a travelling songstress. When his father finds out about it, he tries all means to stop them from seeing each other and even arranges for Wending to marry a rich merchant’s daughter, Sun Xiulan. Strangled by his father’s authority and bound by tradition, Wending accepts the arrangement helplessly. Xiulan is, in fact, a good wife and daughter-in-law, leading Wending to acknowledge that his father’s choice is right.

Xi Ji is now a popular traditional bakery well-loved by its customers, after Lian Da Xi’s (Chen Han Wei) grandfather, Lian Wen Ding, accidentally time-traveled to modern times to salvage the bakery’s reputation. But Xi Ji is now met with yet another crisis, and in his haste to save the family business, Da Xi accidentally falls into a pool and unexpectedly time-traveled back to 1918! Back in time, Da Xi meets Chun Xian (Rebecca Lim) and encourages her to escape an arranged marriage, unaware that she is meant to marry his great-grandfather Xue Geng (Shaun Chen). The unsuccessful union threw the Lians into a financial crisis, and Da Xi unknowingly piqued Xue Geng and roommate Sai Ding’s (Zhang Yao Dong) interest in biscuit-making. The trio started Xi Ji. Da Xi tries to match-make Chun Xian and Xue Geng and returns to the future thinking he has settled all the problems. To his horror, he discovers his great-grandmother is not Chun Xian but Jue Hui (Paige Chua). Will another trip back in time turn the tide around or further jeopardise the future? 延续上一系列的剧情,自从连大喜(陈汉玮)的爷爷连文鼎穿梭到现代挽救生意后,喜记的生意渐渐有起色。三年后的喜记仍然门庭若市,店里忙得不可开交。可是喜记又出现了经营上的问题! 大喜为了挽救局面,一个不小心跌入游泳池里,穿梭到了1918年! 大喜与一位叫陈春仙(林慧玲)的女子邂逅,之后鼓励她逃出父母安排的婚姻,追求自己的幸福。因为结不成婚,陈春仙的未婚夫,也就是大喜的曾祖父连学庚(陈泓宇)的家族也陷入了经济危机,大家都在想办法赚钱。大喜无意间引起了学庚和他好友刘赛鼎(张耀栋)对做饼的好奇心。他们三人就这样开创了“喜记”饼店。 大喜尝试凑合春仙与学庚,以为一切都圆满解决,想要功成身退,他就巧妙地穿梭回2018年。岂料大喜竟发现他的曾祖母原来并不是春仙,而是大杂院房东的女儿郑觉慧(蔡琦慧)。同时,2018年的喜记频频出现了问题,甚至面临倒闭的危机。再次穿梭回到1918年的大喜身负重任,必须让历史回归正路,才可以保住连家后代。他会不会成功改变历史,拯救连家呢?

Ep 1
46 mins

Following the story of the previous series, "Xi Ji" is still well-loved and supported by its customers even after three years. Da Xi and Shuang Xi are struggling with the lack of manpower. Thus, they hire Liu Qing Shan to help them. Qing Shan is diligent, humorous and easy going. Hence, Meng Yong decides to impart his life-long experience and skills to him. "Xi Ji" receives a large order, however, as Meng Yong and Qing Shan are injured...

Ep 1

Following the story of the previous series, "Xi Ji" is still well-loved and supported by its customers even after three years. Da Xi and Shuang Xi are struggling with the lack of manpower. Thus, they hire Liu Qing Shan to help them. Qing Shan is diligent, humorous and easy going. Hence, Meng Yong decides to impart his life-long experience and skills to him. "Xi Ji" receives a large order, however, as Meng Yong and Qing Shan are injured...

Ep 2
46 mins

Da Xi is saved by a lady, Chun Xian. Chun Xian reveals she is an unwilling party to an arranged marriage, Da Xi encourages her to stand up for herself and pursue her own happiness. Chun Xian decides to heed Da Xi's words and run away. Unexpectedly, Da Xi realises the groom is his great grandfather, Lian Xue Geng. Assuming Chun Xian to be his great grandmother, Da Xi regrets ruining their fated marriage and decides to change things...

Ep 2

Da Xi is saved by a lady, Chun Xian. Chun Xian reveals she is an unwilling party to an arranged marriage, Da Xi encourages her to stand up for herself and pursue her own happiness. Chun Xian decides to heed Da Xi's words and run away. Unexpectedly, Da Xi realises the groom is his great grandfather, Lian Xue Geng. Assuming Chun Xian to be his great grandmother, Da Xi regrets ruining their fated marriage and decides to change things...

Ep 3
46 mins

Xue Geng's father passes away and his family goes bankrupt. Fortunately, Xue Geng's good friend Sai Ding decides to take him in. Hence, Xue Geng and Da Xi moves in. Sai Ding's sister, Sai Wen, likes Xue Geng and takes care of him. Chun Xian, who has severed all ties with her father, becomes a Samsui woman. One day, Xue Geng bumps into Chun Xian and humiliates her. The two fall into a conflict and their relationship with one another worsens...

Ep 3

Xue Geng's father passes away and his family goes bankrupt. Fortunately, Xue Geng's good friend Sai Ding decides to take him in. Hence, Xue Geng and Da Xi moves in. Sai Ding's sister, Sai Wen, likes Xue Geng and takes care of him. Chun Xian, who has severed all ties with her father, becomes a Samsui woman. One day, Xue Geng bumps into Chun Xian and humiliates her. The two fall into a conflict and their relationship with one another worsens...

Ep 4
46 mins

Da Xi tries to get Xue Geng and Chun Xian to reconcile, and arranges for them to watch a wooden puppet show together. However, this results in worsening their relationship with one another. Da Xi feels his body weakening and starts to suspect he is disappearing due to Xue Geng and Chun Xian drifting further apart and history being altered. 大喜欲撮合学庚和春仙,约两人去看木偶戏,却弄巧反拙,导致两人不欢而散。大喜感到身体不适,开始疑神疑鬼,怀疑是因为学庚和春仙的姻缘渐行渐远所导致,担心自己会消失。

Ep 4

Da Xi tries to get Xue Geng and Chun Xian to reconcile, and arranges for them to watch a wooden puppet show together. However, this results in worsening their relationship with one another. Da Xi feels his body weakening and starts to suspect he is disappearing due to Xue Geng and Chun Xian drifting further apart and history being altered. 大喜欲撮合学庚和春仙,约两人去看木偶戏,却弄巧反拙,导致两人不欢而散。大喜感到身体不适,开始疑神疑鬼,怀疑是因为学庚和春仙的姻缘渐行渐远所导致,担心自己会消失。

Ep 5
46 mins

Chun Xian moves into the big house, making friends with Sai Wen and the landlord's daughter, Jue Hui. However, she still doesn't see eye to eye with Xue Geng. Sai Ding has a crush on Jue Hui, but Jue Hui likes a wealthier man, Russell. Xue Geng helps Sai Wen sell biscuits. When a customer is making things difficult for Sai Wen, he defends her and even self-proclaims himself as her "lover". Sai Wen hears this and is overjoyed...

Ep 5

Chun Xian moves into the big house, making friends with Sai Wen and the landlord's daughter, Jue Hui. However, she still doesn't see eye to eye with Xue Geng. Sai Ding has a crush on Jue Hui, but Jue Hui likes a wealthier man, Russell. Xue Geng helps Sai Wen sell biscuits. When a customer is making things difficult for Sai Wen, he defends her and even self-proclaims himself as her "lover". Sai Wen hears this and is overjoyed...

Ep 6
46 mins

Sai Ding saves Jue Hui when Russell is harassing her. Sai Ding then confesses to Jue Hui, and both of them started dating. Meanwhile, Sai Wen is so in love with Xue Geng that she sells the gold bracelet that her mother had left for her to buy a watch to give it to Xue Geng. However, Xue Geng rejects it and tells Sai Wen that he only treats her as a younger sister, Sai Wen's heart sinks.Russell对觉慧使暴力,幸被赛鼎所救。赛鼎追求觉慧,两人开始走在一起。赛文对学庚痴心一片,典当了母亲留给她的金手镯。。

Ep 6

Sai Ding saves Jue Hui when Russell is harassing her. Sai Ding then confesses to Jue Hui, and both of them started dating. Meanwhile, Sai Wen is so in love with Xue Geng that she sells the gold bracelet that her mother had left for her to buy a watch to give it to Xue Geng. However, Xue Geng rejects it and tells Sai Wen that he only treats her as a younger sister, Sai Wen's heart sinks.Russell对觉慧使暴力,幸被赛鼎所救。赛鼎追求觉慧,两人开始走在一起。赛文对学庚痴心一片,典当了母亲留给她的金手镯。。

Ep 7
46 mins

Da Xi could not find any jobs, he decides to sell red bean cakes and invites Xue Geng to join him. However, Xue Geng says they do not have the capital to do so. Upon hearing their conversation, Sai Ding is willing to invest in their business. When everyone is discussing happily, the police come and say that someone reported that the cream Sai Ding is selling is fake and want him to follow them to the police station for further investigation...

Ep 7

Da Xi could not find any jobs, he decides to sell red bean cakes and invites Xue Geng to join him. However, Xue Geng says they do not have the capital to do so. Upon hearing their conversation, Sai Ding is willing to invest in their business. When everyone is discussing happily, the police come and say that someone reported that the cream Sai Ding is selling is fake and want him to follow them to the police station for further investigation...

Ep 8
46 mins

Sai Ding feels worried when he finds out that Sai Wen is still not over Xue Geng. He accidentally discovers that one of Sai Wen's loyal customer, Zhang Dong Liang, is interested in her and decides to match-make the both of them. Because of his injured hand, Da Xi could not make the cake. He asks Xue Geng to work for him. In the process of it, Xue Geng discovers his talent in making cakes.赛鼎发现赛文对学庚余情未了,暗感担心。他无意间发现赛文的一个常客张栋梁对赛文有意,打算撮合两人。。。

Ep 8

Sai Ding feels worried when he finds out that Sai Wen is still not over Xue Geng. He accidentally discovers that one of Sai Wen's loyal customer, Zhang Dong Liang, is interested in her and decides to match-make the both of them. Because of his injured hand, Da Xi could not make the cake. He asks Xue Geng to work for him. In the process of it, Xue Geng discovers his talent in making cakes.赛鼎发现赛文对学庚余情未了,暗感担心。他无意间发现赛文的一个常客张栋梁对赛文有意,打算撮合两人。。。

Ep 9
46 mins

Da Xi is delighted to see that Chunxian is showing more concern towards Xue Geng. Soon, he reveals his true identity to Chunxian, saying that he is the great-grandson of Chunxian in the future. Upon hearing it, Chunxian could not believe it. Da Xi then asks Chunxian to marry Xue Geng; otherwise, their descendants will disappear. Chunxian is unable to accept the fact.大喜见春仙对学庚越来越关心,非常欣慰,终于向春仙透露自己的真实身份,说他是春仙未来的曾孙。春仙难以置信。大喜请求春仙一定要跟学庚成亲...

Ep 9

Da Xi is delighted to see that Chunxian is showing more concern towards Xue Geng. Soon, he reveals his true identity to Chunxian, saying that he is the great-grandson of Chunxian in the future. Upon hearing it, Chunxian could not believe it. Da Xi then asks Chunxian to marry Xue Geng; otherwise, their descendants will disappear. Chunxian is unable to accept the fact.大喜见春仙对学庚越来越关心,非常欣慰,终于向春仙透露自己的真实身份,说他是春仙未来的曾孙。春仙难以置信。大喜请求春仙一定要跟学庚成亲...

Ep 10
46 mins

Xue Geng wants to be Master Tian's apprentice to learn his skills of making cakes, but Master Tian repeatedly rejects him. However, with the help of Chunxian, Xue Geng soon becomes Master Tian's mentee. Xue Geng is grateful and begins to have a good impression on Chunxian. He decides to pursue her. Da Xi is delighted that the two of them finally get together and has completed his tasks. He plans to go back to the future on the full moon night...

Ep 10

Xue Geng wants to be Master Tian's apprentice to learn his skills of making cakes, but Master Tian repeatedly rejects him. However, with the help of Chunxian, Xue Geng soon becomes Master Tian's mentee. Xue Geng is grateful and begins to have a good impression on Chunxian. He decides to pursue her. Da Xi is delighted that the two of them finally get together and has completed his tasks. He plans to go back to the future on the full moon night...

Ep 11
46 mins

Sai Ding found a place for "Xi Ji," and everyone starts to prepare for the new opening. Xue Geng said that without Da Xi's inspiration, there wouldn't be "Xi Ji." Da Xi did not expect that he will be one of the founders for "Xi Ji." "Xi Ji" have its grand opening on the Mid-Autumn festival and business is thriving. Da Xi leaves when everyone is celebrating the success of "Xi Ji." Chun Xian rush to the riverside to bid farewell...

Ep 11

Sai Ding found a place for "Xi Ji," and everyone starts to prepare for the new opening. Xue Geng said that without Da Xi's inspiration, there wouldn't be "Xi Ji." Da Xi did not expect that he will be one of the founders for "Xi Ji." "Xi Ji" have its grand opening on the Mid-Autumn festival and business is thriving. Da Xi leaves when everyone is celebrating the success of "Xi Ji." Chun Xian rush to the riverside to bid farewell...

Ep 12
46 mins

Da Xi returns to the modern world and resolves the crisis faced by "Xi Ji. Ouyang Xuan is successful pregnant with fraternal twins after using the secret prescription Da Xi bought back from the 1918s. Da Xi bumps into Luna coincidentally, Ouyang Xuan feels jealous when Da Xi and Luna are having a good talk. Da Xi explains that Luna is the one who saved him and she looks similar to his great-grandmother, Ouyang Xuan is suspicious...

Ep 12

Da Xi returns to the modern world and resolves the crisis faced by "Xi Ji. Ouyang Xuan is successful pregnant with fraternal twins after using the secret prescription Da Xi bought back from the 1918s. Da Xi bumps into Luna coincidentally, Ouyang Xuan feels jealous when Da Xi and Luna are having a good talk. Da Xi explains that Luna is the one who saved him and she looks similar to his great-grandmother, Ouyang Xuan is suspicious...

Ep 13
46 mins

Da Xi is surprise to find out that his great-grandmother is Jue Hui, not Chun Xian, he worried that the history of Lian's would change. Shuang Xi stepped into the Qing Shan's trap by persuading Meng Yong to set up a factory in Vietnam. The only reason for Qing Shan to endure hardship in the Lian's is to find a chance to take revenge for his grandfather Sai Ding.大喜赫然发现自己的"老嬷"不是春仙而是觉慧,担心连家的历史会因此改写。双喜在青山设计下,成功说服梦勇答应在越南设厂,一步步陷进青山部署的圈套里。。。

Ep 13

Da Xi is surprise to find out that his great-grandmother is Jue Hui, not Chun Xian, he worried that the history of Lian's would change. Shuang Xi stepped into the Qing Shan's trap by persuading Meng Yong to set up a factory in Vietnam. The only reason for Qing Shan to endure hardship in the Lian's is to find a chance to take revenge for his grandfather Sai Ding.大喜赫然发现自己的"老嬷"不是春仙而是觉慧,担心连家的历史会因此改写。双喜在青山设计下,成功说服梦勇答应在越南设厂,一步步陷进青山部署的圈套里。。。

Ep 14
46 mins

Qing Shan plans to make Ouyang Xuan misunderstood Da Xi and even pushed her down from stairs. Not only that, but he also cause "Xi Ji" to be suspended due to food poisoning incidents. This caused a big loss on "Xi Ji" and makes "Xi Ji" on the verge of bankruptcy. Both Da Xi and Shuang Xi went to look for Qing Shan, but Shuang Xi was beaten up by Qing Shan, and he pushed Da Xi down to the swimming pool...

Ep 14

Qing Shan plans to make Ouyang Xuan misunderstood Da Xi and even pushed her down from stairs. Not only that, but he also cause "Xi Ji" to be suspended due to food poisoning incidents. This caused a big loss on "Xi Ji" and makes "Xi Ji" on the verge of bankruptcy. Both Da Xi and Shuang Xi went to look for Qing Shan, but Shuang Xi was beaten up by Qing Shan, and he pushed Da Xi down to the swimming pool...

Ep 15
46 mins

Sai Ding was furious when he discovered that Dong Liang is suffering from venereal disease, he paid someone secretly to expose Dong Liang's prostitution behavior in public. This makes Dong Liang embarrassed, and he fled. Sai Ding even hired gangsters to beat Dong Liang. Jue Hui is disheartened by Sai Ding's vengeful attitude and decided to break up with him. 赛鼎得知栋梁患有花柳病,气愤难平,暗中收买人在大庭广众下揭发他嫖妓的行为,令栋梁颜面尽失,狼狈而逃,赛鼎甚至还进一步收买流氓去殴打他。觉慧得知此事,对赛鼎有仇必报的性格...

Ep 15

Sai Ding was furious when he discovered that Dong Liang is suffering from venereal disease, he paid someone secretly to expose Dong Liang's prostitution behavior in public. This makes Dong Liang embarrassed, and he fled. Sai Ding even hired gangsters to beat Dong Liang. Jue Hui is disheartened by Sai Ding's vengeful attitude and decided to break up with him. 赛鼎得知栋梁患有花柳病,气愤难平,暗中收买人在大庭广众下揭发他嫖妓的行为,令栋梁颜面尽失,狼狈而逃,赛鼎甚至还进一步收买流氓去殴打他。觉慧得知此事,对赛鼎有仇必报的性格...

Ep 16
46 mins

Da Xi and Chun Xian celebrate Bao Zhu's birthday together. When Bao Zhu is making her birthday wish, Da Xi encourages her to pursue her dream bravely, Chun Xian makes a decision after hearing what Da Xi said. She plucks up her courage to confess to Da Xi. Da Xi did not dare to accept it and rejected it gently. Chun Xian is unwilling to give up hope on Da Xi, she decides to win Da Xi's heart, Da Xi is distressed about this...

Ep 16

Da Xi and Chun Xian celebrate Bao Zhu's birthday together. When Bao Zhu is making her birthday wish, Da Xi encourages her to pursue her dream bravely, Chun Xian makes a decision after hearing what Da Xi said. She plucks up her courage to confess to Da Xi. Da Xi did not dare to accept it and rejected it gently. Chun Xian is unwilling to give up hope on Da Xi, she decides to win Da Xi's heart, Da Xi is distressed about this...

Ep 17
46 mins

Chun Xian starts to pursue Da Xi, she took the initiative to buy him new clothes. Da Xi did not appreciate it and rejected her again. Chun Xian advises Jue Hui to grasp her own happiness. Jue Hui schemes so that Xue Geng ends up confessing to her. Xue Geng went to seek approval from Sai Ding before confessing to Jue Hui. Da Xi is happy that both of them are finally together, but Xue Wen feels depressed after seeing them together...

Ep 17

Chun Xian starts to pursue Da Xi, she took the initiative to buy him new clothes. Da Xi did not appreciate it and rejected her again. Chun Xian advises Jue Hui to grasp her own happiness. Jue Hui schemes so that Xue Geng ends up confessing to her. Xue Geng went to seek approval from Sai Ding before confessing to Jue Hui. Da Xi is happy that both of them are finally together, but Xue Wen feels depressed after seeing them together...

Ep 18
46 mins

Xue Geng tried to save Sai Wen when he saw her being bullied. Instead of saving her, both of them are forced to drink aphrodisiac. Under the effect of aphrodisiac, they get into relationship unconsciously. Xue Geng profoundly regrets and wants to be responsible for Sai Wen, but he feels terribly bad to explain this incident to Jue Hui. Sai Wen decided to quit after seeing Xue Geng suffering. She went Malaysia to look for Sai Ding....

Ep 18

Xue Geng tried to save Sai Wen when he saw her being bullied. Instead of saving her, both of them are forced to drink aphrodisiac. Under the effect of aphrodisiac, they get into relationship unconsciously. Xue Geng profoundly regrets and wants to be responsible for Sai Wen, but he feels terribly bad to explain this incident to Jue Hui. Sai Wen decided to quit after seeing Xue Geng suffering. She went Malaysia to look for Sai Ding....

Ep 19
46 mins

As Sai Ding owes loan shark money when opening a new shop in Malaysia, he has no choice but to borrow money from Xue Geng. At the same time, Master Tian is also asking for Xue Geng's help to settle his huge gambling debts. Xue Geng is in a dilemma, after advice from Guo Fuhao and Jue Hui, he decides to help Master Tian first, and this makes Sai Ding split with him. 赛鼎在联邦与人合资开分店,却因为出状况而欠下高利贷,被迫拉下脸向学庚借钱。正好田师傅也因欠下巨额赌债,需要学庚帮助。学庚左右为难,后听取郭富豪与觉慧的建议...

Ep 19

As Sai Ding owes loan shark money when opening a new shop in Malaysia, he has no choice but to borrow money from Xue Geng. At the same time, Master Tian is also asking for Xue Geng's help to settle his huge gambling debts. Xue Geng is in a dilemma, after advice from Guo Fuhao and Jue Hui, he decides to help Master Tian first, and this makes Sai Ding split with him. 赛鼎在联邦与人合资开分店,却因为出状况而欠下高利贷,被迫拉下脸向学庚借钱。正好田师傅也因欠下巨额赌债,需要学庚帮助。学庚左右为难,后听取郭富豪与觉慧的建议...

Ep 20
46 mins

Sai Wen died of dystocia, unfortunately. Xue Geng was shocked when he learned from Chun Xian that the child is his kindred, Jue Hui felt sorry towards what happened to Xue Geng and Sai Wen, and she decided to bring the child up with Xue Geng. Xue Geng named his child "Wen Ding" in memory of Sai Ding and Sai Wen. Da Xi realizes that his grandfather's biological mother was actually Sai Wen...赛文不幸难产而死,学庚从春仙口中得知赛文生下的是自己的骨肉,震惊不已。。。

Ep 20

Sai Wen died of dystocia, unfortunately. Xue Geng was shocked when he learned from Chun Xian that the child is his kindred, Jue Hui felt sorry towards what happened to Xue Geng and Sai Wen, and she decided to bring the child up with Xue Geng. Xue Geng named his child "Wen Ding" in memory of Sai Ding and Sai Wen. Da Xi realizes that his grandfather's biological mother was actually Sai Wen...赛文不幸难产而死,学庚从春仙口中得知赛文生下的是自己的骨肉,震惊不已。。。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children