A Conversation with Minister
The series brings together Ministers and guests of different backgrounds to discuss issues that are close to the heart of Singaporeans. The Minister will also respond to views expressed by the public in street interviews and sent in via WhatsApp messages. Helmed by Radio DJs and News and Current Affairs presenters, "A Conversation with Minster" is also available on our digital platforms and Capital 95.8FM. 这一系列的清谈节目,将邀请多名部长与各行各业的嘉宾讨论民生课题。部长也将在节目中回应通过WhatsApp和街头访问收集的民众反馈。《空中访民情》由电台DJ、新闻和时事节目主持人联手主持。另外,958城市频道和网络平台也将分别广播和上载相关内容。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
This year marks the 10th anniversary of "A Conversation with Minister" series! We take the conversation outdoors with a meticulously decorated caravan placed at various locations in Singapore. Local artiste Joanne Peh unveils the personalities of our ministers through casual chit chat and to walk the ground to gather sentiments from residents. Every Tue from 15 Oct to 19 Nov, 8.30pm Ch8 & mewatch. 走过十年,《空中访民情2024》将出现一辆精心布置的露营车,进驻新加坡各邻里。本地艺人白薇秀通过轻松对谈揭开六位部长鲜为人知的一面,并陪同部长穿街走巷探访民情、倾听民声。新系列从10月15日起,每逢星期二晚上8点30分,通过8频道与mewatch播出。你也可以通过8视界YouTube平台线上观看。
Education Minister Chan Chun Sing visits Changkat Changi Secondary School with host Joanne Peh in this series premiere to find out how teaching and learning have evolved. Students teach Minister Chan on a flight simulator and drone flying, will he accomplish the mission? Also, Minister Chan cooks a special dish for Joanne Peh while reminiscing about his childhood at the program’s iconic caravan. 中学生活大不同!教育部长陈振声和主持人白薇秀来到尚育中学,看看学生如何先学应用再学理念。。。
Education Minister Chan Chun Sing visits Changkat Changi Secondary School with host Joanne Peh in this series premiere to find out how teaching and learning have evolved. Students teach Minister Chan on a flight simulator and drone flying, will he accomplish the mission? Also, Minister Chan cooks a special dish for Joanne Peh while reminiscing about his childhood at the program’s iconic caravan. 中学生活大不同!教育部长陈振声和主持人白薇秀来到尚育中学,看看学生如何先学应用再学理念。。。
Digital technology has revolutionized knowledge transfer in the library, from borrowing books to 3D printing, and even chatting with a book using Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this episode, Minister for Digital Development and Information Josephine Teo takes host Joanne Peh on a library tour and reveals a rebellious past: neglecting her studies to play basketball. 数码科技日新月异,到图书馆借书现已更方便,还能学习3D打印,甚至利用人工智能跟书本聊天!《空中访民情2024》第二集...
Digital technology has revolutionized knowledge transfer in the library, from borrowing books to 3D printing, and even chatting with a book using Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this episode, Minister for Digital Development and Information Josephine Teo takes host Joanne Peh on a library tour and reveals a rebellious past: neglecting her studies to play basketball. 数码科技日新月异,到图书馆借书现已更方便,还能学习3D打印,甚至利用人工智能跟书本聊天!《空中访民情2024》第二集...
Minister for National Development Desmond Lee lives a tight schedule, from ensuring timely completion of BTO flats to helping Singaporeans afford public housing. Even when kayaking, he helps to clear litter in the lake. In this third episode, host Joanne Peh takes a glimpse into his Peranakan heritage and learns how his grandmother’s paralysis impacted him in policymaking. 国家发展部长李智陞每天都在马不停蹄地忙着:既要确保组屋如期竣工,又要打造宜居的住家环境,要帮助国人买得起房子,又要出席各个社区活动。。。
Minister for National Development Desmond Lee lives a tight schedule, from ensuring timely completion of BTO flats to helping Singaporeans afford public housing. Even when kayaking, he helps to clear litter in the lake. In this third episode, host Joanne Peh takes a glimpse into his Peranakan heritage and learns how his grandmother’s paralysis impacted him in policymaking. 国家发展部长李智陞每天都在马不停蹄地忙着:既要确保组屋如期竣工,又要打造宜居的住家环境,要帮助国人买得起房子,又要出席各个社区活动。。。
Minister for Manpower, Dr Tan See Leng is truly a foodie! In this episode, host Joanne Peh joins him on a gastronomical journey. Despite living to eat, his family could only afford simple fare when he was young. He eventually worked hard to become a doctor but regrets not being able to treat his parents' illnesses. How has his experience influenced his outlook on life and policies? 人力部长陈诗龙医生是不折不扣的吃货!《空中访民情2024》第四集,他和主持人白薇秀一路吃到底。
Minister for Manpower, Dr Tan See Leng is truly a foodie! In this episode, host Joanne Peh joins him on a gastronomical journey. Despite living to eat, his family could only afford simple fare when he was young. He eventually worked hard to become a doctor but regrets not being able to treat his parents' illnesses. How has his experience influenced his outlook on life and policies? 人力部长陈诗龙医生是不折不扣的吃货!《空中访民情2024》第四集,他和主持人白薇秀一路吃到底。
In this episode, Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung strolled down memory lane as he shared his regret in missing out on kampung life, his precious vinyl records and how he sets priorities in time management. He also strongly advocated putting the phone down to pick up a book. During the walkabout, he encountered “heroes” from his beloved novels and discussed health and wellness issues with them! 卫生部长王乙康在第五集的《空中访民情2024》跟主持人白薇秀一边烤着面包,一边忆述童年错失甘榜生...
In this episode, Minister for Health Ong Ye Kung strolled down memory lane as he shared his regret in missing out on kampung life, his precious vinyl records and how he sets priorities in time management. He also strongly advocated putting the phone down to pick up a book. During the walkabout, he encountered “heroes” from his beloved novels and discussed health and wellness issues with them! 卫生部长王乙康在第五集的《空中访民情2024》跟主持人白薇秀一边烤着面包,一边忆述童年错失甘榜生...
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong shows a different side of him in this season finale! He called some shots during filming which caught host Joanne Peh by surprise, why? Through bowling, calligraphy and brewing coffee, DPM Gan shares his take on the future: keep calm and carry on. What are his words of wisdom on cost of living and job security? 副总理兼贸工部长颜金勇在最后一集《空中访民情2024》展现他鲜为人知的一面!拍摄时,他提出的建议为何让主持人白薇秀表情失控?
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong shows a different side of him in this season finale! He called some shots during filming which caught host Joanne Peh by surprise, why? Through bowling, calligraphy and brewing coffee, DPM Gan shares his take on the future: keep calm and carry on. What are his words of wisdom on cost of living and job security? 副总理兼贸工部长颜金勇在最后一集《空中访民情2024》展现他鲜为人知的一面!拍摄时,他提出的建议为何让主持人白薇秀表情失控?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2024 |
Genres | current affairs |
Seasons | 7 |