A Conversation with Minister


The series brings together Ministers and guests of different backgrounds to discuss issues that are close to the heart of Singaporeans. The Minister will also respond to views expressed by the public in street interviews and sent in via WhatsApp messages. Helmed by Radio DJs and News and Current Affairs presenters, "A Conversation with Minster" is also available on our digital platforms and Capital 95.8FM. 这一系列的清谈节目,将邀请多名部长与各行各业的嘉宾讨论民生课题。部长也将在节目中回应通过WhatsApp和街头访问收集的民众反馈。《空中访民情》由电台DJ、新闻和时事节目主持人联手主持。另外,958城市频道和网络平台也将分别广播和上载相关内容。

"A Conversation with Minister'' returns to the airwaves. Hosted by Capital 958 radio presenters Lim Leng Kee and Phua Kia Peow, the programme invites ministers to answer questions from listeners about job security, digital transformation and post-pandemic life in Singapore. 关注民情,聆听民声!958城市频道广播员林灵芝和潘家镳通过视讯方式与部长和听众直接交流讨论:疫情之下,如何找工作,保生计、国人和企业可以如何跟上数码化步伐、疫情后的新加坡,我们该怎样适应新生活,新经济。

Ep 1 Job Security
46 mins

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 1 Job Security

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 2 Social Support
46 mins

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 2 Social Support

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 3 Health
46 mins

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 3 Health

In the thick of the COVID-19 battle, a new series of "A Conversation with Minister" unfolds with a new presentation format. Linking up with the Ministers and interviewees from all walks of life over virtual meetings, host and radio presenter, Lim Leng Kee discusses the 3 main topics that are closest to your heart during this period; how do you ensure job security; maintaining your mental and physical well-being; what social support can we seek.

Ep 4 Job security and BTO woes
44 mins

Two newly-minted political office holders—Second Minister for Manpower Dr Tan See Leng and Minister of State for National Development Tan Kiat How—discuss questions from listeners about the job market amidst the pandemic and the challenges young people face when buying their first homes. 两位新任部长,总理公署部长兼人力部和贸工部第二部长陈诗龙医生,和总理公署和国家发展部政务部长陈杰豪上第一期节目与观众探讨疫情时期的就业环境,以及年轻人购买新屋的挑战。

Ep 4 Job security and BTO woes

Two newly-minted political office holders—Second Minister for Manpower Dr Tan See Leng and Minister of State for National Development Tan Kiat How—discuss questions from listeners about the job market amidst the pandemic and the challenges young people face when buying their first homes. 两位新任部长,总理公署部长兼人力部和贸工部第二部长陈诗龙医生,和总理公署和国家发展部政务部长陈杰豪上第一期节目与观众探讨疫情时期的就业环境,以及年轻人购买新屋的挑战。

Ep 5 Post-pandemic economy
40 mins

Covid-19 may have come under control, as Singaporeans prepare themselves for a post-pandemic world. Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing and Minister of State for Manpower and Education Gan Siow Huang discuss what a post-pandemic economy will look like and how the government is managing our supply chains. 冠病疫情爆发已有一段时日,如今疫情情况缓和,人们也正逐渐恢复到以往的生活常态,准备迎来疫情后的新时代。贸工部长陈振声和教育部兼人力部政务部长颜晓芳在节目中与听众畅聊有关疫情后的新经济和供应链等相关话题。

Ep 5 Post-pandemic economy

Covid-19 may have come under control, as Singaporeans prepare themselves for a post-pandemic world. Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing and Minister of State for Manpower and Education Gan Siow Huang discuss what a post-pandemic economy will look like and how the government is managing our supply chains. 冠病疫情爆发已有一段时日,如今疫情情况缓和,人们也正逐渐恢复到以往的生活常态,准备迎来疫情后的新时代。贸工部长陈振声和教育部兼人力部政务部长颜晓芳在节目中与听众畅聊有关疫情后的新经济和供应链等相关话题。

Ep 6 Harnessing technology
49 mins

Singapore has plans to become a Smart Nation by 2025, but some underprivileged communities and senior citizens may feel left behind. Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information Sim Ann and Minister of State for Community, Culture and Youth Alvin Tan talk about learning and harnessing technology at work and in our daily lives.

Ep 6 Harnessing technology

Singapore has plans to become a Smart Nation by 2025, but some underprivileged communities and senior citizens may feel left behind. Senior Minister of State for Communications and Information Sim Ann and Minister of State for Community, Culture and Youth Alvin Tan talk about learning and harnessing technology at work and in our daily lives.

Additional Information

Genrescurrent affairs
Suitable For All Ages