Hear U Out

Catch award-winning host, Quan Yi Fong, in her very own celebrity talk show, with no holds barred. Watch how she leads her guests through as they share timeless life stories or even shed light on rumors and gossips that made it to the headlines in those days. From popular celebrities, online influencers to reputable personalities, they open up to Yi Fong in this in-depth and yet entertaining show. 权怡凤与嘉宾的深度聊天实录。汇集青春轨迹、时代故事、励志范本与八卦杂谈。既犀利又温馨的权式访谈风格,以知性、幽默的方式,为嘉宾熬出一碗碗心灵鸡汤。

Cast & Crew

Julian Cheung Part 1
29 mins

Having debuted for 32 years, Julian Cheung has played countless classic roles and he is popularly known for his role as Guo Jing in "The Legend of The Condor Heroes". While he has a carefree childhood, Julian takes his work seriously. Even when he ended up appearing for less than a minute in a movie, Julian remains cool about it. How does he manage his emotions? 出道32年的张智霖饰演过无数的经典角色,其中《射雕英雄传》里的郭靖更堪称最帅靖哥哥。张智霖的童年多姿多彩。对于工作,张智霖从不马虎,就算辛苦的付出只换来不到一分钟的镜头,

Julian Cheung Part 1

Having debuted for 32 years, Julian Cheung has played countless classic roles and he is popularly known for his role as Guo Jing in "The Legend of The Condor Heroes". While he has a carefree childhood, Julian takes his work seriously. Even when he ended up appearing for less than a minute in a movie, Julian remains cool about it. How does he manage his emotions? 出道32年的张智霖饰演过无数的经典角色,其中《射雕英雄传》里的郭靖更堪称最帅靖哥哥。张智霖的童年多姿多彩。对于工作,张智霖从不马虎,就算辛苦的付出只换来不到一分钟的镜头,

Julian Cheung Part 2
29 mins

It's not stretch to say that Julian Cheung and his wife, Anita Yuen, are one of the best looking couples in Hong Kong showbiz. What has his wife of 30 years done that moved Julian the most? Julian once said he wanted to quit the entertainment industry. Is he still toying with this thought? What does life and death mean to him? 张智霖和太太,袁咏仪恋爱长跑将近10年才开花结果。相守了30年的妻子做过什么让张智霖最感动的事?如今年过50,张智霖曾说想退出演艺圈,现在的他是否还有这个念头?他又是如何面对未来、看待生死?

Julian Cheung Part 2

It's not stretch to say that Julian Cheung and his wife, Anita Yuen, are one of the best looking couples in Hong Kong showbiz. What has his wife of 30 years done that moved Julian the most? Julian once said he wanted to quit the entertainment industry. Is he still toying with this thought? What does life and death mean to him? 张智霖和太太,袁咏仪恋爱长跑将近10年才开花结果。相守了30年的妻子做过什么让张智霖最感动的事?如今年过50,张智霖曾说想退出演艺圈,现在的他是否还有这个念头?他又是如何面对未来、看待生死?

Anita Yuen Part 1
27 mins

Swiftly rising to stardom since her debut, Anita Yuen won Best Actress two years in a row at the Hong Kong Film Awards. How did she transform from a little bully who loved fighting to a well-mannered Miss Hong Kong? Known for her strong personality, there is only one actor that keeps Anita on her toes. 袁咏仪一出道即巅峰,连续两年夺下金像奖最佳女主角,风头一时无两。到底袁咏仪是如何从一个爱打架的小霸王,蜕变成为仪态万千的香港小姐的呢?天不怕地不怕的她,又因为遇上了哪个男星而大受打击?

Anita Yuen Part 1

Swiftly rising to stardom since her debut, Anita Yuen won Best Actress two years in a row at the Hong Kong Film Awards. How did she transform from a little bully who loved fighting to a well-mannered Miss Hong Kong? Known for her strong personality, there is only one actor that keeps Anita on her toes. 袁咏仪一出道即巅峰,连续两年夺下金像奖最佳女主角,风头一时无两。到底袁咏仪是如何从一个爱打架的小霸王,蜕变成为仪态万千的香港小姐的呢?天不怕地不怕的她,又因为遇上了哪个男星而大受打击?

Anita Yuen Part 2
38 mins

Having been in the industry for more than 30 years, Anita Yuen, who is known for her strong candid personality, is often rumored to have a bad temper. Is it true? What is the incident that almost caused her to quit the showbiz? In this episode, Anita also shares how she manages her relationship with her husband, Julian Cheung. 入行30多年,直肠子的袁咏仪常常深陷绯闻中。到底哪些绯闻真、哪些传闻假?袁咏仪还曾经因为一次拍摄经历,一度对拍戏产生了阴影。性格开朗的她也大谈和老公,张智霖的关系,分享她的驭夫术。

Anita Yuen Part 2

Having been in the industry for more than 30 years, Anita Yuen, who is known for her strong candid personality, is often rumored to have a bad temper. Is it true? What is the incident that almost caused her to quit the showbiz? In this episode, Anita also shares how she manages her relationship with her husband, Julian Cheung. 入行30多年,直肠子的袁咏仪常常深陷绯闻中。到底哪些绯闻真、哪些传闻假?袁咏仪还曾经因为一次拍摄经历,一度对拍戏产生了阴影。性格开朗的她也大谈和老公,张智霖的关系,分享她的驭夫术。

Bowie Tsang Part 1
30 mins

In 2022, veteran host Bowie Tsang hosted Taiwan's annual Golden Bell Awards ceremony all on her own for the first time. Having received rave reviews for her performance, how much hard work did she put into preparing for the ceremony? Also, what significance does the hosting profession hold for her? 台湾资深主持人阿宝曾宝仪在2022年首次独挑大梁,主持台湾备受瞩目的年度盛事 ——【金钟奖】颁奖典礼。广受好评的阿宝为了那一次的颁奖典礼到底下了多少苦功?主持人这份职业,对她而言又承载了什么意义?

Bowie Tsang Part 1

In 2022, veteran host Bowie Tsang hosted Taiwan's annual Golden Bell Awards ceremony all on her own for the first time. Having received rave reviews for her performance, how much hard work did she put into preparing for the ceremony? Also, what significance does the hosting profession hold for her? 台湾资深主持人阿宝曾宝仪在2022年首次独挑大梁,主持台湾备受瞩目的年度盛事 ——【金钟奖】颁奖典礼。广受好评的阿宝为了那一次的颁奖典礼到底下了多少苦功?主持人这份职业,对她而言又承载了什么意义?

Bowie Tsang Part 2
29 mins

Bowie Tsang has put on many hats since she joined the showbiz – host, actress and singer. In recent years, she has also published some inspirational self-help books. In this episode, she talks about her family, her outlook on relationships, and the life lessons she has learnt in the last few years. 出道近三十年的阿宝曾宝仪,不仅兼具了主持人、演员和歌手多个身份,近年来她还加入作家行列,出版了不少治愈心灵的励志书籍。访谈中,她也聊起自己的家庭和爱情观,并分享她这些年来的人生体悟。

Bowie Tsang Part 2

Bowie Tsang has put on many hats since she joined the showbiz – host, actress and singer. In recent years, she has also published some inspirational self-help books. In this episode, she talks about her family, her outlook on relationships, and the life lessons she has learnt in the last few years. 出道近三十年的阿宝曾宝仪,不仅兼具了主持人、演员和歌手多个身份,近年来她还加入作家行列,出版了不少治愈心灵的励志书籍。访谈中,她也聊起自己的家庭和爱情观,并分享她这些年来的人生体悟。

Eric Chou Part 1
27 mins

Why did Eric Chou decide to leave his hometown and study in the United States when he was only 11 years old? Did his schooling days abroad lay the foundation for his future music career? And why did he return to Taiwan eventually and become the young and talented singer-songwriter he is today? 当年仅11岁的周兴哲为什么毅然决定离乡背井,赴美国留学?留学的时光是否为他日后的音乐事业奠定了基础?最后,他又在怎样的情况下回到台湾,成为如今年轻有为的创作型歌手?听听这位情歌小王子分享他的人生故事!

Eric Chou Part 1

Why did Eric Chou decide to leave his hometown and study in the United States when he was only 11 years old? Did his schooling days abroad lay the foundation for his future music career? And why did he return to Taiwan eventually and become the young and talented singer-songwriter he is today? 当年仅11岁的周兴哲为什么毅然决定离乡背井,赴美国留学?留学的时光是否为他日后的音乐事业奠定了基础?最后,他又在怎样的情况下回到台湾,成为如今年轻有为的创作型歌手?听听这位情歌小王子分享他的人生故事!

Eric Chou Part 2
34 mins

Less than a decade after his debut, Eric Chou has made a name for himself as a talented songwriter and singer, with four songs that garnered over 100 million views online. However, every artiste is bound to receive criticisms in his or her career. How does Eric Chou respond to these criticisms? 创作才子周兴哲出道不到十年,便在音乐方面频频创下佳绩,甚至已经有四首歌曲在网络平台获得破亿的点击率。然而,受到质疑和负面评价是每个艺人的必经过程。当周兴哲面对负面评语的时候,他又会如何应对呢?

Eric Chou Part 2

Less than a decade after his debut, Eric Chou has made a name for himself as a talented songwriter and singer, with four songs that garnered over 100 million views online. However, every artiste is bound to receive criticisms in his or her career. How does Eric Chou respond to these criticisms? 创作才子周兴哲出道不到十年,便在音乐方面频频创下佳绩,甚至已经有四首歌曲在网络平台获得破亿的点击率。然而,受到质疑和负面评价是每个艺人的必经过程。当周兴哲面对负面评语的时候,他又会如何应对呢?

Him Law Part 1
27 mins

Best known for his role in TVB drama "The Hippocratic Crush", Him Law began his acting career by starring as supportive characters and earning recognition for his performance in TVB sports drama "Your Class or Mine". In this episode, Him opens up about his life in TVB and also shares how he won the heart of his wife, Tavia Yeung. 罗子溢最广为人知的就是他在《On Call 36小时2》里的“洋葱”角色。他2005年出道,从饰演配角到凭借《尖子攻略》提名最佳男配角而崭露头角,之后更登上男主位置。这一集,他将畅谈在无线电视的日子,以及他如何虏获太太,杨茜尧的芳心。

Him Law Part 1

Best known for his role in TVB drama "The Hippocratic Crush", Him Law began his acting career by starring as supportive characters and earning recognition for his performance in TVB sports drama "Your Class or Mine". In this episode, Him opens up about his life in TVB and also shares how he won the heart of his wife, Tavia Yeung. 罗子溢最广为人知的就是他在《On Call 36小时2》里的“洋葱”角色。他2005年出道,从饰演配角到凭借《尖子攻略》提名最佳男配角而崭露头角,之后更登上男主位置。这一集,他将畅谈在无线电视的日子,以及他如何虏获太太,杨茜尧的芳心。

Him Law Part 2
25 mins

Though Him Law and Tavia Yeung are now happily married with two children, their relationship hasn't always been smooth-sailing. How did Him handle the pressure of having a famous-than-himself girlfriend back then? Him also opens up about his childhood as it contributes greatly to shaping his core value on what it takes to be a husband and father. 现今的罗子溢和太太,杨茜尧婚姻美满,有子万事足。但他们的爱情从一开始就因女方过大的名气而不受外界看好。罗子溢是如何处理这段备受关注的恋情的?他也分享了童年如何影响他日后待人处事,以及看待人父和人夫所应尽

Him Law Part 2

Though Him Law and Tavia Yeung are now happily married with two children, their relationship hasn't always been smooth-sailing. How did Him handle the pressure of having a famous-than-himself girlfriend back then? Him also opens up about his childhood as it contributes greatly to shaping his core value on what it takes to be a husband and father. 现今的罗子溢和太太,杨茜尧婚姻美满,有子万事足。但他们的爱情从一开始就因女方过大的名气而不受外界看好。罗子溢是如何处理这段备受关注的恋情的?他也分享了童年如何影响他日后待人处事,以及看待人父和人夫所应尽

Wong Cho-Lam Part 1
27 mins

Many people would think Wong Cho-Lam as a comedian, but he is really a talented artist who excelled in his endeavours. Watch how he enchants Yi Fong with his hilarious childhood stories and how he maintains a positive outlook during the years he had to work double hard to pay off the family debt after his father's passing. 很多人或许会认为王祖蓝是一个喜剧演员,但他其实是一个才华洋溢的艺术家,无论处身处任何领域,都能交出十分亮眼的成绩。这一集,王祖蓝将和怡凤分享他的童年趣事,以及他在偿还家庭债务时,如何继续保持乐观积极的态度。

Wong Cho-Lam Part 1

Many people would think Wong Cho-Lam as a comedian, but he is really a talented artist who excelled in his endeavours. Watch how he enchants Yi Fong with his hilarious childhood stories and how he maintains a positive outlook during the years he had to work double hard to pay off the family debt after his father's passing. 很多人或许会认为王祖蓝是一个喜剧演员,但他其实是一个才华洋溢的艺术家,无论处身处任何领域,都能交出十分亮眼的成绩。这一集,王祖蓝将和怡凤分享他的童年趣事,以及他在偿还家庭债务时,如何继续保持乐观积极的态度。

Wong Cho-Lam Part 2
25 mins

Wong Cho-Lam was once ridiculed for chasing after a woman many thought was out of his league. How did he and his wife, Leanne Li, prove these naysayers wrong? From a small-time TV host for children shows to the Chief Creative Officer of TVB, it was a long climb to overnight success for Wong Cho-Lam. What is the secret behind his success? 王祖蓝曾经因为追求现任妻子,李亚男,而遭受群嘲,说他不自量力。他和太太是如何克服重重困难,让爱情开花结果的呢?王祖蓝也从曾经的少童节目主持人,一路开挂到成为无线电视首席创意官,他成功的秘诀又是什么?

Wong Cho-Lam Part 2

Wong Cho-Lam was once ridiculed for chasing after a woman many thought was out of his league. How did he and his wife, Leanne Li, prove these naysayers wrong? From a small-time TV host for children shows to the Chief Creative Officer of TVB, it was a long climb to overnight success for Wong Cho-Lam. What is the secret behind his success? 王祖蓝曾经因为追求现任妻子,李亚男,而遭受群嘲,说他不自量力。他和太太是如何克服重重困难,让爱情开花结果的呢?王祖蓝也从曾经的少童节目主持人,一路开挂到成为无线电视首席创意官,他成功的秘诀又是什么?

Grasshopper Part 1
28 mins

Hong Kong Cantopop male group Grasshopper became a hit in Southeast Asia in the 90s, and they are still active in the music scene after 38 years. How did they grow up together in Hong Kong, and how did they later become apprentices of their mentor Anita Mui whom they owe much of their success to? 90年代红遍东南亚的唱跳组合草蜢至今仍活跃于歌坛,38年来屹立不倒。他们三位是如何在香港一同长大,并凑在一起组成【草蜢】的?他们又是怎么与恩师梅艳芳结缘,然后跟随她发展歌唱事业?听听草蜢忆往事话当年。

Grasshopper Part 1

Hong Kong Cantopop male group Grasshopper became a hit in Southeast Asia in the 90s, and they are still active in the music scene after 38 years. How did they grow up together in Hong Kong, and how did they later become apprentices of their mentor Anita Mui whom they owe much of their success to? 90年代红遍东南亚的唱跳组合草蜢至今仍活跃于歌坛,38年来屹立不倒。他们三位是如何在香港一同长大,并凑在一起组成【草蜢】的?他们又是怎么与恩师梅艳芳结缘,然后跟随她发展歌唱事业?听听草蜢忆往事话当年。

Grasshopper Part 2
29 mins

While the friendship of Grasshopper runs deep, have they ever quarreled? The support of their fans has always been their greatest motivation. Hence, to thank their fans, the trio has been training very hard in recent years, just to make sure they always deliver the best performance at every concert! 草蜢成军38年,三人的交情自然深厚,但私下的他们是否曾经吵架翻脸呢?粉丝的支持和陪伴一直是草蜢坚持唱歌跳舞的推动力。为了感谢粉丝,他们近年来更是积极锻炼体力,确保每一场演唱会都能奉上活力四射的表演!

Grasshopper Part 2

While the friendship of Grasshopper runs deep, have they ever quarreled? The support of their fans has always been their greatest motivation. Hence, to thank their fans, the trio has been training very hard in recent years, just to make sure they always deliver the best performance at every concert! 草蜢成军38年,三人的交情自然深厚,但私下的他们是否曾经吵架翻脸呢?粉丝的支持和陪伴一直是草蜢坚持唱歌跳舞的推动力。为了感谢粉丝,他们近年来更是积极锻炼体力,确保每一场演唱会都能奉上活力四射的表演!

Ruby Lin Part 1
32 mins

Ruby Lin became a household name after starring as Ziwei in the popular drama "My Fair Princess". But who would have known that her role was almost replaced because of her looks? Since her debut, Ruby Lin has played the female lead in several dramas. How did she become a film producer later? 林心如当年在《还珠格格》中饰演紫薇而爆红,成为家喻户晓的明星。然而,这位深入民心的 “紫薇格格” 居然曾经被嫌弃长得丑而差点被换角?出道至今,林心如在多部戏剧中担纲女一号,后来怎么会转身当起了制作人?

Ruby Lin Part 1

Ruby Lin became a household name after starring as Ziwei in the popular drama "My Fair Princess". But who would have known that her role was almost replaced because of her looks? Since her debut, Ruby Lin has played the female lead in several dramas. How did she become a film producer later? 林心如当年在《还珠格格》中饰演紫薇而爆红,成为家喻户晓的明星。然而,这位深入民心的 “紫薇格格” 居然曾经被嫌弃长得丑而差点被换角?出道至今,林心如在多部戏剧中担纲女一号,后来怎么会转身当起了制作人?

Ruby Lin Part 2
35 mins

Ruby Lin has been away from home for the longest time to carve her career. What was always on her mind that she decided to return to her hometown to produce films? Speaking of her daughter, Ruby cannot hide her happiness. If her daughter wants to join the entertainment industry, will she agree? 林心如长时间在外地工作,心中始终最挂念的到底是什么?以致她决定回到家乡拍戏?说到女儿,林心如脸上难掩幸福的笑容。如果女儿想要进入演艺圈,她会同意吗?2021年,林心如硕士毕业,重返校园带给她什么启发?

Ruby Lin Part 2

Ruby Lin has been away from home for the longest time to carve her career. What was always on her mind that she decided to return to her hometown to produce films? Speaking of her daughter, Ruby cannot hide her happiness. If her daughter wants to join the entertainment industry, will she agree? 林心如长时间在外地工作,心中始终最挂念的到底是什么?以致她决定回到家乡拍戏?说到女儿,林心如脸上难掩幸福的笑容。如果女儿想要进入演艺圈,她会同意吗?2021年,林心如硕士毕业,重返校园带给她什么启发?


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