Women of Times


Jin Le Group was set up by Jia Yi and his wife, She Huijun. Jiayi was an outstanding chef whose speciality was abalone. When a severe illness rendered him an invalid, Huijun took over the running of the business. Three of the Jias' sons are deceased. Their remaining children - second son, Zengmu; youngest son, Zengtu; and daughter, Zengyue work for the company. Zengmu has a son, Ruoqi, who is a police officer. Though Zengmu and Zengtu are incapable, their wives, Guiying and Xiyi, are Huijun's able assistants. Zengyue is envious of Xiyi. Zengyue is married to Qicai, the executive chef. They have a son, Yuqi, who is studying in the States. Though Xiyi is not a graduate, she has a shrewd business mind. Under her managment, Jin Le has open several branches. Zengtu is disappointed when Xiyi insists on returning home right after a business trip to Sydney, to help her niece, Wanqi, with the preparations for the wedding. Xiyi has hired a wedding planner for Wanqi. Zengyue is unhappy. Huijun, however, is supportive and has offered to pay any extra costs incurred. Wanqi will be marrying Du Zhongxian, the son of one of the wealthiest men in Taiwan. While Xiyi is busy settling the debts chocked up by her sister, Fengyi, Zengtu has a tryst with Bao'er, an actress.

Jin Le Group was set up by Jia Yi and his wife, She Huijun. Jiayi was an outstanding chef whose speciality was abalone. When a severe illness rendered him an invalid, Huijun took over the running of the business. Three of the Jias' sons are deceased. Their remaining children - second son, Zengmu; youngest son, Zengtu; and daughter, Zengyue work for the company. Zengmu has a son, Ruoqi, who is a police officer. Though Zengmu and Zengtu are incapable, their wives, Guiying and Xiyi, are Huijun's able assistants. Zengyue is envious of Xiyi. Zengyue is married to Qicai, the executive chef. They have a son, Yuqi, who is studying in the States. Though Xiyi is not a graduate, she has a shrewd business mind. Under her managment, Jin Le has open several branches. Zengtu is disappointed when Xiyi insists on returning home right after a business trip to Sydney, to help her niece, Wanqi, with the preparations for the wedding. Xiyi has hired a wedding planner for Wanqi. Zengyue is unhappy. Huijun, however, is supportive and has offered to pay any extra costs incurred. Wanqi will be marrying Du Zhongxian, the son of one of the wealthiest men in Taiwan. While Xiyi is busy settling the debts chocked up by her sister, Fengyi, Zengtu has a tryst with Bao'er, an actress.

Ep 1
46 mins

Jin Le Group was set up by Jia Yi and his wife, She Huijun. 金乐饮食集团是贾义和余慧君夫妇俩创立的。早年的贾义是一位名厨,擅长烹煮鲍鱼宴,创立“御厨”鲍鱼餐馆。

Ep 1

Jin Le Group was set up by Jia Yi and his wife, She Huijun. 金乐饮食集团是贾义和余慧君夫妇俩创立的。早年的贾义是一位名厨,擅长烹煮鲍鱼宴,创立“御厨”鲍鱼餐馆。

Ep 2
46 mins

Zengyue berates her husband for humiliating her. 增悦因丈夫当众令她受辱,激动得怒打奇才,增木立即劝止。

Ep 2

Zengyue berates her husband for humiliating her. 增悦因丈夫当众令她受辱,激动得怒打奇才,增木立即劝止。

Ep 3
46 mins

Zhongxian turns up late with the bridal gifts but they are stunning. 贾家中认为迎接杜仲贤来写屏的事情而忙碌着,然而仲贤却迟迟未到。原来仲贤是到拍卖行取争标“璀璨日耳曼”这条前日耳曼国王赐给他皇后的项链,以便送给宛其当下聘的礼物。

Ep 3

Zhongxian turns up late with the bridal gifts but they are stunning. 贾家中认为迎接杜仲贤来写屏的事情而忙碌着,然而仲贤却迟迟未到。原来仲贤是到拍卖行取争标“璀璨日耳曼”这条前日耳曼国王赐给他皇后的项链,以便送给宛其当下聘的礼物。

Ep 4
45 mins

Xiyi rushes back from Australia. 曦仪到澳洲公干闻讯匆忙赶回家奔丧。

Ep 4

Xiyi rushes back from Australia. 曦仪到澳洲公干闻讯匆忙赶回家奔丧。

Ep 5
46 mins

Zengmu has always been an obedient son. He worries that he will not be able to manage the company well. 增木从小大大小小的事情都听母亲的,习惯了有贾母作主,按她的吩咐办事,如今要有他发号司令,增木担心自己无法胜任总经理的职位。

Ep 5

Zengmu has always been an obedient son. He worries that he will not be able to manage the company well. 增木从小大大小小的事情都听母亲的,习惯了有贾母作主,按她的吩咐办事,如今要有他发号司令,增木担心自己无法胜任总经理的职位。

Ep 6
46 mins

Watching Zengtu trying desperately to retrieve the wedding ring, Xiyi chooses to forgive him. 增土把结婚戒指交给曦怡,表示他把一切都留住了,挽回了。曦怡看着狼狈的增土,终于心软,原谅了增土。

Ep 6

Watching Zengtu trying desperately to retrieve the wedding ring, Xiyi chooses to forgive him. 增土把结婚戒指交给曦怡,表示他把一切都留住了,挽回了。曦怡看着狼狈的增土,终于心软,原谅了增土。

Ep 7
46 mins

Hong Hai launches a menu similar to Jin Le's at lower prices. 洪海经营的御厨,故意推出和御厨的超牌菜雷同的套餐。什么“瑶柱掌珠鲍鱼”“甜品燕窝水晶蛋挞”等,连名称也抄袭过去,就是价钱比御厨的便宜,结果自然抢走金乐集团的生意。

Ep 7

Hong Hai launches a menu similar to Jin Le's at lower prices. 洪海经营的御厨,故意推出和御厨的超牌菜雷同的套餐。什么“瑶柱掌珠鲍鱼”“甜品燕窝水晶蛋挞”等,连名称也抄袭过去,就是价钱比御厨的便宜,结果自然抢走金乐集团的生意。

Ep 8
46 mins

Qicai lies yet again, and the naïve Zengyue believes him. 奇才情急智生,表示小心驶得万年船,既然至今好没捉到那个内奸,做什么还是要小心点儿。增悦觉得他的话很有道理,果然被他蒙骗过去。

Ep 8

Qicai lies yet again, and the naïve Zengyue believes him. 奇才情急智生,表示小心驶得万年船,既然至今好没捉到那个内奸,做什么还是要小心点儿。增悦觉得他的话很有道理,果然被他蒙骗过去。

Ep 9
46 mins

When Guiying insists Ruoqi take You-er out, he asks Yuqi to join them. 贵莺硬币若其带悠儿到出去游玩,若其无奈答应,却临时找玉其与他同行。

Ep 9

When Guiying insists Ruoqi take You-er out, he asks Yuqi to join them. 贵莺硬币若其带悠儿到出去游玩,若其无奈答应,却临时找玉其与他同行。

Ep 10
46 mins

It turns out that Fengyi's calligraphy teacher is Hanzhe. 曦怡陪同凤仪来上书法班。这才发现原来瀚哲就是她们的书法老师。

Ep 10

It turns out that Fengyi's calligraphy teacher is Hanzhe. 曦怡陪同凤仪来上书法班。这才发现原来瀚哲就是她们的书法老师。

Ep 11
46 mins

Qicai makes Zengyue believe the scent on his clothes is from the foreign customers he had met earlier. 增悦闻到奇才身上的香水味道,生气的追问究竟。奇才慌忙骗她说,因为工作时接待外国客人,不得不清洗一番:“不信你去问赵经理。”奇才兵行险招,暗暗祈祷增悦不会真的去见赵经理。

Ep 11

Qicai makes Zengyue believe the scent on his clothes is from the foreign customers he had met earlier. 增悦闻到奇才身上的香水味道,生气的追问究竟。奇才慌忙骗她说,因为工作时接待外国客人,不得不清洗一番:“不信你去问赵经理。”奇才兵行险招,暗暗祈祷增悦不会真的去见赵经理。

Ep 12
46 mins

Thinking Jessie is dead, Qicai cleans the stains and retrieves the DVDs. 奇才发现自己错首次上Jessie,惊慌失措,本来想要救她,但是以为他已经死去,害怕得匆匆离去。

Ep 12

Thinking Jessie is dead, Qicai cleans the stains and retrieves the DVDs. 奇才发现自己错首次上Jessie,惊慌失措,本来想要救她,但是以为他已经死去,害怕得匆匆离去。

Ep 13
46 mins

Qicai admits he had been having an affair with Jessie but denies killing her. 奇才被带去警局问话,矢口否认和Jessie有亲密的关系。

Ep 13

Qicai admits he had been having an affair with Jessie but denies killing her. 奇才被带去警局问话,矢口否认和Jessie有亲密的关系。

Ep 14
46 mins

Zengyue's relationship with her siblings improves after her ordeal. 增木与贵莺为增悦母子俩走出阴霾而高兴。增悦感动兄嫂的殷殷关切,与他们的关系大大改善。增土和曦怡也关心增悦,请增悦去吃午餐。

Ep 14

Zengyue's relationship with her siblings improves after her ordeal. 增木与贵莺为增悦母子俩走出阴霾而高兴。增悦感动兄嫂的殷殷关切,与他们的关系大大改善。增土和曦怡也关心增悦,请增悦去吃午餐。

Ep 15
46 mins

Yabin is furious when Zengtu asserts that Xiyi will always be the only woman he loves. 雅斌故意在曦怡的面前与增土亲热间曦怡起走。增土追不到曦怡,与雅斌决裂,表示曦怡在他心里不是别人所能代替的。

Ep 15

Yabin is furious when Zengtu asserts that Xiyi will always be the only woman he loves. 雅斌故意在曦怡的面前与增土亲热间曦怡起走。增土追不到曦怡,与雅斌决裂,表示曦怡在他心里不是别人所能代替的。

Ep 16
46 mins

Ruoqi and Yuqi invite You’er and Xiangyun out. 若其,玉其约了悠儿和湘云一起郊游。若其看出玉其喜欢悠儿,捉弄两人是金童玉女。

Ep 16

Ruoqi and Yuqi invite You’er and Xiangyun out. 若其,玉其约了悠儿和湘云一起郊游。若其看出玉其喜欢悠儿,捉弄两人是金童玉女。

Ep 17
45 mins

Zengyue comes to realize it was Ruoqi who found the evidence that implicated Qicai. 自从增悦获悉奇才的案子是因为若其从一卷录像带找到证据而被定罪后,对增木一家心怀怨恨,并赶排玉其到金乐接替作曦怡的职位,担任市场和采购经理,对玉其寄予厚望。

Ep 17

Zengyue comes to realize it was Ruoqi who found the evidence that implicated Qicai. 自从增悦获悉奇才的案子是因为若其从一卷录像带找到证据而被定罪后,对增木一家心怀怨恨,并赶排玉其到金乐接替作曦怡的职位,担任市场和采购经理,对玉其寄予厚望。

Ep 18
46 mins

Guiying dies in the accident, while Zengmu dies of a heart attack. 贵莺和湘云再赶赴金乐的途中发生了车祸,而增木因为得不到及时的抢救,在送院中宣告逝世。贵莺由于内脏出血不止,也告还魂乏术。增木和贵莺这对恩爱夫妻终于同一时间里双双身亡。

Ep 18

Guiying dies in the accident, while Zengmu dies of a heart attack. 贵莺和湘云再赶赴金乐的途中发生了车祸,而增木因为得不到及时的抢救,在送院中宣告逝世。贵莺由于内脏出血不止,也告还魂乏术。增木和贵莺这对恩爱夫妻终于同一时间里双双身亡。

Ep 19
46 mins

Ruoqi vows to avenge his parents. 若其在父母的骨灰塔前立誓,一定要为双亲讨回一个公道!

Ep 19

Ruoqi vows to avenge his parents. 若其在父母的骨灰塔前立誓,一定要为双亲讨回一个公道!

Ep 20
46 mins

Zengyue visits Xiangyun after her discharge and meets Ruoqi, who treats her with animosity. 增悦出院之前,忍不住前往探视湘云。增悦把行李放在一旁,静静地站在窗前。

Ep 20

Zengyue visits Xiangyun after her discharge and meets Ruoqi, who treats her with animosity. 增悦出院之前,忍不住前往探视湘云。增悦把行李放在一旁,静静地站在窗前。

Ep 21
46 mins

Hanzhe and Zengtu recognize they are both giving Xiyi the same present and feel awkward. 瀚哲和增土同事买了巧克力来探望曦怡,轻敌见面,分外尴尬。

Ep 21

Hanzhe and Zengtu recognize they are both giving Xiyi the same present and feel awkward. 瀚哲和增土同事买了巧克力来探望曦怡,轻敌见面,分外尴尬。

Ep 22
46 mins

Zhongxian turns up in Singapore unexpectedly. 宛其吃早餐时,发现仲贤突然从台湾回来,感到和惊讶。

Ep 22

Zhongxian turns up in Singapore unexpectedly. 宛其吃早餐时,发现仲贤突然从台湾回来,感到和惊讶。

Ep 23
46 mins

Chris testifies that Hong Hai was the one who killed Jessie. Chris指证洪海是杀害Jessie的真凶,洪海当然矢口否认,反指Chris因为常常前来餐馆找Jessie要钱。

Ep 23

Chris testifies that Hong Hai was the one who killed Jessie. Chris指证洪海是杀害Jessie的真凶,洪海当然矢口否认,反指Chris因为常常前来餐馆找Jessie要钱。

Ep 24
46 mins

Zengyue refuses to let Qicai enter her house. 增悦见到奇才突然出现,情绪激动地把门关上,不让奇才进去。

Ep 24

Zengyue refuses to let Qicai enter her house. 增悦见到奇才突然出现,情绪激动地把门关上,不让奇才进去。

Additional Information

Suitable For All Ages