Wartime Food
What stands as the mightiest weapon in human warfare? Food. In the battlefields, what's the military ration that rallies morale? And in face of food shortages, what do battle-scarred civilians survive on? From Cambodia to Poland, "Wartime Food" traces the stories of grit and ingenuity, through culinary delights served on modern day dining tables. 人类漫长的战争史上,什么是最强大的武器?答案是:食物。战地新生了什么军粮,鼓舞了士气?粮食短缺,老百姓又何以果腹?《战地食谱》到访柬埔寨至波兰等国,从餐桌上的美食来感受一个国家、一个民族的求生智慧和韧力。
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What stands as the mightiest weapon in human warfare? Food. In the battlefields, what's the military ration that rallies morale? And in face of food shortages, what do battle-scarred civilians survive on? From Cambodia to Poland, "Wartime Food" traces the stories of grit and ingenuity, through culinary delights served on modern day dining tables. 人类漫长的战争史上,什么是最强大的武器?答案是:食物。战地新生了什么军粮,鼓舞了士气?粮食短缺,老百姓又何以果腹?《战地食谱》到访柬埔寨至波兰等国,从餐桌上的美食来感受一个国家、一个民族的求生智慧和韧力。
As WWII's Poland's battle rages, the Polish forage in nature for survival amidst hearty bowls of split pea soup. Enter Cold War. Polish milk bars serve up filling starchy dishes. Meat dumplings, Cheburek, in Europe's current war become weapons of resistance for Ukrainians in Poland against Russia. 二战波兰反抗德国最激烈。波兰人喝碗豆汤维持体力和斗志,到森林觅食补充营养。冷战时期,牛奶吧的高热量乳制食品填饱了肚子;如今俄乌战火波及,油炸馅饼成了在波兰的乌克兰人抗议俄罗斯的武器。
As WWII's Poland's battle rages, the Polish forage in nature for survival amidst hearty bowls of split pea soup. Enter Cold War. Polish milk bars serve up filling starchy dishes. Meat dumplings, Cheburek, in Europe's current war become weapons of resistance for Ukrainians in Poland against Russia. 二战波兰反抗德国最激烈。波兰人喝碗豆汤维持体力和斗志,到森林觅食补充营养。冷战时期,牛奶吧的高热量乳制食品填饱了肚子;如今俄乌战火波及,油炸馅饼成了在波兰的乌克兰人抗议俄罗斯的武器。
During the Korean War, Korean food that is easy to prepare and filling played a key role. Soldiers survive on barley "fist rice". A special rice soup is said to have won battles for a general. Discover the origins of the Army Stew, cold noodles and blood sausage with presenter Emily Chan. 朝鲜战争爆发,韩国菜容易烹调、携带及易于饱腹的优点得以发挥。吃大麦拳头饭,韩国士兵能够活命。“将军汤饭”据说在当时为将军赢得重要战役!美军催生部队锅;平壤冷面和米肠,是南边朝鲜人的乡味。
During the Korean War, Korean food that is easy to prepare and filling played a key role. Soldiers survive on barley "fist rice". A special rice soup is said to have won battles for a general. Discover the origins of the Army Stew, cold noodles and blood sausage with presenter Emily Chan. 朝鲜战争爆发,韩国菜容易烹调、携带及易于饱腹的优点得以发挥。吃大麦拳头饭,韩国士兵能够活命。“将军汤饭”据说在当时为将军赢得重要战役!美军催生部队锅;平壤冷面和米肠,是南边朝鲜人的乡味。
In the 1970s, Cambodia plunged into a civil war that lasted almost 4 years. Two million were killed from overwork and massacres, triggering a country-wide famine. Hungry and desperate, Cambodians survived on meagre porridge, wild vegetables and insects. Presenter Danny Yeo investigates the food consumed by one of the most hated Khmer Rouge leader. 20世纪70年代,柬埔寨经历三年八个月的毁灭性内战,200万人丧生于劳役和屠杀,饥荒蔓延。绝望之下,人们只能吃稀粥、野菜和昆虫。而这些战争食物竟成为日常。与此同时,残忍的暴君屠杀了无数同胞...
In the 1970s, Cambodia plunged into a civil war that lasted almost 4 years. Two million were killed from overwork and massacres, triggering a country-wide famine. Hungry and desperate, Cambodians survived on meagre porridge, wild vegetables and insects. Presenter Danny Yeo investigates the food consumed by one of the most hated Khmer Rouge leader. 20世纪70年代,柬埔寨经历三年八个月的毁灭性内战,200万人丧生于劳役和屠杀,饥荒蔓延。绝望之下,人们只能吃稀粥、野菜和昆虫。而这些战争食物竟成为日常。与此同时,残忍的暴君屠杀了无数同胞...
Taiwan Kinmen was caught in the shadow of war for over 43 years. Now, this frontline island has turned into a popular tourist hotspot. What are some of the stories that give birth to sorghum milk tea, hotdog with egg, and Kinmen knives? How do the people of Kinmen view cross-strait relations? 台湾金门长达43年被战争阴影与军事管制重重包围,如今战地小岛却吸引了大批游客前往观光旅游。红高粱奶茶、小吃“蛋狗蛋香”,还有金门钢刀和过去的军事战役有着什么关连?金门人又如何审视两岸关系呢?
Taiwan Kinmen was caught in the shadow of war for over 43 years. Now, this frontline island has turned into a popular tourist hotspot. What are some of the stories that give birth to sorghum milk tea, hotdog with egg, and Kinmen knives? How do the people of Kinmen view cross-strait relations? 台湾金门长达43年被战争阴影与军事管制重重包围,如今战地小岛却吸引了大批游客前往观光旅游。红高粱奶茶、小吃“蛋狗蛋香”,还有金门钢刀和过去的军事战役有着什么关连?金门人又如何审视两岸关系呢?
The Philippines was devastated in World War 2. Who is the female hero who raised national spirit with the national sauce, banana ketchup? How do hungry locals survive with a special tree bark and corn rice? Join Darren Lim to have a taste of Boodle Fight, a sumptuous dish with military origins. 千岛之国菲律宾经历多次他国殖民,食物文化特色因此多元。国民酱料香蕉番茄酱是哪位女英雄人物的独创?老百姓又是怎么靠树皮和玉米饭补充粮食?主持人林明伦也会去找一些老兵们品尝在军中流传开来的长桌手抓饭。
The Philippines was devastated in World War 2. Who is the female hero who raised national spirit with the national sauce, banana ketchup? How do hungry locals survive with a special tree bark and corn rice? Join Darren Lim to have a taste of Boodle Fight, a sumptuous dish with military origins. 千岛之国菲律宾经历多次他国殖民,食物文化特色因此多元。国民酱料香蕉番茄酱是哪位女英雄人物的独创?老百姓又是怎么靠树皮和玉米饭补充粮食?主持人林明伦也会去找一些老兵们品尝在军中流传开来的长桌手抓饭。
In Nazi Germany, food is a weapon of war, to control people, to kill enemies. The resourceful Germans whip up Goulash and one-pot stews in acts of sacrifice. Post-war, Currywurst speaks of the East-West Germany divide. The sustenance of Germany, rye bread, provides comfort to those still at war. 纳粹德国鼓吹百姓缩衣节食为国牺牲,又以食物为武器灭绝人性。炖肉和一锅烩体现德国人战乱时期节制、精明又有效率;德国咖喱香肠在东西德卖相不同,至高无上的黑麦面包,至今还是战区人民的慰藉。
In Nazi Germany, food is a weapon of war, to control people, to kill enemies. The resourceful Germans whip up Goulash and one-pot stews in acts of sacrifice. Post-war, Currywurst speaks of the East-West Germany divide. The sustenance of Germany, rye bread, provides comfort to those still at war. 纳粹德国鼓吹百姓缩衣节食为国牺牲,又以食物为武器灭绝人性。炖肉和一锅烩体现德国人战乱时期节制、精明又有效率;德国咖喱香肠在东西德卖相不同,至高无上的黑麦面包,至今还是战区人民的慰藉。
During War of Resistance against Japan, China relied on wild greens and tree bark to live. Invention of bran bun resolved the issue of flour shortage. Frogs were precious on rainy season. Pork bun and stew were essential during Chinese Civil War, while "Fried flour" was the saviour of soldiers. 中国经历了14年的抗日战争,人民靠吃野菜、啃树皮来维生。“糠窝窝”的研发,解决了面粉短缺的问题。每年的雨季,田里的青蛙是难得的美味。后来的国共内战,肉包子和炖肉成为了关键食物。而有一种“炒面”,是士兵在前线的救命食品。
During War of Resistance against Japan, China relied on wild greens and tree bark to live. Invention of bran bun resolved the issue of flour shortage. Frogs were precious on rainy season. Pork bun and stew were essential during Chinese Civil War, while "Fried flour" was the saviour of soldiers. 中国经历了14年的抗日战争,人民靠吃野菜、啃树皮来维生。“糠窝窝”的研发,解决了面粉短缺的问题。每年的雨季,田里的青蛙是难得的美味。后来的国共内战,肉包子和炖肉成为了关键食物。而有一种“炒面”,是士兵在前线的救命食品。
Vietnam experienced countless wars and prolonged conflicts, suffering from energy crisis and scarce resources. Presenter Darren Lim visits this once war-torn country to understand how the Vietnamese people managed to find food and survive the extreme hardships of the Vietnam War era. 越南经历过无数次战争,长时间的战乱,导致国家长期能源紧张、物资匮乏。主持人林明伦到访这个曾饱受战火蹂躏的国家,了解越南人在越战时期如何在极度穷困的环境中果腹温饱肚子、捱过战火生存下来。
Vietnam experienced countless wars and prolonged conflicts, suffering from energy crisis and scarce resources. Presenter Darren Lim visits this once war-torn country to understand how the Vietnamese people managed to find food and survive the extreme hardships of the Vietnam War era. 越南经历过无数次战争,长时间的战乱,导致国家长期能源紧张、物资匮乏。主持人林明伦到访这个曾饱受战火蹂躏的国家,了解越南人在越战时期如何在极度穷困的环境中果腹温饱肚子、捱过战火生存下来。
Okinawa experienced a devastating battle during WWII. Under U.S. ruling, unique foods such as taco rice and Goya Champuru are invented. Host Emily will uncover Okinawan's recipes influenced by the US, letting us into the history of Okinawa's battle. 冲绳岛在二战时期经历一场惨烈战役,接着由美国统治,冲绳饮食也有了不一样的风味,包括美日风味混合的塔可饭、美军的午餐肉结合当地炒苦瓜。主持人陈子颖将寻找受美国饮食文化影响的冲绳料理,带我们走进冲绳的战役故事。
Okinawa experienced a devastating battle during WWII. Under U.S. ruling, unique foods such as taco rice and Goya Champuru are invented. Host Emily will uncover Okinawan's recipes influenced by the US, letting us into the history of Okinawa's battle. 冲绳岛在二战时期经历一场惨烈战役,接着由美国统治,冲绳饮食也有了不一样的风味,包括美日风味混合的塔可饭、美军的午餐肉结合当地炒苦瓜。主持人陈子颖将寻找受美国饮食文化影响的冲绳料理,带我们走进冲绳的战役故事。
Jordan is the world’s second largest refugee host country. Syrian refugees survive on lentils and bread. Some dishes are symbols entangled in multi-polar Middle East conflict – Palestinians count Musakhan as a homeland dish. Dishes like Hummus, Mansaf and Shakriya also add fodders for squabbles. 约旦是世界第二大难民收容国。小扁豆和面包是填饱叙利亚难民肚子的救星。橄榄油美食穆萨坎,代表了巴勒斯坦人对祖国的情怀。中东的鹰嘴豆泥,以及同是奶酪羊肉烩饭的国菜,到了餐桌上却成了民族和国家身份认同的战斗。
Jordan is the world’s second largest refugee host country. Syrian refugees survive on lentils and bread. Some dishes are symbols entangled in multi-polar Middle East conflict – Palestinians count Musakhan as a homeland dish. Dishes like Hummus, Mansaf and Shakriya also add fodders for squabbles. 约旦是世界第二大难民收容国。小扁豆和面包是填饱叙利亚难民肚子的救星。橄榄油美食穆萨坎,代表了巴勒斯坦人对祖国的情怀。中东的鹰嘴豆泥,以及同是奶酪羊肉烩饭的国菜,到了餐桌上却成了民族和国家身份认同的战斗。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |