To Mum With Love


A mother's love and concern never ends, even with her death. Since the death of her husband years ago, school bus driver Du Caixia (Zhu Mimi) has to bring up her 4 children single-handedly. Because she has to fend for her children alone, she is overprotective of them and quick to poke her nose into every aspect of their lives, be it marriage or career.

A mother's love and concern never ends, even with her death. Since the death of her husband years ago, school bus driver Du Caixia (Zhu Mimi) has to bring up her 4 children single-handedly. Because she has to fend for her children alone, she is overprotective of them and quick to poke her nose into every aspect of their lives, be it marriage or career.

Ep 1
45 mins

Du Caixia, a school bus driver, is a widow of four children. Her eldest son, Zhengye, is married and runs a private investigator bureau. Second son Zhengzhi is a bread chef who is secretly in love with Jiang Yuhuan, the girlfriend of his buddy...

Ep 1

Du Caixia, a school bus driver, is a widow of four children. Her eldest son, Zhengye, is married and runs a private investigator bureau. Second son Zhengzhi is a bread chef who is secretly in love with Jiang Yuhuan, the girlfriend of his buddy...

Ep 2
45 mins

Caixia and Shisi-sao make it in time for their flight to Thailand. 彩霞差点被德士撞倒,幸好有惊无险。她和十四嫂匆匆赶到机场,及时搭上飞机前往泰国。

Ep 2

Caixia and Shisi-sao make it in time for their flight to Thailand. 彩霞差点被德士撞倒,幸好有惊无险。她和十四嫂匆匆赶到机场,及时搭上飞机前往泰国。

Ep 3
45 mins

Yijie returns the bracelet; Zhengting rushes off after receiving a call. 正婷换回了便装,为一介破坏了她的计划感到非常气恼。

Ep 3

Yijie returns the bracelet; Zhengting rushes off after receiving a call. 正婷换回了便装,为一介破坏了她的计划感到非常气恼。

Ep 4
45 mins

Zhengting slaps Yijie. Caixia can now touch things. 一介被彩霞一推,抱着正婷一起跌入泳池内,一介扶着正婷上岸,二人对视,都不禁有点心动。

Ep 4

Zhengting slaps Yijie. Caixia can now touch things. 一介被彩霞一推,抱着正婷一起跌入泳池内,一介扶着正婷上岸,二人对视,都不禁有点心动。

Ep 5
45 mins

Caixia uses her powers to stop Shisi-sao from gambling. 彩霞就要看到士聪的时候,却发现十四嫂被人追赶,彩霞担心她,随后追去,所以没有看到士聪。

Ep 5

Caixia uses her powers to stop Shisi-sao from gambling. 彩霞就要看到士聪的时候,却发现十四嫂被人追赶,彩霞担心她,随后追去,所以没有看到士聪。

Ep 6
45 mins

Zhengkang and man-na are quarrelling over the television when Caixia appears before them. 一介间正婷因失去衣服而心情不佳,便请她去吃东西,想逗她开心,正婷还是感到懊恼,令一介啼笑皆非。

Ep 6

Zhengkang and man-na are quarrelling over the television when Caixia appears before them. 一介间正婷因失去衣服而心情不佳,便请她去吃东西,想逗她开心,正婷还是感到懊恼,令一介啼笑皆非。

Ep 7
46 mins

The Lins are thrilled to be reunited with their mother. 林家众儿女惊见彩霞,全部大惊失色。

Ep 7

The Lins are thrilled to be reunited with their mother. 林家众儿女惊见彩霞,全部大惊失色。

Ep 8
46 mins

Zhengting accepts a diamond ring from Haowen and agrees to marry him. 浩文带正婷到珠宝店,选了钻戒送给她并向她求婚。

Ep 8

Zhengting accepts a diamond ring from Haowen and agrees to marry him. 浩文带正婷到珠宝店,选了钻戒送给她并向她求婚。

Ep 9
46 mins

Zhengting finally decides not to go on Haowen’s yacht. 浩文打电话给正婷,正厅犹豫之后,决定不接听,一介很欣慰。

Ep 9

Zhengting finally decides not to go on Haowen’s yacht. 浩文打电话给正婷,正厅犹豫之后,决定不接听,一介很欣慰。

Ep 10
46 mins

The `robber’ has been sent by Shicong to silence Caixia. 枪匪原来是士聪雇来的杀手,他见彩霞倒下,冷笑离去。

Ep 10

The `robber’ has been sent by Shicong to silence Caixia. 枪匪原来是士聪雇来的杀手,他见彩霞倒下,冷笑离去。

Ep 11
46 mins

Caixia tears and is weakened. 彩霞因被正业等埋怨,伤心之下流下了一滴眼泪,顿时感到虚弱不堪,瘫在沙发上动弹不得,想要呼救也叫不出声。

Ep 11

Caixia tears and is weakened. 彩霞因被正业等埋怨,伤心之下流下了一滴眼泪,顿时感到虚弱不堪,瘫在沙发上动弹不得,想要呼救也叫不出声。

Ep 12
45 mins

Zhengkang is bullied in school. 伟强突然出现,而且和宇桓竟已经和好如初,正直感到很失落。

Ep 12

Zhengkang is bullied in school. 伟强突然出现,而且和宇桓竟已经和好如初,正直感到很失落。

Ep 13
46 mins

Zhengkang returns to school and stands up to the bullies. 正婷送痊愈的正康去上学,叮嘱正康要认真向学,别让妈妈操心,正扛答应,并不再怕同学们的欺负,悄悄在一旁观察的彩霞见了,感到欣慰。

Ep 13

Zhengkang returns to school and stands up to the bullies. 正婷送痊愈的正康去上学,叮嘱正康要认真向学,别让妈妈操心,正扛答应,并不再怕同学们的欺负,悄悄在一旁观察的彩霞见了,感到欣慰。

Ep 14
46 mins

Mr Jia promises to give Zhengzhi one truckload of good-quality flour if he wins the lottery. 正直因面包滞销而感苦恼,便以不同面粉做了面包给贾老板品尝比较,要求对方把面粉先赊给他们。

Ep 14

Mr Jia promises to give Zhengzhi one truckload of good-quality flour if he wins the lottery. 正直因面包滞销而感苦恼,便以不同面粉做了面包给贾老板品尝比较,要求对方把面粉先赊给他们。

Ep 15
46 mins

Man-na suggests Zhengzhi enter a competition that will allow him to win a car if her perseveres. 正直为钱烦恼,曼娜提议他参加摸车比赛,只要能一直摸着一辆车五天四夜,最后的胜利者就能获得该辆车,届时把车卖掉就有钱了。

Ep 15

Man-na suggests Zhengzhi enter a competition that will allow him to win a car if her perseveres. 正直为钱烦恼,曼娜提议他参加摸车比赛,只要能一直摸着一辆车五天四夜,最后的胜利者就能获得该辆车,届时把车卖掉就有钱了。

Ep 16
46 mins

Zhengting borrows money from Shimao to help Zhengzhi. 正婷向世贸借钱,助正直渡过难关,并答应和世贸一起去米兰。

Ep 16

Zhengting borrows money from Shimao to help Zhengzhi. 正婷向世贸借钱,助正直渡过难关,并答应和世贸一起去米兰。

Ep 17
46 mins

Caixia saves Zhengzhi but is weakened as a result. 政治危机之时,彩霞及时赶到,拼死以法力救正直脱险,但自己却因耗力过渡,感到虚弱不堪。

Ep 17

Caixia saves Zhengzhi but is weakened as a result. 政治危机之时,彩霞及时赶到,拼死以法力救正直脱险,但自己却因耗力过渡,感到虚弱不堪。

Ep 18
46 mins

Aimei succumbs to Shicong's pleadings and decides to help him cover up the truth about his dealings in Thailand. 正婷因一介隐瞒自己而生气,而与她曾有过节的艾媚则讽刺正婷是为了钱才和一介在一起,正婷愤而离去。

Ep 18

Aimei succumbs to Shicong's pleadings and decides to help him cover up the truth about his dealings in Thailand. 正婷因一介隐瞒自己而生气,而与她曾有过节的艾媚则讽刺正婷是为了钱才和一介在一起,正婷愤而离去。

Ep 19
46 mins

Zhengzhi is confident his innocence will be proven. 彩霞和正婷探望正直,正直表现得很乐观,他起先以为制作的面包不干净才害人生病,便肯定不是自己所为,所以真想一定会大白,正直反而不担心。

Ep 19

Zhengzhi is confident his innocence will be proven. 彩霞和正婷探望正直,正直表现得很乐观,他起先以为制作的面包不干净才害人生病,便肯定不是自己所为,所以真想一定会大白,正直反而不担心。

Ep 20
46 mins

Caixia realises she has only three days left to be with her children. 彩霞突然晕倒,吓坏众人,急忙扶起她,却发现无法触摸到彩霞的身体,非常担心。

Ep 20

Caixia realises she has only three days left to be with her children. 彩霞突然晕倒,吓坏众人,急忙扶起她,却发现无法触摸到彩霞的身体,非常担心。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children