To Be Loved


Yingjun, who is deaf, aspires to become a chef and win the heart of Anxin. Yaofei conceals his depression while confronting challenges in his medical career. His relationship with Ziyang endures hardships. Junhong, favour her boss, is deceived both financially and emotionally. 年幼失聪的英俊立志当上厨师努力不懈,与主厨的女儿安心相恋,历经重重的挫折和挑战。好友耀飞隐瞒自己的抑郁症当上医生,却在职场中面对种种的困境,与女友紫阳追爱之路也处处触礁。英俊的祖母君红追求黄昏之恋,却遭老板骗财骗情感,以至面临人生的大危机……

Yingjun, who is deaf, aspires to become a chef and win the heart of Anxin. Yaofei conceals his depression while confronting challenges in his medical career. His relationship with Ziyang endures hardships. Junhong, favour her boss, is deceived both financially and emotionally. 年幼失聪的英俊立志当上厨师努力不懈,与主厨的女儿安心相恋,历经重重的挫折和挑战。好友耀飞隐瞒自己的抑郁症当上医生,却在职场中面对种种的困境,与女友紫阳追爱之路也处处触礁。英俊的祖母君红追求黄昏之恋,却遭老板骗财骗情感,以至面临人生的大危机……

Ep 1
46 mins

Bubbly Yingjun who was born deaf and bullied at work, is fired. He’s friends Yaofei, a great doctor who suffers from depression and struggles with stress when his patients compliment him. They run into each other at the void deck at night. Yaofei gets into a fight with a drunk. 英俊,从小失聪但性格开朗,却经常在职场面临欺凌,甚至无辜被逼离开工作的餐馆。耀飞,一个患有抑郁症的优秀医生,在被病人称赞时,却备感压力而出现负面情绪,拼命的自我压抑。夜晚,这对好朋友不约而同到楼下散心,耀飞竟然与酒鬼发生冲突……

Ep 1

Bubbly Yingjun who was born deaf and bullied at work, is fired. He’s friends Yaofei, a great doctor who suffers from depression and struggles with stress when his patients compliment him. They run into each other at the void deck at night. Yaofei gets into a fight with a drunk. 英俊,从小失聪但性格开朗,却经常在职场面临欺凌,甚至无辜被逼离开工作的餐馆。耀飞,一个患有抑郁症的优秀医生,在被病人称赞时,却备感压力而出现负面情绪,拼命的自我压抑。夜晚,这对好朋友不约而同到楼下散心,耀飞竟然与酒鬼发生冲突……

Ep 2
46 mins

Yaofei’s prideful father Youhai forces him to buy a car. He gets a complaint from a patient’s next of kin and his girlfriend Ziyang wants to break up with him over his outbursts. His depression worsens from the stress. Yingjun’s grandmother Junhong and Yaofei’s mother Huiqing are old friends. Junhong loses her wallet in a public toilet and accuses Yuni, who was in the toilet, of stealing it.… 耀飞的父亲有海为了面子逼他买车,耀飞不敢违抗。随后他又被病患家属投诉...

Ep 2

Yaofei’s prideful father Youhai forces him to buy a car. He gets a complaint from a patient’s next of kin and his girlfriend Ziyang wants to break up with him over his outbursts. His depression worsens from the stress. Yingjun’s grandmother Junhong and Yaofei’s mother Huiqing are old friends. Junhong loses her wallet in a public toilet and accuses Yuni, who was in the toilet, of stealing it.… 耀飞的父亲有海为了面子逼他买车,耀飞不敢违抗。随后他又被病患家属投诉...

Ep 3
46 mins

Yingjun discovers Junhong sending money to a man. When questioned, Junhong lies and says the man is Ah Fa, an old colleague of Yingjun’s father. Yaofei gets stressed while shopping for cars with Youhai. He tries to convince Ziyang to stay and passes out from sustained psychological stress and a relapse of his depression. 英俊无意中发现祖母君红偷偷给某个男人钱,被质询时,君红急忙谎称对方是英俊父亲的旧同事阿发。耀飞跟随父亲有海到车行看车,过程中感受到巨大压力。同时,他努力挽留与女友紫阳的关系,但持续的心理压力和抑郁发作最终让他晕倒……

Ep 3

Yingjun discovers Junhong sending money to a man. When questioned, Junhong lies and says the man is Ah Fa, an old colleague of Yingjun’s father. Yaofei gets stressed while shopping for cars with Youhai. He tries to convince Ziyang to stay and passes out from sustained psychological stress and a relapse of his depression. 英俊无意中发现祖母君红偷偷给某个男人钱,被质询时,君红急忙谎称对方是英俊父亲的旧同事阿发。耀飞跟随父亲有海到车行看车,过程中感受到巨大压力。同时,他努力挽留与女友紫阳的关系,但持续的心理压力和抑郁发作最终让他晕倒……

Ep 4
46 mins

Huiqing, who didn’t want a helper, gets stressed when she finds Yuni calling someone at night and vanishing the next day. Worried about exacerbating Yaofei’s condition, Ziyang agrees not to break up with him and to give each other time. When Yingjun gets praised by a customer, the head chef John lets him prepare the appetisers, giving him a boost to his confidence. 慧青发现女佣Yuni半夜偷偷打电话,隔天又突然失踪,这让原本就反对请女佣的她备感压力。紫阳担心耀飞的状况恶化,同意暂时不分手...

Ep 4

Huiqing, who didn’t want a helper, gets stressed when she finds Yuni calling someone at night and vanishing the next day. Worried about exacerbating Yaofei’s condition, Ziyang agrees not to break up with him and to give each other time. When Yingjun gets praised by a customer, the head chef John lets him prepare the appetisers, giving him a boost to his confidence. 慧青发现女佣Yuni半夜偷偷打电话,隔天又突然失踪,这让原本就反对请女佣的她备感压力。紫阳担心耀飞的状况恶化,同意暂时不分手...

Ep 5
46 mins

The chef, John’s daughter Anxin, helps train Yingjun. Ryan, a colleague who’s interested in her, gets jealous and picks on Yingjun more. Anxin runs into a scammer when she tries to locate her mother on social media and is saved by Yingjun. Youhai once threatened to throw Yaofei into the crocodile pit when he was a kid. When stressed, Yaofei hallucinates about crocodiles and nearly breaks down. John的女儿安心亦是餐厅厨师,她主动帮助英俊练习厨艺,却引起对安心有好感的同事Ryan的嫉妒...

Ep 5

The chef, John’s daughter Anxin, helps train Yingjun. Ryan, a colleague who’s interested in her, gets jealous and picks on Yingjun more. Anxin runs into a scammer when she tries to locate her mother on social media and is saved by Yingjun. Youhai once threatened to throw Yaofei into the crocodile pit when he was a kid. When stressed, Yaofei hallucinates about crocodiles and nearly breaks down. John的女儿安心亦是餐厅厨师,她主动帮助英俊练习厨艺,却引起对安心有好感的同事Ryan的嫉妒...

Ep 6
46 mins

Yingjun bears Ryan’s bullying with the help of Anxin and his online girlfriend Weiwei’s attention and concern. Yaofei realises he shouldn’t use Ziyang as a crutch and decides to break up with her. He wants to quit his job and change his life, but his decision is met with his father’s stern rebuke. 英俊不断受到Ryan的欺负却逆来顺受,安心的关心和与网恋女友微微的甜蜜发展为他带来了慰藉。与紫阳的冷静期间,耀飞自我反省过后,感觉不该再把紫阳当成浮木依赖,决定主动提出分手。同时,耀飞也尝试想做出改变而提出辞职,却遭到父亲的严厉责备…….

Ep 6

Yingjun bears Ryan’s bullying with the help of Anxin and his online girlfriend Weiwei’s attention and concern. Yaofei realises he shouldn’t use Ziyang as a crutch and decides to break up with her. He wants to quit his job and change his life, but his decision is met with his father’s stern rebuke. 英俊不断受到Ryan的欺负却逆来顺受,安心的关心和与网恋女友微微的甜蜜发展为他带来了慰藉。与紫阳的冷静期间,耀飞自我反省过后,感觉不该再把紫阳当成浮木依赖,决定主动提出分手。同时,耀飞也尝试想做出改变而提出辞职,却遭到父亲的严厉责备…….

Ep 7
46 mins

Yaofei struggles with seeking treatment because he fears confronting Youhai about his depression. Yingjun, who’s been hiding the fact he’s deaf from Weiwei, gets anxious when she requests to meet him. She eventually finds out where he’s working. 耀飞决心面对自己的抑郁症,求医时却想到即将面对父亲的恐惧与后果,最后还是临阵退缩。英俊的网恋女友微微突然向英俊提出见面要求,让一直对微微隐瞒失聪秘密的英俊感到焦虑时,微微已寻到他工作的餐厅……

Ep 7

Yaofei struggles with seeking treatment because he fears confronting Youhai about his depression. Yingjun, who’s been hiding the fact he’s deaf from Weiwei, gets anxious when she requests to meet him. She eventually finds out where he’s working. 耀飞决心面对自己的抑郁症,求医时却想到即将面对父亲的恐惧与后果,最后还是临阵退缩。英俊的网恋女友微微突然向英俊提出见面要求,让一直对微微隐瞒失聪秘密的英俊感到焦虑时,微微已寻到他工作的餐厅……

Ep 8
46 mins

Weiwei is upset about Yingjun lying to her about being deaf and leaves. A distraught Yingjun is consoled by Anxin and tries to pull himself together. Yaofei and Ziyang can’t let each other go after the breakup. They end up at a restaurant they often visit where they reminisce fondly about the past. 微微发现英俊隐瞒失聪的真相后,感到被欺骗而愤怒离开。英俊感情受挫,但在安心的安慰下,他试图强颜欢笑并向安心表示会笑着面对逆境。分手后的耀飞和紫阳依然怀念对方,他们不约而同地回到约会经常去的餐厅,回忆起曾经的约定和快乐时光……

Ep 8

Weiwei is upset about Yingjun lying to her about being deaf and leaves. A distraught Yingjun is consoled by Anxin and tries to pull himself together. Yaofei and Ziyang can’t let each other go after the breakup. They end up at a restaurant they often visit where they reminisce fondly about the past. 微微发现英俊隐瞒失聪的真相后,感到被欺骗而愤怒离开。英俊感情受挫,但在安心的安慰下,他试图强颜欢笑并向安心表示会笑着面对逆境。分手后的耀飞和紫阳依然怀念对方,他们不约而同地回到约会经常去的餐厅,回忆起曾经的约定和快乐时光……

Ep 9
46 mins

Anxin realises Yingjun is upset about his breakup. She finds Weiwei and persuades her to give Yingjun another chance. Huiqing and Junhong share the same birthday and always celebrate the day together. When Huiqing doesn’t turn up for the celebration because of a fight they had, Junhong confronts her. They reconcile when Junhong helps a troubled Huiqing without saying a word. 安心发现英俊压抑着失恋之苦,找上微微劝她珍惜英俊的真心,让微微决定与英俊继 续交往。慧青与君红同日生日,两人约定好每年一起庆生...

Ep 9

Anxin realises Yingjun is upset about his breakup. She finds Weiwei and persuades her to give Yingjun another chance. Huiqing and Junhong share the same birthday and always celebrate the day together. When Huiqing doesn’t turn up for the celebration because of a fight they had, Junhong confronts her. They reconcile when Junhong helps a troubled Huiqing without saying a word. 安心发现英俊压抑着失恋之苦,找上微微劝她珍惜英俊的真心,让微微决定与英俊继 续交往。慧青与君红同日生日,两人约定好每年一起庆生...

Ep 10
46 mins

Huiqing encourages Yaofei to take a long break from work when she finds out he has depression. Yaofei’s condition worsens when Youhai finds out and rebukes him. Bang convinces a trusting Junhong to invest her money. Despite their efforts, Weiwei and Yingjun can’t overcome their differences and get into a fight. 慧青得知耀飞有抑郁症后,支持他请长假暂时远离生活压力。然而有海得知以后,对耀飞严厉斥责,反而加剧了耀飞的病情。邦哥诱导君红投资,君红对他深信不疑,同意了他的提议。微微跟英俊交往时彼此极力适应对方,但仍然难以克服之间的差异,最后两人还是起了争执……

Ep 10

Huiqing encourages Yaofei to take a long break from work when she finds out he has depression. Yaofei’s condition worsens when Youhai finds out and rebukes him. Bang convinces a trusting Junhong to invest her money. Despite their efforts, Weiwei and Yingjun can’t overcome their differences and get into a fight. 慧青得知耀飞有抑郁症后,支持他请长假暂时远离生活压力。然而有海得知以后,对耀飞严厉斥责,反而加剧了耀飞的病情。邦哥诱导君红投资,君红对他深信不疑,同意了他的提议。微微跟英俊交往时彼此极力适应对方,但仍然难以克服之间的差异,最后两人还是起了争执……

Ep 11
46 mins

Yaofei stews in disappointment when his superior takes credit for his medical paper. Ah Fa refuses treatment for his cancer. He feels heartened when Yingjun, who knows Ah Fa is his grandfather, cares for him. Tensions between Yingjun and Weiwei grow when he fails to get along with her classmates at a gathering. Yingjun finally decides to break up with Weiwei. 耀飞的医学文章被上司拿去发表占为已有,耀飞感到失望却不敢抗议。阿发得了肝癌却拒绝接受治疗,英俊早己知晓阿发是他的祖父,他的关心和照顾让阿发倍感温馨。微微带英俊参加同学会...

Ep 11

Yaofei stews in disappointment when his superior takes credit for his medical paper. Ah Fa refuses treatment for his cancer. He feels heartened when Yingjun, who knows Ah Fa is his grandfather, cares for him. Tensions between Yingjun and Weiwei grow when he fails to get along with her classmates at a gathering. Yingjun finally decides to break up with Weiwei. 耀飞的医学文章被上司拿去发表占为已有,耀飞感到失望却不敢抗议。阿发得了肝癌却拒绝接受治疗,英俊早己知晓阿发是他的祖父,他的关心和照顾让阿发倍感温馨。微微带英俊参加同学会...

Ep 12
46 mins

Youhai scolds Yaofei for not standing up for himself when his superior takes credit for his paper, exacerbating Yaofei’s condition. With Ziyang’s encouragement, Yaofei decides to quit his job. An upset Youhai pressures Yaofei, leading to Yaofei to harm himself. Ryan gets up to no good and causes Yingjun to fail John’s exam. 有海得知耀飞的论文被上司夺走后,严厉谴责耀飞的懦弱无能,导致已经患有抑郁症的耀飞状况更加恶化。在紫阳的鼓励下,耀飞决定辞职远离压力源,再次激怒了有海对他继续施压,耀飞最终情绪失控而自残。英俊面对主厨John的厨师考核,Ryan在背后搞小动作...

Ep 12

Youhai scolds Yaofei for not standing up for himself when his superior takes credit for his paper, exacerbating Yaofei’s condition. With Ziyang’s encouragement, Yaofei decides to quit his job. An upset Youhai pressures Yaofei, leading to Yaofei to harm himself. Ryan gets up to no good and causes Yingjun to fail John’s exam. 有海得知耀飞的论文被上司夺走后,严厉谴责耀飞的懦弱无能,导致已经患有抑郁症的耀飞状况更加恶化。在紫阳的鼓励下,耀飞决定辞职远离压力源,再次激怒了有海对他继续施压,耀飞最终情绪失控而自残。英俊面对主厨John的厨师考核,Ryan在背后搞小动作...

Ep 13
46 mins

Anxin discovers that John has been meeting someone called Shuimei and finds out she’s the mother who abandoned her as a kid. Yingjun gets picked on by a customer while helping Ah Fa sell tissue. Ah Fa ends up falling and dying. Junhong finds out that Bang ran away with her savings. 安心发现John与一名叫水梅的女子接触,最后得知水梅竟然是从小遗弃自己的母亲。英俊帮阿发卖纸巾遭遇顾客刁难,导致阿发不慎跌倒不幸受伤逝世。君红发现邦哥跑路了,而且卷走了她所有的存款……

Ep 13

Anxin discovers that John has been meeting someone called Shuimei and finds out she’s the mother who abandoned her as a kid. Yingjun gets picked on by a customer while helping Ah Fa sell tissue. Ah Fa ends up falling and dying. Junhong finds out that Bang ran away with her savings. 安心发现John与一名叫水梅的女子接触,最后得知水梅竟然是从小遗弃自己的母亲。英俊帮阿发卖纸巾遭遇顾客刁难,导致阿发不慎跌倒不幸受伤逝世。君红发现邦哥跑路了,而且卷走了她所有的存款……

Ep 14
46 mins

Junhong falls ill. The victims of Bang’s scam come knocking at her door and accuses her of colluding with Bang. Yaofei and Ziyang plan to go camping. Youhai hijacks the trip and starts scolding Yaofei. Yaofei relapses and gets into an accident. Ziyang is assaulted by Li Wei while waiting for Yaofei. 君红被邦哥欺骗一病不起,被骗的苦主们纷纷上门找君红兴师问罪,认定君红和邦哥合谋诈骗。耀飞与紫阳相约要去露营,耀飞途中遭遇父亲有海拦截,对他施加压力,激发了耀飞抑郁症,发生意外。紫阳等待耀飞的过程中,遭遇了李威的施暴……

Ep 14

Junhong falls ill. The victims of Bang’s scam come knocking at her door and accuses her of colluding with Bang. Yaofei and Ziyang plan to go camping. Youhai hijacks the trip and starts scolding Yaofei. Yaofei relapses and gets into an accident. Ziyang is assaulted by Li Wei while waiting for Yaofei. 君红被邦哥欺骗一病不起,被骗的苦主们纷纷上门找君红兴师问罪,认定君红和邦哥合谋诈骗。耀飞与紫阳相约要去露营,耀飞途中遭遇父亲有海拦截,对他施加压力,激发了耀飞抑郁症,发生意外。紫阳等待耀飞的过程中,遭遇了李威的施暴……

Ep 15
46 mins

Ziyang is injured during the assault and can no longer have kids. Yaofei blames himself for what happened to her. Junhong nearly gets knocked down while looking for Bang. Worried about her, Yingjun brings her to the restaurant so he can watch over her. Worried that Youhai will exacerbate Yaofei’s condition, Huiqing plans to move out with Yaofei. 紫阳遭李威施暴受伤,影响了她未来的生育能力,耀飞对此深感愧疚,认为是自己连累了紫阳。君红在寻找邦哥的过程中差点遭遇车祸,英俊担忧她的安全,将她带到餐厅照看。慧青担心有海继续施压会加剧耀飞的抑郁症...

Ep 15

Ziyang is injured during the assault and can no longer have kids. Yaofei blames himself for what happened to her. Junhong nearly gets knocked down while looking for Bang. Worried about her, Yingjun brings her to the restaurant so he can watch over her. Worried that Youhai will exacerbate Yaofei’s condition, Huiqing plans to move out with Yaofei. 紫阳遭李威施暴受伤,影响了她未来的生育能力,耀飞对此深感愧疚,认为是自己连累了紫阳。君红在寻找邦哥的过程中差点遭遇车祸,英俊担忧她的安全,将她带到餐厅照看。慧青担心有海继续施压会加剧耀飞的抑郁症...

Ep 16
46 mins

Ziyang’s mother forbids her from dating Yaofei when she finds out about his depression. Huiqing finds out that Youhai invested their savings and got scammed. Furious, she demands a divorce and leaves home with Yaofei. Yingjun is accused of being a peeping tom when he tries to find out if Amanda, a customer, is his mother. 紫阳的母亲得知耀飞患有抑郁症后,强烈反对两人继续交往。慧青发现有海擅自挪用存款拿去投资并遭受诈骗,愤而向有海提出离婚,并带着耀飞离家。英俊怀疑顾客Amanda是他的母亲,试图探寻真相时,却反被大家误会为偷窥狂……

Ep 16

Ziyang’s mother forbids her from dating Yaofei when she finds out about his depression. Huiqing finds out that Youhai invested their savings and got scammed. Furious, she demands a divorce and leaves home with Yaofei. Yingjun is accused of being a peeping tom when he tries to find out if Amanda, a customer, is his mother. 紫阳的母亲得知耀飞患有抑郁症后,强烈反对两人继续交往。慧青发现有海擅自挪用存款拿去投资并遭受诈骗,愤而向有海提出离婚,并带着耀飞离家。英俊怀疑顾客Amanda是他的母亲,试图探寻真相时,却反被大家误会为偷窥狂……

Ep 17
46 mins

Yingjun keeps the accusations a secret and is beaten by a furious Junhong when John tells her about it, further hurting Yingjun, who is hurting from his mother’s neglect. Ziyang gets into a fight with her mother over Yaofei. Yaofei promises to overcome his depression for Ziyang. Youhai finds Yaofei and tries to drag him home. They get into an intense fight, which ends in tragedy. 英俊对被诬指是偷窥狂之事三缄其口,John转告君红反连累英俊遭君红怒打,让饱受母亲冷漠对待的英俊苦上加苦。紫阳为了耀飞和母亲起冲突..

Ep 17

Yingjun keeps the accusations a secret and is beaten by a furious Junhong when John tells her about it, further hurting Yingjun, who is hurting from his mother’s neglect. Ziyang gets into a fight with her mother over Yaofei. Yaofei promises to overcome his depression for Ziyang. Youhai finds Yaofei and tries to drag him home. They get into an intense fight, which ends in tragedy. 英俊对被诬指是偷窥狂之事三缄其口,John转告君红反连累英俊遭君红怒打,让饱受母亲冷漠对待的英俊苦上加苦。紫阳为了耀飞和母亲起冲突..

Ep 18
46 mins

An injured Youhai is in critical condition while Yaofei is arrested and facing charges. Yingjun’s statement paints Yaofei as guilty. Ziyang decides to stay by Yaofei’s side. A guilt-ridden Yaofei decides to plead guilty for hurting his father. Ryan spreads rumours about Yingjun online, which almost gets Yingjun fired. 有海受伤生命垂危,耀飞被拘留面临被告,而英俊的证词对耀飞十分不利。紫阳决定与耀飞共同进退,但耀飞却因伤害了父亲而感到内疚,决定不辩解,接受法律的惩罚。Ryan在网上造谣抹黑英俊,英俊雪上加霜,面临被逼离开餐厅……

Ep 18

An injured Youhai is in critical condition while Yaofei is arrested and facing charges. Yingjun’s statement paints Yaofei as guilty. Ziyang decides to stay by Yaofei’s side. A guilt-ridden Yaofei decides to plead guilty for hurting his father. Ryan spreads rumours about Yingjun online, which almost gets Yingjun fired. 有海受伤生命垂危,耀飞被拘留面临被告,而英俊的证词对耀飞十分不利。紫阳决定与耀飞共同进退,但耀飞却因伤害了父亲而感到内疚,决定不辩解,接受法律的惩罚。Ryan在网上造谣抹黑英俊,英俊雪上加霜,面临被逼离开餐厅……

Ep 19
46 mins

Youhai’s condition worsens as he stays in a coma. Yaofei refuses to talk about what happened. Regardless, Huiqing and Ziyang believe that he would never hurt Youhai. Anxin finds out that Ryan has been slandering Yingjun online. Ryan claims that he’s just helping John drive Yingjun away. Anxin confronts John and demands that he and Yingjun have a cooking match. 有海在昏迷中的情况恶化,但耀飞依旧保持沉默,不透露事故的详细经过。尽管如此,慧青和紫阳坚信耀飞不可能伤害有海。安心发现Ryan在网上造谣诽谤英俊...

Ep 19

Youhai’s condition worsens as he stays in a coma. Yaofei refuses to talk about what happened. Regardless, Huiqing and Ziyang believe that he would never hurt Youhai. Anxin finds out that Ryan has been slandering Yingjun online. Ryan claims that he’s just helping John drive Yingjun away. Anxin confronts John and demands that he and Yingjun have a cooking match. 有海在昏迷中的情况恶化,但耀飞依旧保持沉默,不透露事故的详细经过。尽管如此,慧青和紫阳坚信耀飞不可能伤害有海。安心发现Ryan在网上造谣诽谤英俊...

Ep 20
46 mins

Youhai regrets hurting Yaofei and leaves without a word so that he’ll never hurt him again. The duo eventually reconciles when Yaofei finds Youhai. John wins Yingjun by a slight margin and is heartened by how much Yingjun has improved. As agreed, Yingjun leaves the restaurant. Anxin decides to go with him. John witnesses Anxin and Yingjun realise their love for each other. 有海懊悔自己的教育方式害了耀飞的一生,为免耀飞再受痛苦而悄然离开。耀飞最终找到有海,父子解开了心结。英俊和John 进行PK...

Ep 20

Youhai regrets hurting Yaofei and leaves without a word so that he’ll never hurt him again. The duo eventually reconciles when Yaofei finds Youhai. John wins Yingjun by a slight margin and is heartened by how much Yingjun has improved. As agreed, Yingjun leaves the restaurant. Anxin decides to go with him. John witnesses Anxin and Yingjun realise their love for each other. 有海懊悔自己的教育方式害了耀飞的一生,为免耀飞再受痛苦而悄然离开。耀飞最终找到有海,父子解开了心结。英俊和John 进行PK...

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children