The Joymakers
The all-new documentary program "The Joymakers" aims to uncover stories of heartwarming acts from around the world. What is the truth behind the warm feeling we experience at moments like these? Is it something that can be created? How do we practise the art of "giving and taking"? Whether it's a life-changing transformation or a thoughtful little pick-me-up, these are all the things which have the power to elevate our lives beyond the daily grind. Through immersing the audience in these real-life stories, the program hopes to bring forth the message that there is warmth in humanity, there is hope in society and there are people whom we can take lessons from, if only we open our minds. If only we can reach for the goodness inside us, the world around can be transformed into a place of beauty. 全新实况资讯节目{幸福方程式}将挖掘世间真实温暖故事,寻找不同幸福的方程式,让你我了解幸福、快乐、施与受的真谛和意义。无论是小确幸,还是大确幸,都是重要的生命引擎发电机、润滑剂。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
In Singapore, when death comes calling for those without money nor family, an elderly Samaritan steps in to help with their funeral arrangements free of charge but he is not an undertaker. What prompts this senior citizen to lend a hand to strangers he has never met, no matter their race or creed? 当死亡到来的那天,一个人假如没有家人又有经济困难,他的后事该怎么办? 在新加坡,就有一位年长者多年来免费替无依无靠的老人处理后事,但他并不是殡葬业者。究竟是什么原因让他不分种族、不分信仰,愿意为素未谋面的人倾心付出?
In Singapore, when death comes calling for those without money nor family, an elderly Samaritan steps in to help with their funeral arrangements free of charge but he is not an undertaker. What prompts this senior citizen to lend a hand to strangers he has never met, no matter their race or creed? 当死亡到来的那天,一个人假如没有家人又有经济困难,他的后事该怎么办? 在新加坡,就有一位年长者多年来免费替无依无靠的老人处理后事,但他并不是殡葬业者。究竟是什么原因让他不分种族、不分信仰,愿意为素未谋面的人倾心付出?
In Singapore, when death comes calling for those without money nor family, an elderly Samaritan steps in to help with their funeral arrangements free of charge but he is not an undertaker. What prompts this senior citizen to lend a hand to strangers he has never met, no matter their race or creed? 当死亡到来的那天,一个人假如没有家人又有经济困难,他的后事该怎么办? 在新加坡,就有一位年长者多年来免费替无依无靠的老人处理后事,但他并不是殡葬业者。究竟是什么原因让他不分种族、不分信仰,愿意为素未谋面的人倾心付出?
Polio-stricken Taiwanese Liu Ming was 25 when he was told he would only live up to 30. Instead of giving up on life, he chooses to cherish every moment. Now 60, this radio and TV host has also set up a performing group for the physically disabled to build their confidence and lift their spirits. 来自台湾的刘铭三岁被诊断患上小儿麻痹症,25岁时由于脊椎严重侧弯被诊断只能活到30岁。但他并没自暴自弃,反而更珍惜每一天。如今他已60岁,除了是广播和电视节目主持人,他还成立了一个特别的综艺团,在海内外表演,为身障者建立自信心及散播残而不废的正能量。
Polio-stricken Taiwanese Liu Ming was 25 when he was told he would only live up to 30. Instead of giving up on life, he chooses to cherish every moment. Now 60, this radio and TV host has also set up a performing group for the physically disabled to build their confidence and lift their spirits. 来自台湾的刘铭三岁被诊断患上小儿麻痹症,25岁时由于脊椎严重侧弯被诊断只能活到30岁。但他并没自暴自弃,反而更珍惜每一天。如今他已60岁,除了是广播和电视节目主持人,他还成立了一个特别的综艺团,在海内外表演,为身障者建立自信心及散播残而不废的正能量。
In Vietnam, a lion dance troupe specifically recruits street kids as members. The founder of the troupe does not look to profit, but hopes to change their lives through lion dance practice. However, it requires a lot of commitment and perseverance. Can lion dancing truly make a difference for them? 在越南,有位年轻人创办了一个以街童为主要团员的舞狮团,目的不在赚钱,而是要以舞狮为媒介,改变街童的命运。然而舞狮是一门讲究技术的表演艺术,考验着团员们的毅力;究竟这个方法在性格各异的青年中是否奏效?
In Vietnam, a lion dance troupe specifically recruits street kids as members. The founder of the troupe does not look to profit, but hopes to change their lives through lion dance practice. However, it requires a lot of commitment and perseverance. Can lion dancing truly make a difference for them? 在越南,有位年轻人创办了一个以街童为主要团员的舞狮团,目的不在赚钱,而是要以舞狮为媒介,改变街童的命运。然而舞狮是一门讲究技术的表演艺术,考验着团员们的毅力;究竟这个方法在性格各异的青年中是否奏效?
Japan is an affluent society, which is why the issue of poverty often overlooked. In Osaka, there was an unfortunate incident where a mother and child starved to death at home. Determined to help the poor, a few monks decided to establish an anti-poverty organization that distributes temple offerings as gifts to families-in-need, providing them hope and bringing joy. 日本虽然是个富裕的社会,但是正因为贫穷问题不明显,挨饿的人往往更容易被忽略和遗忘。大阪就曾发生母子困在家中活活饿死的事件...
Japan is an affluent society, which is why the issue of poverty often overlooked. In Osaka, there was an unfortunate incident where a mother and child starved to death at home. Determined to help the poor, a few monks decided to establish an anti-poverty organization that distributes temple offerings as gifts to families-in-need, providing them hope and bringing joy. 日本虽然是个富裕的社会,但是正因为贫穷问题不明显,挨饿的人往往更容易被忽略和遗忘。大阪就曾发生母子困在家中活活饿死的事件...
Angels who grant peace at death beds might sound fantastical; but in the Netherlands, there is a group of people who does exactly that. Every day, they travel all over the country in a special ambulance to the terminally ill, not to treat them, but to help complete their one final wish. 在面临死亡的时候,我们都希望能够了无牵挂,无怨无悔地离开。在尼德兰,有一组人一年365天开着一辆特殊救护车,到各地的医院接送临终病人。他们不是为了抢救病人,而是要帮助他们完成人生中的最后一个心愿。
Angels who grant peace at death beds might sound fantastical; but in the Netherlands, there is a group of people who does exactly that. Every day, they travel all over the country in a special ambulance to the terminally ill, not to treat them, but to help complete their one final wish. 在面临死亡的时候,我们都希望能够了无牵挂,无怨无悔地离开。在尼德兰,有一组人一年365天开着一辆特殊救护车,到各地的医院接送临终病人。他们不是为了抢救病人,而是要帮助他们完成人生中的最后一个心愿。
Niu-ge is an outdoor live-streamer. He performs live-streaming on the whole event of him searching for homeless men under the bridge or by the garbage dump. Once he found someone, he will contact their families with the help of his fans. He has since helped some 90 homeless people returning homes. 中国网络主播牛哥追梦,以户外直播的方式,帮助流浪汉回家。他直播的内容,主要是在桥底下、马路边和垃圾堆旁寻找流浪汉,劝说他们寻求协助;他还通过各种方式联系他们的家人。迄今牛哥已经帮助约九十名流浪汉回返家园。
Niu-ge is an outdoor live-streamer. He performs live-streaming on the whole event of him searching for homeless men under the bridge or by the garbage dump. Once he found someone, he will contact their families with the help of his fans. He has since helped some 90 homeless people returning homes. 中国网络主播牛哥追梦,以户外直播的方式,帮助流浪汉回家。他直播的内容,主要是在桥底下、马路边和垃圾堆旁寻找流浪汉,劝说他们寻求协助;他还通过各种方式联系他们的家人。迄今牛哥已经帮助约九十名流浪汉回返家园。
For children living on the outlying islands in the Philippines, getting to the nearest school may require them to swim over a few kilometres or trek through mountains. Though Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation have stepped in to help these children in 200 affected communities, more help is required. 菲律宾:黄艇希望基金会 在新加坡,学生都是搭校车或地铁上学。然而,在菲律宾,住在外岛的小孩必须游泳几公里,或者翻山越岭,才能去到最靠近的学校;他们当中,约200个社区获得黄艇希望基金会援助,但是,还没被关注的学童还是很多。
For children living on the outlying islands in the Philippines, getting to the nearest school may require them to swim over a few kilometres or trek through mountains. Though Yellow Boat of Hope Foundation have stepped in to help these children in 200 affected communities, more help is required. 菲律宾:黄艇希望基金会 在新加坡,学生都是搭校车或地铁上学。然而,在菲律宾,住在外岛的小孩必须游泳几公里,或者翻山越岭,才能去到最靠近的学校;他们当中,约200个社区获得黄艇希望基金会援助,但是,还没被关注的学童还是很多。
In 2013, a trip to build water supply systems in Sarawak's rural farming areas became a life-changing opportunity for four youngsters. Motivated to help these communities overcome their economic hardships, they set up Langit Collective, a social enterprise to help farmers here to sell their crops. 四名转换人生跑道的年轻人,2013年随非政府组织来到马来西亚砂拉越偏乡建设供水系统,同时也看见了偏乡以种植稻 米维生的农民,所面临的经济困境。于是他们共同创办了社会企业,要协助农民卖米,翻转偏乡山区的经济,增加农民的收入。
In 2013, a trip to build water supply systems in Sarawak's rural farming areas became a life-changing opportunity for four youngsters. Motivated to help these communities overcome their economic hardships, they set up Langit Collective, a social enterprise to help farmers here to sell their crops. 四名转换人生跑道的年轻人,2013年随非政府组织来到马来西亚砂拉越偏乡建设供水系统,同时也看见了偏乡以种植稻 米维生的农民,所面临的经济困境。于是他们共同创办了社会企业,要协助农民卖米,翻转偏乡山区的经济,增加农民的收入。
What do football and eyeball have to do with each other? Nestled deep in the heart of rural India, there is an eye hospital where girls undergo football training as part of their course to become optometrists and managers. 足球和眼球有什么关系?深藏在印度最贫困的区域,有一家特殊的眼科医院。在这里,每一个想要成为验光师或在医院就职的女生,都必须学踢足球。
What do football and eyeball have to do with each other? Nestled deep in the heart of rural India, there is an eye hospital where girls undergo football training as part of their course to become optometrists and managers. 足球和眼球有什么关系?深藏在印度最贫困的区域,有一家特殊的眼科医院。在这里,每一个想要成为验光师或在医院就职的女生,都必须学踢足球。
Taiwanese indigenous children's choir VOX Nativa has made waves around the world with their aboriginal music. By making their voices heard, the conductor hopes to bring about positive change in the lives of these children from poverty-stricken native communities and preserve their culture as well. 发迹于玉山下的原声童声合唱团让全世界听见了台湾的声音。在万人瞩目的背后,却是一场深具意义的偏 乡教育实验。指挥马彼得想借着假日音乐学校,翻转部落复制贫穷的命运。他的教育理念真的能够改变部 落,为孩子们带来幸福吗?
Taiwanese indigenous children's choir VOX Nativa has made waves around the world with their aboriginal music. By making their voices heard, the conductor hopes to bring about positive change in the lives of these children from poverty-stricken native communities and preserve their culture as well. 发迹于玉山下的原声童声合唱团让全世界听见了台湾的声音。在万人瞩目的背后,却是一场深具意义的偏 乡教育实验。指挥马彼得想借着假日音乐学校,翻转部落复制贫穷的命运。他的教育理念真的能够改变部 落,为孩子们带来幸福吗?
In Ho Chi Minh City where poverty has driven some parents to abandon their newborn babies, a businessman at the peak of his career decides to dedicate his life to feeding and caring for nearly 100 orphans. On top of that, he has also made an astonishing decision in the eyes of Vietnamese society. 在越南胡志明市,有些小孩刚出生不久,就被父母遗弃,有位男子决定扛起照顾这些孤儿的责任。他放下生意,成为孩子的贴身保姆。他为近一百名孤儿提供远远超过三餐温饱,甚至还做出了让外界意想不到的决定。
In Ho Chi Minh City where poverty has driven some parents to abandon their newborn babies, a businessman at the peak of his career decides to dedicate his life to feeding and caring for nearly 100 orphans. On top of that, he has also made an astonishing decision in the eyes of Vietnamese society. 在越南胡志明市,有些小孩刚出生不久,就被父母遗弃,有位男子决定扛起照顾这些孤儿的责任。他放下生意,成为孩子的贴身保姆。他为近一百名孤儿提供远远超过三餐温饱,甚至还做出了让外界意想不到的决定。
In America, the homeless are known for a few things- either they are loonies, junkies or unemployed bums. In the coastal city of Eureka, California, however, this shunned and despised community has found a listening ear in an unlikely figure- a 70-year-old Chinese woman called Betty. 在美国,无家可归者都被贴上一个标签:他们不是神经病患者,就是嗜毒者或窝囊废。不过,在加利福尼亚州的一个小城市,无家可归者却有一个愿意聆听、帮助、照顾他们的人。她叫做Betty,是一个年过七旬的华裔妇女。
In America, the homeless are known for a few things- either they are loonies, junkies or unemployed bums. In the coastal city of Eureka, California, however, this shunned and despised community has found a listening ear in an unlikely figure- a 70-year-old Chinese woman called Betty. 在美国,无家可归者都被贴上一个标签:他们不是神经病患者,就是嗜毒者或窝囊废。不过,在加利福尼亚州的一个小城市,无家可归者却有一个愿意聆听、帮助、照顾他们的人。她叫做Betty,是一个年过七旬的华裔妇女。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2020 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |