The Destined One


“The Destined One” is a reality dating show featuring artistes/celebrities as matchmakers, who will help introduce potential candidates to a panel consists of 6 guests of the opposite gender. The matchmakers will use their gift of gab when introducing the potential candidates to the panel. There will be different rounds of introduction, each unveiling more information about the potential candidates. Only one candidate will be able to survive through several rounds of elimination. He/she will then express his/her thoughts to one of the panelists. If the other party accepts, then it is deemed a successful match.《众里寻一》是本地首创由艺人为单身男女牵线的交友节目!每一期,有6位男嘉宾或女嘉宾,面对艺人红娘、月老和他们代表的4位有缘人,节目仿效传统,双方在不见面的情况下,通过红娘、月老的卖力介绍、一步一步了解对方。节目设淘汰环节,最终只有一位有缘人能留下,向心仪的嘉宾表白,如果对方接受就是牵线成功!

“The Destined One” is a reality dating show featuring artistes/celebrities as matchmakers, who will help introduce potential candidates to a panel consists of 6 guests of the opposite gender. The matchmakers will use their gift of gab when introducing the potential candidates to the panel. There will be different rounds of introduction, each unveiling more information about the potential candidates. Only one candidate will be able to survive through several rounds of elimination. He/she will then express his/her thoughts to one of the panelists. If the other party accepts, then it is deemed a successful match.《众里寻一》是本地首创由艺人为单身男女牵线的交友节目!每一期,有6位男嘉宾或女嘉宾,面对艺人红娘、月老和他们代表的4位有缘人,节目仿效传统,双方在不见面的情况下,通过红娘、月老的卖力介绍、一步一步了解对方。节目设淘汰环节,最终只有一位有缘人能留下,向心仪的嘉宾表白,如果对方接受就是牵线成功!

Ep 1
46 mins

Six gorgeous female panelists will get to meet four male candidates who come from different walks of life. Celebrities will also play the role of Cupid to help the guests determine their Destined One. Only one candidate will make it through the final round to express his feeling to the girl he likes. Will he succeed? Stay tuned. 首集,6位才貌出众的女嘉宾,面对4位来自各行各业的有缘人,通过艺人红娘、月老的推荐,还有彼此交流之后,哪一位有缘人率先被女嘉宾淘汰?两位分数较高的有缘人还会带来精彩的才艺表演,为自己加分!而最终成功被留下的有缘人到底是谁,,,

Ep 1

Six gorgeous female panelists will get to meet four male candidates who come from different walks of life. Celebrities will also play the role of Cupid to help the guests determine their Destined One. Only one candidate will make it through the final round to express his feeling to the girl he likes. Will he succeed? Stay tuned. 首集,6位才貌出众的女嘉宾,面对4位来自各行各业的有缘人,通过艺人红娘、月老的推荐,还有彼此交流之后,哪一位有缘人率先被女嘉宾淘汰?两位分数较高的有缘人还会带来精彩的才艺表演,为自己加分!而最终成功被留下的有缘人到底是谁,,,

Ep 2
46 mins

Six charming male panelists will be given a chance to let four pretty and talented female candidates know what they look for in a relationship. Celebrities will also play Cupid to give our contestants a hand in finding their Destined One. Only one candidate will remain and she can profess her feelings to one of the male panelists. Can she find her Destined One? 第二集,6位高颜值的男嘉宾,面对4位美丽动人的有缘人,到底男嘉宾们喜欢什么类型的女生?通过4位艺人红娘、月老的努力牵线,哪一位有缘人率先出局?男嘉宾一步一步了解有缘人,,,

Ep 2

Six charming male panelists will be given a chance to let four pretty and talented female candidates know what they look for in a relationship. Celebrities will also play Cupid to give our contestants a hand in finding their Destined One. Only one candidate will remain and she can profess her feelings to one of the male panelists. Can she find her Destined One? 第二集,6位高颜值的男嘉宾,面对4位美丽动人的有缘人,到底男嘉宾们喜欢什么类型的女生?通过4位艺人红娘、月老的努力牵线,哪一位有缘人率先出局?男嘉宾一步一步了解有缘人,,,

Ep 3
46 mins

With the help of the celebrities who played the role of Cupid, the six female panelists will get to know if the four male candidates, have more than good looks. Will any of them get matched this week? 第三集,6位美丽的女嘉宾,面对4位艺人红娘、月老带来条件非常棒的4位有缘人,女嘉宾们有什么择偶条件?她们的爱情观如何?经过红娘、月老的推荐,还有彼此交流之后,哪一位男生能让女嘉宾心动?谁被淘汰?谁又会以高分取胜,得到表白的机会呢?

Ep 3

With the help of the celebrities who played the role of Cupid, the six female panelists will get to know if the four male candidates, have more than good looks. Will any of them get matched this week? 第三集,6位美丽的女嘉宾,面对4位艺人红娘、月老带来条件非常棒的4位有缘人,女嘉宾们有什么择偶条件?她们的爱情观如何?经过红娘、月老的推荐,还有彼此交流之后,哪一位男生能让女嘉宾心动?谁被淘汰?谁又会以高分取胜,得到表白的机会呢?

Ep 4
46 mins

Six male panelists are introduced to four charming female candidates by celebrities who will be playing Cupid. Which two female candidates will get to showcase their talents? And who will get to stay till the end to find her Destined One? 第四集,6位帅气的男嘉宾,通过艺人红娘、月老的介绍和观看了影像视频后,对4位美丽的有缘人更深的了解,谁会率先被淘汰?哪两位有缘人能展现精彩的才艺表演?最终被留下的有缘人是否能牵手成功?敬请期待!

Ep 4

Six male panelists are introduced to four charming female candidates by celebrities who will be playing Cupid. Which two female candidates will get to showcase their talents? And who will get to stay till the end to find her Destined One? 第四集,6位帅气的男嘉宾,通过艺人红娘、月老的介绍和观看了影像视频后,对4位美丽的有缘人更深的了解,谁会率先被淘汰?哪两位有缘人能展现精彩的才艺表演?最终被留下的有缘人是否能牵手成功?敬请期待!

Ep 5
46 mins

Six female panel guests will get to see the childhood photos of the four male candidates. Which male contestant will stay till the final stage? Celebrities playing Cupid will also be on hand to help him find his Destined One. 第五集,艺人红娘、月老极力的推荐4位来自各行各业的有缘人,6位女嘉宾在了解他们的背景和看了有缘人童年时期的照片后,分数最低的有缘人被淘汰。而这一集的有缘人会展现什么才艺来吸引女嘉宾?谁又会胜出,能跟心仪的女嘉宾表白呢?他能否成功呢?

Ep 5

Six female panel guests will get to see the childhood photos of the four male candidates. Which male contestant will stay till the final stage? Celebrities playing Cupid will also be on hand to help him find his Destined One. 第五集,艺人红娘、月老极力的推荐4位来自各行各业的有缘人,6位女嘉宾在了解他们的背景和看了有缘人童年时期的照片后,分数最低的有缘人被淘汰。而这一集的有缘人会展现什么才艺来吸引女嘉宾?谁又会胜出,能跟心仪的女嘉宾表白呢?他能否成功呢?

Ep 6
46 mins

Childhood photos of four female candidates are presented to the male panel. Which of the three girls will be eliminated? Celebrities playing Cupid will help her in making a choice on her Destined One. 第六集,艺人红娘、月老带来4位貌美的有缘人,每一位都有自己独特的魅力。6位帅气的男嘉宾对谁得的印象比较深刻?听了红娘、月老的介绍,再欣赏有缘人童年时期的照片,这个环节,分数最低的有缘人被淘汰。在交流后,谁会被留到最后?她是否能与男嘉宾牵手成功?

Ep 6

Childhood photos of four female candidates are presented to the male panel. Which of the three girls will be eliminated? Celebrities playing Cupid will help her in making a choice on her Destined One. 第六集,艺人红娘、月老带来4位貌美的有缘人,每一位都有自己独特的魅力。6位帅气的男嘉宾对谁得的印象比较深刻?听了红娘、月老的介绍,再欣赏有缘人童年时期的照片,这个环节,分数最低的有缘人被淘汰。在交流后,谁会被留到最后?她是否能与男嘉宾牵手成功?

Ep 7
47 mins

With the help of celebrities playing role of Cupid, the six male panelists will decide which female contestant deems most attractive. Will there be another couple successfully matched? Stay tuned 最后一集,6位才貌双全的男嘉宾,面对艺人红娘、月老带来的4位美丽动人的有缘人,谁的桃花盛开?通过红娘、月老卖力的介绍,加上看了有缘人的照片之后,哪位有缘人会率先被淘汰?有缘人又会展现什么才艺来吸引男嘉宾?最后一集,到底能否牵手成功呢?一定要锁定!

Ep 7

With the help of celebrities playing role of Cupid, the six male panelists will decide which female contestant deems most attractive. Will there be another couple successfully matched? Stay tuned 最后一集,6位才貌双全的男嘉宾,面对艺人红娘、月老带来的4位美丽动人的有缘人,谁的桃花盛开?通过红娘、月老卖力的介绍,加上看了有缘人的照片之后,哪位有缘人会率先被淘汰?有缘人又会展现什么才艺来吸引男嘉宾?最后一集,到底能否牵手成功呢?一定要锁定!

Additional Information

Suitable For All Ages