The Chinese Footprint


In THE CHINESE FOOTPRINT, discover little-known communities with Chinese migrant origins. Some are distant from their Chinese roots; others retain an unmistakable essence. As we enter these exotic, remote lands and war-stricken locales, we immerse deeply into the people's lives and legacies. 自古以来,华人便因各种缘由,离家远航至世界各地。 海水到处有华人,只要有阳光的地方,就可以找到华人的踪迹。本系列将聚焦华人移居的冷门目的地或特色华人群体,循着这些远方华人的蛛丝马迹,揭开他们在特殊的异国风情下,精彩的生命故事。

In THE CHINESE FOOTPRINT, discover little-known communities with Chinese migrant origins. Some are distant from their Chinese roots; others retain an unmistakable essence. As we enter these exotic, remote lands and war-stricken locales, we immerse deeply into the people's lives and legacies. 自古以来,华人便因各种缘由,离家远航至世界各地。 海水到处有华人,只要有阳光的地方,就可以找到华人的踪迹。本系列将聚焦华人移居的冷门目的地或特色华人群体,循着这些远方华人的蛛丝马迹,揭开他们在特殊的异国风情下,精彩的生命故事。

Ep 1
45 mins

Christmas Island, a mere 135 km2 area in the Indian Ocean, used to boast an abundance in phosphate minerals which sustained many Chinese families there. Now, they can no longer rely on it and some seek better livelihoods overseas. What is the future of Christmas Island? Who will choose to stay? 圣诞岛,印度洋上的一个小岛,面积只有135平方公里。 丰富的磷酸盐矿产,孕育了当地无数的华人家庭,但如今岛民无法仅仰赖它,必须要到外开创更多的出路。圣诞岛的未来会是怎么样?岛上的华人还愿意继续留下来吗?

Ep 1

Christmas Island, a mere 135 km2 area in the Indian Ocean, used to boast an abundance in phosphate minerals which sustained many Chinese families there. Now, they can no longer rely on it and some seek better livelihoods overseas. What is the future of Christmas Island? Who will choose to stay? 圣诞岛,印度洋上的一个小岛,面积只有135平方公里。 丰富的磷酸盐矿产,孕育了当地无数的华人家庭,但如今岛民无法仅仰赖它,必须要到外开创更多的出路。圣诞岛的未来会是怎么样?岛上的华人还愿意继续留下来吗?

Ep 2
46 mins

Located at the crossroads of the South Pacific Ocean, Fiji is made up of 332 islands. It is a multi-ethnic country with different cultures. In 2017, Fiji was picked as the happiest country in the world. So, has the Chinese here found their paradise ever since they chose to migrate to Fiji? 斐济位于南太平洋十字路口,由332个岛屿组成,是一个多民族的国家,多元文化共生共存。2017年,斐济被选为世界上最幸福的国家,那么漂洋过海移居到遥远斐济的一群华人是不是也找到了他们心目中最幸福的国度?

Ep 2

Located at the crossroads of the South Pacific Ocean, Fiji is made up of 332 islands. It is a multi-ethnic country with different cultures. In 2017, Fiji was picked as the happiest country in the world. So, has the Chinese here found their paradise ever since they chose to migrate to Fiji? 斐济位于南太平洋十字路口,由332个岛屿组成,是一个多民族的国家,多元文化共生共存。2017年,斐济被选为世界上最幸福的国家,那么漂洋过海移居到遥远斐济的一群华人是不是也找到了他们心目中最幸福的国度?

Ep 3
46 mins

Jordan is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It's not the usual migration spot for most Chinese. But its stability has attracted a number of them to live and sow their roots there, and work in its clothing manufacturing, Chinese restaurants and other industries. 约旦地处欧、亚、非三大洲的十字路口,虽然不是华人理想中的移居之地,但稳定的社会却也吸引了一些华人千里迢迢到此谋生常住。他们从事服装制造、中餐馆以及其他行业,在这片贫瘠的土地上成就自我。

Ep 3

Jordan is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It's not the usual migration spot for most Chinese. But its stability has attracted a number of them to live and sow their roots there, and work in its clothing manufacturing, Chinese restaurants and other industries. 约旦地处欧、亚、非三大洲的十字路口,虽然不是华人理想中的移居之地,但稳定的社会却也吸引了一些华人千里迢迢到此谋生常住。他们从事服装制造、中餐馆以及其他行业,在这片贫瘠的土地上成就自我。

Ep 4
46 mins

In Kelantan, there is a minority group of Peranakan Chinese. They are distinctly different from the Baba Nyonya in their origins, language, culture, and lifestyle. They are called Cina Kampung or the Kampong Chinese, and are the descendants of intermarriages between the Chinese and Siamese people. 数百年的多元族群混居,孕育出吉兰丹土生华人这个独特的少数族群。他们不管是血统、语言、文化、生活方式,都和大家熟悉的峇峇娘惹截然不同。他们是华人和暹罗人通婚的后代,被称作Cina Kampung,甘榜华人。

Ep 4

In Kelantan, there is a minority group of Peranakan Chinese. They are distinctly different from the Baba Nyonya in their origins, language, culture, and lifestyle. They are called Cina Kampung or the Kampong Chinese, and are the descendants of intermarriages between the Chinese and Siamese people. 数百年的多元族群混居,孕育出吉兰丹土生华人这个独特的少数族群。他们不管是血统、语言、文化、生活方式,都和大家熟悉的峇峇娘惹截然不同。他们是华人和暹罗人通婚的后代,被称作Cina Kampung,甘榜华人。

Ep 5
47 mins

Lashio, Myanmar is steeped in Chinese culture. These locals with Chinese origins speak and read Chinese and celebrate traditional Chinese festivals. But they do not see themselves as Chinese, referring to themselves as Kokangese. What are the characteristics of their traditional culture and way of life? 腊戌是缅甸华人文化最集中的地方之一。腊戌的华人虽然说的是华语,看的是华文,也会庆祝传统的华人节日,但是他们不以华人自称,反而称自己是果敢人。他们的传统文化有什么特色?生活方式究竟是怎么样的呢?

Ep 5

Lashio, Myanmar is steeped in Chinese culture. These locals with Chinese origins speak and read Chinese and celebrate traditional Chinese festivals. But they do not see themselves as Chinese, referring to themselves as Kokangese. What are the characteristics of their traditional culture and way of life? 腊戌是缅甸华人文化最集中的地方之一。腊戌的华人虽然说的是华语,看的是华文,也会庆祝传统的华人节日,但是他们不以华人自称,反而称自己是果敢人。他们的传统文化有什么特色?生活方式究竟是怎么样的呢?

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Suitable For All Ages