
In the middle of the 21st century, war has disappeared from the earth――The world has changed greatly thanks to the sudden appearance of peace-seeking "Heroes" with their superpower abilities from across the globe.In this world where heroes from all nations fight to maintain the newly obtained era of peace, the heroine in charge of Japan's peace was none other than an extremely shy heroine, "Shy."21世纪中,战争在地球上消失无踪——由于各个国家突然出现拥有超越人类力量,祈求世界和平的「英雄」,世界产生了巨大的变化。为了维持崭新的和平局势,各个国家的英雄们在全世界大展身手,其中负责维持日本和平的是——超怕在人前露脸的害羞少女英雄SHY。

In the middle of the 21st century, war has disappeared from the earth――The world has changed greatly thanks to the sudden appearance of peace-seeking "Heroes" with their superpower abilities from across the globe.In this world where heroes from all nations fight to maintain the newly obtained era of peace, the heroine in charge of Japan's peace was none other than an extremely shy heroine, "Shy."21世纪中,战争在地球上消失无踪——由于各个国家突然出现拥有超越人类力量,祈求世界和平的「英雄」,世界产生了巨大的变化。为了维持崭新的和平局势,各个国家的英雄们在全世界大展身手,其中负责维持日本和平的是——超怕在人前露脸的害羞少女英雄SHY。

Ep 1 I'm Shy
24 mins

With the appearance of the heroes all over the glove, the world is now free of war. The hero in charge of Japan's peace was a very shy girl named "Shy." One day, Shy went to an amusement park to perform at a Hero Show, but an accident occurred on one of the roller coasters. 由于英雄出现在世界各国,战争迎来终结。肩负日本和平的英雄「Shy」,是个超级腼腆的女孩子。某天,Shy被找去游乐园的英雄秀当嘉宾,那里的云霄飞车却发生了意外……! ?

Ep 1 I'm Shy

With the appearance of the heroes all over the glove, the world is now free of war. The hero in charge of Japan's peace was a very shy girl named "Shy." One day, Shy went to an amusement park to perform at a Hero Show, but an accident occurred on one of the roller coasters. 由于英雄出现在世界各国,战争迎来终结。肩负日本和平的英雄「Shy」,是个超级腼腆的女孩子。某天,Shy被找去游乐园的英雄秀当嘉宾,那里的云霄飞车却发生了意外……! ?

Ep 2 With All Of My Heart
24 mins

The girl who was injured during the rollercoaster accident, Iko, transferred to the school Teru goes to and became her classmate. Teru feels guilt over the fact that she couldn't save her. Iko tries to endure the pain with her will alone, but suddenly, a mysterious boy appears before her... 惟子因为游乐园的意外受了重伤,因此转学到辉就读的学校成为她的同学。辉因为没能毫发无伤救下她感到愧疚。而在故作坚强忍耐疼痛的惟子身边,突然出现了一名神秘少年……

Ep 2 With All Of My Heart

The girl who was injured during the rollercoaster accident, Iko, transferred to the school Teru goes to and became her classmate. Teru feels guilt over the fact that she couldn't save her. Iko tries to endure the pain with her will alone, but suddenly, a mysterious boy appears before her... 惟子因为游乐园的意外受了重伤,因此转学到辉就读的学校成为她的同学。辉因为没能毫发无伤救下她感到愧疚。而在故作坚强忍耐疼痛的惟子身边,突然出现了一名神秘少年……

Ep 3 Conversation At The Dinner Table
24 mins

Several days after the incident, Iko and Teru went out to hang out just the two of them. Iko wanted to express her thanks to Teru, while Teru was nervous about all the things she was not used to. Right when the two finally warm up to each other, Spirit appear before them to call them to the Hero HQ, where England's Hero, Stardust also called for. 事件发生的几天后,惟子跟辉两个人一起出门游玩。惟子卯足干劲想对辉道谢,辉则是起初不太习惯而感到不知所措。就在两人之间的气氛变得越来越融洽时,Spirit来电要两人一同前往英雄们的总部,而英国的英...

Ep 3 Conversation At The Dinner Table

Several days after the incident, Iko and Teru went out to hang out just the two of them. Iko wanted to express her thanks to Teru, while Teru was nervous about all the things she was not used to. Right when the two finally warm up to each other, Spirit appear before them to call them to the Hero HQ, where England's Hero, Stardust also called for. 事件发生的几天后,惟子跟辉两个人一起出门游玩。惟子卯足干劲想对辉道谢,辉则是起初不太习惯而感到不知所措。就在两人之间的气氛变得越来越融洽时,Spirit来电要两人一同前往英雄们的总部,而英国的英...

Ep 4 A Heartless Person
24 mins

Shy was powerless against Stardust who has the ability to manipulate "flows" such as heat, air, and power. Shy was told that she's unfit to be a hero because of her naivety, but with support from Iko, Shy gradually awakens her power. 面对能力是操纵热、空气、力量「流向」的Stardust,Shy根本束手无策只能挨打。 Stardust看穿Shy由于性格天真不适合当英雄,不过随着场边惟子的加油声传来,Shy自身拥有的能力也跟着觉醒。

Ep 4 A Heartless Person

Shy was powerless against Stardust who has the ability to manipulate "flows" such as heat, air, and power. Shy was told that she's unfit to be a hero because of her naivety, but with support from Iko, Shy gradually awakens her power. 面对能力是操纵热、空气、力量「流向」的Stardust,Shy根本束手无策只能挨打。 Stardust看穿Shy由于性格天真不适合当英雄,不过随着场边惟子的加油声传来,Shy自身拥有的能力也跟着觉醒。

Ep 5 Shine The Light
24 mins

After the fight with Stardust, Teru returned to her regular life and went to a stationary store. The shop owner there laments about how she can't climb the mountain anymore because of her back pain, so Teru introduces her to the Swiss Hero, Lady Black, who can cure her. After that, somehow the three of them ended up climbing the mountain together? 辉结束跟Stardust的一战回到日常生活中,久违地拜访了附近的文具店。面对腰痛无法登山的老板娘,辉把治好自己伤口的瑞士英雄「Lady Black」介绍给她。之后不知为何却变成三个人一起去登山……?

Ep 5 Shine The Light

After the fight with Stardust, Teru returned to her regular life and went to a stationary store. The shop owner there laments about how she can't climb the mountain anymore because of her back pain, so Teru introduces her to the Swiss Hero, Lady Black, who can cure her. After that, somehow the three of them ended up climbing the mountain together? 辉结束跟Stardust的一战回到日常生活中,久违地拜访了附近的文具店。面对腰痛无法登山的老板娘,辉把治好自己伤口的瑞士英雄「Lady Black」介绍给她。之后不知为何却变成三个人一起去登山……?

Ep 6 Ice White
24 mins

Hearing the news that there was an accident happening at the North Pole, Shy and Spirit went there to check. They then group with the Chinese Hero Mianlong and rush to the scene, but the helicopter they're on gets shot down. The one who attacked them was one of the members of Stigma's organization Amarariruku, the girl who manipulates ice, Tzveta. 收到北极发生意外的消息,Shy和Spirit一同前往现场。与中国的英雄「眠龙」会合之后,三人奔赴当地,但他们乘坐的直升机却坠毁了。袭击他们的正是Stigma的组织「亚马拉里克」的成员之一,操纵...

Ep 6 Ice White

Hearing the news that there was an accident happening at the North Pole, Shy and Spirit went there to check. They then group with the Chinese Hero Mianlong and rush to the scene, but the helicopter they're on gets shot down. The one who attacked them was one of the members of Stigma's organization Amarariruku, the girl who manipulates ice, Tzveta. 收到北极发生意外的消息,Shy和Spirit一同前往现场。与中国的英雄「眠龙」会合之后,三人奔赴当地,但他们乘坐的直升机却坠毁了。袭击他们的正是Stigma的组织「亚马拉里克」的成员之一,操纵...

Ep 7 Unchain
24 mins

The three heroes managed to defeat Tzveta, but Spirits suffered a big injury in the process. The hero then returns to their headquarters and enlists the help of Iko who has experience with the ring connected to Stigma's heart to find out what he's after. Shy一行人击退了斯维塔,不过Spirit身受重伤。回到基地的英雄们,为了找出Stigma的目标,听惟子讲述先前透过戒指连结Stigma内心世界的经历。另一方面,斯维塔跟自己小时候长得很像这件事令Spirit始终耿耿于怀。

Ep 7 Unchain

The three heroes managed to defeat Tzveta, but Spirits suffered a big injury in the process. The hero then returns to their headquarters and enlists the help of Iko who has experience with the ring connected to Stigma's heart to find out what he's after. Shy一行人击退了斯维塔,不过Spirit身受重伤。回到基地的英雄们,为了找出Stigma的目标,听惟子讲述先前透过戒指连结Stigma内心世界的经历。另一方面,斯维塔跟自己小时候长得很像这件事令Spirit始终耿耿于怀。

Ep 8 Surprise
24 mins

To find information regarding Tzveta, Spirit returned to her hometown Russia with Shy. They went to the orphanage where Spirit was raised after she lost her mother to investigate the records. However, what they found was a picture of Spirit's mother, Lenya, when she was young who looked awfully like Tzveta. 为了调查斯维塔的相关情报,Spirit与Shy一同前往Spirit的故乡。 Spirit的母亲在她儿时便已不在人世,她久违地造访了自己成长的孤儿院,调查过往的纪录。然而她们却在那里发现Spirit的母亲丽娅少女时代的照片,竟与斯维塔长得一模一样。

Ep 8 Surprise

To find information regarding Tzveta, Spirit returned to her hometown Russia with Shy. They went to the orphanage where Spirit was raised after she lost her mother to investigate the records. However, what they found was a picture of Spirit's mother, Lenya, when she was young who looked awfully like Tzveta. 为了调查斯维塔的相关情报,Spirit与Shy一同前往Spirit的故乡。 Spirit的母亲在她儿时便已不在人世,她久违地造访了自己成长的孤儿院,调查过往的纪录。然而她们却在那里发现Spirit的母亲丽娅少女时代的照片,竟与斯维塔长得一模一样。

Ep 9 Melee, Trembling Fingertips
24 mins

Shy and Spirit fight Tzveta and Keheheh, but Tzveta has captured the entire orphanage inside her Amarariruku. Inside a space isolated from the outside world, regular people couldn't even maintain their consciousness. While they're fighting, Shy and Spirit try to rescue the people in the orphanage, however... Shy和Spirit与来袭的斯维塔、唔呼呼开战,但斯维塔却将整个孤儿院关进了她的「内心世界(亚马拉里克)」。在这个与外界隔绝的空间之中,一般人甚至无法保有意识。 Shy她们只好一边与敌人交战,一边试图把遭到牵连的孤儿院众人救出去,然而……

Ep 9 Melee, Trembling Fingertips

Shy and Spirit fight Tzveta and Keheheh, but Tzveta has captured the entire orphanage inside her Amarariruku. Inside a space isolated from the outside world, regular people couldn't even maintain their consciousness. While they're fighting, Shy and Spirit try to rescue the people in the orphanage, however... Shy和Spirit与来袭的斯维塔、唔呼呼开战,但斯维塔却将整个孤儿院关进了她的「内心世界(亚马拉里克)」。在这个与外界隔绝的空间之中,一般人甚至无法保有意识。 Shy她们只好一边与敌人交战,一边试图把遭到牵连的孤儿院众人救出去,然而……

Ep 10 The Lonely Ice And Small Flame
24 mins

Tzveta turned out to be Spirit's mother who was revived by Stigma. With her power, Tzveta awakens Spirit's childhood memory. Faced with her mother's pain, Spirit's Heart Shift diactivated, making her unable to fight. 斯维塔的真正身分,原来是因为Stigma的力量苏醒的Spirit母亲丽塔娜,而她的力量也导致Spirit的儿时记忆被唤醒。接触到母亲辛酸过往的Spirit解除转心,无法继续战斗下去。

Ep 10 The Lonely Ice And Small Flame

Tzveta turned out to be Spirit's mother who was revived by Stigma. With her power, Tzveta awakens Spirit's childhood memory. Faced with her mother's pain, Spirit's Heart Shift diactivated, making her unable to fight. 斯维塔的真正身分,原来是因为Stigma的力量苏醒的Spirit母亲丽塔娜,而她的力量也导致Spirit的儿时记忆被唤醒。接触到母亲辛酸过往的Spirit解除转心,无法继续战斗下去。

Ep 11 What Is Conveyed And That Which Remains
24 mins

Thanks to Shy, Spirit regains her own heart and Heat Shift once again to fight. After telling her mother Tzveta about the feelings she had when she was little, it appears that the two now finally understand each other, but Keheheh comes in and gets in their way. To stop Tzveta's power which has begun to run out of control, Shy and Spirit take out every last ounce of their power. Spirit因为Shy的关系找回自己的心,再次进行转心,并将幼年时期没能传达的想法告诉妈妈斯维塔。眼看两人就要心意相通,唔呼呼却...

Ep 11 What Is Conveyed And That Which Remains

Thanks to Shy, Spirit regains her own heart and Heat Shift once again to fight. After telling her mother Tzveta about the feelings she had when she was little, it appears that the two now finally understand each other, but Keheheh comes in and gets in their way. To stop Tzveta's power which has begun to run out of control, Shy and Spirit take out every last ounce of their power. Spirit因为Shy的关系找回自己的心,再次进行转心,并将幼年时期没能传达的想法告诉妈妈斯维塔。眼看两人就要心意相通,唔呼呼却...

Ep 12 When I Cough, It's The Two Of Us
24 mins

Teru returns to her regular life after the fight in Russia. However, she caught a cold from the fatigue. Although Teru said she was fine, Iko came in to nurse her. 辉结束在俄罗斯的战斗回归日常生活,却因为累积疲劳感冒了。尽管辉嘴上说自己没问题,担心她的惟子却坚持要照顾生病的她……

Ep 12 When I Cough, It's The Two Of Us

Teru returns to her regular life after the fight in Russia. However, she caught a cold from the fatigue. Although Teru said she was fine, Iko came in to nurse her. 辉结束在俄罗斯的战斗回归日常生活,却因为累积疲劳感冒了。尽管辉嘴上说自己没问题,担心她的惟子却坚持要照顾生病的她……

Ep 13 Hero's High
24 mins

After their battle with Tsveta and Kufufu, the heroes returned to their daily lives and continued their heroic activities in their respective countries. In the midst of all this, Shy finds herself being interviewed by a reporter... what could this mean? 英雄们在经历与斯维塔、唔呼呼的一战之后回归日常生活,于各自的国家继续大显身手。此时,Shy不知为何居然要接受记者专访……?

Ep 13 Hero's High

After their battle with Tsveta and Kufufu, the heroes returned to their daily lives and continued their heroic activities in their respective countries. In the midst of all this, Shy finds herself being interviewed by a reporter... what could this mean? 英雄们在经历与斯维塔、唔呼呼的一战之后回归日常生活,于各自的国家继续大显身手。此时,Shy不知为何居然要接受记者专访……?

Ep 14 Wind Coming From The West
24 mins

On a holiday outing together, Teru and Yuiko encountered a girl named Ai Tennoji, who had just arrived in town today. The two couldn't leave her alone and decided to show her around the city. Although she initially claimed to be on a trip, Ai eventually confessed that she was actually running away from home. 放假期间辉与惟子两人一起出去玩,遇见了一位名叫天王寺暧的少女,她表示今天是第一次造访这个城镇,无法坐视不管的两人决定当起导游。暧起初告诉两人自己是来旅行的,但后来却坦言其实是离家出走。

Ep 14 Wind Coming From The West

On a holiday outing together, Teru and Yuiko encountered a girl named Ai Tennoji, who had just arrived in town today. The two couldn't leave her alone and decided to show her around the city. Although she initially claimed to be on a trip, Ai eventually confessed that she was actually running away from home. 放假期间辉与惟子两人一起出去玩,遇见了一位名叫天王寺暧的少女,她表示今天是第一次造访这个城镇,无法坐视不管的两人决定当起导游。暧起初告诉两人自己是来旅行的,但后来却坦言其实是离家出走。

Ep 15 Heartblade
24 mins

A ninja named Tokimaru suddenly appears before Teru and Iko and tells them that Ai is the princess of the shinobi village. Ai then reveals that she, guided by her katana, the Heart Blade Purity, arrived in the town in search of a hero. After Ai realizes that Teru is the hero Shy, for some reason, she ends up staying at Teru's house... 辉和惟子从突然出现于眼前的忍者朱鹭丸口中得知,暧是忍者村的公主。两人进而得知暧是受自己的随身佩刀「心刀・无垢」指引,来到这个城镇。暧看穿辉其实就是英雄Shy,然后不知为何便决定要住到辉的家中……。

Ep 15 Heartblade

A ninja named Tokimaru suddenly appears before Teru and Iko and tells them that Ai is the princess of the shinobi village. Ai then reveals that she, guided by her katana, the Heart Blade Purity, arrived in the town in search of a hero. After Ai realizes that Teru is the hero Shy, for some reason, she ends up staying at Teru's house... 辉和惟子从突然出现于眼前的忍者朱鹭丸口中得知,暧是忍者村的公主。两人进而得知暧是受自己的随身佩刀「心刀・无垢」指引,来到这个城镇。暧看穿辉其实就是英雄Shy,然后不知为何便决定要住到辉的家中……。

Ep 16 Cloud In The Dark
24 mins

Having found a common enemy in Amarariruku, Shy and Ai went out training to learn more about each other. After hearing Ai's story, Shy began to sense hearts that reside inside stuff such as swords and rocks. Meanwhile, Tokyo was suddenly engulfed in a black sphere and disappeared. Unilord called the heroes from all nations in and gathered them for a strategy meeting. Shy和暧有了共同的目标,那就是「亚马拉里克」。她们为了更加了解彼此,一起出门修行。 Shy得到暧的启蒙,感受到刀刃、石头这些物品的内心。另一方面,在突...

Ep 16 Cloud In The Dark

Having found a common enemy in Amarariruku, Shy and Ai went out training to learn more about each other. After hearing Ai's story, Shy began to sense hearts that reside inside stuff such as swords and rocks. Meanwhile, Tokyo was suddenly engulfed in a black sphere and disappeared. Unilord called the heroes from all nations in and gathered them for a strategy meeting. Shy和暧有了共同的目标,那就是「亚马拉里克」。她们为了更加了解彼此,一起出门修行。 Shy得到暧的启蒙,感受到刀刃、石头这些物品的内心。另一方面,在突...

Ep 17 Storming In
24 mins

With Shy as their leader, Spirit, Lady Black, Mianlong, and Ai break into the black sphere to save the people of Tokyo. Inside, the people stood still as if their souls had been pulled out. Facing the group is a member of the Amarariruku, Doki the "Wrathful Dragon". 以队长Shy为首,加上Spirit、Lady Black、眠龙、以及暧五人为了拯救东京市民,冲入了黑球之中。在那里面,人们像是丧失心灵一样站在街上。在感到震惊的五人面前,亚马拉里克的"愤怒之龙"怒气突然现身,并袭击了过来。

Ep 17 Storming In

With Shy as their leader, Spirit, Lady Black, Mianlong, and Ai break into the black sphere to save the people of Tokyo. Inside, the people stood still as if their souls had been pulled out. Facing the group is a member of the Amarariruku, Doki the "Wrathful Dragon". 以队长Shy为首,加上Spirit、Lady Black、眠龙、以及暧五人为了拯救东京市民,冲入了黑球之中。在那里面,人们像是丧失心灵一样站在街上。在感到震惊的五人面前,亚马拉里克的"愤怒之龙"怒气突然现身,并袭击了过来。

Ep 18 Nothing Is Permanent
24 mins

Coming after Doki, now comes Kufufu. With Spirits staying to handle the two, Shy, Ai, and Lady Black proceed with the mission. Meanwhile, having seen the members of Amarariruku, Ai wavered. She told Shy about her past, revealing that Utsuro, the one waiting for them at the center of the sphere, is her twin sister Mai, and that she came along to take her down. 在怒气之后,唔呼呼出现了。 Spirit表示由她来与唔呼呼战斗,要Shy、暧和Lady Black先走一步。另一方面,暧在见过亚马拉里克的成员后便开始感到迷惘。她告诉大...

Ep 18 Nothing Is Permanent

Coming after Doki, now comes Kufufu. With Spirits staying to handle the two, Shy, Ai, and Lady Black proceed with the mission. Meanwhile, having seen the members of Amarariruku, Ai wavered. She told Shy about her past, revealing that Utsuro, the one waiting for them at the center of the sphere, is her twin sister Mai, and that she came along to take her down. 在怒气之后,唔呼呼出现了。 Spirit表示由她来与唔呼呼战斗,要Shy、暧和Lady Black先走一步。另一方面,暧在见过亚马拉里克的成员后便开始感到迷惘。她告诉大...

Ep 19 Because Of Love
24 mins

A new member of Amarariruku, Inori, appears before SHY, Ai, and Lady Black. Lady Black, who has been temporarily awakened to love by Inori's "Arrow of Love", accepts the fight against Inori while trembling with anger. Meanwhile, Mianlong is fighting Doki, and both of them have exhausted their powers... 在Shy、暧以及Lady Black面前,出现了来自亚马拉里克的新敌人祈愿。 Lady Black因为祈愿的「爱之箭」一时被迫觉醒了对Shy的爱意,清醒后气到发抖的她决定负责跟祈愿打到底。与此同时,正在对战的怒气与眠龙,双方都已经筋疲力尽了……

Ep 19 Because Of Love

A new member of Amarariruku, Inori, appears before SHY, Ai, and Lady Black. Lady Black, who has been temporarily awakened to love by Inori's "Arrow of Love", accepts the fight against Inori while trembling with anger. Meanwhile, Mianlong is fighting Doki, and both of them have exhausted their powers... 在Shy、暧以及Lady Black面前,出现了来自亚马拉里克的新敌人祈愿。 Lady Black因为祈愿的「爱之箭」一时被迫觉醒了对Shy的爱意,清醒后气到发抖的她决定负责跟祈愿打到底。与此同时,正在对战的怒气与眠龙,双方都已经筋疲力尽了……

Ep 20 A Nice Guy
24 mins

While a fierce battle unfolds inside the black sphere, Stigma and Stardust face off outside. At Stigma's command, Quabala, a member of the Amarariruku, begins fighting Stardust. Although it seems she was easily defeated, Quabala then possesses Stardust and shows her true power. 当黑球内部的众人战得如火如荼之际,Stigma与Stardust在黑球外展开对峙。亚马拉里克的成员之一夸巴拉奉Stigma命令与Stardust开打。看似一下就倒地的她,却透过附身Stardust,发挥了自己的真本事。

Ep 20 A Nice Guy

While a fierce battle unfolds inside the black sphere, Stigma and Stardust face off outside. At Stigma's command, Quabala, a member of the Amarariruku, begins fighting Stardust. Although it seems she was easily defeated, Quabala then possesses Stardust and shows her true power. 当黑球内部的众人战得如火如荼之际,Stigma与Stardust在黑球外展开对峙。亚马拉里克的成员之一夸巴拉奉Stigma命令与Stardust开打。看似一下就倒地的她,却透过附身Stardust,发挥了自己的真本事。

Ep 21 Vague
24 mins

SHY and Ai finally reach Utsuro, but Ai is absorbed by Utsuro and they become one. SHY loses consciousness in despair after receiving a powerful blow from the transformed Utsuro. As her consciousness fades, she comes across the Heart Blade Purity's heart. With Purity in hand, SHY awakens to new powers and stands up again. Shy和暧终于抵达空虚面前,但空虚却吸收了暧,两人合为一体。变身后的空虚使出强力的攻击,使Shy失去战意一时昏了过去。在逐渐模糊的意识中,Shy遇见了心刀无垢的内心。拿起无垢觉醒崭新力量的Shy,再一次站了起来。

Ep 21 Vague

SHY and Ai finally reach Utsuro, but Ai is absorbed by Utsuro and they become one. SHY loses consciousness in despair after receiving a powerful blow from the transformed Utsuro. As her consciousness fades, she comes across the Heart Blade Purity's heart. With Purity in hand, SHY awakens to new powers and stands up again. Shy和暧终于抵达空虚面前,但空虚却吸收了暧,两人合为一体。变身后的空虚使出强力的攻击,使Shy失去战意一时昏了过去。在逐渐模糊的意识中,Shy遇见了心刀无垢的内心。拿起无垢觉醒崭新力量的Shy,再一次站了起来。

Ep 22 Hand Reached Out
24 mins

With the help of SHY and Purity, Utsuro's transformation has been undone and they succeed in saving Ai. SHY tries to save Utsuro's heart as well, but Utsuro is cornered and tries to destroy the black orb and spread fear throughout the world. However, Spirit, Lady Black, and Mianlong rush to the scene to stop it. Shy借助无垢的力量,顺利解除空虚的变身救出了暧。尽管Shy也尝试拯救空虚的心灵,被逼到绝境的空虚却试图打破黑球,将恐惧散播到全世界。然而随后赶到的Spirit、Lady Black与眠龙挡下了空虚的攻击。

Ep 22 Hand Reached Out

With the help of SHY and Purity, Utsuro's transformation has been undone and they succeed in saving Ai. SHY tries to save Utsuro's heart as well, but Utsuro is cornered and tries to destroy the black orb and spread fear throughout the world. However, Spirit, Lady Black, and Mianlong rush to the scene to stop it. Shy借助无垢的力量,顺利解除空虚的变身救出了暧。尽管Shy也尝试拯救空虚的心灵,被逼到绝境的空虚却试图打破黑球,将恐惧散播到全世界。然而随后赶到的Spirit、Lady Black与眠龙挡下了空虚的攻击。

Ep 23 With The Moon......
24 mins

The top of the black orb is destroyed by Kufufu, Doki, and Inori. Feeling responsible, Utsuro risks her life to stop the terror leaking from the black orb from spilling out into the world. Shy, Ai, and Tokimaru come to her aid. 唔呼呼、怒气和祈愿三人破坏了黑球上半部。空虚对此感到愧疚,于是决定赌上性命,试图独自压下从黑球中泄出的恐惧,此时Shy、暧和朱鹭丸三人伸出援手。

Ep 23 With The Moon......

The top of the black orb is destroyed by Kufufu, Doki, and Inori. Feeling responsible, Utsuro risks her life to stop the terror leaking from the black orb from spilling out into the world. Shy, Ai, and Tokimaru come to her aid. 唔呼呼、怒气和祈愿三人破坏了黑球上半部。空虚对此感到愧疚,于是决定赌上性命,试图独自压下从黑球中泄出的恐惧,此时Shy、暧和朱鹭丸三人伸出援手。

Ep 24 Fare Thee Well
24 mins

With the help of SHY, Ai, Tokimaru, and Utsuro, the black orb disappeared. As Amarariruku retreats, Spirit succeeds in capturing Kufufu. Meanwhile, Utsuro, who lost the black orb that was the vessel of her heart, entrusts something to SHY. 黑球在Shy、暧、朱鹭丸与空虚四人合力之下彻底消失,于是亚马拉里克的成员选择撤退,此时Spirit成功抓住唔呼呼。另一方面,失去了心灵容器的空虚,想把某样东西托付给Shy。

Ep 24 Fare Thee Well

With the help of SHY, Ai, Tokimaru, and Utsuro, the black orb disappeared. As Amarariruku retreats, Spirit succeeds in capturing Kufufu. Meanwhile, Utsuro, who lost the black orb that was the vessel of her heart, entrusts something to SHY. 黑球在Shy、暧、朱鹭丸与空虚四人合力之下彻底消失,于是亚马拉里克的成员选择撤退,此时Spirit成功抓住唔呼呼。另一方面,失去了心灵容器的空虚,想把某样东西托付给Shy。

Additional Information

Genresanime, comedy
Action Violence