Old Taste Detective
Hainanese Chicken Rice is a local national delicacy which was brought along by Hainanese immigrants in early years. This episode, host Yi Fong and Chef Ivan visit famous local chicken rice stalls to learn about the recipe, ingredients and secrets for this dish and attempt to recreate the old taste. 海南鸡饭是国人热爱的国民美食,海南人过番南来后,鸡饭开始在本地飘香。这一集节目里主持人怡凤和年轻厨师杨应晖一起拜会本地老字号的海南鸡饭业者,了解古早味的做法,用料和秘诀,还原和示范古早味的海南鸡饭。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Food varies with time and places and often differs from the original version. Although time can create tradition and authenticity but it can also change the original taste of the dishes. The host will revisit the dishes based on local traditional taste and reproduce the ancient taste through a chef. 美食随着时空的推移,往往与最初的版本不同。虽说岁月可造就传统与正宗,但岁月的剥离,却让美食不再是最初的面貌。节目以传统的在地味道为基础,让主持人进行一次访古溯今的饮食体验,再通过一名厨师来重现古早味。
Bak Chor Mee is a local delicacy which is basically divided into the Teochew style and Hokkien style. In this episode, Kym and Chef Aaron visit a few traditional Bak Chor Mee stalls and noodle factory to understand the nearly century-old history of Bak Chor Mee and attempt to recreate the old taste. 本地道地的市井美食肉脞面,基本上分为潮州式和福建式。在这一集节目里,鐘琴将携手陈健倫师傅,一起拜访老字号肉脞面面摊及制面厂,了解本地肉脞面的历史脉络,并尝试还原拥有将近百年历史的古早味肉脞面。
Bak Chor Mee is a local delicacy which is basically divided into the Teochew style and Hokkien style. In this episode, Kym and Chef Aaron visit a few traditional Bak Chor Mee stalls and noodle factory to understand the nearly century-old history of Bak Chor Mee and attempt to recreate the old taste. 本地道地的市井美食肉脞面,基本上分为潮州式和福建式。在这一集节目里,鐘琴将携手陈健倫师傅,一起拜访老字号肉脞面面摊及制面厂,了解本地肉脞面的历史脉络,并尝试还原拥有将近百年历史的古早味肉脞面。
Fried Carrot Cake, a classic local Teochew snack that has the black & white styles of frying. It is said that the original carrot cake did not contain any radish. This episode, Bryan & Chef Mandy visit traditional stalls to clarify on this saying & try to recreate the old taste of Fried Carrot Cake. 菜头粿是本地经典的潮州小吃,可分为黑白两派炒法。据说,最初的菜头粿是不含萝卜成分的。在本集的节目里,王禄江和潘慧敏师傅将走访老字号摊档,试图理清这个说法,并尝试重现炒菜头粿的古早滋味。
Fried Carrot Cake, a classic local Teochew snack that has the black & white styles of frying. It is said that the original carrot cake did not contain any radish. This episode, Bryan & Chef Mandy visit traditional stalls to clarify on this saying & try to recreate the old taste of Fried Carrot Cake. 菜头粿是本地经典的潮州小吃,可分为黑白两派炒法。据说,最初的菜头粿是不含萝卜成分的。在本集的节目里,王禄江和潘慧敏师傅将走访老字号摊档,试图理清这个说法,并尝试重现炒菜头粿的古早滋味。
Local Bak Kut Teh is mainly divided into the Teochew-style white Bak Kut Teh and the Hokkien-style black Bak Kut Teh. In this episode, Kym and Chef Felix attempt to restore the old taste of the Hokkien-style Bak Kut Teh after collating the information that is shared by stall owners & TCM shop owner. 在本地,肉骨茶主要分为两大派系,潮州式的白派肉骨茶,以及福建式的黑派肉骨茶。在这一集节目里,鐘琴和庄伟康师傅,在综合了摊主们及中药行老板的资讯分享后,将挑战还原福建式肉骨茶的古早风味。
Local Bak Kut Teh is mainly divided into the Teochew-style white Bak Kut Teh and the Hokkien-style black Bak Kut Teh. In this episode, Kym and Chef Felix attempt to restore the old taste of the Hokkien-style Bak Kut Teh after collating the information that is shared by stall owners & TCM shop owner. 在本地,肉骨茶主要分为两大派系,潮州式的白派肉骨茶,以及福建式的黑派肉骨茶。在这一集节目里,鐘琴和庄伟康师傅,在综合了摊主们及中药行老板的资讯分享后,将挑战还原福建式肉骨茶的古早风味。
Hakka Lei Cha is a traditional Hakka delicacy. Bryan & Chef Brandon use the most traditional method to make Lei Cha soup by mixing water to soup ingredients which are grinded by the mortar and pestle. The soup is paired with various traditional side dishes to create the old taste of Hakka Lei Cha. 客家擂茶是客家人的传统美食。王禄江和傅伟康师傅,将用最传统的方法,以擂钵和擂棍磨制擂茶汤的食材,再加水拌匀成擂茶汤,并搭配各种传统配菜,煮出富有古早风格的客家擂茶。
Hakka Lei Cha is a traditional Hakka delicacy. Bryan & Chef Brandon use the most traditional method to make Lei Cha soup by mixing water to soup ingredients which are grinded by the mortar and pestle. The soup is paired with various traditional side dishes to create the old taste of Hakka Lei Cha. 客家擂茶是客家人的传统美食。王禄江和傅伟康师傅,将用最传统的方法,以擂钵和擂棍磨制擂茶汤的食材,再加水拌匀成擂茶汤,并搭配各种传统配菜,煮出富有古早风格的客家擂茶。
Chee Cheong Fun is a traditional Cantonese snack. Kym & Chef Alvin visit traditional eateries to learn the history & evolution of Chee Cheong Fun & a sauce factory to learn how the sauce is made. Chef Alvin tries to recreate the old taste of Chee Cheong Fun by using stone mortar to grind the rice. 猪肠粉和肠粉,是广东传统小吃。鐘琴和梁国伦师傅将拜访老字号店家及摊档,了解猪肠粉和肠粉的历史及演变过程,并参观了制作猪肠粉酱料的酱园。最后,师傅更以石磨磨米制浆,尝试重现猪肠粉和肠粉的古早滋味。
Chee Cheong Fun is a traditional Cantonese snack. Kym & Chef Alvin visit traditional eateries to learn the history & evolution of Chee Cheong Fun & a sauce factory to learn how the sauce is made. Chef Alvin tries to recreate the old taste of Chee Cheong Fun by using stone mortar to grind the rice. 猪肠粉和肠粉,是广东传统小吃。鐘琴和梁国伦师傅将拜访老字号店家及摊档,了解猪肠粉和肠粉的历史及演变过程,并参观了制作猪肠粉酱料的酱园。最后,师傅更以石磨磨米制浆,尝试重现猪肠粉和肠粉的古早滋味。
Sweet and Sour pork is a well-known & classic Cantonese cuisine. Kym and Chef Benson visit local traditional eateries to learn about the history of Sweet and Sour pork and how the cooking methods have evolved, so as to recreate the old taste of the original and local versions of Sweet and Sour Pork. 咕噜肉是一道家喻户晓的菜品,也是粤菜经典佳肴。鐘琴将携手唐本陞师傅,拜访本地老字号店家和摊档,了解咕噜肉的历史,并理清从原乡到本地,咕噜肉在烹调上的演变过程,尝试重现原乡和本地咕噜肉的古早滋味。
Sweet and Sour pork is a well-known & classic Cantonese cuisine. Kym and Chef Benson visit local traditional eateries to learn about the history of Sweet and Sour pork and how the cooking methods have evolved, so as to recreate the old taste of the original and local versions of Sweet and Sour Pork. 咕噜肉是一道家喻户晓的菜品,也是粤菜经典佳肴。鐘琴将携手唐本陞师傅,拜访本地老字号店家和摊档,了解咕噜肉的历史,并理清从原乡到本地,咕噜肉在烹调上的演变过程,尝试重现原乡和本地咕噜肉的古早滋味。
Claypot rice is an iconic Cantonese dish. It is said that our original local version was a five-flavour claypot rice with chicken, Chinese sausages, liver sausages, cured meat & salted fish as ingredients. Bryan & Chef Shen recreate the old taste using charcoal fire and self-made Chinese sausages. 砂煲饭是广东市井美食的代表之一。在本地,据说砂煲饭最初的版本是以鸡肉、腊肠、润肠、腊肉和梅香咸鱼为配料的五味砂煲饭。王禄江和陈贤慧师傅,不仅自制腊肠和润肠,也将全程使用炭火,煮出砂煲饭最传统的味道。
Claypot rice is an iconic Cantonese dish. It is said that our original local version was a five-flavour claypot rice with chicken, Chinese sausages, liver sausages, cured meat & salted fish as ingredients. Bryan & Chef Shen recreate the old taste using charcoal fire and self-made Chinese sausages. 砂煲饭是广东市井美食的代表之一。在本地,据说砂煲饭最初的版本是以鸡肉、腊肠、润肠、腊肉和梅香咸鱼为配料的五味砂煲饭。王禄江和陈贤慧师傅,不仅自制腊肠和润肠,也将全程使用炭火,煮出砂煲饭最传统的味道。
Local oyster omelette is mainly divided into Teochew & Hokkien style. It is said the original version of Teochew oyster omelette, orh suan, is a very starchy dish. Kym & Chef Devid visit local traditional eateries to collate all information so as to recreate the old taste of Teochew oyster omelette. 本地蚝煎主要分为潮州蚝烙和福建蚝煎。据说,潮州蚝烙的最初版本是蚝爽,是一道糊状菜品。鐘琴和Devid 师傅 ,走访本地老字号店家和摊档,综合了他们提供的各种资讯,尝试还原蚝爽和潮州蚝烙的古早风味。
Local oyster omelette is mainly divided into Teochew & Hokkien style. It is said the original version of Teochew oyster omelette, orh suan, is a very starchy dish. Kym & Chef Devid visit local traditional eateries to collate all information so as to recreate the old taste of Teochew oyster omelette. 本地蚝煎主要分为潮州蚝烙和福建蚝煎。据说,潮州蚝烙的最初版本是蚝爽,是一道糊状菜品。鐘琴和Devid 师傅 ,走访本地老字号店家和摊档,综合了他们提供的各种资讯,尝试还原蚝爽和潮州蚝烙的古早风味。
Fried Hokkien Mee was created by early migrants from Fujian & said to have a close connection with Nyonya fried noodles. Bryan & Chef Justin visit traditional eateries to find information to recreate the old taste of the dish. Chef even tries to create a rare seasoning - shrimp sauce in the process. 福建炒虾面是由本地福建先民所创,而且据说和娘惹炒面有着一段美食渊源。王禄江和胡敬恒师傅通过拜访老字号炒虾面档和娘惹餐馆,寻找古早味炒虾面的蛛丝马迹。在还原过程中,师傅还会尝试制作稀有的调味料—虾露。
Fried Hokkien Mee was created by early migrants from Fujian & said to have a close connection with Nyonya fried noodles. Bryan & Chef Justin visit traditional eateries to find information to recreate the old taste of the dish. Chef even tries to create a rare seasoning - shrimp sauce in the process. 福建炒虾面是由本地福建先民所创,而且据说和娘惹炒面有着一段美食渊源。王禄江和胡敬恒师傅通过拜访老字号炒虾面档和娘惹餐馆,寻找古早味炒虾面的蛛丝马迹。在还原过程中,师傅还会尝试制作稀有的调味料—虾露。
Chilli crab is an internationally acclaimed local delicacy. The current version of chilli crab that we know is originated from a recreation in 1960s. Kym & Chef Wendy visit traditional eateries to learn the history of chili crab & look for the creator of chili crab so as to recreate the old taste. 辣椒螃蟹是享誉国际的本地美食。现今,人们所熟悉的辣椒螃蟹源自于1960年代的再创版本。鐘琴和郭翠玲师傅将拜访老字号店家,了解辣椒螃蟹的历史,寻找辣椒螃蟹的创始者,并还原最具古早味的辣椒螃蟹。
Chilli crab is an internationally acclaimed local delicacy. The current version of chilli crab that we know is originated from a recreation in 1960s. Kym & Chef Wendy visit traditional eateries to learn the history of chili crab & look for the creator of chili crab so as to recreate the old taste. 辣椒螃蟹是享誉国际的本地美食。现今,人们所熟悉的辣椒螃蟹源自于1960年代的再创版本。鐘琴和郭翠玲师傅将拜访老字号店家,了解辣椒螃蟹的历史,寻找辣椒螃蟹的创始者,并还原最具古早味的辣椒螃蟹。
Hokkien Braised Pork Bun is one of the traditional Hokkien delicacies. Bryan and Chef Nicholas visit traditional eateries to explore the old taste of Hokkien Braised Pork Bun. They try to recreate the original version and taste of Hokkien Braised Pork Bun after collating their research information. 福建五香扣肉包是本地福建人的传统美食之一。王禄江和许震坤师傅将走访老字号店家,探寻福建五香扣肉包的古早味,并综合所有的线索,尝试重现福建五香扣肉包最初的版本和味道。
Hokkien Braised Pork Bun is one of the traditional Hokkien delicacies. Bryan and Chef Nicholas visit traditional eateries to explore the old taste of Hokkien Braised Pork Bun. They try to recreate the original version and taste of Hokkien Braised Pork Bun after collating their research information. 福建五香扣肉包是本地福建人的传统美食之一。王禄江和许震坤师傅将走访老字号店家,探寻福建五香扣肉包的古早味,并综合所有的线索,尝试重现福建五香扣肉包最初的版本和味道。
Lor Mee is one of the Hokkien delicacies. This episode, Bryan & Chef Petrina learn from the traditional stall owners how to cook the gravy & understand more about the ingredients & old taste of traditional Lor Mee. Chef even tries to handmake noodles in order to recreate the old taste of Lor Mee. 卤面,是福建籍贯美食之一。在本集节目里,王禄江和卢嬿而师傅透过老字号摊主们的分享,不仅学习了卤汁的煮法,更了解了古早风味的卤面所该有的配料。最后,师傅也尝试手工制面条,尽可能地还原卤面的传统味道。
Lor Mee is one of the Hokkien delicacies. This episode, Bryan & Chef Petrina learn from the traditional stall owners how to cook the gravy & understand more about the ingredients & old taste of traditional Lor Mee. Chef even tries to handmake noodles in order to recreate the old taste of Lor Mee. 卤面,是福建籍贯美食之一。在本集节目里,王禄江和卢嬿而师傅透过老字号摊主们的分享,不仅学习了卤汁的煮法,更了解了古早风味的卤面所该有的配料。最后,师傅也尝试手工制面条,尽可能地还原卤面的传统味道。
Fish soup is a popular heart-warming food among diners. The Teochew fish soup base is clear but Cantonese fish soup base is milky. Kym & Chef Lennard learn from the stall owners & food consultants about the local history of fish soup & Chef recreates the old taste based on the information collated. 鱼汤是深受食客欢迎的“暖心食物”。潮州鱼片汤汤底清澈;广东鱼片汤汤头奶白浓郁。鐘琴和杨钦崴师傅向摊主们及美食顾问讨教,了解鱼汤在本地的历史脉络。最后,师傅根据所收集到的资讯,还原潮州鱼片汤的古早风味。
Fish soup is a popular heart-warming food among diners. The Teochew fish soup base is clear but Cantonese fish soup base is milky. Kym & Chef Lennard learn from the stall owners & food consultants about the local history of fish soup & Chef recreates the old taste based on the information collated. 鱼汤是深受食客欢迎的“暖心食物”。潮州鱼片汤汤底清澈;广东鱼片汤汤头奶白浓郁。鐘琴和杨钦崴师傅向摊主们及美食顾问讨教,了解鱼汤在本地的历史脉络。最后,师傅根据所收集到的资讯,还原潮州鱼片汤的古早风味。
Orh Nee is a traditional Teochew dessert with a very elaborate preparation process. Today, the process has been simplified & Orh Nee can be found in restaurants & even food centres. In this episode, Kym & Chef Jeremmy check out the traditional way to make Orh Nee & try to recreate the old taste. 芋泥是传统的潮州甜品,制做工序非常讲究,可是今日在餐厅甚至小贩中心也能吃得到的芋泥,制做过程已经被简化了许多。这一集,鐘琴和詹伟健师傅两个潮州人将一起去研究潮州芋泥的传统做法,尝试还原它的古早味。
Orh Nee is a traditional Teochew dessert with a very elaborate preparation process. Today, the process has been simplified & Orh Nee can be found in restaurants & even food centres. In this episode, Kym & Chef Jeremmy check out the traditional way to make Orh Nee & try to recreate the old taste. 芋泥是传统的潮州甜品,制做工序非常讲究,可是今日在餐厅甚至小贩中心也能吃得到的芋泥,制做过程已经被简化了许多。这一集,鐘琴和詹伟健师傅两个潮州人将一起去研究潮州芋泥的传统做法,尝试还原它的古早味。