Mr Zhou's Ghost Stories@Job Haunting


A popular radio segment & podcast on Love972, Chong Qing and his team of ghost story tellers now bring these horror tales to you on screen! Each episode features a different job and the individual's ghostly encounter at work. 现在你不但能听崇庆在Love 972著名灵异节目讲鬼,还能“见”到鬼!各行各业人士将他们在工作时碰到的灵异时间和周公分享。

Mr Zhou's Ghost Stories@Job Haunting III 周公讲鬼@行行再见鬼

Ep 1 Chapter 1:Are you sure they are Human Beings? 第一章:你怎么确定他是人?
20 mins

Unearthly beings persistently appear before Mr. Zhou. His colleagues mock him, ignoring his warnings. Frequent accidents ensue, leading to Mr Zhou being ostracised and avoided by his colleagues like the plague. Despite his popular radio show, Mr. Zhou contemplates giving up. How will he resolve this dilemma? 周公自从上一季见鬼之后,鬼魂一而再,再而三在自己最猝不及防的时刻出现,让其不堪其扰。除此之外,还被身旁同事戏谑他在装神弄鬼。而其好心警告,却造成了同事意外频频。其神神叨叨的态度,也渐渐让周围的同事敬而远之,纷纷以各种名义躲着他。众人对自己的不理解,让周公越来越烦恼,甚至有了放弃节

Ep 1 Chapter 1:Are you sure they are Human Beings? 第一章:你怎么确定他是人?

Unearthly beings persistently appear before Mr. Zhou. His colleagues mock him, ignoring his warnings. Frequent accidents ensue, leading to Mr Zhou being ostracised and avoided by his colleagues like the plague. Despite his popular radio show, Mr. Zhou contemplates giving up. How will he resolve this dilemma? 周公自从上一季见鬼之后,鬼魂一而再,再而三在自己最猝不及防的时刻出现,让其不堪其扰。除此之外,还被身旁同事戏谑他在装神弄鬼。而其好心警告,却造成了同事意外频频。其神神叨叨的态度,也渐渐让周围的同事敬而远之,纷纷以各种名义躲着他。众人对自己的不理解,让周公越来越烦恼,甚至有了放弃节

Ep 2 Chapter 2: Flight Attendant 第二章:空服人员
20 mins

Flight Attendant, Gwen, exchanged her flight schedule with her best friend ,Jernell, in order to meet her secret love in. Unfortunately, the flight that Gwen was supposed to be on encountered an air crash. Gwen felt regretful and guilty. She was then disturbed by strange and inexplicable phone calls from unknown sources one after another. Gwen concluded that it was the harassment of unrest spirit of her friend and turned to Mr Zhou for help.

Ep 2 Chapter 2: Flight Attendant 第二章:空服人员

Flight Attendant, Gwen, exchanged her flight schedule with her best friend ,Jernell, in order to meet her secret love in. Unfortunately, the flight that Gwen was supposed to be on encountered an air crash. Gwen felt regretful and guilty. She was then disturbed by strange and inexplicable phone calls from unknown sources one after another. Gwen concluded that it was the harassment of unrest spirit of her friend and turned to Mr Zhou for help.

Ep 3 Chapter 3:Bartender 第三章:调酒师
24 mins

Bartender, Hendrix, is tall and handsome, he is known for mixing good drinks and flirting with girls. He would secretly drug the girls and take photos of them, and blackmail them for money. An innocent girl, Renee, fell for his charm and gave all that she had. Hendrix took everything and abandoned Renee. Renee took her own life in moment of despair. One night, a sexy woman challenged Hendrix to make the strongest drink...

Ep 3 Chapter 3:Bartender 第三章:调酒师

Bartender, Hendrix, is tall and handsome, he is known for mixing good drinks and flirting with girls. He would secretly drug the girls and take photos of them, and blackmail them for money. An innocent girl, Renee, fell for his charm and gave all that she had. Hendrix took everything and abandoned Renee. Renee took her own life in moment of despair. One night, a sexy woman challenged Hendrix to make the strongest drink...

Ep 4 Chapter 4 :Police Officer 第四章:警察
22 mins

New police officer Owen, excited on his first patrol, disregarded senior officer Leong’s advice to be respectful. He mocked the deceased at a suicide scene, taking photos as a “memorial.” Reprimanded by Leong, Owen even cut the suicide rope as a souvenir. Strange occurrences followed, but Owen remained unrepentant. Another body appeared at the same scene, and this time, he paid a hefty price for his actions. 新晋警员Owen第一次巡逻,兴奋异常,尽管在资深警员老梁的劝告下不要在执勤时

Ep 4 Chapter 4 :Police Officer 第四章:警察

New police officer Owen, excited on his first patrol, disregarded senior officer Leong’s advice to be respectful. He mocked the deceased at a suicide scene, taking photos as a “memorial.” Reprimanded by Leong, Owen even cut the suicide rope as a souvenir. Strange occurrences followed, but Owen remained unrepentant. Another body appeared at the same scene, and this time, he paid a hefty price for his actions. 新晋警员Owen第一次巡逻,兴奋异常,尽管在资深警员老梁的劝告下不要在执勤时

Ep 5 Chapter 5:Swimming Coach 第五章:游泳教练
18 mins

Swimming coach Sunny, known for strictness, often clashed with parents. In the lunar seventh month, Robert warned him to ease training due to superstitions. Ignoring advice, Sunny faced an unseen force underwater, leaving invisible painful bruises. Despite warnings, he continued to train in the sea, meeting a dreadful fate. 游泳教练Sunny以严格著名,惹来不少家长不满。在农历七月间,因为迷信禁忌,老教练劝Sunny减少训练,结果Sunny嗤之以鼻。结果在一次训练中,被鬼拉脚,而造成了出了自己,却没人看得见的诡异瘀伤。Sunny却依然故我,不顾老教练的劝慰,到海边进行

Ep 5 Chapter 5:Swimming Coach 第五章:游泳教练

Swimming coach Sunny, known for strictness, often clashed with parents. In the lunar seventh month, Robert warned him to ease training due to superstitions. Ignoring advice, Sunny faced an unseen force underwater, leaving invisible painful bruises. Despite warnings, he continued to train in the sea, meeting a dreadful fate. 游泳教练Sunny以严格著名,惹来不少家长不满。在农历七月间,因为迷信禁忌,老教练劝Sunny减少训练,结果Sunny嗤之以鼻。结果在一次训练中,被鬼拉脚,而造成了出了自己,却没人看得见的诡异瘀伤。Sunny却依然故我,不顾老教练的劝慰,到海边进行

Ep 6 Chapter 6:Undertaker 第六章:殡葬师
15 mins

Tan, a novice undertaker, faced his first task: retrieving a body from the sea. Despite using an old ritual, which he deemed superstitious, Tan’s efforts were lackluster due to the decayed state of the corpse. His negligence led to a missing foot, leaving the body incomplete. Haunted by odd events since then, Tan is filled with remorse. 阿Tan是个殡葬师新手,准备执行第一次任务,就是海边捞尸。由于这次采用了另类的传统仪式来进行捞尸作业,让阿Tan口不择言觉得是迷信。没想到,尸体还真的是捞了上来。阿Tan因为尸体状况太恶心,而故意敷衍工作,结果却遗失...

Ep 6 Chapter 6:Undertaker 第六章:殡葬师

Tan, a novice undertaker, faced his first task: retrieving a body from the sea. Despite using an old ritual, which he deemed superstitious, Tan’s efforts were lackluster due to the decayed state of the corpse. His negligence led to a missing foot, leaving the body incomplete. Haunted by odd events since then, Tan is filled with remorse. 阿Tan是个殡葬师新手,准备执行第一次任务,就是海边捞尸。由于这次采用了另类的传统仪式来进行捞尸作业,让阿Tan口不择言觉得是迷信。没想到,尸体还真的是捞了上来。阿Tan因为尸体状况太恶心,而故意敷衍工作,结果却遗失...

Ep 7 Chapter 7:Bus Driver 第七章:巴士司机
16 mins

Private bus driver Tian, on his first day, dismissed Wong’s advice to stop at every stop. Why halt without passengers? He prioritized a Mahjong game over duty and thus speed past every stop. After missing a stop, it started to triggered strange events, and now he faces the consequences of his wilfulness. 私人巴士司机小田第一天上班,老司机老黄指示说一定要每站都停,千万不要偷懒,小田不以为然。结果,到了正式值班时,由于约了牌友准备赴牌局,于是把老黄的话抛到九霄云外,但是没想到怪事开始发生,小田将为自己的任性付出代价……

Ep 7 Chapter 7:Bus Driver 第七章:巴士司机

Private bus driver Tian, on his first day, dismissed Wong’s advice to stop at every stop. Why halt without passengers? He prioritized a Mahjong game over duty and thus speed past every stop. After missing a stop, it started to triggered strange events, and now he faces the consequences of his wilfulness. 私人巴士司机小田第一天上班,老司机老黄指示说一定要每站都停,千万不要偷懒,小田不以为然。结果,到了正式值班时,由于约了牌友准备赴牌局,于是把老黄的话抛到九霄云外,但是没想到怪事开始发生,小田将为自己的任性付出代价……

Ep 8 Chapter 8:Maid 第八章:女佣
16 mins

Meizhen, expecting a child, enlisted Anna, a foreign maid, for household help. Initially behaving odd but diligent, Anna’s presence coincided with bizarre events leading to the hospitalization of Meizhen’s older child. Blaming Anna for these occurrences, Meizhen dismissed her. Unbeknownst to Meizhen, Anna weird behaviour was actually shielding them from an evil spirit at home. 怀孕少妇美珍,为了减轻自己的担子,于是请来了外籍女佣Anna帮自己打理家里。初来乍到,Anna显得相当尽责。但是,渐渐地,美珍一家人就...

Ep 8 Chapter 8:Maid 第八章:女佣

Meizhen, expecting a child, enlisted Anna, a foreign maid, for household help. Initially behaving odd but diligent, Anna’s presence coincided with bizarre events leading to the hospitalization of Meizhen’s older child. Blaming Anna for these occurrences, Meizhen dismissed her. Unbeknownst to Meizhen, Anna weird behaviour was actually shielding them from an evil spirit at home. 怀孕少妇美珍,为了减轻自己的担子,于是请来了外籍女佣Anna帮自己打理家里。初来乍到,Anna显得相当尽责。但是,渐渐地,美珍一家人就...

Ep 9 Chapter 9:Idol Singer 第九章:偶像歌手
21 mins

Idol singer Leo, interviewed by Mr. Zhou, faced inexplicable experiences after meeting a flight attendant. Strange occurrences plagued his life and recordings process. Mr. Zhou sensed a spirit around Leo, warning him about his scandalous private affairs. Ignoring the advice, Leo’s promiscuous lifestyle was exposed, triggering media chaos. 偶像歌手Leo上周公的节目接受访问。结束后,周公发现Leo气色不好,问起因由。Leo说自从最近搭上一个空姐之后,身边就一直状况连连,录音时、生活上诡异的事情一而再而三地发生,简直就是见鬼了。周公察觉到有灵体在纠缠...

Ep 9 Chapter 9:Idol Singer 第九章:偶像歌手

Idol singer Leo, interviewed by Mr. Zhou, faced inexplicable experiences after meeting a flight attendant. Strange occurrences plagued his life and recordings process. Mr. Zhou sensed a spirit around Leo, warning him about his scandalous private affairs. Ignoring the advice, Leo’s promiscuous lifestyle was exposed, triggering media chaos. 偶像歌手Leo上周公的节目接受访问。结束后,周公发现Leo气色不好,问起因由。Leo说自从最近搭上一个空姐之后,身边就一直状况连连,录音时、生活上诡异的事情一而再而三地发生,简直就是见鬼了。周公察觉到有灵体在纠缠...

Ep 10 Chapter 10:Social Worker 第十章:社工
22 mins

Erin, a social worker, grappled with burnout. She encountered an elderly man who claimed to see ghosts and wanted to applied for another flat to stay. Despite colleagues dismissing him as mentally troubled, Erin empathized. Mr. Zhou urged her to assist him. Tragically, the old man succumbed to the malevolent spirits haunting his home. 社工Erin说自己开始对工作倦怠,而且最近遇到一名自称见鬼而想要求搬家的老人。Erin不知道应不应该相信对方。尽管大家都提醒自己老人其实精神有问题,但是Erin却认为事情没那么简单。周公对于老人的际遇感同身受,只能安慰...

Ep 10 Chapter 10:Social Worker 第十章:社工

Erin, a social worker, grappled with burnout. She encountered an elderly man who claimed to see ghosts and wanted to applied for another flat to stay. Despite colleagues dismissing him as mentally troubled, Erin empathized. Mr. Zhou urged her to assist him. Tragically, the old man succumbed to the malevolent spirits haunting his home. 社工Erin说自己开始对工作倦怠,而且最近遇到一名自称见鬼而想要求搬家的老人。Erin不知道应不应该相信对方。尽管大家都提醒自己老人其实精神有问题,但是Erin却认为事情没那么简单。周公对于老人的际遇感同身受,只能安慰...

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