Job Well Done
Job Well Done transforms perceptions into reality by putting children into a day in the life of various professions. In each episode, two adventurous kids will understudy three different job scopes to find out more about what the job entails, and the fun and challenges of each job! 三百六十行,行行出状元!不用等长大,《行行小状元》现在就带着小朋友们体验各行各业的工作!每一期节目里,两位 “小小实习生” 将跟随着不同的 “主管” 探索一个指定的行业,从而了解各行各业的运作,体会他们的快乐与艰辛!
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Job Well Done transforms perceptions into reality by putting children into a day in the life of various professions. In each episode, two adventurous kids will understudy three different job scopes to find out more about what the job entails, and the fun and challenges of each job! 三百六十行,行行出状元!不用等长大,《行行小状元》现在就带着小朋友们体验各行各业的工作!每一期节目里,两位 “小小实习生” 将跟随着不同的 “主管” 探索一个指定的行业,从而了解各行各业的运作,体会他们的快乐与艰辛!
What should we do when we see an injured animal on the streets? Have no fear, SPCA to the rescue! In this episode, our host and children follow the Animal Rescue Team, Veterinarians and Animal Care officers to find out how injured animals are rescued, nursed back to health and taken care of till adoption! 两位小小实习生将在新加坡防止虐待动物协会进行实习!这里的工作包括了救援在外流浪的社区动物,医治和照顾它们!到底要怎么救?为什么需要医治?又要如何照顾这些动物呢?
What should we do when we see an injured animal on the streets? Have no fear, SPCA to the rescue! In this episode, our host and children follow the Animal Rescue Team, Veterinarians and Animal Care officers to find out how injured animals are rescued, nursed back to health and taken care of till adoption! 两位小小实习生将在新加坡防止虐待动物协会进行实习!这里的工作包括了救援在外流浪的社区动物,医治和照顾它们!到底要怎么救?为什么需要医治?又要如何照顾这些动物呢?
Each day, more than 3 million postal items are collected from mail bins all over the island! How is this colossal amount of mail sorted and what happens to the mails rejected by the sorting machines? Follow our hosts and children to find out what goes on behind the scenes of Singpost. 这一集的《行行小状元》带大家来到了新邮政实习!你们有没有寄过信呢?寄信之前需要做些什么?信寄出去以后又会到哪儿呢?跟着我们这一集的小小实习生就知道啦!
Each day, more than 3 million postal items are collected from mail bins all over the island! How is this colossal amount of mail sorted and what happens to the mails rejected by the sorting machines? Follow our hosts and children to find out what goes on behind the scenes of Singpost. 这一集的《行行小状元》带大家来到了新邮政实习!你们有没有寄过信呢?寄信之前需要做些什么?信寄出去以后又会到哪儿呢?跟着我们这一集的小小实习生就知道啦!
This week, our host and children sink their teeth into all sorts of mouth-watering cakes! But there's no such thing as a free lunch! Watch as the children try their hands at making swiss rolls and even attempt to serve customers at a retail outlet. 这一集的《行行小状元》带大家尝试与“吃”有关的工作!这里为什么可以在一天之内制作出几百个美味可口的糕饼?又是什么样的工作可以每天吃很多很多的蛋糕呢?看来我们的小小实习生有口福啦!
This week, our host and children sink their teeth into all sorts of mouth-watering cakes! But there's no such thing as a free lunch! Watch as the children try their hands at making swiss rolls and even attempt to serve customers at a retail outlet. 这一集的《行行小状元》带大家尝试与“吃”有关的工作!这里为什么可以在一天之内制作出几百个美味可口的糕饼?又是什么样的工作可以每天吃很多很多的蛋糕呢?看来我们的小小实习生有口福啦!
Lines, colours, shapes and textures- this week, our host and children learn how to make use of design elements to transform living spaces into lovely homes! Watch as they try their hand at furniture making and rack their brains to pick out the most suitable furniture for a client's home! 这一集的《行行小状元》,我们的小小实习生即将变身为小小室内设计师。他们将学习如何帮助顾客把一间房子打造成一个属于自己的家!但是各式各样的空间,该怎么规划?琳琅满目的家具,又要如何挑选呢?
Lines, colours, shapes and textures- this week, our host and children learn how to make use of design elements to transform living spaces into lovely homes! Watch as they try their hand at furniture making and rack their brains to pick out the most suitable furniture for a client's home! 这一集的《行行小状元》,我们的小小实习生即将变身为小小室内设计师。他们将学习如何帮助顾客把一间房子打造成一个属于自己的家!但是各式各样的空间,该怎么规划?琳琅满目的家具,又要如何挑选呢?
For many tourists, hotels are not just a temporary accommodation but also an embodiment of leisure, relaxation and indulgence. This week, our host and children learn more about the hard work and dedication that goes into creating such an environment as they attempt to work in a 5-star hotel. 两位小小实习生来到了历史悠久的新加坡富丽敦酒店进行实习!为了让游客好好地放松休息,舒适的客房,美味的餐饮和贴心周到的服务,样样都不能马虎!两位小小实习生是否能做到呢?
For many tourists, hotels are not just a temporary accommodation but also an embodiment of leisure, relaxation and indulgence. This week, our host and children learn more about the hard work and dedication that goes into creating such an environment as they attempt to work in a 5-star hotel. 两位小小实习生来到了历史悠久的新加坡富丽敦酒店进行实习!为了让游客好好地放松休息,舒适的客房,美味的餐饮和贴心周到的服务,样样都不能马虎!两位小小实习生是否能做到呢?
Singapore is not just our home, it is also home to thousands and millions of flora and fauna living all around us! Did you know that the plants and trees along our streets are not there by chance? What should we do when we encounter wildlife animals in our vicinity? Find out more by following our mentors from NParks! 新加坡是我们的家园,但是她可不仅仅属于我们人类!我们的身边其实还住着许多花草树木和动物朋友们!这个星期,跟随我们国家公园局的主管们一起学习如何好好的保护我们共同的家园!
Singapore is not just our home, it is also home to thousands and millions of flora and fauna living all around us! Did you know that the plants and trees along our streets are not there by chance? What should we do when we encounter wildlife animals in our vicinity? Find out more by following our mentors from NParks! 新加坡是我们的家园,但是她可不仅仅属于我们人类!我们的身边其实还住着许多花草树木和动物朋友们!这个星期,跟随我们国家公园局的主管们一起学习如何好好的保护我们共同的家园!
This week, our host and children realise that the job of a pilot and cabin crew is more than just travelling around the world! They must ensure the safety of all passengers and be well-prepared for any emergencies. With such heavy responsibility on their shoulders, will they rise to the challenge? 两位幻想着可以环游世界的小小实习生来到了梦寐以求的航空公司进行实习!但是机长和空服人员的工作可没那么简单!他们必须确保所有乘客的安全,并且懂得如何应变处理任何突发状况。面对重重考验,我们的小小实习生是否能胜任?
This week, our host and children realise that the job of a pilot and cabin crew is more than just travelling around the world! They must ensure the safety of all passengers and be well-prepared for any emergencies. With such heavy responsibility on their shoulders, will they rise to the challenge? 两位幻想着可以环游世界的小小实习生来到了梦寐以求的航空公司进行实习!但是机长和空服人员的工作可没那么简单!他们必须确保所有乘客的安全,并且懂得如何应变处理任何突发状况。面对重重考验,我们的小小实习生是否能胜任?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2021 |
Genres | children and family, older kids (7-12) |
Seasons | 1 |