Twenty years after his mysterious disappearance, Adam Salihin-Chan returns home to his family. An ex-police officer however alleged that the young man who returns is not the long-lost scion of the Chans but a dangerous imposter. Dua puluh tahun selepas Adam Salihin diculik dari rumahnya, dia kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya. Kepulangannya menjadi tumpuan media. Seorang mantan pegawai polis pula menghubungi keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk memberitahu bahawa anak mereka yang baru pulang itu bukan Adam Salihin tetapi seorang penyamar.
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Twenty years after his mysterious disappearance, Adam Salihin-Chan returns home to his family. An ex-police officer however alleged that the young man who returns is not the long-lost scion of the Chans but a dangerous imposter. Dua puluh tahun selepas Adam Salihin diculik dari rumahnya, dia kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya. Kepulangannya menjadi tumpuan media. Seorang mantan pegawai polis pula menghubungi keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk memberitahu bahawa anak mereka yang baru pulang itu bukan Adam Salihin tetapi seorang penyamar.
Twenty years after his mysterious disappearance, Adam Salihin-Chan returns home to his family. An ex-police officer however alleged that the young man who returns is not the long-lost scion of the Chans but a dangerous imposter. Dua puluh tahun selepas Adam Salihin diculik dari rumahnya, dia kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya. Kepulangannya menjadi tumpuan media. Seorang mantan pegawai polis pula menghubungi keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk memberitahu b
Twenty years after his mysterious disappearance, Adam Salihin-Chan returns home to his family. An ex-police officer however alleged that the young man who returns is not the long-lost scion of the Chans but a dangerous imposter. Dua puluh tahun selepas Adam Salihin diculik dari rumahnya, dia kembali ke pangkuan keluarganya. Kepulangannya menjadi tumpuan media. Seorang mantan pegawai polis pula menghubungi keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk memberitahu b
Adam's return home promises to become the glue that connects all the family members together. But Adam's unbridled rage proves that he may not only be dangerous but has the capacity to kill.
Adam's return home promises to become the glue that connects all the family members together. But Adam's unbridled rage proves that he may not only be dangerous but has the capacity to kill.
Nadiah receives word from ex-cop Azian Ali who claims to have proof that Adam is truly an imposter named Danial Asmuri. But as Nadiah continues the pretence of being the matriarch of the family, someone else has found proof of Adam's true identity and will pay for the mistake. Seorang bekas pegawai polis, Azian Ali memberitahu Nadiah bahawa Adam ialah seorang penyamar bernama Danial Asmuri. Nadiah berpura-pura yang situasi semuanya terkawal.
Nadiah receives word from ex-cop Azian Ali who claims to have proof that Adam is truly an imposter named Danial Asmuri. But as Nadiah continues the pretence of being the matriarch of the family, someone else has found proof of Adam's true identity and will pay for the mistake. Seorang bekas pegawai polis, Azian Ali memberitahu Nadiah bahawa Adam ialah seorang penyamar bernama Danial Asmuri. Nadiah berpura-pura yang situasi semuanya terkawal.
Adam's kidnapping of Laith quickly goes awry as Nadiah's evening party rages on in the house. Meanwhile, Azian Ali has found the secret to Adam's cheating of his DNA results and will stop at nothing to prove it. Penculikan Laith oleh Adam mungkin terbongkar apabila Nadiah mengadakan majlis amal di rumahnya. Sementara itu, Azian Ali mendapat tahu bagaimana Adam memalsukan keputusan DNAnya dan tak akan berhenti untuk mendapatkan buktinya.
Adam's kidnapping of Laith quickly goes awry as Nadiah's evening party rages on in the house. Meanwhile, Azian Ali has found the secret to Adam's cheating of his DNA results and will stop at nothing to prove it. Penculikan Laith oleh Adam mungkin terbongkar apabila Nadiah mengadakan majlis amal di rumahnya. Sementara itu, Azian Ali mendapat tahu bagaimana Adam memalsukan keputusan DNAnya dan tak akan berhenti untuk mendapatkan buktinya.
The police are looking for Laith and suspects that perhaps that the missing young man had actually came by the house to confront Adam. Meanwhile, Salihin suspects that there is someone who is trying to discredit his son and threatening to destroy his family again. Polis sedang mencari Laith dan mengesyaki yang dia telah datang ke rumah keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk bersemuka dengan Adam. Sementara itu, Salihin mengesyaki ada seseorang yang ingin me
The police are looking for Laith and suspects that perhaps that the missing young man had actually came by the house to confront Adam. Meanwhile, Salihin suspects that there is someone who is trying to discredit his son and threatening to destroy his family again. Polis sedang mencari Laith dan mengesyaki yang dia telah datang ke rumah keluarga Salihin-Chan untuk bersemuka dengan Adam. Sementara itu, Salihin mengesyaki ada seseorang yang ingin me
Adam's brutal murder of Laith proves that this is perhaps NOT his first time at taking another life. And as he goes on to bury his long-dead secret, it is revealed how Danial Asmuri begins his journey as a human chameleon and an imposter. Pembunuhan Laith menunjukkan yang ini bukan kali pertama Adam membunuh. Sambil Adam menanam rahsia gelapnya, terimbas kembali saat Danial Asmuri memulakan perjalanannya sebagai seorang pencuri identiti.
Adam's brutal murder of Laith proves that this is perhaps NOT his first time at taking another life. And as he goes on to bury his long-dead secret, it is revealed how Danial Asmuri begins his journey as a human chameleon and an imposter. Pembunuhan Laith menunjukkan yang ini bukan kali pertama Adam membunuh. Sambil Adam menanam rahsia gelapnya, terimbas kembali saat Danial Asmuri memulakan perjalanannya sebagai seorang pencuri identiti.
Adam realizes that his secret is on the verge of being exposed by someone named "Trink". But as he races to keep his true identity under wraps, we see the journey how Danial Asmuri lured his latest target who is key to turn him into Adam Salihin-Chan. Adam sedar yang rahsia dia akan dibongkar oleh sseeorang bernama “Trink”. Sambil dia cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyembunyikan identitinya yang sebenar, imbas kembali bagaimana dia mengugut seorang man
Adam realizes that his secret is on the verge of being exposed by someone named "Trink". But as he races to keep his true identity under wraps, we see the journey how Danial Asmuri lured his latest target who is key to turn him into Adam Salihin-Chan. Adam sedar yang rahsia dia akan dibongkar oleh sseeorang bernama “Trink”. Sambil dia cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyembunyikan identitinya yang sebenar, imbas kembali bagaimana dia mengugut seorang man
Every story has a beginning and every monster had a childhood. Young Danial Asmuri's life is changed forever as we see the journey he takes from being an innocent young child to a psychopath and how one woman ignited his change for the worst. Setiap cerita ada permulaannya dan setiap penjenayah ada masa silamnya. Ketahui liku-liku hidup Danial Asmuri sejak kecil dan bagaimana perwatakannya berubah menjadi buruk gara-gara perbuatan seorang wanita.
Every story has a beginning and every monster had a childhood. Young Danial Asmuri's life is changed forever as we see the journey he takes from being an innocent young child to a psychopath and how one woman ignited his change for the worst. Setiap cerita ada permulaannya dan setiap penjenayah ada masa silamnya. Ketahui liku-liku hidup Danial Asmuri sejak kecil dan bagaimana perwatakannya berubah menjadi buruk gara-gara perbuatan seorang wanita.
Adam must find a way to discredit Azian Ali forever. And as he takes the steps to do so, we see how the hunter and the prey actually started as a family. But what could have been a long waited reunion turns out to be anything but as Azian quickly finds herself a fugitive from the law. Adam harus mencari jalan untuk memburukkan nama Azian Ali buat kali terakhir. Pertemuan ibu dan anak angkat yang lama dinantikan tidak seperti yang diharapkan...
Adam must find a way to discredit Azian Ali forever. And as he takes the steps to do so, we see how the hunter and the prey actually started as a family. But what could have been a long waited reunion turns out to be anything but as Azian quickly finds herself a fugitive from the law. Adam harus mencari jalan untuk memburukkan nama Azian Ali buat kali terakhir. Pertemuan ibu dan anak angkat yang lama dinantikan tidak seperti yang diharapkan...
A sex scandal threatens to destroy the Chans for good. And as Salihin moves out of the house, Elly decides to take drastic steps to make herself happy. Meanwhile, Adam realizes that Nadiah had seek a private eye to find his true identity... Skandal seks telah mengancam keluarga Salihin-Chan. Salihin terpaksa keluar rumah dan Elly mengambil langkah drastik untuk mencari kebahagian. Adam pula sedar yang Nadiah telah membayar seorang penyiasat...
A sex scandal threatens to destroy the Chans for good. And as Salihin moves out of the house, Elly decides to take drastic steps to make herself happy. Meanwhile, Adam realizes that Nadiah had seek a private eye to find his true identity... Skandal seks telah mengancam keluarga Salihin-Chan. Salihin terpaksa keluar rumah dan Elly mengambil langkah drastik untuk mencari kebahagian. Adam pula sedar yang Nadiah telah membayar seorang penyiasat...
As Nadiah enters the road of no turning back, she realizes that not only is Adam not her son but a true monster capable of taking lives to get what he wants. And as the police force tightens the noose on Adam, he must take drastic steps to keep his secrets under lid. Nadiah akhirnya sedar yang Adam bukan anaknya tetapi seorang yang tak teragak-agak meragut nyawa untuk mendapatkan apa yang dikehendakinya. Sementara itu, Adam terpaksa mengambil lan
As Nadiah enters the road of no turning back, she realizes that not only is Adam not her son but a true monster capable of taking lives to get what he wants. And as the police force tightens the noose on Adam, he must take drastic steps to keep his secrets under lid. Nadiah akhirnya sedar yang Adam bukan anaknya tetapi seorang yang tak teragak-agak meragut nyawa untuk mendapatkan apa yang dikehendakinya. Sementara itu, Adam terpaksa mengambil lan
Adam realizes that the only way for him to keep his secret is to kill Elly. But when his plans quickly go awry, he receives a call from Azian Ali who will trade Elly's life for the one thing that Adam wants: the one indelible truth that he is Danial Asmuri. Adam sedar bahawa dia harus membunuh Elly untuk lindungi rahsianya. Namum, rancangannya tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Dia menerima panggilan daripada Azian Ali yang sanggup menyerahkan bukti bahaw
Adam realizes that the only way for him to keep his secret is to kill Elly. But when his plans quickly go awry, he receives a call from Azian Ali who will trade Elly's life for the one thing that Adam wants: the one indelible truth that he is Danial Asmuri. Adam sedar bahawa dia harus membunuh Elly untuk lindungi rahsianya. Namum, rancangannya tidak dapat dilaksanakan. Dia menerima panggilan daripada Azian Ali yang sanggup menyerahkan bukti bahaw
A teenage Danial Asmuri goes on a journey to find his birth mother - a journey that will not only lead him to heartbreak but a life of crime. Meanwhile, Azian Ali is on the hunt for a thief who may have stolen files of every citizen in the country, not knowing that the culprit is closer to home than ever. Danial Asmuri sedang cuba mencari ibu kandungnya tetapi dia hanya menemukan kekecewaan yang menjerumuskannya ke kancah jenayah. Sementara...
A teenage Danial Asmuri goes on a journey to find his birth mother - a journey that will not only lead him to heartbreak but a life of crime. Meanwhile, Azian Ali is on the hunt for a thief who may have stolen files of every citizen in the country, not knowing that the culprit is closer to home than ever. Danial Asmuri sedang cuba mencari ibu kandungnya tetapi dia hanya menemukan kekecewaan yang menjerumuskannya ke kancah jenayah. Sementara...
Danial Asmuri has taken on the identity of a handyman and has fallen in love. But his journey to happiness comes to a halt when Azian Ali returns to take him in for a good. A brutal scuffle not only nearly kills Danial but sets him on a path for the ultimate identity: Adam Salihin-Chan. Danial Asmuri telah mengambil identiti seorang tukang tembikar dan telah jatuh cinta. Kebahagiannya berkecai apabila Azian Ali muncul untuk menangkapnya.
Danial Asmuri has taken on the identity of a handyman and has fallen in love. But his journey to happiness comes to a halt when Azian Ali returns to take him in for a good. A brutal scuffle not only nearly kills Danial but sets him on a path for the ultimate identity: Adam Salihin-Chan. Danial Asmuri telah mengambil identiti seorang tukang tembikar dan telah jatuh cinta. Kebahagiannya berkecai apabila Azian Ali muncul untuk menangkapnya.
Questioned after the brutal murder of Azian Ali, both Nadiah and Adam must hide the truth to what truly happened. Meanwhile, Salihin is alerted to an evidence that will prove Danial's true identity and his hand in the brutal murder of Laith. Bila disoal siasat tentang kematian Azian Ali, Nadiah dan Adam harus menyembunyikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Sementara itu, Salihin diberitahu bahawa ada bukti yang akan menunjukkan identiti sebenar Dania
Questioned after the brutal murder of Azian Ali, both Nadiah and Adam must hide the truth to what truly happened. Meanwhile, Salihin is alerted to an evidence that will prove Danial's true identity and his hand in the brutal murder of Laith. Bila disoal siasat tentang kematian Azian Ali, Nadiah dan Adam harus menyembunyikan apa yang sebenarnya berlaku. Sementara itu, Salihin diberitahu bahawa ada bukti yang akan menunjukkan identiti sebenar Dania
The question of what truly happened to Adam Salihin-Chan is finally revealed. But no one is prepared for the truth as the Chans grapple with not only what happened to their son but the true person behind his mysterious disappeareance... Apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku kepada Adam Salihin-Chan? Semua rahsia akan dibongkar dan identiti orang yang bertanggungjawab atas kehilangannya tidak diduga.
The question of what truly happened to Adam Salihin-Chan is finally revealed. But no one is prepared for the truth as the Chans grapple with not only what happened to their son but the true person behind his mysterious disappeareance... Apakah sebenarnya yang berlaku kepada Adam Salihin-Chan? Semua rahsia akan dibongkar dan identiti orang yang bertanggungjawab atas kehilangannya tidak diduga.
As Nadiah confronts Danial Asmuri, she quickly finds herself on the long line of people he has killed. But just when darkness threatens to engulf her, a familiar face returns to save her and end Danial Asmuri for good. Nadiah bersemuka dengan Danial Asmuri dan sedar bahawa dia akan menjadi salah satu mangsanya. Apabila nyawanya terancam, seorang ahli keluarga cuba untuk menyelamatkannya.
As Nadiah confronts Danial Asmuri, she quickly finds herself on the long line of people he has killed. But just when darkness threatens to engulf her, a familiar face returns to save her and end Danial Asmuri for good. Nadiah bersemuka dengan Danial Asmuri dan sedar bahawa dia akan menjadi salah satu mangsanya. Apabila nyawanya terancam, seorang ahli keluarga cuba untuk menyelamatkannya.
As Danial Asmuri races against time and life to preserve his identity, he discovers that that the end is near as he faces the one thing he had always truly wanted in life --- a family. Rahsia Danial Asmuri hampir terbongkar. Kebahagiaan yang didambakan selama ini akan musnah di tangan "keluarga" impiannya.
As Danial Asmuri races against time and life to preserve his identity, he discovers that that the end is near as he faces the one thing he had always truly wanted in life --- a family. Rahsia Danial Asmuri hampir terbongkar. Kebahagiaan yang didambakan selama ini akan musnah di tangan "keluarga" impiannya.
Additional Information
Premiered | 2021 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |