#I Love You Mum Challenge - A Gift for Mum


Each episode, hosts Ben Yeo and Vivian Lai will work together with the children to show gratitude towards their mother by renovating the "Mum's cave" as how she always wanted it to be. Every week, there will be a different surprise element for the mothers.每集将有一户家庭有机会尽一份孝心慰劳母亲,表达最深的感恩之情,为妈妈打造一个全新的舒适空间,同时保留一件妈妈最舍不得丢弃的家具。透过节目,观众除了能学习家居贴士,也能透过妈妈的感人故事和家庭成员之间的互动,感染母亲节最大的真谛 – 孝道。

Cast & Crew

Each episode, hosts Ben Yeo and Vivian Lai will work together with the children to show gratitude towards their mother by renovating the "Mum's cave" as how she always wanted it to be. Every week, there will be a different surprise element for the mothers.每集将有一户家庭有机会尽一份孝心慰劳母亲,表达最深的感恩之情,为妈妈打造一个全新的舒适空间,同时保留一件妈妈最舍不得丢弃的家具。透过节目,观众除了能学习家居贴士,也能透过妈妈的感人故事和家庭成员之间的互动,感染母亲节最大的真谛 – 孝道。

Ep 1
46 mins

In this episode, a mother raised 4 children single-handedly after the father went missing. The kids would like to revamp the living room where she spends most time in it. 这一集的母亲,因为丈夫失踪,后来移居香港,因此独自一人带大4个孩子,很是辛苦。因此孩子们想为她翻新客厅,打造一个属于她的小天地。

Ep 1

In this episode, a mother raised 4 children single-handedly after the father went missing. The kids would like to revamp the living room where she spends most time in it. 这一集的母亲,因为丈夫失踪,后来移居香港,因此独自一人带大4个孩子,很是辛苦。因此孩子们想为她翻新客厅,打造一个属于她的小天地。

Ep 2
47 mins

In this episode, a stepmother raised her late husband’s 5 children single-handedly. The kids would like to revamp the living room, hoping it will brighten up her days. 这一集的母亲当初愿意下嫁给拥有5个孩子的丈夫。尽管不是亲生妈妈,她非常受孩子们的爱戴。如今,关系非常亲密的两夫妻阴阳两隔关系非常亲密的两夫妻阴阳两隔,因此孩子们希望借此机会翻新家居环境,希望能让妈妈开心。

Ep 2

In this episode, a stepmother raised her late husband’s 5 children single-handedly. The kids would like to revamp the living room, hoping it will brighten up her days. 这一集的母亲当初愿意下嫁给拥有5个孩子的丈夫。尽管不是亲生妈妈,她非常受孩子们的爱戴。如今,关系非常亲密的两夫妻阴阳两隔关系非常亲密的两夫妻阴阳两隔,因此孩子们希望借此机会翻新家居环境,希望能让妈妈开心。

Ep 3
46 mins

In this episode, a dedicated mother took great care of her family and husband who is suffering from dementia during the period when she has cancer. Her son would like to refurbish her room to express his greatest gratitude. 这一集的妈妈一生奉献社会,从事护士行业,为人服务。对于家人,她也同样尽心尽力,即使在患癌期间,她依旧悉心照顾患有老人痴呆症的丈夫。因此,她的儿子向借此翻新她的房间,表达谢意。

Ep 3

In this episode, a dedicated mother took great care of her family and husband who is suffering from dementia during the period when she has cancer. Her son would like to refurbish her room to express his greatest gratitude. 这一集的妈妈一生奉献社会,从事护士行业,为人服务。对于家人,她也同样尽心尽力,即使在患癌期间,她依旧悉心照顾患有老人痴呆症的丈夫。因此,她的儿子向借此翻新她的房间,表达谢意。

Ep 4
46 mins

In this episode, Iris wishes to convert the messy storeroom into a work corner for her mother. 这一集的主人翁Iris拥有一个热爱裁缝的妈妈。为了让妈妈方便剪裁,父亲“牺牲”了储藏室,将之变为工作室。如今,工作室惨不忍睹,又乱又旧,因此Iris想借此机会翻新工作室,尽尽孝心。

Ep 4

In this episode, Iris wishes to convert the messy storeroom into a work corner for her mother. 这一集的主人翁Iris拥有一个热爱裁缝的妈妈。为了让妈妈方便剪裁,父亲“牺牲”了储藏室,将之变为工作室。如今,工作室惨不忍睹,又乱又旧,因此Iris想借此机会翻新工作室,尽尽孝心。

Ep 5
46 mins

In this episode, Sindy grew up with her grandma as her parents are drug addicts. She is going oversea to work soon and wish to give her grandma a better place to live in when she is away. 这一集的主人翁 - SINDY与婆婆 - 从小就相依为命,只因吸毒的父母完全不负责任。Sindy即将要到海外工作,她希望在离开之前,可以给婆婆一个更好的居住环境。

Ep 5

In this episode, Sindy grew up with her grandma as her parents are drug addicts. She is going oversea to work soon and wish to give her grandma a better place to live in when she is away. 这一集的主人翁 - SINDY与婆婆 - 从小就相依为命,只因吸毒的父母完全不负责任。Sindy即将要到海外工作,她希望在离开之前,可以给婆婆一个更好的居住环境。

Ep 6
46 mins

The mother of this episode had a stroke 5 years ago and has unfortunately affected her mobility. When she was young, she slept only about 3 hours a day, doing 5 jobs in order provide for the family. The children would like to take this chance to thank her for being a great mum. 这一集的妈妈五年前不幸中风,自此以后,她行动力不再。年轻时,妈妈为了做5份工养家糊口,她每天几乎只睡三小时。因此,孩子们想借机改造客厅,感谢她多年来的付出。

Ep 6

The mother of this episode had a stroke 5 years ago and has unfortunately affected her mobility. When she was young, she slept only about 3 hours a day, doing 5 jobs in order provide for the family. The children would like to take this chance to thank her for being a great mum. 这一集的妈妈五年前不幸中风,自此以后,她行动力不再。年轻时,妈妈为了做5份工养家糊口,她每天几乎只睡三小时。因此,孩子们想借机改造客厅,感谢她多年来的付出。

Ep 7
46 mins

The mother in this episode has been sleeping in living room for 20 over years because their room is filled with stuffs and is very messy and stuffy. The son, Wee Hong wants to revamp the room so that mum can have a proper place to sleep.这一集的母亲因为卧室东西繁多,又闷又热,这20多年来以客厅为卧室。因此,儿子伟鸿想改造父母的房间,让妈妈回到房间,安心舒服地睡觉。

Ep 7

The mother in this episode has been sleeping in living room for 20 over years because their room is filled with stuffs and is very messy and stuffy. The son, Wee Hong wants to revamp the room so that mum can have a proper place to sleep.这一集的母亲因为卧室东西繁多,又闷又热,这20多年来以客厅为卧室。因此,儿子伟鸿想改造父母的房间,让妈妈回到房间,安心舒服地睡觉。

Ep 8
46 mins

In this episode, a mother brings up 4 young kids single-handedly since her husband passed on in 2015. Life has been very difficult for them since and their living environment is pretty bad. The kids would like to take this chance to re-organize their life, hoping this will help ease her mum's burden.这一集的母亲自从丈夫2015年过世后就一个人带着4个年幼的孩子。自此,他们的生活非常困难,房子环境也非常糟糕。孩子们想借此机会翻新客厅,以期能减轻妈妈的负担。

Ep 8

In this episode, a mother brings up 4 young kids single-handedly since her husband passed on in 2015. Life has been very difficult for them since and their living environment is pretty bad. The kids would like to take this chance to re-organize their life, hoping this will help ease her mum's burden.这一集的母亲自从丈夫2015年过世后就一个人带着4个年幼的孩子。自此,他们的生活非常困难,房子环境也非常糟糕。孩子们想借此机会翻新客厅,以期能减轻妈妈的负担。

Ep 9
46 mins

The mother of this episode has been the breadwinner since her younger days and she scrimped a lot back then in order to give her children a better life. Now, she takes care of her divorced daughter Mandy and Mandy's son. Mandy wants to take this chance to express her deepest gratitude.这一集的母亲是个知足的女人。自小,她就负责养家,为了让家人有更好的生活,她非常节俭。如今,她帮忙照顾离婚并患有遗传疾病的女儿Mandy,以及她的儿子。因此,Mandy想借此表达她对妈妈最深的谢意。

Ep 9

The mother of this episode has been the breadwinner since her younger days and she scrimped a lot back then in order to give her children a better life. Now, she takes care of her divorced daughter Mandy and Mandy's son. Mandy wants to take this chance to express her deepest gratitude.这一集的母亲是个知足的女人。自小,她就负责养家,为了让家人有更好的生活,她非常节俭。如今,她帮忙照顾离婚并患有遗传疾病的女儿Mandy,以及她的儿子。因此,Mandy想借此表达她对妈妈最深的谢意。

Ep 10
46 mins

The family of this episode grew up in an abusive environment where the father constantly hit them, abused alcohol and he has owned a huge debt which was paid off by the mother having need to work very hard. Jean reckoned the mum's effort in bringing her up hence she would like to express her love through this program.这一集,Jean和妈妈因为酗酒、有暴力倾向的父亲,一直活在被打骂和被伤害的日子中。为了孩子,母亲这20多年来忍受丈夫的亏待,一个人打三份工,甚至为了还清丈夫的赌债,一无所有。Jean了解母亲的辛苦,因此想借机向她大声说出我爱你。

Ep 10

The family of this episode grew up in an abusive environment where the father constantly hit them, abused alcohol and he has owned a huge debt which was paid off by the mother having need to work very hard. Jean reckoned the mum's effort in bringing her up hence she would like to express her love through this program.这一集,Jean和妈妈因为酗酒、有暴力倾向的父亲,一直活在被打骂和被伤害的日子中。为了孩子,母亲这20多年来忍受丈夫的亏待,一个人打三份工,甚至为了还清丈夫的赌债,一无所有。Jean了解母亲的辛苦,因此想借机向她大声说出我爱你。

Ep 11
46 mins

The daughter of this episode - Daisy - was divorced and her mum has been her source of support during that crunch time. During their younger days, her mum slept very little to take care of the family. Hence, Daisy would like to thank her mum by refurbishing the living room.这一集的主人翁Daisy在离婚期间靠着母亲的支持重新振作起来。而母亲年轻时为了家庭,日挨夜挨,很是辛苦。如今,Daisy想借着翻新客厅,向妈妈表示谢意。

Ep 11

The daughter of this episode - Daisy - was divorced and her mum has been her source of support during that crunch time. During their younger days, her mum slept very little to take care of the family. Hence, Daisy would like to thank her mum by refurbishing the living room.这一集的主人翁Daisy在离婚期间靠着母亲的支持重新振作起来。而母亲年轻时为了家庭,日挨夜挨,很是辛苦。如今,Daisy想借着翻新客厅,向妈妈表示谢意。

Ep 12
47 mins

The 2 sons of this episode has been rebellious when they were young and has given their mother loads of headache. One of them was even being arrested. They are thankful that their mother has not given up on them and guide them to become who they are today. Hence, they would like to thank her for being impactful to them.这集的家庭,有两个儿子年少时候非常叛逆。尤其老二,时而闹失踪,时而酗酒,甚至一度被铐上手铐,让妈妈头疼不已。所幸妈妈从不放弃,循循善诱,他们才能有今日成就。因此,他们想趁这个机会谢谢妈妈。

Ep 12

The 2 sons of this episode has been rebellious when they were young and has given their mother loads of headache. One of them was even being arrested. They are thankful that their mother has not given up on them and guide them to become who they are today. Hence, they would like to thank her for being impactful to them.这集的家庭,有两个儿子年少时候非常叛逆。尤其老二,时而闹失踪,时而酗酒,甚至一度被铐上手铐,让妈妈头疼不已。所幸妈妈从不放弃,循循善诱,他们才能有今日成就。因此,他们想趁这个机会谢谢妈妈。

Ep 13
46 mins

In this episode, Sarah's dad has passed on since she was 12. Her mum has been the sole breadwinner cum caretaker along the time. Life hasn't been easy on them. Besides, despite her mum was abandoned by her parents since young, she has never given up on Sarah and pull through against all odds. Sarah would like to thank her mum for being a great mum.这一集,Sarah的爸爸在她12岁时不幸过世,而妈妈就扛起了养育她的责任。尽管生活并不容易,也尽管妈妈曾经被亲生父母离弃,她依旧不放弃Sarah。因此,Sarah想借此机会谢谢妈妈。

Ep 13

In this episode, Sarah's dad has passed on since she was 12. Her mum has been the sole breadwinner cum caretaker along the time. Life hasn't been easy on them. Besides, despite her mum was abandoned by her parents since young, she has never given up on Sarah and pull through against all odds. Sarah would like to thank her mum for being a great mum.这一集,Sarah的爸爸在她12岁时不幸过世,而妈妈就扛起了养育她的责任。尽管生活并不容易,也尽管妈妈曾经被亲生父母离弃,她依旧不放弃Sarah。因此,Sarah想借此机会谢谢妈妈。

Additional Information

Suitable For All Ages