Hole In The Wall
Casting aside travel guidebooks and online resources, Joanna, Jing Lun, Zi Yi and Michelle, navigate the path less travelled across Asia in search of local culinary gems. Stepping behind unexpected façade, they uncover inspiring stories and people cooking up a storm in their humble Hole in the Wall. (忘掉网络、旅游书),董姿彦、黄靖伦、杨子仪及谢韵仪穿梭在亚洲各城市间,远离游客区,挖掘街巷深处的美食秘密基地。味蕾的惊叹只是开始,制造美味背后的动人故事,就像桃花源记一样,一个小门里的世界别有洞天。
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Casting aside travel guidebooks and online resources, Joanna, Jing Lun, Zi Yi and Michelle, navigate the path less travelled across Asia in search of local culinary gems. Stepping behind unexpected façade, they uncover inspiring stories and people cooking up a storm in their humble Hole in the Wall. (忘掉网络、旅游书),董姿彦、黄靖伦、杨子仪及谢韵仪穿梭在亚洲各城市间,远离游客区,挖掘街巷深处的美食秘密基地。味蕾的惊叹只是开始,制造美味背后的动人故事,就像桃花源记一样,一个小门里的世界别有洞天。
Tapping into local intelligence and tip offs, Host Jing Lun is on a mission to hunt down off-the-beaten-path, hole-in-the-wall eateries. On an island off Perak, he finds his belly warmed by the most exquisite seafood porridge. What else lies in wait for Jing Lun in the sleepy town of Menlembu? 这是一次必须放下科技的出走。黄靖伦来到马来西亚北部霹雳州华人乡村寻找隐藏美食!他在隐世孤岛上唯一的咖啡店和已经没落的万里望小镇,将发掘到哪些只有当地人才知道的海鲜料理呢?
Tapping into local intelligence and tip offs, Host Jing Lun is on a mission to hunt down off-the-beaten-path, hole-in-the-wall eateries. On an island off Perak, he finds his belly warmed by the most exquisite seafood porridge. What else lies in wait for Jing Lun in the sleepy town of Menlembu? 这是一次必须放下科技的出走。黄靖伦来到马来西亚北部霹雳州华人乡村寻找隐藏美食!他在隐世孤岛上唯一的咖啡店和已经没落的万里望小镇,将发掘到哪些只有当地人才知道的海鲜料理呢?
Native to Malaysia, durian- the undisputed king of fruits- commands its fair share of fans rightfully. But durians whipped up in a dish is unheard of till now. Host Jing Lun is about to be let in on a top-secret, culinary gem. A secret counting the nation's head of state as one of its avid fans. 马来西亚盛产榴梿,却鲜少用果王入菜;可是就在马来西亚彭亨州的淡马鲁小镇,这个巴丁鱼之乡,流传着马来西亚元首的最爱、只有老饕和当地人才懂得品尝的隐藏美食!黄靖伦将在这里经历怎样的味蕾挑战?
Native to Malaysia, durian- the undisputed king of fruits- commands its fair share of fans rightfully. But durians whipped up in a dish is unheard of till now. Host Jing Lun is about to be let in on a top-secret, culinary gem. A secret counting the nation's head of state as one of its avid fans. 马来西亚盛产榴梿,却鲜少用果王入菜;可是就在马来西亚彭亨州的淡马鲁小镇,这个巴丁鱼之乡,流传着马来西亚元首的最爱、只有老饕和当地人才懂得品尝的隐藏美食!黄靖伦将在这里经历怎样的味蕾挑战?
Sighting the first clue in the form of a discreet swimming pool signage, Jing Lun instructs his driver to turn off the main road. Henceforth, it's mud track, dirt road and Jing Lun journeying in pitch darkness, deep into private plantation grounds. What delicious grub is Jing Lun hoping to unearth? 黄靖伦的隐藏美食寻味之旅,一路向南,来到柔佛州的新山。这里美食云集,可是坊间流传着一道美食,藏身在偏远的园丘里,却让老饕们不辞千里慕名前往。究竟, 一星期只营业三天的店家,卖着什么神秘料理?
Sighting the first clue in the form of a discreet swimming pool signage, Jing Lun instructs his driver to turn off the main road. Henceforth, it's mud track, dirt road and Jing Lun journeying in pitch darkness, deep into private plantation grounds. What delicious grub is Jing Lun hoping to unearth? 黄靖伦的隐藏美食寻味之旅,一路向南,来到柔佛州的新山。这里美食云集,可是坊间流传着一道美食,藏身在偏远的园丘里,却让老饕们不辞千里慕名前往。究竟, 一星期只营业三天的店家,卖着什么神秘料理?
No travel guide, no online research, no food blogger posts. Relying solely on the word-of-mouth by the locals, Joanna ventures to Bangkok and tracks down the city's best loved Teochew braised duck. The race against time begins as the restaurant is only opened for 3 hours a day! 潮汕饮食文化对泰国美食有着深远的影响。董姿彦抵达曼谷后,不靠网络科技和旅游书,单凭坊间的推荐,寻找在地人最爱的泰式潮州卤鸭。每天仅营业三小时的潮州小馆背后,到底承载了哪些赚人热泪的家族故事和暖心回忆?
No travel guide, no online research, no food blogger posts. Relying solely on the word-of-mouth by the locals, Joanna ventures to Bangkok and tracks down the city's best loved Teochew braised duck. The race against time begins as the restaurant is only opened for 3 hours a day! 潮汕饮食文化对泰国美食有着深远的影响。董姿彦抵达曼谷后,不靠网络科技和旅游书,单凭坊间的推荐,寻找在地人最爱的泰式潮州卤鸭。每天仅营业三小时的潮州小馆背后,到底承载了哪些赚人热泪的家族故事和暖心回忆?
Amidst the culture and ruins in the ancient city of Ayutthaya, Joanna unveils a gastronomic experience fit for a king! The wait is up as she finally gains access to the elusive private diner serving traditional Thai feast that requires reservation to be made at least 18 months in advance. 董姿彦到泰国阿瑜陀耶古城,不是为了河虾,而是为了赴一场需要一年半前就预约的泰国传统美食飨宴!究竟,藏身在稻田里的私房菜馆,如何在短时间内从默默无名到成为泰国最难预约的餐厅呢?
Amidst the culture and ruins in the ancient city of Ayutthaya, Joanna unveils a gastronomic experience fit for a king! The wait is up as she finally gains access to the elusive private diner serving traditional Thai feast that requires reservation to be made at least 18 months in advance. 董姿彦到泰国阿瑜陀耶古城,不是为了河虾,而是为了赴一场需要一年半前就预约的泰国传统美食飨宴!究竟,藏身在稻田里的私房菜馆,如何在短时间内从默默无名到成为泰国最难预约的餐厅呢?
Egg Noodles (Yi Mian) may be consumed as a typical meal in Taiwan, but make no mistake for these are no ordinary noodles. Zi Yi traverses Tainan, the oldest city on the island of Taiwan, to trace authentic local Egg Noodles cuisines and uncovers a moving tale and the history behind this iconic staple food. 意面,是台湾美食之都台南的“市面”。杨子仪到台南发掘原汁原味的意面料理,还有背后动人的府城故事。他将在没落的传统市场和曾经繁荣的商圈里,找到哪些只有台南人才会光顾、不靠媒体宣传就做出好口碑的意面料理?
Egg Noodles (Yi Mian) may be consumed as a typical meal in Taiwan, but make no mistake for these are no ordinary noodles. Zi Yi traverses Tainan, the oldest city on the island of Taiwan, to trace authentic local Egg Noodles cuisines and uncovers a moving tale and the history behind this iconic staple food. 意面,是台湾美食之都台南的“市面”。杨子仪到台南发掘原汁原味的意面料理,还有背后动人的府城故事。他将在没落的传统市场和曾经繁荣的商圈里,找到哪些只有台南人才会光顾、不靠媒体宣传就做出好口碑的意面料理?
Beef Soup and Savoury Rice Pudding may be the breakfast of choice for many Tainan people, and their favourite joint to savour these delectable foods may be one of their best kept secrets. Zi Yi navigates the less-travelled paths in Tainan to discover hidden gems that are the pride of the locals! 说到台南人最爱的早餐--牛肉汤和碗粿,游客老饕都有自己私藏的口袋名单,并且不轻易接受采访拍摄。杨子仪避开人潮汹涌的闹区,走进没落商圈跟巷弄,找到以精湛手艺俘虏台南人味蕾的隐秘店家,挖掘制造美味的秘密与动力!
Beef Soup and Savoury Rice Pudding may be the breakfast of choice for many Tainan people, and their favourite joint to savour these delectable foods may be one of their best kept secrets. Zi Yi navigates the less-travelled paths in Tainan to discover hidden gems that are the pride of the locals! 说到台南人最爱的早餐--牛肉汤和碗粿,游客老饕都有自己私藏的口袋名单,并且不轻易接受采访拍摄。杨子仪避开人潮汹涌的闹区,走进没落商圈跟巷弄,找到以精湛手艺俘虏台南人味蕾的隐秘店家,挖掘制造美味的秘密与动力!
They have swapped their well-pressed suits for kitchen aprons to become proud makers of the popular Teochew snack, Soon Kueh. Michelle Chia sets out to the unassuming nooks and corners of Singapore in search of these traditional goodies that are making their mark on the island's gastronomic map! 新加坡被誉为“美食天堂”,而谢韵仪这次的任务就是要挖掘隐藏版、真正好料的华人粿点小食。白领阶级放弃万元高薪的工作、中年创业,躲在静谧老区和偏远工业区里经营粿点小店,他们如何靠着传统手艺强势翻身?
They have swapped their well-pressed suits for kitchen aprons to become proud makers of the popular Teochew snack, Soon Kueh. Michelle Chia sets out to the unassuming nooks and corners of Singapore in search of these traditional goodies that are making their mark on the island's gastronomic map! 新加坡被誉为“美食天堂”,而谢韵仪这次的任务就是要挖掘隐藏版、真正好料的华人粿点小食。白领阶级放弃万元高薪的工作、中年创业,躲在静谧老区和偏远工业区里经营粿点小店,他们如何靠着传统手艺强势翻身?
Great dining experience is not exclusive to fine dining restaurants. Local foodie, Michelle Chia is delightedly surprised to find a private chef developing unique menus and serving up exquisite eight course meal to guests right in his home, amidst the quiet heartlands of Singapore. 爱好美食的谢韵仪到邻里住宅区挖掘隐身在组屋区、真正价廉物美的私房料理!她的味蕾之旅,将收获哪些惊喜?而从未正式接受过烹饪训练的会计师,如何靠着自己的努力钻研,发想出让食客惊艳的创意私厨料理?
Great dining experience is not exclusive to fine dining restaurants. Local foodie, Michelle Chia is delightedly surprised to find a private chef developing unique menus and serving up exquisite eight course meal to guests right in his home, amidst the quiet heartlands of Singapore. 爱好美食的谢韵仪到邻里住宅区挖掘隐身在组屋区、真正价廉物美的私房料理!她的味蕾之旅,将收获哪些惊喜?而从未正式接受过烹饪训练的会计师,如何靠着自己的努力钻研,发想出让食客惊艳的创意私厨料理?
The restaurant may be founded by Kim Leng, but it has been the daughters-in-law in the family that have helmed the reins in the kitchen. Jing Lun finds his way around suburban Ho Chi Minh, to meet the female chef that is carrying on the proud tradition of Hue cuisine in this family restaurant. 在越南名厨的指路下,黄靖伦来到鲜少旅客出没的邻里住宅区,品尝最道地的顺化料理。餐馆第一代主厨带着家婆的独门秘方来到异乡创业,曾经厨艺为零的媳妇如何肩负生意守成和手艺传承的使命,成为第二代“女强主厨”?
The restaurant may be founded by Kim Leng, but it has been the daughters-in-law in the family that have helmed the reins in the kitchen. Jing Lun finds his way around suburban Ho Chi Minh, to meet the female chef that is carrying on the proud tradition of Hue cuisine in this family restaurant. 在越南名厨的指路下,黄靖伦来到鲜少旅客出没的邻里住宅区,品尝最道地的顺化料理。餐馆第一代主厨带着家婆的独门秘方来到异乡创业,曾经厨艺为零的媳妇如何肩负生意守成和手艺传承的使命,成为第二代“女强主厨”?
The search for the best pho in Hanoi sees Jing Lun chasing down the city's many labyrinthine alleyways, nondescript ones included, and up a winding stairwell to finally land himself in "hot soup" for a taste of Hanoi's soul food. For a cuppa, Jing Lun seeks out the egg coffee, Hanoi's beverage of choice. 在富有法国风情的河内老城区里,黄靖伦如何穿梭在迷宫般的竹筒屋里,寻找最富有“河内灵魂”的蛋咖啡以及住家牛肉河粉。没有窗明几净,随性而为是它们的特色,但是靖伦却在这两处隐秘的所在,找到属于家的“温暖”。
The search for the best pho in Hanoi sees Jing Lun chasing down the city's many labyrinthine alleyways, nondescript ones included, and up a winding stairwell to finally land himself in "hot soup" for a taste of Hanoi's soul food. For a cuppa, Jing Lun seeks out the egg coffee, Hanoi's beverage of choice. 在富有法国风情的河内老城区里,黄靖伦如何穿梭在迷宫般的竹筒屋里,寻找最富有“河内灵魂”的蛋咖啡以及住家牛肉河粉。没有窗明几净,随性而为是它们的特色,但是靖伦却在这两处隐秘的所在,找到属于家的“温暖”。
Joanna seeks out a concept caf set unexpectedly in a Confucius temple and a home bakery that have amassed fans with their masterful sweet offerings. These dessert makers are pushing the palate frontiers of Kaohsiung city with their big dreams and creations hitting just the perfect note of sweetness. 谁会想到在庄严的孔庙里,藏着一间以当令水果制作咖啡的概念咖啡馆;没有实体店面的深夜甜点,却让粉丝锲而不舍;他们用不同方式推动高雄人对饮食文化的鉴赏力,“甜而不腻”的软势力呼应了高雄市迈向国际都会的决心!
Joanna seeks out a concept caf set unexpectedly in a Confucius temple and a home bakery that have amassed fans with their masterful sweet offerings. These dessert makers are pushing the palate frontiers of Kaohsiung city with their big dreams and creations hitting just the perfect note of sweetness. 谁会想到在庄严的孔庙里,藏着一间以当令水果制作咖啡的概念咖啡馆;没有实体店面的深夜甜点,却让粉丝锲而不舍;他们用不同方式推动高雄人对饮食文化的鉴赏力,“甜而不腻”的软势力呼应了高雄市迈向国际都会的决心!
In this final episode of the series, Joanna returns home and shares her pocket list of Hole in The Wall gems. Tucked away in back alleys amidst the bustling CBD area, these culinary joints offer city slickers a retreat away from the day's humdrum with their carefully curated concepts and menus. 《别有洞天》的终点站回到新加坡,董姿彦与您分享她的私藏口袋名单!两间隐身在金融区后巷里的袖珍店家,以匠心独具的美食及创意,凭着口耳相传让客人去而复返。或许在门后的小小空间里,留住你的还有自在与不拘束。
In this final episode of the series, Joanna returns home and shares her pocket list of Hole in The Wall gems. Tucked away in back alleys amidst the bustling CBD area, these culinary joints offer city slickers a retreat away from the day's humdrum with their carefully curated concepts and menus. 《别有洞天》的终点站回到新加坡,董姿彦与您分享她的私藏口袋名单!两间隐身在金融区后巷里的袖珍店家,以匠心独具的美食及创意,凭着口耳相传让客人去而复返。或许在门后的小小空间里,留住你的还有自在与不拘束。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2020 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |