HILANG (lost) – What has been lost? Or forgotten, perhaps? What comes to mind when we think about Singapore history, culture, and practices? Due to the development of modern technology and evolution, it is crucial for us to keep on reflecting and ask what has been lost along the way? HILANG or aka The Lost Stories engages Singaporeans in the process of commemorating their stories and history. This info-edutainment aims to bring together members of the public and artists to explore lost stories about Singapore’s past.
Cast & Crew
Director | Adi Yadoni |
Cast | Farah LolaZhin Sadali |
Producer | Wahyu Rahman |
- Oldest First
- Newest First
HILANG (lost) – What has been lost? Or forgotten, perhaps? What comes to mind when we think about Singapore history, culture, and practices? Due to the development of modern technology and evolution, it is crucial for us to keep on reflecting and ask what has been lost along the way? HILANG or aka The Lost Stories engages Singaporeans in the process of commemorating their stories and history. This info-edutainment aims to bring together members of the public and artists to explore lost stories about Singapore’s past.
Orang Laut or the "sea people" are indigenous to Singapore and are believed to be Singapore's first inhabitants. But over time, due to Singapore's industrialisation, the Orang Laut have become urbanised and mostly identified as Malay. Orang Laut dipercayai sebagai penduduk pertama di Singapura. Namun, disebabkan perindustrian Singapura, Orang Laut telah berasimilasi ke darat dan dikenalpasti sebagai orang Melayu.
Orang Laut or the "sea people" are indigenous to Singapore and are believed to be Singapore's first inhabitants. But over time, due to Singapore's industrialisation, the Orang Laut have become urbanised and mostly identified as Malay. Orang Laut dipercayai sebagai penduduk pertama di Singapura. Namun, disebabkan perindustrian Singapura, Orang Laut telah berasimilasi ke darat dan dikenalpasti sebagai orang Melayu.
Traditional music in most of the continent is passed down orally (or aurally), especially Malay Traditional music. Could this be one of the reasons why some Malay music genres and instruments are becoming lost stories? Seni muzik tradisional, terutama sekali muzik tradisional melayu dikongsikan secara lisan. Mungkinkah ini menjadi salah satu sebab mengapa beberapa genre dan alat muzik Melayu akan menjadi hilang?
Traditional music in most of the continent is passed down orally (or aurally), especially Malay Traditional music. Could this be one of the reasons why some Malay music genres and instruments are becoming lost stories? Seni muzik tradisional, terutama sekali muzik tradisional melayu dikongsikan secara lisan. Mungkinkah ini menjadi salah satu sebab mengapa beberapa genre dan alat muzik Melayu akan menjadi hilang?
Back then when there was no TV, Bangsawan was a form of entertainment that drew large crowds. Today, such performances are staged only occasionally. What lead to its decline and the possibility of becoming a lost performing arts genre? Bangsawan pernah menjadi hiburan yang popular pada masa dahulu. Tapi kini, bangsawan jarang dipentaskan. Apakah nasib bangsawan kini dan di masa hadapan?
Back then when there was no TV, Bangsawan was a form of entertainment that drew large crowds. Today, such performances are staged only occasionally. What lead to its decline and the possibility of becoming a lost performing arts genre? Bangsawan pernah menjadi hiburan yang popular pada masa dahulu. Tapi kini, bangsawan jarang dipentaskan. Apakah nasib bangsawan kini dan di masa hadapan?
Due to modernisation, many traditional games were eclipsed and lost. Oleh kerana pemodenan, banyak permainan tradisional yang telah hilang.
Due to modernisation, many traditional games were eclipsed and lost. Oleh kerana pemodenan, banyak permainan tradisional yang telah hilang.
In this modern age, kuih (or cookies and cakes) that are rooted in tradition is quickly losing its relevance to the millennials and face the possibility of becoming lost. Di zaman moden ini, makin banyak kuih tradisional yang kurang mendapat perhatian, terutama sekali dari golongan muda dan semakin dilupakan.
In this modern age, kuih (or cookies and cakes) that are rooted in tradition is quickly losing its relevance to the millennials and face the possibility of becoming lost. Di zaman moden ini, makin banyak kuih tradisional yang kurang mendapat perhatian, terutama sekali dari golongan muda dan semakin dilupakan.
Traditional clothing is deeply rooted in people's cultural identity and heritage. Will traditional clothes disappear in the future? Busana tradisional melambangkan identiti budaya dan warisan sebuah bangsa. Adakah busana tradisional Melayu akan hilang di masa hadapan?
Traditional clothing is deeply rooted in people's cultural identity and heritage. Will traditional clothes disappear in the future? Busana tradisional melambangkan identiti budaya dan warisan sebuah bangsa. Adakah busana tradisional Melayu akan hilang di masa hadapan?
How many Istana (or palaces) are there in Singapore? Some have been torn down, but a number of these still stand. Berapa banyakkah istana yang ada di Singapura? Sebilangannya telah diruntuhkan, tetapi sebilangannya masih ada.
How many Istana (or palaces) are there in Singapore? Some have been torn down, but a number of these still stand. Berapa banyakkah istana yang ada di Singapura? Sebilangannya telah diruntuhkan, tetapi sebilangannya masih ada.
Additional Information
Premiered | 2021 |
Genres | arts and heritage |
Seasons | 2 |