Hello Big Shots!
It’s a talk show with a twist! In Hello, Big Shots!, six kids get a chance to interview famous Singapore personalities from all walks of life. From a doctor, artiste, chef, sportsman to the minister, nothing is too outrageous to ask! 小朋友访问大人物,趣味横生的一场见面会。《我想问问大人物》每集节目安排六位小朋友与一位大人物面对面,谈天说地、真情流露。受访嘉宾来自社会不同领域包括了交通部长、艺人、足球明星、厨师、医生以及音乐创作人。
Cast & Crew
- Oldest First
- Newest First
It’s a talk show with a twist! In Hello, Big Shots!, six kids get a chance to interview famous Singapore personalities from all walks of life. From a doctor, artiste, chef, sportsman to the minister, nothing is too outrageous to ask! 小朋友访问大人物,趣味横生的一场见面会。《我想问问大人物》每集节目安排六位小朋友与一位大人物面对面,谈天说地、真情流露。受访嘉宾来自社会不同领域包括了交通部长、艺人、足球明星、厨师、医生以及音乐创作人。
What does the Minister of Transport do? What’s Minister Ong Ye Kung’s childhood ambition? What will he tell his 8-year-old self if he can go back in time? Our kids take the opportunity to interview Minister Ong Ye Kung and get to know him better. 担任交通部长做些什么?王乙康部长小时候的志愿是什么?他会踢毽子吗?如果可以回到八岁的时候,他会跟八岁的自己说些什么?这一集,小朋友访问王乙康部长,了解他多一点点。
What does the Minister of Transport do? What’s Minister Ong Ye Kung’s childhood ambition? What will he tell his 8-year-old self if he can go back in time? Our kids take the opportunity to interview Minister Ong Ye Kung and get to know him better. 担任交通部长做些什么?王乙康部长小时候的志愿是什么?他会踢毽子吗?如果可以回到八岁的时候,他会跟八岁的自己说些什么?这一集,小朋友访问王乙康部长,了解他多一点点。
Exactly how tall is Kym Ng? Does she make a lot of money? Can she keep silent for 24 hours? What's her most embarrassing moment? Our kids quiz her and find out more about her quirks and talents. 鐘琴的身高多少?她赚很多钱吗?她是否可以二十四小时不说话?做过最丢脸的事是什么?这一集,小朋友访问新传媒艺人鐘琴,发掘她的喜好与才艺。
Exactly how tall is Kym Ng? Does she make a lot of money? Can she keep silent for 24 hours? What's her most embarrassing moment? Our kids quiz her and find out more about her quirks and talents. 鐘琴的身高多少?她赚很多钱吗?她是否可以二十四小时不说话?做过最丢脸的事是什么?这一集,小朋友访问新传媒艺人鐘琴,发掘她的喜好与才艺。
How many languages does football star Fandi Ahmad speak? What other talents does he have besides playing soccer? How many wounds are there on his body and how many surgeries has he had? Come find out what he means by the 3 "D"s and 1 "S" when playing soccer? 足球明星范迪阿末会说几种语言?除了踢球,他还有哪些才艺?他身上有多少伤口?动过几次手术?这一集,听范迪阿末说一说他踢足球的3个D和1个S代表什么?
How many languages does football star Fandi Ahmad speak? What other talents does he have besides playing soccer? How many wounds are there on his body and how many surgeries has he had? Come find out what he means by the 3 "D"s and 1 "S" when playing soccer? 足球明星范迪阿末会说几种语言?除了踢球,他还有哪些才艺?他身上有多少伤口?动过几次手术?这一集,听范迪阿末说一说他踢足球的3个D和1个S代表什么?
Celebrity Chef Eric Teo has kept a notebook for 33 years, so what's written in it? What will he do if he's not a chef? The first medal he won - it's not from a cooking competition? Let's find out what other talents Chef Eric Teo has besides his culinary skills. 名厨张添来有一本收藏33年的笔记本,里面写些什么?如果不做厨师,他会做什么?他的第一面金牌,不是来自烹饪比赛?这一集,看看名厨张添来,除了烹煮食物,还有哪些特别才艺?
Celebrity Chef Eric Teo has kept a notebook for 33 years, so what's written in it? What will he do if he's not a chef? The first medal he won - it's not from a cooking competition? Let's find out what other talents Chef Eric Teo has besides his culinary skills. 名厨张添来有一本收藏33年的笔记本,里面写些什么?如果不做厨师,他会做什么?他的第一面金牌,不是来自烹饪比赛?这一集,看看名厨张添来,除了烹煮食物,还有哪些特别才艺?
As a doctor who specializes in treating infectious diseases, is Professor Leo Yee-Sin afraid of viruses? Is she worried about being infected? Can Professor Leo climb a tree? What kind of books does she like? As the kids interview her, we'll also find out if she has any regrets. 身为专门医治传染病的医生,会害怕病毒吗?是否担心自己也会被传染?梁玉心教授会爬树?她喜欢读些什么书?这一集,小朋友访问梁玉心教授,听听她有什么遗憾?
As a doctor who specializes in treating infectious diseases, is Professor Leo Yee-Sin afraid of viruses? Is she worried about being infected? Can Professor Leo climb a tree? What kind of books does she like? As the kids interview her, we'll also find out if she has any regrets. 身为专门医治传染病的医生,会害怕病毒吗?是否担心自己也会被传染?梁玉心教授会爬树?她喜欢读些什么书?这一集,小朋友访问梁玉心教授,听听她有什么遗憾?
Benjamin Kheng finds it challenging dealing with kids! So how will he cope when he meets 6 kids face-to-face? What foolish things did he do when he was a kid? His biggest fears? Let's see how this talented musician impresses the kids when he improvises and performs for them. 金文明觉得和小朋友沟通是一种挑战!和六个小朋友面对面,他可以应对吗?他小时候做个什么愚蠢的事?最害怕什么?这一集,看看音乐创作人金文明如何发挥创意,弹唱让小朋友惊喜的即兴创作。
Benjamin Kheng finds it challenging dealing with kids! So how will he cope when he meets 6 kids face-to-face? What foolish things did he do when he was a kid? His biggest fears? Let's see how this talented musician impresses the kids when he improvises and performs for them. 金文明觉得和小朋友沟通是一种挑战!和六个小朋友面对面,他可以应对吗?他小时候做个什么愚蠢的事?最害怕什么?这一集,看看音乐创作人金文明如何发挥创意,弹唱让小朋友惊喜的即兴创作。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2020 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 2 |