Happy Great World


An infotainment program based on the “Great World” in the 70-80s. With a strong nostalgic atmosphere, the audience can reminisce about the good times of childhood and at the same time increase their knowledge through different segments. In the first segment, different celebrity chefs will make guest appearances to cook a special dish of their choice. Two groups of guests will then answer a set of questions, for instance food related trivia. The winning team is awarded the privilege of tasting the dishes prepared by the celebrity chefs. In the chit chat session, guests will share their opinions on the topic, and the last singing session will feature familiar singers and their performances. 以7、80年代的大世界为背景的娱乐资讯节目。在浓浓的怀旧气氛下,观众可以回味儿时的美好时光,同时通过不同的环节,增进知识。第一个环节有名厨来助力,2组嘉宾回答常识题,胜出的队伍奖可以品尝到名厨特别烹煮的佳肴。第二个访谈环节,嘉宾针对课题互相分享意见。最后的歌唱环节将邀请久违的歌手到场献唱。

An infotainment program based on the “Great World” in the 70-80s. With a strong nostalgic atmosphere, the audience can reminisce about the good times of childhood and at the same time increase their knowledge through different segments. In the first segment, different celebrity chefs will make guest appearances to cook a special dish of their choice. Two groups of guests will then answer a set of questions, for instance food related trivia. The winning team is awarded the privilege of tasting the dishes prepared by the celebrity chefs. In the chit chat session, guests will share their opinions on the topic, and the last singing session will feature familiar singers and their performances. 以7、80年代的大世界为背景的娱乐资讯节目。在浓浓的怀旧气氛下,观众可以回味儿时的美好时光,同时通过不同的环节,增进知识。第一个环节有名厨来助力,2组嘉宾回答常识题,胜出的队伍奖可以品尝到名厨特别烹煮的佳肴。第二个访谈环节,嘉宾针对课题互相分享意见。最后的歌唱环节将邀请久违的歌手到场献唱。

Ep 1 黄金白菜海鲜卷
46 mins

Spend a joyful night with artistes Jasper Lai, Hayley Woo, Irene Ang, Lin Cuifang and Brandon Wong to learn more about how the "Senior Worker Support package" can help employers and senior employees. 与艺人赖宇涵、胡佳嬑、洪爱玲、林翠芳以及黄炯耀一起说说笑笑,进一步了解“年长员工补贴配套”怎么样帮到雇主和年长员工。

Ep 1 黄金白菜海鲜卷

Spend a joyful night with artistes Jasper Lai, Hayley Woo, Irene Ang, Lin Cuifang and Brandon Wong to learn more about how the "Senior Worker Support package" can help employers and senior employees. 与艺人赖宇涵、胡佳嬑、洪爱玲、林翠芳以及黄炯耀一起说说笑笑,进一步了解“年长员工补贴配套”怎么样帮到雇主和年长员工。

Ep 2 小龙虾贝壳面叻沙
46 mins

Hong Hui Fang, Zheng Ge Ping, Richard Low, Zeng Xiao Ying, Cassandra See and Sora Ma share about different housing grants with the hosts. 洪慧芳、郑各评、刘谦益、曾晓英、薛素珊、马艺瑄与主持人一起分享不同的政府组屋购屋津贴。

Ep 2 小龙虾贝壳面叻沙

Hong Hui Fang, Zheng Ge Ping, Richard Low, Zeng Xiao Ying, Cassandra See and Sora Ma share about different housing grants with the hosts. 洪慧芳、郑各评、刘谦益、曾晓英、薛素珊、马艺瑄与主持人一起分享不同的政府组屋购屋津贴。

Ep 3 味增鳕鱼赛螃蟹
46 mins

What are "SkillsFuture credits" for? Join Aileen Tan, Chen Xiu Huan, Cavin Soh, Fang Rong, Jernelle Oh and Genecia Luo for a casual chat to find out more. 想了解什么是“技能创前程培训补助”吗?与陈丽贞、陈秀环、苏梽诚、芳榕、胡煜诗、罗鍏淇一起来轻松的聊一聊。

Ep 3 味增鳕鱼赛螃蟹

What are "SkillsFuture credits" for? Join Aileen Tan, Chen Xiu Huan, Cavin Soh, Fang Rong, Jernelle Oh and Genecia Luo for a casual chat to find out more. 想了解什么是“技能创前程培训补助”吗?与陈丽贞、陈秀环、苏梽诚、芳榕、胡煜诗、罗鍏淇一起来轻松的聊一聊。

Ep 4 花开富贵养生面
46 mins

How much do you know about "Medishield Life"? Let's hear what artistes Lin Ru Ping, Rayson Tan, Edwin Goh, Michelle Wong, Sugie Phua and Regene Lim have to share. 跟每个国人息息相关的“终身健保”,你了解多少?听听艺人林茹萍、陈泰铭、吴劲威、黄怡灵、潘嗣敬、林咏谊分享的资讯吧。

Ep 4 花开富贵养生面

How much do you know about "Medishield Life"? Let's hear what artistes Lin Ru Ping, Rayson Tan, Edwin Goh, Michelle Wong, Sugie Phua and Regene Lim have to share. 跟每个国人息息相关的“终身健保”,你了解多少?听听艺人林茹萍、陈泰铭、吴劲威、黄怡灵、潘嗣敬、林咏谊分享的资讯吧。

Ep 5 豪华双味龙虾
46 mins

Under the "Jobs Support Scheme", how will local enterprises and employees benefit? Learn more together with artistes Zhu Houren, Apple Hong, Lim Xixi, Cheryl Wee and Benjamin Tan. 在“雇佣补贴计划”下,本地企业和员工将如何受惠?与艺人朱厚仁、洪乙心、林茜茜、黃馨慧和陈政序一起来了解吧。

Ep 5 豪华双味龙虾

Under the "Jobs Support Scheme", how will local enterprises and employees benefit? Learn more together with artistes Zhu Houren, Apple Hong, Lim Xixi, Cheryl Wee and Benjamin Tan. 在“雇佣补贴计划”下,本地企业和员工将如何受惠?与艺人朱厚仁、洪乙心、林茜茜、黃馨慧和陈政序一起来了解吧。

Ep 6 海中鱼鲜天使面
46 mins

Due to COVID-19, SafeEntry and TraceTogether App must be familiar to you. "Senior Go Digital" program includes more than these. Hone your digital skills together with artistes Aileen Tan, Zeng Xiao Ying, Michelle Tay and Dawn Yeoh. 疫情之下,SafeEntry和TraceTogether App你一定不陌生,“数码乐龄计划”包括的不仅这些。跟着艺人陈丽贞、曾晓英、郑荔分和姚懿珊一起来提升数码技能吧。

Ep 6 海中鱼鲜天使面

Due to COVID-19, SafeEntry and TraceTogether App must be familiar to you. "Senior Go Digital" program includes more than these. Hone your digital skills together with artistes Aileen Tan, Zeng Xiao Ying, Michelle Tay and Dawn Yeoh. 疫情之下,SafeEntry和TraceTogether App你一定不陌生,“数码乐龄计划”包括的不仅这些。跟着艺人陈丽贞、曾晓英、郑荔分和姚懿珊一起来提升数码技能吧。

Ep 7 猪颊肉缤纷杂粮饭
46 mins

Hear what May Phua, Brandon Wong, Stella Seah, Vee Yi and Keith Png have to share about "CHAS" as well as allowances for the Pioneer and Merdeka Generation. 听听潘淑钦,黄炯耀、谢慧娴、易薇倪和Keith Png分享有关“ 社保援助计划” 以及建国和立国一代特别津贴的资讯。

Ep 7 猪颊肉缤纷杂粮饭

Hear what May Phua, Brandon Wong, Stella Seah, Vee Yi and Keith Png have to share about "CHAS" as well as allowances for the Pioneer and Merdeka Generation. 听听潘淑钦,黄炯耀、谢慧娴、易薇倪和Keith Png分享有关“ 社保援助计划” 以及建国和立国一代特别津贴的资讯。

Ep 8 日本和牛竹炭面
46 mins

Singapore is facing an increasingly aging population, how should we respond? Join artistes Zheng Ge Ping, Lina Ng, Lin Ru Ping, Sora Ma and the hosts for a chat to find out more. 新加坡趋向“老龄化社会”,我们该如何应对?请艺人郑各评、黄嫊芳、林茹萍、马艺瑄和主持人一起与你聊一聊。

Ep 8 日本和牛竹炭面

Singapore is facing an increasingly aging population, how should we respond? Join artistes Zheng Ge Ping, Lina Ng, Lin Ru Ping, Sora Ma and the hosts for a chat to find out more. 新加坡趋向“老龄化社会”,我们该如何应对?请艺人郑各评、黄嫊芳、林茹萍、马艺瑄和主持人一起与你聊一聊。

Ep 9 焗烤智利海鲈鱼
46 mins

Are you ready for retirement? Let's learn about the "CPF Life" together with artistes Rayson Tan, Lin Cuifang, Sugie Phua, Jernelle Oh and Edwin Goh. 你为退休生活做好准备了吗?与艺人陈泰铭、林翠芳、潘嗣敬、胡煜诗和吴劲威一起来了解“公积金终身入息计划”吧。

Ep 9 焗烤智利海鲈鱼

Are you ready for retirement? Let's learn about the "CPF Life" together with artistes Rayson Tan, Lin Cuifang, Sugie Phua, Jernelle Oh and Edwin Goh. 你为退休生活做好准备了吗?与艺人陈泰铭、林翠芳、潘嗣敬、胡煜诗和吴劲威一起来了解“公积金终身入息计划”吧。

Ep 10 野生金目鲈佐辣果冻
46 mins

What is the reason behind the adjustment of GST? Join Richard Low, Cassandra See, Miss Mole, Tosh Zhang, Hayley Woo, Rachel Chua and the hosts to talk about this livelihood topic. 调整消费税,背后的原因是什么?与刘谦益、薛素珊、何爱玲、张智扬、胡佳嬑、蔡艾珈连同主持人一起来聊聊这个民生课题。

Ep 10 野生金目鲈佐辣果冻

What is the reason behind the adjustment of GST? Join Richard Low, Cassandra See, Miss Mole, Tosh Zhang, Hayley Woo, Rachel Chua and the hosts to talk about this livelihood topic. 调整消费税,背后的原因是什么?与刘谦益、薛素珊、何爱玲、张智扬、胡佳嬑、蔡艾珈连同主持人一起来聊聊这个民生课题。

Ep 11 香煎鸭腿佐古斯米
46 mins

How much do you know about "CareShield Life"? Learn more together with artistes Tommy Wong, Eelyn Kok, Michelle Tay, Miss Mole and Hazelle Teo. At the same time, well-known nutritionist Zi Hao shared how to eat healthy! 你了解“全国残障保险—终身护保计划”吗?与艺人王昌黎、郭蕙雯、郑荔分、何爱玲和张颖双一起来了解相关资讯吧。同时,还有知名营养师郑子豪分享如何吃得健康!

Ep 11 香煎鸭腿佐古斯米

How much do you know about "CareShield Life"? Learn more together with artistes Tommy Wong, Eelyn Kok, Michelle Tay, Miss Mole and Hazelle Teo. At the same time, well-known nutritionist Zi Hao shared how to eat healthy! 你了解“全国残障保险—终身护保计划”吗?与艺人王昌黎、郭蕙雯、郑荔分、何爱玲和张颖双一起来了解相关资讯吧。同时,还有知名营养师郑子豪分享如何吃得健康!

Ep 12 海之瑰宝
46 mins

In recent years, phone scam cases continue to rise. How can we prevent it? Join Chen Xiu Huan, Apple Hong and Ayden Sng to obtain tips on scam prevention. Also, learn more about "Community Networks for Seniors" together with Hazelle Teo and Ayden Sng. 近年来越来越多电话诈骗案,我们该如何防范?与陈秀环、洪乙心和孙政一起学习防范受骗的贴士。另外,与张颖双和孙政一起通过轻松游戏,明白什么是“乐龄支援网络”。

Ep 12 海之瑰宝

In recent years, phone scam cases continue to rise. How can we prevent it? Join Chen Xiu Huan, Apple Hong and Ayden Sng to obtain tips on scam prevention. Also, learn more about "Community Networks for Seniors" together with Hazelle Teo and Ayden Sng. 近年来越来越多电话诈骗案,我们该如何防范?与陈秀环、洪乙心和孙政一起学习防范受骗的贴士。另外,与张颖双和孙政一起通过轻松游戏,明白什么是“乐龄支援网络”。

Ep 13 肉蟹堡
46 mins

Age while staying active and healthy! Hear Yeo Yann Yann, Chen Han Wei, Hong Hui Fang and Xu Qiong Fang share the joy of exercising and active aging! Don't miss out on the benefit of joining ActiveSG too! 越活越年轻,做个活跃乐龄!听杨雁雁、陈汉玮、洪慧芳和许琼芳分享运动的乐趣,以及如何保持身心活跃!还有关于ActiveSG的好康,不要错过哦!

Ep 13 肉蟹堡

Age while staying active and healthy! Hear Yeo Yann Yann, Chen Han Wei, Hong Hui Fang and Xu Qiong Fang share the joy of exercising and active aging! Don't miss out on the benefit of joining ActiveSG too! 越活越年轻,做个活跃乐龄!听杨雁雁、陈汉玮、洪慧芳和许琼芳分享运动的乐趣,以及如何保持身心活跃!还有关于ActiveSG的好康,不要错过哦!

Additional Information

Genresmusic, variety
Suitable For All Ages