Friend or Foe?


In every episode of Friend or Foe?, two friends are invited to the show and their friendship goes through mild and wild tests given by the sassy host Lim Xixi. If the chemistry is lacking, or when one decides to sabotage another, one of them goes through forfeits which are, let’s say, not that mild at all. 每一集,两位名人将面临友情及默契大考验。当中包括艺人好友、无话不谈的兄弟、热恋中的情侣,还有朝夕相处的一家人。他的怪癖,她不可告人的秘密,他们彼此受不了对方的点点……都将一一呈现在《最佳损友》!主持人林茜茜绝不会让他们轻松过关哦!

In every episode of Friend or Foe?, two friends are invited to the show and their friendship goes through mild and wild tests given by the sassy host Lim Xixi. If the chemistry is lacking, or when one decides to sabotage another, one of them goes through forfeits which are, let’s say, not that mild at all. 每一集,两位名人将面临友情及默契大考验。当中包括艺人好友、无话不谈的兄弟、热恋中的情侣,还有朝夕相处的一家人。他的怪癖,她不可告人的秘密,他们彼此受不了对方的点点……都将一一呈现在《最佳损友》!主持人林茜茜绝不会让他们轻松过关哦!

Ep 1 Mark Lee & Chua En Lai
23 mins

No one would have thought to put these two hosting legends from two ends of a spectrum together for the ultimate test of friendship! Would the two succumb and perform a string of forfeits or would they overcome their language barrier and difference in views and arrive at a consensus? 一位是英文马马虎虎的超级大咖,一位是华语较逊的搞笑一哥。他们不但在沟通上没问题,而且还很熟!别错过他们被彼此整到快发飙的模样!

Ep 1 Mark Lee & Chua En Lai

No one would have thought to put these two hosting legends from two ends of a spectrum together for the ultimate test of friendship! Would the two succumb and perform a string of forfeits or would they overcome their language barrier and difference in views and arrive at a consensus? 一位是英文马马虎虎的超级大咖,一位是华语较逊的搞笑一哥。他们不但在沟通上没问题,而且还很熟!别错过他们被彼此整到快发飙的模样!

Ep 2 Benjamin Kheng & Naomi Yeo
24 mins

Aww! Lovers can be the best of friends too! The love birds soon to tie the knot. This exciting episode puts their understanding of each other to the test. Do they know each other as well as they love the other? 本集《最佳损友》迎来了刚刚订婚的Ben Kheng 和 Naomi Yeo. Ben是Naomi的第几任男友?Naomi最受不了Ben的什么?答案都将在这一集一一揭晓哦!千万不要错过。

Ep 2 Benjamin Kheng & Naomi Yeo

Aww! Lovers can be the best of friends too! The love birds soon to tie the knot. This exciting episode puts their understanding of each other to the test. Do they know each other as well as they love the other? 本集《最佳损友》迎来了刚刚订婚的Ben Kheng 和 Naomi Yeo. Ben是Naomi的第几任男友?Naomi最受不了Ben的什么?答案都将在这一集一一揭晓哦!千万不要错过。

Ep 3 Edwin Goh & He Yingying
20 mins

We're familiar with the pair on-screen in TV dramas and series, but how does Edwin and Yingying behave in real life and what is life like as a celebrity? Do they know each other well enough to avoid the forfeit our host has in-store for them? Edwin和盈莹私下其实是超级损友!他们到底了解对方吗?还是想要陷害对方受处罚?

Ep 3 Edwin Goh & He Yingying

We're familiar with the pair on-screen in TV dramas and series, but how does Edwin and Yingying behave in real life and what is life like as a celebrity? Do they know each other well enough to avoid the forfeit our host has in-store for them? Edwin和盈莹私下其实是超级损友!他们到底了解对方吗?还是想要陷害对方受处罚?

Ep 4 Joshua Tan & Maxi Lim
23 mins

‘Tea-spilling’ from the Ah Boys? The forfeits don’t seem to scare these two as their chemistry and quick-wits fill the air! Our host struggles to keep them under control with their enthusiasm and antics! 当年《新兵正传》里的年轻小伙子个个都要成家了,但这不表示他们的心智和行为会变成熟!陈伟恩和林俊良现在就来告诉你他们这些年互损的片段。

Ep 4 Joshua Tan & Maxi Lim

‘Tea-spilling’ from the Ah Boys? The forfeits don’t seem to scare these two as their chemistry and quick-wits fill the air! Our host struggles to keep them under control with their enthusiasm and antics! 当年《新兵正传》里的年轻小伙子个个都要成家了,但这不表示他们的心智和行为会变成熟!陈伟恩和林俊良现在就来告诉你他们这些年互损的片段。

Ep 5 Tosh Zhang & Wang Weiliang
22 mins

From 'Ah Boys To Men', Tosh and Weiliang began their debut from the blockbuster movie where they’ve been through thick and thin together with the rest of the ‘ah boys’. Who would they unfollow first if they had to? Our host finds out for you! 两个年纪不小的幼稚鬼在这一集相爱相杀!主持人茜茜反被调侃地快要发飙!不得已的她使出了杀手锏问题 - 'Ah boys'当中,你们会先unfollow谁的社交媒体账号!你猜他们的答案是什么?

Ep 5 Tosh Zhang & Wang Weiliang

From 'Ah Boys To Men', Tosh and Weiliang began their debut from the blockbuster movie where they’ve been through thick and thin together with the rest of the ‘ah boys’. Who would they unfollow first if they had to? Our host finds out for you! 两个年纪不小的幼稚鬼在这一集相爱相杀!主持人茜茜反被调侃地快要发飙!不得已的她使出了杀手锏问题 - 'Ah boys'当中,你们会先unfollow谁的社交媒体账号!你猜他们的答案是什么?

Ep 6 Sonia Chew & Joakim Gomez
21 mins

Be ready to be blessed with the familiar soothing voices of radio hosts, Sonia and Joakim from 987FM! Have they ever considered taking their working relationship to being romantic partners? Is anyone of them replaceable to the other? Let’s find out! Sonia和Joakim不仅是合作多年的电台拍档,他们还曾经拍拖? 让主持人林茜茜追根究底,一起见证非一般友情的默契!

Ep 6 Sonia Chew & Joakim Gomez

Be ready to be blessed with the familiar soothing voices of radio hosts, Sonia and Joakim from 987FM! Have they ever considered taking their working relationship to being romantic partners? Is anyone of them replaceable to the other? Let’s find out! Sonia和Joakim不仅是合作多年的电台拍档,他们还曾经拍拖? 让主持人林茜茜追根究底,一起见证非一般友情的默契!

Ep 7 Sylvia Chan & Nina Tan
21 mins

YouTubers in the house! Legend has it, they have an unbreakable bond, just like family. But which of them ‘thirsty’ sisters have a better understanding of the other? Is Nina Sylvia’s favorite talent in their YouTube family? 她们没有血缘关系但却比亲人还要了解对方。Nina是Sylvia最喜欢的演员吗?Sylvia会是Nina愿意相伴余生的唯一人选吗?

Ep 7 Sylvia Chan & Nina Tan

YouTubers in the house! Legend has it, they have an unbreakable bond, just like family. But which of them ‘thirsty’ sisters have a better understanding of the other? Is Nina Sylvia’s favorite talent in their YouTube family? 她们没有血缘关系但却比亲人还要了解对方。Nina是Sylvia最喜欢的演员吗?Sylvia会是Nina愿意相伴余生的唯一人选吗?

Ep 8 Ann Kok & Patricia Mok
22 mins

You’re about to catch one of the most heartwarming episodes of the series! How would they fare in the different stages of Q&A as they share heartfelt thoughts and crazy stories of their journey together as best buds in the media industry? 默契十足的演艺圈姐妹花互爆旅行趣事!莫小玲更是吐露心声,令郭舒贤飙泪。闺蜜情深,感动全场。

Ep 8 Ann Kok & Patricia Mok

You’re about to catch one of the most heartwarming episodes of the series! How would they fare in the different stages of Q&A as they share heartfelt thoughts and crazy stories of their journey together as best buds in the media industry? 默契十足的演艺圈姐妹花互爆旅行趣事!莫小玲更是吐露心声,令郭舒贤飙泪。闺蜜情深,感动全场。

Ep 9 Andie, Kate & Aden
23 mins

The sensational iconic family on the internet is here! This episode comes with a twist, where celebrity couple Andie and Kate VS their son, Aden for the right answers or the forfeit awaits them! Will the humour-driven duo be able to have a serious discussion by the end of the show? Aden将会透露在家里究竟爸爸还是妈妈说的算,谁比较有才华,谁管钱…结婚7年的蕾馨和邦鋆也许很了解彼此,但是他们能否猜到古灵精怪的儿子Aden的答案?

Ep 9 Andie, Kate & Aden

The sensational iconic family on the internet is here! This episode comes with a twist, where celebrity couple Andie and Kate VS their son, Aden for the right answers or the forfeit awaits them! Will the humour-driven duo be able to have a serious discussion by the end of the show? Aden将会透露在家里究竟爸爸还是妈妈说的算,谁比较有才华,谁管钱…结婚7年的蕾馨和邦鋆也许很了解彼此,但是他们能否猜到古灵精怪的儿子Aden的答案?

Ep 10 Xiaxue & Rozz
22 mins

Friends for over a decade and pioneers of the internet, our team has decided to put their friendship to the test! Which one of Xiaxue’s internet enemies would Rozz choose to work with? Have they ever tried to hide anything from the other? 作为网红一姐下雪的闺蜜,Rozz坦言曾多次unfollow好友!两人是否能在默契测试的同时打开这个心结呢?

Ep 10 Xiaxue & Rozz

Friends for over a decade and pioneers of the internet, our team has decided to put their friendship to the test! Which one of Xiaxue’s internet enemies would Rozz choose to work with? Have they ever tried to hide anything from the other? 作为网红一姐下雪的闺蜜,Rozz坦言曾多次unfollow好友!两人是否能在默契测试的同时打开这个心结呢?

Additional Information

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