Fashion Refabbed


Fashion Refabbed is a brand-new fashion program that aims to revamp old clothes that have not been worn for years. Each episode will see two celebrity-turned fashion designers challenge each other in a competition where they must race against time and turn the protagonist's old clothes into new designs within ten hours. Each episode will also feature an eco-friendly brand that contributes to environment conservation. 每个人的衣柜里总有已经没穿却又依依不舍的服饰。《衣衣不舍》每集将由主持人,鐘琴带领两位化身为服装设计师的艺人嘉宾,去聆听一位素人嘉宾衣服背后的故事,然后以比赛的形式,在10小时内为他舍不得丢弃的服饰进行改造,让其重获新生。节目也将介绍本地致力于环保的品牌,借此提升公众的环保意识。

Fashion Refabbed is a brand-new fashion program that aims to revamp old clothes that have not been worn for years. Each episode will see two celebrity-turned fashion designers challenge each other in a competition where they must race against time and turn the protagonist's old clothes into new designs within ten hours. Each episode will also feature an eco-friendly brand that contributes to environment conservation. 每个人的衣柜里总有已经没穿却又依依不舍的服饰。《衣衣不舍》每集将由主持人,鐘琴带领两位化身为服装设计师的艺人嘉宾,去聆听一位素人嘉宾衣服背后的故事,然后以比赛的形式,在10小时内为他舍不得丢弃的服饰进行改造,让其重获新生。节目也将介绍本地致力于环保的品牌,借此提升公众的环保意识。

Ep 1 Desmond Tan VS Denise Camillia Tan
45 mins

The first episode of Fashion Refabbed, welcomes fashionistas Denise Camillia Tan and Desmond Tan. Each of them will create a leopard print inspired outfit that is suitable for our episode's heroine, Mia, to attend a wedding banquet. Will Desmond who is designing women clothes for the first time, win Denise who has fashion design background? 《衣衣不舍》第一集就迎来了两位时尚达人,陈泂江和陈楚寰。两人将为个性十足的女主,Mia打造适合出席婚宴的豹纹服装。初次为女性改造服饰的泂江能否击败拥有设计经验的楚寰,且拭目以待!

Ep 1 Desmond Tan VS Denise Camillia Tan

The first episode of Fashion Refabbed, welcomes fashionistas Denise Camillia Tan and Desmond Tan. Each of them will create a leopard print inspired outfit that is suitable for our episode's heroine, Mia, to attend a wedding banquet. Will Desmond who is designing women clothes for the first time, win Denise who has fashion design background? 《衣衣不舍》第一集就迎来了两位时尚达人,陈泂江和陈楚寰。两人将为个性十足的女主,Mia打造适合出席婚宴的豹纹服装。初次为女性改造服饰的泂江能否击败拥有设计经验的楚寰,且拭目以待!

Ep 2 Ya Hui VS Benjamin Tan
45 mins

Karen, who is turning 40 soon, hopes to have a dazzling outfit to celebrate her last birthday in her 30s. Will trend loving Ya Hui or Benjamin who has unique insights to fashion understand Karen's requirements best? 即将步入40岁的女主,Karen希望能为39岁生日派对打造一袭亮眼夺目的时装。究竟是热爱时尚的雅慧最懂女人心,还是对时尚有独特见解的陈政序会更胜一筹呢?

Ep 2 Ya Hui VS Benjamin Tan

Karen, who is turning 40 soon, hopes to have a dazzling outfit to celebrate her last birthday in her 30s. Will trend loving Ya Hui or Benjamin who has unique insights to fashion understand Karen's requirements best? 即将步入40岁的女主,Karen希望能为39岁生日派对打造一袭亮眼夺目的时装。究竟是热爱时尚的雅慧最懂女人心,还是对时尚有独特见解的陈政序会更胜一筹呢?

Ep 3 Lee Teng VS Gina Lin
45 mins

Husband and wife will be competing in this episode. How would Lee Teng fare in this episode against Gina, to help this episode's heroine, Diana? Don't miss the cute and funny interaction between this couple! 这一集轮到李腾和妻子,Gina这对夫妻档上阵较量了!对象是充满女人味的女主,Diana。对时尚了如指掌的李腾在Gina面前会如何表现,别错过了夫妻俩可爱逗趣的互动!

Ep 3 Lee Teng VS Gina Lin

Husband and wife will be competing in this episode. How would Lee Teng fare in this episode against Gina, to help this episode's heroine, Diana? Don't miss the cute and funny interaction between this couple! 这一集轮到李腾和妻子,Gina这对夫妻档上阵较量了!对象是充满女人味的女主,Diana。对时尚了如指掌的李腾在Gina面前会如何表现,别错过了夫妻俩可爱逗趣的互动!

Ep 4 Lee Teng VS Richie Koh
45 mins

Kim Zhu who is mostly in sports attire, hopes to break out of her shell to try out K-pop inspired fashion trend. But alas the 2 competitors today are Lee Teng and Richie Koh! Whose refabbed outfit will Kim Zhu choose in the end? 偏爱宽松服饰的女主,金珠想转型,走一趟可爱的韩风时尚。偏偏这回对垒的两位艺人设计师都是大男生!究竟金珠会选择李腾,还是许瑞奇所精心改造的韩风时装呢?

Ep 4 Lee Teng VS Richie Koh

Kim Zhu who is mostly in sports attire, hopes to break out of her shell to try out K-pop inspired fashion trend. But alas the 2 competitors today are Lee Teng and Richie Koh! Whose refabbed outfit will Kim Zhu choose in the end? 偏爱宽松服饰的女主,金珠想转型,走一趟可爱的韩风时尚。偏偏这回对垒的两位艺人设计师都是大男生!究竟金珠会选择李腾,还是许瑞奇所精心改造的韩风时装呢?

Ep 5 Elvin Ng VS Fang Rong
45 mins

Singapore's popular actor Elvin Ng will be competing in this episode! This round, his challenger will be Fang Rong, who is well verse in fashionable trends. The two will have to up their game to Amy's requests and surprise her with something fabulous! 本地男神,黄俊雄登场了!这次他将挑战对时装设计很有心得的芳榕。两人将应女主,Amy的要求,打造能令她惊喜的服饰。究竟是惊还是喜,且拭目以待!

Ep 5 Elvin Ng VS Fang Rong

Singapore's popular actor Elvin Ng will be competing in this episode! This round, his challenger will be Fang Rong, who is well verse in fashionable trends. The two will have to up their game to Amy's requests and surprise her with something fabulous! 本地男神,黄俊雄登场了!这次他将挑战对时装设计很有心得的芳榕。两人将应女主,Amy的要求,打造能令她惊喜的服饰。究竟是惊还是喜,且拭目以待!

Ep 6 Sheila Sim VS Denise Camillia Tan
45 mins

In this episode, competitors Denise Camillia Tan and Sheila Sim are on a mission. They want to help Michelle overcome her fear of a certain color? What is the story behind and can Michelle overcome her phobia? 这一集,两位艺人设计师,沈琳宸和陈楚寰充满使命感,希望能帮助女主,Michelle克服她对某颜色的恐惧。Michelle背后到底隐藏了什么故事?她最终又能否战胜恐惧呢?

Ep 6 Sheila Sim VS Denise Camillia Tan

In this episode, competitors Denise Camillia Tan and Sheila Sim are on a mission. They want to help Michelle overcome her fear of a certain color? What is the story behind and can Michelle overcome her phobia? 这一集,两位艺人设计师,沈琳宸和陈楚寰充满使命感,希望能帮助女主,Michelle克服她对某颜色的恐惧。Michelle背后到底隐藏了什么故事?她最终又能否战胜恐惧呢?

Ep 7 Ben Yeo VS Hazelle Teo
45 mins

Crystal, who has a special liking for secondhand clothing, has collected several pieces of clothes passed down from her mother. Can Ben Yeo and Hazelle Teo, who has different fashion styles, successfully transform Crystal's mother's clothes into a classic piece? 对二手服饰情有独钟的Crystal收集了好几件妈妈传下来的衣服,时尚风格迥异的杨志龙和张颖双是否能成功改造Crystal妈妈的衣服,让她旧衣新穿呢?

Ep 7 Ben Yeo VS Hazelle Teo

Crystal, who has a special liking for secondhand clothing, has collected several pieces of clothes passed down from her mother. Can Ben Yeo and Hazelle Teo, who has different fashion styles, successfully transform Crystal's mother's clothes into a classic piece? 对二手服饰情有独钟的Crystal收集了好几件妈妈传下来的衣服,时尚风格迥异的杨志龙和张颖双是否能成功改造Crystal妈妈的衣服,让她旧衣新穿呢?

Ep 8 Carrie Wong VS Ayden Sng
45 mins

Fashionista Carrie Wong and Elaine hit it off in this episode, making competitor Ayden Sng dreads with a sense of crisis. How would the two of them interpret today's theme "dating", and make the dress a magical one? 这一集,时尚靓丽的黄思恬与女主,Elaine一拍即合,让另一位艺人设计师,孙政充满了危机感!两人这次将诠释约会主题,究竟谁的设计最甜蜜加分呢?

Ep 8 Carrie Wong VS Ayden Sng

Fashionista Carrie Wong and Elaine hit it off in this episode, making competitor Ayden Sng dreads with a sense of crisis. How would the two of them interpret today's theme "dating", and make the dress a magical one? 这一集,时尚靓丽的黄思恬与女主,Elaine一拍即合,让另一位艺人设计师,孙政充满了危机感!两人这次将诠释约会主题,究竟谁的设计最甜蜜加分呢?

Ep 9 Carrie Wong VS Jeremy Chan
45 mins

Roxanne hopes that the two designers today can help her come up with an elegant evening dress that is suitable for a charity event. Facing a tall challenge, how would Carrie Wong and Jeremy Chan fare? Whose outfit would Roxanne prefer? 高挑性感的女主,Roxanne希望两位艺人设计师为自己改造一袭适合出席慈善晚宴的晚礼服。改造服装已经不简单,更何况是晚礼服?面对黄思甜的一丝不苟和田铭耀的无厘头,Roxanne 会更青睐谁的设计呢?

Ep 9 Carrie Wong VS Jeremy Chan

Roxanne hopes that the two designers today can help her come up with an elegant evening dress that is suitable for a charity event. Facing a tall challenge, how would Carrie Wong and Jeremy Chan fare? Whose outfit would Roxanne prefer? 高挑性感的女主,Roxanne希望两位艺人设计师为自己改造一袭适合出席慈善晚宴的晚礼服。改造服装已经不简单,更何况是晚礼服?面对黄思甜的一丝不苟和田铭耀的无厘头,Roxanne 会更青睐谁的设计呢?

Ep 10 Chantalle Ng VS Denise Camillia Tan
45 mins

It has finally come to an end of the series. Chantelle Ng will be challenging two times champion Denise Camillia Tan. How would they fare in this episode's "Double Trouble" theme? 《衣衣不舍》将迎来最后一集!这回邀请了人气超高的黄暄婷,对垒设计大魔王,陈楚寰。面对加倍的设计难题,她们能否乘风破浪,打造女主心中的完美服装呢?

Ep 10 Chantalle Ng VS Denise Camillia Tan

It has finally come to an end of the series. Chantelle Ng will be challenging two times champion Denise Camillia Tan. How would they fare in this episode's "Double Trouble" theme? 《衣衣不舍》将迎来最后一集!这回邀请了人气超高的黄暄婷,对垒设计大魔王,陈楚寰。面对加倍的设计难题,她们能否乘风破浪,打造女主心中的完美服装呢?

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Suitable For All Ages