Dan Da Dan


DAN DA DAN follows Momo, a high school girl from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult geek. The two of them started talking after Momo rescued Okarun from getting bullied. However, an argument ensues between them – Momo believes in ghosts but denies aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens but denies ghosts. To make each other believe in what they denied the existence of, Momo goes to an abandoned hospital known for its UFO sightings, and Okarun goes to a tunnel that is said to be haunted. In each place, they encounter overwhelming paranormal entities that defy comprehension. Amid trouble, Momo awakens her hidden power and Okarun gains the power of a curse to challenge the paranormal entities! Could this be the start of a fateful romance as well!? Now begins a new story of occult battles and adolescence! 出生于灵媒师世家的高中女生.小桃(绫濑桃),以及跟她同年级,热爱神秘学的厄卡伦(高仓健)。小桃出手救了在班上被欺负的厄卡伦,两人也以此为契机和对方聊了起来,可是「相信幽灵但不相信外星人派」的小桃跟「相信外星人但不相信幽灵派」的厄卡伦起了争执。两人为了让对方相信外星人和幽灵确实存在,小桃前往了据说是UFO出没地的医院废墟,厄卡伦则是前往了灵异热门景点的隧道。两人在那里分别遇上了远远超出他们理解能力的怪异。在紧要关头让深藏于体内的能力觉醒的小桃,跟得到诅咒之力的厄卡伦,两人将携手挑战接连袭来的怪异!也开始了一段命运般的恋情! ?超能力战斗&青春故事,就此开幕!

DAN DA DAN follows Momo, a high school girl from a family of spirit mediums, and her classmate Okarun, an occult geek. The two of them started talking after Momo rescued Okarun from getting bullied. However, an argument ensues between them – Momo believes in ghosts but denies aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens but denies ghosts. To make each other believe in what they denied the existence of, Momo goes to an abandoned hospital known for its UFO sightings, and Okarun goes to a tunnel that is said to be haunted. In each place, they encounter overwhelming paranormal entities that defy comprehension. Amid trouble, Momo awakens her hidden power and Okarun gains the power of a curse to challenge the paranormal entities! Could this be the start of a fateful romance as well!? Now begins a new story of occult battles and adolescence! 出生于灵媒师世家的高中女生.小桃(绫濑桃),以及跟她同年级,热爱神秘学的厄卡伦(高仓健)。小桃出手救了在班上被欺负的厄卡伦,两人也以此为契机和对方聊了起来,可是「相信幽灵但不相信外星人派」的小桃跟「相信外星人但不相信幽灵派」的厄卡伦起了争执。两人为了让对方相信外星人和幽灵确实存在,小桃前往了据说是UFO出没地的医院废墟,厄卡伦则是前往了灵异热门景点的隧道。两人在那里分别遇上了远远超出他们理解能力的怪异。在紧要关头让深藏于体内的能力觉醒的小桃,跟得到诅咒之力的厄卡伦,两人将携手挑战接连袭来的怪异!也开始了一段命运般的恋情! ?超能力战斗&青春故事,就此开幕!

Ep 1 That's How Love Starts, Ya Know!
24 mins

Momo is a high school girl born into a family of spirit mediums, and Okarun is her classmate and an occult fanatic. They start chatting after Momo saves Okarun from class bullies, but an argument arises between the two of them - Momo believes in ghosts but not in aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens but not in ghosts. To make each other believe in what the other denies, Momo heads to an abandoned hospital famous for UFO sightings while Okaru...

Ep 1 That's How Love Starts, Ya Know!

Momo is a high school girl born into a family of spirit mediums, and Okarun is her classmate and an occult fanatic. They start chatting after Momo saves Okarun from class bullies, but an argument arises between the two of them - Momo believes in ghosts but not in aliens, and Okarun believes in aliens but not in ghosts. To make each other believe in what the other denies, Momo heads to an abandoned hospital famous for UFO sightings while Okaru...

Ep 2 That's a Space Alien, Ain't It?!
24 mins

Okarun is cursed by Turbo Granny, and Momo uses her newly-awakened psychic powers to stop Turbo Granny from going out of control. Dawn breaks, and the two of them try to take temporary shelter in Momo's house, but their removal of a talisman from the torii gate in front of it comes back to haunt them when a giant alien called the Flatwoods Monster appears before them. Now in a desperate situation, Okarun suggests something to Momo. 出现在时刻塔的魔女教大罪司教

Ep 2 That's a Space Alien, Ain't It?!

Okarun is cursed by Turbo Granny, and Momo uses her newly-awakened psychic powers to stop Turbo Granny from going out of control. Dawn breaks, and the two of them try to take temporary shelter in Momo's house, but their removal of a talisman from the torii gate in front of it comes back to haunt them when a giant alien called the Flatwoods Monster appears before them. Now in a desperate situation, Okarun suggests something to Momo. 出现在时刻塔的魔女教大罪司教

Ep 3 It's a Granny vs. Granny Clash!
24 mins

Turbo Granny's curse causes Okarun to transform, and he goes berserk, unable to control his powers. Momo's grandmother Seiko, a spirit medium, saves them in the nick of time. To lift the curse, Momo and Okarun decide to play tag with Turbo Granny. Before the duel, Seiko tells the pair to undergo some training, but that's exactly when Turbo Granny shows herself before Momo... 厄卡伦由于高速婆婆的诅咒而变身。虽然他因为无法操纵力量而失控,但是小桃的奶奶.灵媒师星子在千钧一发之际拯救他们脱离了险境。为了解除诅咒,小桃和厄

Ep 3 It's a Granny vs. Granny Clash!

Turbo Granny's curse causes Okarun to transform, and he goes berserk, unable to control his powers. Momo's grandmother Seiko, a spirit medium, saves them in the nick of time. To lift the curse, Momo and Okarun decide to play tag with Turbo Granny. Before the duel, Seiko tells the pair to undergo some training, but that's exactly when Turbo Granny shows herself before Momo... 厄卡伦由于高速婆婆的诅咒而变身。虽然他因为无法操纵力量而失控,但是小桃的奶奶.灵媒师星子在千钧一发之际拯救他们脱离了险境。为了解除诅咒,小桃和厄

Ep 4 Kicking Turbo Granny's Ass
24 mins

To settle the score with Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun show up at the tunnel as they promised. They start the game of tag to pull the location-bound spirit away, and even manage to capture Turbo Granny using Momo's psychic powers. However, a giant crab-shaped location-bound spirit quickly approaches them, trying to take Turbo Granny back. A magnificent game of tag between the pair and the spirit plays out... 小桃和厄卡伦为了与高速婆婆一决胜负,依约前往隧道。两人开始和高速婆婆...

Ep 4 Kicking Turbo Granny's Ass

To settle the score with Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun show up at the tunnel as they promised. They start the game of tag to pull the location-bound spirit away, and even manage to capture Turbo Granny using Momo's psychic powers. However, a giant crab-shaped location-bound spirit quickly approaches them, trying to take Turbo Granny back. A magnificent game of tag between the pair and the spirit plays out... 小桃和厄卡伦为了与高速婆婆一决胜负,依约前往隧道。两人开始和高速婆婆...

Ep 5 Like, Where Are Your Balls?!
24 mins

Victorious against Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun can go back to their peaceful lives. The traumatic experiences have brought the two closer, but they find their relationship to be awkward. Just then, Okarun discloses something important to Momo. They supposedly defeated Turbo Granny, but for some reason Okarun's "thingie" hasn't returned... 小桃和厄卡伦打赢高速婆婆,取回了和平的生活。一同经历这番壮烈的体验,更缩短了两人间的距离,然而两人相处起来却莫名的尴尬。就在这时候,厄卡伦向小桃说了一件非常重要的事。明明已经打倒了高速婆婆,厄卡伦的「那个」...

Ep 5 Like, Where Are Your Balls?!

Victorious against Turbo Granny, Momo and Okarun can go back to their peaceful lives. The traumatic experiences have brought the two closer, but they find their relationship to be awkward. Just then, Okarun discloses something important to Momo. They supposedly defeated Turbo Granny, but for some reason Okarun's "thingie" hasn't returned... 小桃和厄卡伦打赢高速婆婆,取回了和平的生活。一同经历这番壮烈的体验,更缩短了两人间的距离,然而两人相处起来却莫名的尴尬。就在这时候,厄卡伦向小桃说了一件非常重要的事。明明已经打倒了高速婆婆,厄卡伦的「那个」...

Ep 6 A Dangerous Woman Arrives
24 mins

Momo, Okarun, and Turbo Granny search for Okarun's missing golden balls. They search all over the school and find out that a pretty girl named Aira is in possession of one ball. Aira can now see "invisible things" - perhaps an effect of the ball? Then "Acrobatic Silky," a mysterious woman in a red dress, appears before Aira... and Momo and Okarun stand up for Aira when she's in trouble. 小桃、厄卡伦和高速婆婆一同寻找起消失的蛋蛋。他们在学校里寻找蛋蛋,可是蛋蛋其实在美少女.爱罗「白鸟爱罗」的手上。受到蛋…

Ep 6 A Dangerous Woman Arrives

Momo, Okarun, and Turbo Granny search for Okarun's missing golden balls. They search all over the school and find out that a pretty girl named Aira is in possession of one ball. Aira can now see "invisible things" - perhaps an effect of the ball? Then "Acrobatic Silky," a mysterious woman in a red dress, appears before Aira... and Momo and Okarun stand up for Aira when she's in trouble. 小桃、厄卡伦和高速婆婆一同寻找起消失的蛋蛋。他们在学校里寻找蛋蛋,可是蛋蛋其实在美少女.爱罗「白鸟爱罗」的手上。受到蛋…

Ep 7 To A Kinder World
24 mins

Momo and Okarun manage to pull Acrobatic Silky away from Aira after a fierce battle. However, Aira has already passed away because she was eaten by the yokai. Seeing Aira in such a state, Acrobatic Silky has a surprising idea... 小桃和厄卡伦经过激烈的战斗,成功的从身手矫健长发女手中救出爱罗。可是重要的当事人爱罗却因为一度被妖怪吞食而失去了生命迹象。就在爱罗性命垂危时,身手矫健长发女提出了一个惊人的方法…

Ep 7 To A Kinder World

Momo and Okarun manage to pull Acrobatic Silky away from Aira after a fierce battle. However, Aira has already passed away because she was eaten by the yokai. Seeing Aira in such a state, Acrobatic Silky has a surprising idea... 小桃和厄卡伦经过激烈的战斗,成功的从身手矫健长发女手中救出爱罗。可是重要的当事人爱罗却因为一度被妖怪吞食而失去了生命迹象。就在爱罗性命垂危时,身手矫健长发女提出了一个惊人的方法…

Ep 8 I've Got This Funny Feeling
24 mins

The battle against Acrobatic Silky is over, and the three go back to normal school life. Aira starts to harbor romantic feelings stemming from how Okarun saved her. As Momo, Okarun, and Aira's feelings intertwine, the Serpoians show up again, trapping the three in a void. 结束和身手矫健长发女的战斗,三人回到了一如往常的校园生活中。爱罗也因为厄卡伦救了她,而对厄卡伦产生了好感。在小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗的思绪交错之时,赛伯星人再度出现,将三人困在虚空中。

Ep 8 I've Got This Funny Feeling

The battle against Acrobatic Silky is over, and the three go back to normal school life. Aira starts to harbor romantic feelings stemming from how Okarun saved her. As Momo, Okarun, and Aira's feelings intertwine, the Serpoians show up again, trapping the three in a void. 结束和身手矫健长发女的战斗,三人回到了一如往常的校园生活中。爱罗也因为厄卡伦救了她,而对厄卡伦产生了好感。在小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗的思绪交错之时,赛伯星人再度出现,将三人困在虚空中。

Ep 9 Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!
24 mins

Aira, having awakened Acrobatic Silky's powers within her, proceeds to have a back-and-forth battle against the Serpoians and the Dover Demon. Momo and Okarun also join the fray, and the battle intensifies. Then the aliens fuse together to compensate for their own weaknesses and attack the trio. 尽管遭到外星人袭击,小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗仍协力脱离了困境。然而已经打倒的多佛恶魔却又出现在他们面前。正当他们慌张的以为又要开战时,多佛恶魔无力地昏倒了。小桃等人无法对他见死不救,把他带回家治疗后,多佛恶魔说出了他的某个烦恼…

Ep 9 Merge! Serpo Dover Demon Nessie!

Aira, having awakened Acrobatic Silky's powers within her, proceeds to have a back-and-forth battle against the Serpoians and the Dover Demon. Momo and Okarun also join the fray, and the battle intensifies. Then the aliens fuse together to compensate for their own weaknesses and attack the trio. 尽管遭到外星人袭击,小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗仍协力脱离了困境。然而已经打倒的多佛恶魔却又出现在他们面前。正当他们慌张的以为又要开战时,多佛恶魔无力地昏倒了。小桃等人无法对他见死不救,把他带回家治疗后,多佛恶魔说出了他的某个烦恼…

Ep 10 Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutiliation?
24 mins

Momo, Okarun, and Aira make it through the aliens' assault by combining their powers. However, the Dover Demon that they thought they had defeated suddenly appears before them. It seems like he wants a rematch... but then he collapses, having used up all his strength. Unable to abandon him, the three take him back to Momo's house and treat his wounds. Then the Dover Demon starts talking about what's been troubling him... 尽管遭到外星人袭击,小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗仍协...

Ep 10 Have You Ever Seen A Cattle Mutiliation?

Momo, Okarun, and Aira make it through the aliens' assault by combining their powers. However, the Dover Demon that they thought they had defeated suddenly appears before them. It seems like he wants a rematch... but then he collapses, having used up all his strength. Unable to abandon him, the three take him back to Momo's house and treat his wounds. Then the Dover Demon starts talking about what's been troubling him... 尽管遭到外星人袭击,小桃、厄卡伦、爱罗仍协...

Ep 11 First Love
24 mins

Momo's childhood friend and first love Jiji appears and begins living in Momo's house. Momo is clearly hesitant about the sudden turn of events, but Jiji, plagued by apparitions in the house he moved into, has come to seek help from Seiko. Meanwhile, Okarun is clearly disturbed to learn that Jiji was Momo's first love and tries to distance himself from Momo. Just then, an anatomical human model comes running full speed towards Okarun... 小桃的青梅...

Ep 11 First Love

Momo's childhood friend and first love Jiji appears and begins living in Momo's house. Momo is clearly hesitant about the sudden turn of events, but Jiji, plagued by apparitions in the house he moved into, has come to seek help from Seiko. Meanwhile, Okarun is clearly disturbed to learn that Jiji was Momo's first love and tries to distance himself from Momo. Just then, an anatomical human model comes running full speed towards Okarun... 小桃的青梅...

Ep 12 Let's Go To The Cursed House
23 mins

Momo and Okarun head to Jiji's house, located in a hot spring town, to investigate what happened to Jiji's family. Along the way, Okarun feels sad seeing at how close Momo and Jiji are, but he is drawn to Jiji's good nature. Arriving at Jiji's house in a remote area of the mountains, they immediately enter the house, but there are several figures watching them as they do... 小桃和厄卡伦为了调查寺仁家的事件,前往位于温泉胜地的寺仁家。在途中,厄卡伦虽然很介意小桃和寺仁间亲昵的气氛,还是渐渐感受到寺仁的人品有多好...

Ep 12 Let's Go To The Cursed House

Momo and Okarun head to Jiji's house, located in a hot spring town, to investigate what happened to Jiji's family. Along the way, Okarun feels sad seeing at how close Momo and Jiji are, but he is drawn to Jiji's good nature. Arriving at Jiji's house in a remote area of the mountains, they immediately enter the house, but there are several figures watching them as they do... 小桃和厄卡伦为了调查寺仁家的事件,前往位于温泉胜地的寺仁家。在途中,厄卡伦虽然很介意小桃和寺仁间亲昵的气氛,还是渐渐感受到寺仁的人品有多好...

Additional Information

Genresanime, sci-fi and fantasy
Some Violence