Crouching Tiger Hidden Ghost (Director's Cut)
Xiao Fang's inexplicable death leaves her confined to a complex and her futile pleas for help create chaos. After a year, three people bump into her in the haunted unit! Seizing the chance to look into her death, she forces them to sign a Ghost Contract and the entwinement of their lives begins… 林小芳不知道自己是怎么死去的,她被困在一栋大楼里,谁也看不到她。小芳求助无门,把大楼闹得鸡犬不宁。直到一年后,三名男女机缘巧合地来到闹鬼单位,让她吃惊的是,这三人竟然能看见她!小芳抓紧机会,缠上三人,逼迫他们签订一份“鬼契约”来协助她找出死因。但谁也没有想到,这份契约具有强大的约束力,三人一鬼的命运,从此紧紧牵连在一起。。。
Cast & Crew
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- Newest First
Xiao Fang's inexplicable death leaves her confined to a complex and her futile pleas for help create chaos. After a year, three people bump into her in the haunted unit! Seizing the chance to look into her death, she forces them to sign a Ghost Contract and the entwinement of their lives begins… 林小芳不知道自己是怎么死去的,她被困在一栋大楼里,谁也看不到她。小芳求助无门,把大楼闹得鸡犬不宁。直到一年后,三名男女机缘巧合地来到闹鬼单位,让她吃惊的是,这三人竟然能看见她!小芳抓紧机会,缠上三人,逼迫他们签订一份“鬼契约”来协助她找出死因。但谁也没有想到,这份契约具有强大的约束力,三人一鬼的命运,从此紧紧牵连在一起。。。
Tasked to bust a ghost, Ma Da meets Angie and Ah Lun. The trio sees the ghost, Xiao Fang, who offers a reward for investigating her death. They sign a Ghost Contract. Heedless of it, harm befalls them and they return reluctantly. Ma Da recognises Xiao Fang from a year ago, and his fear deepens… 马达被邀请到一栋大楼单位来驱鬼,不料却遇到Angie和阿伦。女鬼小芳发现三人都能见到她,要求三人帮她查出死前被害的真相并以这座大楼的秘密作为奖励。三人无奈与小芳签了一份“鬼契约”,但三人却不把“鬼契约”当作一回事,结果纷纷遭遇不测。三人无奈,只好回到小芳单位。马达一直对小芳心存恐惧,原来一年前,他也曾来到
Tasked to bust a ghost, Ma Da meets Angie and Ah Lun. The trio sees the ghost, Xiao Fang, who offers a reward for investigating her death. They sign a Ghost Contract. Heedless of it, harm befalls them and they return reluctantly. Ma Da recognises Xiao Fang from a year ago, and his fear deepens… 马达被邀请到一栋大楼单位来驱鬼,不料却遇到Angie和阿伦。女鬼小芳发现三人都能见到她,要求三人帮她查出死前被害的真相并以这座大楼的秘密作为奖励。三人无奈与小芳签了一份“鬼契约”,但三人却不把“鬼契约”当作一回事,结果纷纷遭遇不测。三人无奈,只好回到小芳单位。马达一直对小芳心存恐惧,原来一年前,他也曾来到
Thinking he is linked to Xiao Fang’s death, Ma Da hides that he had seen her body. Moving in, the trio discovers Xiao Fang is trapped in the complex. They plan to evict her, who in turn pranks them by possessing Angie. Defeated, they unearth her weakness, insect repellent, pushing her to the edge… 马达隐瞒小芳自己曾在一年前目睹她的尸体,觉得小芳的死和自己有关。三人搬进小芳家后得知小芳一直被大厦困住,三人计划除掉小芳,却发现小芳暗中上Angie的身玩弄他们。众人想反抗却斗不过小芳,又被小芳暗中恶整,三人努力想找出小芳的弱点。就在大家感到绝望时,马达发现小芳害怕蚊油,众人把心一横,决定把小芳推向绝
Thinking he is linked to Xiao Fang’s death, Ma Da hides that he had seen her body. Moving in, the trio discovers Xiao Fang is trapped in the complex. They plan to evict her, who in turn pranks them by possessing Angie. Defeated, they unearth her weakness, insect repellent, pushing her to the edge… 马达隐瞒小芳自己曾在一年前目睹她的尸体,觉得小芳的死和自己有关。三人搬进小芳家后得知小芳一直被大厦困住,三人计划除掉小芳,却发现小芳暗中上Angie的身玩弄他们。众人想反抗却斗不过小芳,又被小芳暗中恶整,三人努力想找出小芳的弱点。就在大家感到绝望时,马达发现小芳害怕蚊油,众人把心一横,决定把小芳推向绝
The trio escapes upon evicting Xiao Fang. Uneasy about the Contract, Ma Da and Angie secretly return and are haunted viciously by Xiao Fang. Ma Da sympathises with Xiao Fang after spending time with her. Meanwhile, Angie finds Iceboy poking around her trash and is stopped by him as she leaves… 三人成功消灭小芳离开大厦。马达担心契约还在生效和Angie偷偷回来,却发现小芳变成恶鬼准备报复他们。受到警告后,三人开始认真调查小芳的死因。小芳上马达的身出门,要马达陪她逛街。马达与小芳相处后开始同情她。另一边,Angie则发现Iceboy在翻她刚丢的垃圾,Angie惊慌想离开,却被Iceboy拦住…
The trio escapes upon evicting Xiao Fang. Uneasy about the Contract, Ma Da and Angie secretly return and are haunted viciously by Xiao Fang. Ma Da sympathises with Xiao Fang after spending time with her. Meanwhile, Angie finds Iceboy poking around her trash and is stopped by him as she leaves… 三人成功消灭小芳离开大厦。马达担心契约还在生效和Angie偷偷回来,却发现小芳变成恶鬼准备报复他们。受到警告后,三人开始认真调查小芳的死因。小芳上马达的身出门,要马达陪她逛街。马达与小芳相处后开始同情她。另一边,Angie则发现Iceboy在翻她刚丢的垃圾,Angie惊慌想离开,却被Iceboy拦住…
Angie finds a cat's corpse in Iceboy's shoebox, putting him under suspicion. To attract his crush's attention, Xiang Ge starts using EE serum. Littering from a height at the crime scene, and her photos in his house convince Xiao Fang of Iceboy's guilt. As night falls, she prepares to take revenge… Angie发现Iceboy的鞋盒藏有猫尸,众人怀疑Iceboy就是杀死小芳的凶手。为了吸引自己心怡女生的注意,祥哥在Jeffery的推荐下开始使用Secret Serum的产品。众人发现Iceboy在树林里埋藏猫尸,但阿姐出现怀疑马达才是杀猫凶手。Iceboy在小芳死去的地方高空掷物,众人潜入Iceb
Angie finds a cat's corpse in Iceboy's shoebox, putting him under suspicion. To attract his crush's attention, Xiang Ge starts using EE serum. Littering from a height at the crime scene, and her photos in his house convince Xiao Fang of Iceboy's guilt. As night falls, she prepares to take revenge… Angie发现Iceboy的鞋盒藏有猫尸,众人怀疑Iceboy就是杀死小芳的凶手。为了吸引自己心怡女生的注意,祥哥在Jeffery的推荐下开始使用Secret Serum的产品。众人发现Iceboy在树林里埋藏猫尸,但阿姐出现怀疑马达才是杀猫凶手。Iceboy在小芳死去的地方高空掷物,众人潜入Iceb
Ma Da and Angie stop Xiao Fang from harming Iceboy. Iceboy reveals that he was paid to kill Xiao Fang a year ago but chanced upon her corpse instead. The four's plan to lure the mastermind out fails terribly. Meanwhile, Xiang Ge's radical change after using EE serum deepens his obsession with it. 马达和Angie成功阻止小芳杀害Iceboy,Iceboy道出自己在一年前被人买凶杀死小芳,却意外在大厦撞见小芳的尸体。众人要Iceboy约主谋出来见面,不料众人的一举一动早被主谋Evan暗中观察。祥哥使用Secret Serum后改头换面,受到同事和心怡女生的喜爱,使他对产品更加沉迷。
Ma Da and Angie stop Xiao Fang from harming Iceboy. Iceboy reveals that he was paid to kill Xiao Fang a year ago but chanced upon her corpse instead. The four's plan to lure the mastermind out fails terribly. Meanwhile, Xiang Ge's radical change after using EE serum deepens his obsession with it. 马达和Angie成功阻止小芳杀害Iceboy,Iceboy道出自己在一年前被人买凶杀死小芳,却意外在大厦撞见小芳的尸体。众人要Iceboy约主谋出来见面,不料众人的一举一动早被主谋Evan暗中观察。祥哥使用Secret Serum后改头换面,受到同事和心怡女生的喜爱,使他对产品更加沉迷。
After using EE serum, the unpopular Xiang Ge gains attention. Exposed by Ah Jie, Ma Da maligns Xiao Ji, who then accuses him. Hiding out of guilt, Xiao Fang finds him and she readies to kill him. Red spots appear on Xiang Ge's face. While advising him, Ma Da realises Xiang Ge is no longer human… 原本不受众人爱戴的祥哥使用Secret Serum后整个人意气风发。阿姐拆穿马达在小芳出事后曾出现在大厦,马达隐瞒事实嫁祸给晓吉,不料晓吉却指证马达就在案发现场,马达心慌躲起来却还是被小芳逮到。眼看小芳要杀死马达,才发现原来晓吉认错人了。祥哥脸上出现吓人的红斑,马达来劝祥哥,却发现祥哥已经不再是人类…
After using EE serum, the unpopular Xiang Ge gains attention. Exposed by Ah Jie, Ma Da maligns Xiao Ji, who then accuses him. Hiding out of guilt, Xiao Fang finds him and she readies to kill him. Red spots appear on Xiang Ge's face. While advising him, Ma Da realises Xiang Ge is no longer human… 原本不受众人爱戴的祥哥使用Secret Serum后整个人意气风发。阿姐拆穿马达在小芳出事后曾出现在大厦,马达隐瞒事实嫁祸给晓吉,不料晓吉却指证马达就在案发现场,马达心慌躲起来却还是被小芳逮到。眼看小芳要杀死马达,才发现原来晓吉认错人了。祥哥脸上出现吓人的红斑,马达来劝祥哥,却发现祥哥已经不再是人类…
Accepting his death, Xiang Ge seeks Xiao Fang's help on being a ghost. He hopes the trio can expose the unethical EE serum. Intrigued, Xiao Fang orders them to check out EE's founder, Evan, whom Angie then approaches. Ma Da realises Xiao Fang used his body to tail Ralph, hoping Ma Da can avenge her… 祥哥接受自己已经死去,他请教小芳做鬼的能力,小芳却借机作弄他。祥哥希望众人帮他揭发黑心产品,小芳对此产生兴趣,吩咐众人开始调查SS产品的创办人Evan。Angie接近Evan,不料却被Evan的外表吸引。马达发现小芳利用自己的身体跟踪一个叫Ralph的男人,小芳要马达帮他报仇。马达发现小芳似乎和这
Accepting his death, Xiang Ge seeks Xiao Fang's help on being a ghost. He hopes the trio can expose the unethical EE serum. Intrigued, Xiao Fang orders them to check out EE's founder, Evan, whom Angie then approaches. Ma Da realises Xiao Fang used his body to tail Ralph, hoping Ma Da can avenge her… 祥哥接受自己已经死去,他请教小芳做鬼的能力,小芳却借机作弄他。祥哥希望众人帮他揭发黑心产品,小芳对此产生兴趣,吩咐众人开始调查SS产品的创办人Evan。Angie接近Evan,不料却被Evan的外表吸引。马达发现小芳利用自己的身体跟踪一个叫Ralph的男人,小芳要马达帮他报仇。马达发现小芳似乎和这
Knowing Xiao Fang was deceived by Ralph, the trio feel bad for her. Ma Da and Xiao Fang try to expose Ralph. Evan tells Jeffrey about approaching Angie to dig out the complex's secret. Ma Da and Xiao Fang set a trap to find Ralph's weakness, only to find that Ralph deliberately cheated Xiao Fang… 众人得悉小芳曾经被Ralph欺骗,不禁同情小芳。小芳斥责马达向其他人透露自己的过去。马达和小芳为了让Emily看清Ralph的真面目,故意让Emily透过Ralph的秘密手机揭发Ralph的恶行,不料却被Ralph装可怜瞒过去。 Evan告诉Jeffery他接近Angie是为了寻找大楼里的秘密配方。马达
Knowing Xiao Fang was deceived by Ralph, the trio feel bad for her. Ma Da and Xiao Fang try to expose Ralph. Evan tells Jeffrey about approaching Angie to dig out the complex's secret. Ma Da and Xiao Fang set a trap to find Ralph's weakness, only to find that Ralph deliberately cheated Xiao Fang… 众人得悉小芳曾经被Ralph欺骗,不禁同情小芳。小芳斥责马达向其他人透露自己的过去。马达和小芳为了让Emily看清Ralph的真面目,故意让Emily透过Ralph的秘密手机揭发Ralph的恶行,不料却被Ralph装可怜瞒过去。 Evan告诉Jeffery他接近Angie是为了寻找大楼里的秘密配方。马达
Ma Da stops Xiao Fang from harming Ralph. Enraged, Xiao Fang orders Xiang Ge to kill Evan. Ma Da gathers evidence to arrest Ralph. Uncovering EE 2.0's secret, Xiang Ge gathers the rest to convict Evan. Ah Lun changes his view of Angie and they develop feelings but Angie finds herself in danger. 马达成功阻止小芳杀害Ralph,小芳无处排解怨气,唆使祥哥杀害Evan。马达搜集了Ralph的证据交给Emily,Ralph正式被阿姐逮捕,小芳感激马达。祥哥发现EE 2.0的秘密,希望众人帮他扳倒Evan。阿伦跟踪Angie发现她很疼爱奶奶,对她另眼相看,两人开始产生有好感。Evan趁Angie不注意的时
Ma Da stops Xiao Fang from harming Ralph. Enraged, Xiao Fang orders Xiang Ge to kill Evan. Ma Da gathers evidence to arrest Ralph. Uncovering EE 2.0's secret, Xiang Ge gathers the rest to convict Evan. Ah Lun changes his view of Angie and they develop feelings but Angie finds herself in danger. 马达成功阻止小芳杀害Ralph,小芳无处排解怨气,唆使祥哥杀害Evan。马达搜集了Ralph的证据交给Emily,Ralph正式被阿姐逮捕,小芳感激马达。祥哥发现EE 2.0的秘密,希望众人帮他扳倒Evan。阿伦跟踪Angie发现她很疼爱奶奶,对她另眼相看,两人开始产生有好感。Evan趁Angie不注意的时
Angie divulges Xiao Fang's existence and with a spirit detector, Evan finds her. Ah Lun protects Angie by hiding her shoes but is mistaken as a pervert. Evan uses Ah Jie to arrest Ma Da. The Contract takes effect as Ma Da leaves the complex, endangering him. Meanwhile, Xiao Fang is in peril too… Evan从Angie口中得知小芳的存在,Evan拿着灵异专家介绍的仪器到小芳家,居然真的让他见到了小芳的鬼魂。。。Angie的鞋子莫名被偷,阿伦故意藏起鞋子想要保护Angie,却被Angie误当成变态。Evan决定消灭恶鬼,设局让阿姐抓走马达,马达离开大楼太久,“鬼契约”的效力开始生效,这让马达的生命受到
Angie divulges Xiao Fang's existence and with a spirit detector, Evan finds her. Ah Lun protects Angie by hiding her shoes but is mistaken as a pervert. Evan uses Ah Jie to arrest Ma Da. The Contract takes effect as Ma Da leaves the complex, endangering him. Meanwhile, Xiao Fang is in peril too… Evan从Angie口中得知小芳的存在,Evan拿着灵异专家介绍的仪器到小芳家,居然真的让他见到了小芳的鬼魂。。。Angie的鞋子莫名被偷,阿伦故意藏起鞋子想要保护Angie,却被Angie误当成变态。Evan决定消灭恶鬼,设局让阿姐抓走马达,马达离开大楼太久,“鬼契约”的效力开始生效,这让马达的生命受到
Xiao Fang is touched by Ma Da's concern over her injury from Evan's attack. Evan uses Jeffrey to lure her out. Through Junkai, they discover Jeffrey's past with Xiao Fang. She probes him through Angie, but he exposes her identity. Convinced that Jeffrey murdered her, Xiao Fang plots to kill him. 小芳逃脱了Evan的袭击,身体却受到重大伤害,马达对小芳关怀备至,小芳感到窝心。Evan要Jeffrey把小芳引出来,众人怀疑Jeffery的图谋不轨。Angie透过俊凯发现跟踪她的人是Jeffrey,众人得知小芳和Jeffrey过去的关系。小芳透过Angie试探Jeffery,结果被Jeffrey拆穿她
Xiao Fang is touched by Ma Da's concern over her injury from Evan's attack. Evan uses Jeffrey to lure her out. Through Junkai, they discover Jeffrey's past with Xiao Fang. She probes him through Angie, but he exposes her identity. Convinced that Jeffrey murdered her, Xiao Fang plots to kill him. 小芳逃脱了Evan的袭击,身体却受到重大伤害,马达对小芳关怀备至,小芳感到窝心。Evan要Jeffrey把小芳引出来,众人怀疑Jeffery的图谋不轨。Angie透过俊凯发现跟踪她的人是Jeffrey,众人得知小芳和Jeffrey过去的关系。小芳透过Angie试探Jeffery,结果被Jeffrey拆穿她
Angie learns of her stalker, Hushbaby. She blames Ah Lun for poisoning Grandma but it turns out to be Junkai's ploy. Evan tries to attack Xiao Fang but fails. They tail Jeffrey to find Evan, revealing Xiao Fang as EE's main investor. The EE 2.0 formula could be Evan's motive for killing Xiao Fang… Angie察觉一个叫Hushbaby的网民传简讯给她,并对她的行踪了如指掌。另一边,俊凯妒忌阿伦与Angie的感情,乘机将阿伦买给奶奶的苹果掉包,导致奶奶食物中毒,Angie因此怪罪阿伦。Evan再次想要攻击小芳却被上了阿伦身的小芳成功扳倒。为了找出Evan,小芳和马达跟踪Jeffrey,Jeffre
Angie learns of her stalker, Hushbaby. She blames Ah Lun for poisoning Grandma but it turns out to be Junkai's ploy. Evan tries to attack Xiao Fang but fails. They tail Jeffrey to find Evan, revealing Xiao Fang as EE's main investor. The EE 2.0 formula could be Evan's motive for killing Xiao Fang… Angie察觉一个叫Hushbaby的网民传简讯给她,并对她的行踪了如指掌。另一边,俊凯妒忌阿伦与Angie的感情,乘机将阿伦买给奶奶的苹果掉包,导致奶奶食物中毒,Angie因此怪罪阿伦。Evan再次想要攻击小芳却被上了阿伦身的小芳成功扳倒。为了找出Evan,小芳和马达跟踪Jeffrey,Jeffre
Junkai reveals to Angie that he is Hushbaby. Evan tries to attack Xiao Fang again but fails. Jeffrey's efforts to make up with her are futile. They meet an ex-colleague, Lina, who was tormented by Xiao Fang. Xiang Ge is upset about Xiao Fang and Jeffrey's friendly ties, and plots to attack him… 俊凯透露自己喜欢Angie,原来他就是Hushbaby,Angie心软放过俊凯。另一边,Evan向阿坤买下更厉害的抓鬼神器,却反被小芳陷害。Jeffrey拿出戒指想要跟小芳复合,却被小芳作弄,两人遇到了SS专卖店之前的旧同事Lina,Lina透露出小芳之前心狠手辣,但小芳却不记得了。祥哥看到小芳和Jeffr
Junkai reveals to Angie that he is Hushbaby. Evan tries to attack Xiao Fang again but fails. Jeffrey's efforts to make up with her are futile. They meet an ex-colleague, Lina, who was tormented by Xiao Fang. Xiang Ge is upset about Xiao Fang and Jeffrey's friendly ties, and plots to attack him… 俊凯透露自己喜欢Angie,原来他就是Hushbaby,Angie心软放过俊凯。另一边,Evan向阿坤买下更厉害的抓鬼神器,却反被小芳陷害。Jeffrey拿出戒指想要跟小芳复合,却被小芳作弄,两人遇到了SS专卖店之前的旧同事Lina,Lina透露出小芳之前心狠手辣,但小芳却不记得了。祥哥看到小芳和Jeffr
Xiang Ge's plans are foiled. Ma Da helps Jeffrey, enraging Xiao Fang and leading to a fallout. Grandma's death leaves Angie heartbroken. Meanwhile, Ah Jie refuses Mei Li's proposal to make up with Ma Da. Despite her harsh words, she is touched by Mei Li's efforts in aiding in her reinstatement… 大厦的其他力量让祥哥无法对Jeffrey下手。小芳当着众人的面把Jeffrey送的戒指丢了,还气马达帮Jeffrey,两人闹别扭。奶奶突然去世,Angie难过不已,阿伦及众人鼓励Angie勇敢面对。另一边,美丽想方设法解开阿姐对马达的误会,阿姐却固执己见,美丽一气,说重话伤害阿姐,但美丽却在背后帮她向刘Si
Xiang Ge's plans are foiled. Ma Da helps Jeffrey, enraging Xiao Fang and leading to a fallout. Grandma's death leaves Angie heartbroken. Meanwhile, Ah Jie refuses Mei Li's proposal to make up with Ma Da. Despite her harsh words, she is touched by Mei Li's efforts in aiding in her reinstatement… 大厦的其他力量让祥哥无法对Jeffrey下手。小芳当着众人的面把Jeffrey送的戒指丢了,还气马达帮Jeffrey,两人闹别扭。奶奶突然去世,Angie难过不已,阿伦及众人鼓励Angie勇敢面对。另一边,美丽想方设法解开阿姐对马达的误会,阿姐却固执己见,美丽一气,说重话伤害阿姐,但美丽却在背后帮她向刘Si
Grandma turns out to be Auntie Angel and Ah Lun regrets not reuniting with her earlier. Meanwhile, Ma Da relays Mei Li's last words to Ah Jie, resolving her conflict with her mother. Evan asks Xiao Fang and Ma Da out, claiming to hold evidence of Xiao Fang's killer. Danger lurks as he traps them... Angie想起小时候曾经帮奶奶代笔写信,原来奶奶就是阿伦口中的天使安娣,阿伦遗憾无法在奶奶临终前相认。另一边,阿姐服用保健品过量身亡,马达替美丽传达遗言给阿姐,母女俩的心结终于解开。Evan主动约见小芳,还称手中握有凶手的罪证,小芳和马达赴约,不料却中了Evan的计。马达和小芳被困在密室,危机重重.
Grandma turns out to be Auntie Angel and Ah Lun regrets not reuniting with her earlier. Meanwhile, Ma Da relays Mei Li's last words to Ah Jie, resolving her conflict with her mother. Evan asks Xiao Fang and Ma Da out, claiming to hold evidence of Xiao Fang's killer. Danger lurks as he traps them... Angie想起小时候曾经帮奶奶代笔写信,原来奶奶就是阿伦口中的天使安娣,阿伦遗憾无法在奶奶临终前相认。另一边,阿姐服用保健品过量身亡,马达替美丽传达遗言给阿姐,母女俩的心结终于解开。Evan主动约见小芳,还称手中握有凶手的罪证,小芳和马达赴约,不料却中了Evan的计。马达和小芳被困在密室,危机重重.
Xiao Fang and Ma Da refuse to reveal EE's formula but she caves in when she sees Ma Da getting weaker. While Evan searches her home, she decides to sacrifice herself. Xiang Ge becomes an evil spirit after killing Ah Kun instead of Jeffrey. With newfound powers, he begins his revenge on Xiao Fang. Evan逼迫小芳和马达交出Secret Serum的配方,两人抵死不从,马达身体越来越虚弱,小芳无奈道出秘方其实就藏在她的自画像里。Evan到小芳家搜索,却一无所获。马达危在旦夕,小芳决定牺牲自己,Jeffrey为救小芳,以身犯险。祥哥意图要对付Jeffrey,却错手杀死阿坤,结果变成一只恶鬼。祥哥获
Xiao Fang and Ma Da refuse to reveal EE's formula but she caves in when she sees Ma Da getting weaker. While Evan searches her home, she decides to sacrifice herself. Xiang Ge becomes an evil spirit after killing Ah Kun instead of Jeffrey. With newfound powers, he begins his revenge on Xiao Fang. Evan逼迫小芳和马达交出Secret Serum的配方,两人抵死不从,马达身体越来越虚弱,小芳无奈道出秘方其实就藏在她的自画像里。Evan到小芳家搜索,却一无所获。马达危在旦夕,小芳决定牺牲自己,Jeffrey为救小芳,以身犯险。祥哥意图要对付Jeffrey,却错手杀死阿坤,结果变成一只恶鬼。祥哥获
Forced to cover up for Xiang Ge, Xiao Yun seeks protection from Ah Lun. Ma Da and Xiao Fang confirm their feelings. Using Ah Jie's body, Xiang Ge kills Jeffrey. Jeffrey tries revealing the truth but to no avail. Xiao Fang leaves without a word, and Ma Da ventures into the afterlife to find her… 祥哥逼迫晓云帮自己修容掩饰恶鬼的形象,晓云找阿伦保护自己,Angie误会阿伦。马达与小芳确认彼此的心意。阿姐被祥哥上身,让Jeffrey失足掉下天台,众人以为Jeffrey为情自杀。Jeffrey死后透露自己是被祥哥害死,却被众人以为他想要接近小芳。马达再次向小芳告白,但人鬼殊途始终不能相爱,小芳不告而别,
Forced to cover up for Xiang Ge, Xiao Yun seeks protection from Ah Lun. Ma Da and Xiao Fang confirm their feelings. Using Ah Jie's body, Xiang Ge kills Jeffrey. Jeffrey tries revealing the truth but to no avail. Xiao Fang leaves without a word, and Ma Da ventures into the afterlife to find her… 祥哥逼迫晓云帮自己修容掩饰恶鬼的形象,晓云找阿伦保护自己,Angie误会阿伦。马达与小芳确认彼此的心意。阿姐被祥哥上身,让Jeffrey失足掉下天台,众人以为Jeffrey为情自杀。Jeffrey死后透露自己是被祥哥害死,却被众人以为他想要接近小芳。马达再次向小芳告白,但人鬼殊途始终不能相爱,小芳不告而别,
Just as Xiao Fang despairs, Jeffrey rescues Ma Da and gives them his blessings. Ma Da promises to send her off personally after fulfilling her wish. Xiang Ge attacks Xiao Fang through Ah Jie's body. Ma Da and Ah Lun subdue him and he leaves her body, resolving Ah Jie's misunderstanding with Ma Da... 小芳在隧道找不到马达,绝望之际看见Jeffrey背着马达从隧道走出,所幸马达逃过一劫,Jeffrey祝福两人。马达和小芳虽互道爱意,但人鬼殊途,马达承诺小芳心愿了结后便亲自送她离开。另一边,祥哥上了阿姐的身准备对付小芳,祥哥以阿姐的躯体威胁马达电小芳,马达不忍心。阿伦赶来,马达和阿伦制服祥哥,祥哥
Just as Xiao Fang despairs, Jeffrey rescues Ma Da and gives them his blessings. Ma Da promises to send her off personally after fulfilling her wish. Xiang Ge attacks Xiao Fang through Ah Jie's body. Ma Da and Ah Lun subdue him and he leaves her body, resolving Ah Jie's misunderstanding with Ma Da... 小芳在隧道找不到马达,绝望之际看见Jeffrey背着马达从隧道走出,所幸马达逃过一劫,Jeffrey祝福两人。马达和小芳虽互道爱意,但人鬼殊途,马达承诺小芳心愿了结后便亲自送她离开。另一边,祥哥上了阿姐的身准备对付小芳,祥哥以阿姐的躯体威胁马达电小芳,马达不忍心。阿伦赶来,马达和阿伦制服祥哥,祥哥
The trio is wary after Xiao Fang is exposed as EE's mastermind. They fall out after Xiao Fang learns that they had been dishonest about their whereabouts. Xiao Fang baits Xiang Ge into attacking her. Xiang Ge confines Xiao Ji, and threatens to kill everyone. Xiao Fang prepares to sacrifice herself… Evan道出小芳才是SS的幕后黑手,众人开始对小芳有所保留。小芳发现三人隐瞒一年前出现在大厦的事,气得与众人翻脸。祥哥趁众人不在,准备袭击小芳,所幸小芳早就知道祥哥的企图,联合马达和阿伦假装把祥哥引出了。祥哥禁锢晓吉,在大楼作乱伺机要杀害所有人,小芳想牺牲自己,准备单独赴会…
The trio is wary after Xiao Fang is exposed as EE's mastermind. They fall out after Xiao Fang learns that they had been dishonest about their whereabouts. Xiao Fang baits Xiang Ge into attacking her. Xiang Ge confines Xiao Ji, and threatens to kill everyone. Xiao Fang prepares to sacrifice herself… Evan道出小芳才是SS的幕后黑手,众人开始对小芳有所保留。小芳发现三人隐瞒一年前出现在大厦的事,气得与众人翻脸。祥哥趁众人不在,准备袭击小芳,所幸小芳早就知道祥哥的企图,联合马达和阿伦假装把祥哥引出了。祥哥禁锢晓吉,在大楼作乱伺机要杀害所有人,小芳想牺牲自己,准备单独赴会…
Xiang Ge finally moves on after seeing Selena. Xiao Fang realises the contract is no longer in effect. They discover that their fates had been entwined since they appeared in the complex a year ago. As the truth is revealed, the Contract dissolves. Everyone is reluctant to bid adieu to Xiao Fang. 祥哥欲对小芳下手,马达等人带着Selena出现,祥哥终于放下对小芳的怨恨,安详离去。小芳察觉鬼契约不在她的控制下。众人想起一年前大家都不约而同出现在大楼附近,三人一鬼的命运早就牵绊在一起了。阿伦和Angie意外知道晓吉出现在案发现场并目睹小芳死去的过程,真凶终于浮现,鬼契约自行消失。众人依依不舍送小芳上
Xiang Ge finally moves on after seeing Selena. Xiao Fang realises the contract is no longer in effect. They discover that their fates had been entwined since they appeared in the complex a year ago. As the truth is revealed, the Contract dissolves. Everyone is reluctant to bid adieu to Xiao Fang. 祥哥欲对小芳下手,马达等人带着Selena出现,祥哥终于放下对小芳的怨恨,安详离去。小芳察觉鬼契约不在她的控制下。众人想起一年前大家都不约而同出现在大楼附近,三人一鬼的命运早就牵绊在一起了。阿伦和Angie意外知道晓吉出现在案发现场并目睹小芳死去的过程,真凶终于浮现,鬼契约自行消失。众人依依不舍送小芳上
Additional Information
Premiered | 2020 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |