Baru Nak Up
Baru Nak Up revolves around the lives of five best friends from school. Now in their late 20s, they grapple with life challenges as they take on new jobs and encounter issues at work and at home. Through the challenges they face, they gain a better understanding of themselves yet find themselves questioning the nature of their relationships with their family and through it all, the quality of their friendships with each other. Baru Nak Up mengisahkan persahabatan lima rakan baik sejak di zaman persekolahan. Kini dalam usia lewat 20an, mereka mengharungi pelbagai cabaran kehidupan sedang mereka menceburi kerjaya yang berbeza serta keluarga dan rumah tangga. Menerusi cabaran yang dihadapi, mereka mula mengenali isi hati masing-masing serta hubungan persahabatan mereka dan ikatan keluarga.
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Baru Nak Up revolves around the lives of five best friends from school. Now in their late 20s, they grapple with life challenges as they take on new jobs and encounter issues at work and at home. Through the challenges they face, they gain a better understanding of themselves yet find themselves questioning the nature of their relationships with their family and through it all, the quality of their friendships with each other. Baru Nak Up mengisahkan persahabatan lima rakan baik sejak di zaman persekolahan. Kini dalam usia lewat 20an, mereka mengharungi pelbagai cabaran kehidupan sedang mereka menceburi kerjaya yang berbeza serta keluarga dan rumah tangga. Menerusi cabaran yang dihadapi, mereka mula mengenali isi hati masing-masing serta hubungan persahabatan mereka dan ikatan keluarga.
It’s New Year’s Day. While the BFFs are at Kafe Kita to celebrate, things go awry. Will they be able to manage the situation when all seems to be getting out of control? Sambutan tahun baru di Kafe Kita. Lima rakan baik menyambutnya bersama. Adakah ikatan persahabatan mereka akan terus erat atau cabaran kehidupan akan menjejasnya?
It’s New Year’s Day. While the BFFs are at Kafe Kita to celebrate, things go awry. Will they be able to manage the situation when all seems to be getting out of control? Sambutan tahun baru di Kafe Kita. Lima rakan baik menyambutnya bersama. Adakah ikatan persahabatan mereka akan terus erat atau cabaran kehidupan akan menjejasnya?
Can Roza cope with the bad review? And at Rudy’s office, he finds himself bullied by his colleague Danish. Amelia’s father gets a job at last. Afiq gets an idea for his pet project, the mobile library. Dapatkah Roza sabar menghadapi reviu kafe yang negatif. Di pejabat Rudy, beliau menghadapi dirinya dipermainkan oleh rakan sejawat Danish. Akhirnya ayah Amelia mendapat pekerjaan. Afiq mendapat idea untuk projek librari bergerak.
Can Roza cope with the bad review? And at Rudy’s office, he finds himself bullied by his colleague Danish. Amelia’s father gets a job at last. Afiq gets an idea for his pet project, the mobile library. Dapatkah Roza sabar menghadapi reviu kafe yang negatif. Di pejabat Rudy, beliau menghadapi dirinya dipermainkan oleh rakan sejawat Danish. Akhirnya ayah Amelia mendapat pekerjaan. Afiq mendapat idea untuk projek librari bergerak.
Roza tries to convince her father, Rosli, on the cafe's revamp. Will he be able to accept her idea? Nora comes home to a surprise and has words with her husband, Haizad. Afiq secures a new client. Amelia decides to hide a secret from her mum. Roza cuba menyakinkan ayahnya, Rosli tentang pengubah-suaian kafe. Dapatkan Rosli menerima idea Roza? Nora pulang ke rumah dan menerima “kejutan” dan berbincang dengan suaminya, Haizad.
Roza tries to convince her father, Rosli, on the cafe's revamp. Will he be able to accept her idea? Nora comes home to a surprise and has words with her husband, Haizad. Afiq secures a new client. Amelia decides to hide a secret from her mum. Roza cuba menyakinkan ayahnya, Rosli tentang pengubah-suaian kafe. Dapatkan Rosli menerima idea Roza? Nora pulang ke rumah dan menerima “kejutan” dan berbincang dengan suaminya, Haizad.
Nora suspects Haizad of having an affair when she finds his behavior suspicious. While at work, Ayub falls ill and decides to not tell his family. Rudy's colleague Danish, sabotages Rudy. Roza struggles at the Cafe when she has a staff shortage. Nora plans her daughter's huge birthday party. Chef Bob comes to the Caf to help with the revamp. Nora mensyaki Haizad mempunyai hubungan luar apabila mendapati kelakuannya luarbiasa.
Nora suspects Haizad of having an affair when she finds his behavior suspicious. While at work, Ayub falls ill and decides to not tell his family. Rudy's colleague Danish, sabotages Rudy. Roza struggles at the Cafe when she has a staff shortage. Nora plans her daughter's huge birthday party. Chef Bob comes to the Caf to help with the revamp. Nora mensyaki Haizad mempunyai hubungan luar apabila mendapati kelakuannya luarbiasa.
Caf Pedas is launched with a chilli challenge and a new handsome Chef Taufiq is hired. His culinary school background, creates tension with Pak Ali, the older Chef there. Rudy's office website is hacked and Danish has shifted the blame to Rudy. Nora receives a call regarding her Credit Card bills. Amelia finds out that Haikal, who she is dating, is a married man. Kafe Pedas dilancarkan dengan cabaran siapa kuat makan cili.
Caf Pedas is launched with a chilli challenge and a new handsome Chef Taufiq is hired. His culinary school background, creates tension with Pak Ali, the older Chef there. Rudy's office website is hacked and Danish has shifted the blame to Rudy. Nora receives a call regarding her Credit Card bills. Amelia finds out that Haikal, who she is dating, is a married man. Kafe Pedas dilancarkan dengan cabaran siapa kuat makan cili.
Amelia confronts Haikal at his work place. Pak Ali does not like being taught by Taufiq. Afiq moves into the Café as a temporary workspace. Things worsen for Amelia when she is flamed online and her followers leave her. Ayub finds out about Amelia’s `scandal’ and asks his wife. Nora is more worried about her daughters’ not reading than her credit card problems. Afiq’s brother, Fahmi, informs him that he wants to quit school.
Amelia confronts Haikal at his work place. Pak Ali does not like being taught by Taufiq. Afiq moves into the Café as a temporary workspace. Things worsen for Amelia when she is flamed online and her followers leave her. Ayub finds out about Amelia’s `scandal’ and asks his wife. Nora is more worried about her daughters’ not reading than her credit card problems. Afiq’s brother, Fahmi, informs him that he wants to quit school.
Nora and Haizad need to raise money urgently. Afiq’s brother, Salim, tells him his plans to get married. Taufiq begins to get closer to Roza. Kathy, Rudy’s colleague, asks him out for lunch. Roza’s father drops by suddenly at the café to check on the cafés’ progress and expresses his concerns to Roza. Rosmah suggests to Afiq if he should just quit business and get a job.
Nora and Haizad need to raise money urgently. Afiq’s brother, Salim, tells him his plans to get married. Taufiq begins to get closer to Roza. Kathy, Rudy’s colleague, asks him out for lunch. Roza’s father drops by suddenly at the café to check on the cafés’ progress and expresses his concerns to Roza. Rosmah suggests to Afiq if he should just quit business and get a job.
Rudy is promoted but is still oblivious to Kathy’s charms. Pak Ali’s starts to warm up to Taufiq a little bit. Roza finds out that her father has hired a new Manager instead of giving her a chance. Ayub’s conditions worsens. Rudy is asked to take part in a white hacker competition but is unsure if he should.
Rudy is promoted but is still oblivious to Kathy’s charms. Pak Ali’s starts to warm up to Taufiq a little bit. Roza finds out that her father has hired a new Manager instead of giving her a chance. Ayub’s conditions worsens. Rudy is asked to take part in a white hacker competition but is unsure if he should.
Amelia posts a heart-felt message but this attracts flaming instead. Rudy struggles with the responsibilities that come with his promotion and receives a call from a headhunter. Roza makes Amelia a proposition. Afiq’s client, gives him an ultimatum, that makes Afiq question his priorities. Taufiq devices a strategy to get to know Roza even better.
Amelia posts a heart-felt message but this attracts flaming instead. Rudy struggles with the responsibilities that come with his promotion and receives a call from a headhunter. Roza makes Amelia a proposition. Afiq’s client, gives him an ultimatum, that makes Afiq question his priorities. Taufiq devices a strategy to get to know Roza even better.
Roza gets her friends’ help to manage the café as her mother has taken ill. Nora’s financial problems worsen. Amelia takes on a marketing role at the café. Rudy’s boss announces that Rudy’s joining the Prevent the Hack 2019 competition. Nora and Haizad find ways to solve their problems. Amelia refuses to entertain Afiq’s client-based plea. The mobile library is set up and ready.
Roza gets her friends’ help to manage the café as her mother has taken ill. Nora’s financial problems worsen. Amelia takes on a marketing role at the café. Rudy’s boss announces that Rudy’s joining the Prevent the Hack 2019 competition. Nora and Haizad find ways to solve their problems. Amelia refuses to entertain Afiq’s client-based plea. The mobile library is set up and ready.
Nora’s daughter has HFMD and as a young family, they struggle to cope. Taufiq drops by Roza’s home to prepare a special meal for her mum. Rudy decides to stand up to Danish and spark fly between them. Amelia meets a strange mum at the mobile library.
Nora’s daughter has HFMD and as a young family, they struggle to cope. Taufiq drops by Roza’s home to prepare a special meal for her mum. Rudy decides to stand up to Danish and spark fly between them. Amelia meets a strange mum at the mobile library.
Afiq comes up with a plan to win back his client’s support. At their wits end, Haizad asks Nora to ask her friends for a big favour. Rudy’s off the cuff remarks offends Nora who storms off upset after an event they attend together. Roza gets a surprise on her birthday.
Afiq comes up with a plan to win back his client’s support. At their wits end, Haizad asks Nora to ask her friends for a big favour. Rudy’s off the cuff remarks offends Nora who storms off upset after an event they attend together. Roza gets a surprise on her birthday.
Small matters become huge issues among the friends. With each leading very independent lifes, will their friendship last? And will Taufiq remain at the Café as Head Chef?
Small matters become huge issues among the friends. With each leading very independent lifes, will their friendship last? And will Taufiq remain at the Café as Head Chef?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2019 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 1 |