After the Stars


This drama series is mainly about behind the glamour of a Big Four artiste agency – Zi Yi Artiste Agency, the subtle and close relationship between the artistes and agents. Life in the entertainment industry is depicted in the story of celebrity artistes in the episodes and also includes main storyline of the agents’ struggle for survival, bringing out the dark human nature of greed and intrigue. 此剧讲述了演艺经纪公司耀眼的风光背后,艺人与经纪人之间相互依赖、唇亡齿寒的微妙关系,并通过姿意经纪公司的四大经纪人做主线,以数集介绍一个明星艺人的故事方式,侧写娱乐圈百态。剧中也从经纪人挣扎求存的主线故事,以及她们之间明争暗斗的幽暗面,带出人性的贪婪与尔虞我诈。

This drama series is mainly about behind the glamour of a Big Four artiste agency – Zi Yi Artiste Agency, the subtle and close relationship between the artistes and agents. Life in the entertainment industry is depicted in the story of celebrity artistes in the episodes and also includes main storyline of the agents’ struggle for survival, bringing out the dark human nature of greed and intrigue. 此剧讲述了演艺经纪公司耀眼的风光背后,艺人与经纪人之间相互依赖、唇亡齿寒的微妙关系,并通过姿意经纪公司的四大经纪人做主线,以数集介绍一个明星艺人的故事方式,侧写娱乐圈百态。剧中也从经纪人挣扎求存的主线故事,以及她们之间明争暗斗的幽暗面,带出人性的贪婪与尔虞我诈。

Ep 1
46 mins

Tian Ai is an obscure actress, often bullied by popular actress, Wang Ling. Wang Ling even frames Tian Ai, causing her to carry the title of using her body in exchange for a position. However, tables turned the next day and Tian Ai becomes the victim. Tian Ai's popularity then skyrockets. 天爱是个默默无闻的小演员,经常遭受大牌汪玲欺负,甚至被汪玲陷害,背上以肉体交易换取上位的罪名,令天爱百口莫辩。但隔天却形势大逆转,汪玲害人的伎俩被揭发,天爱成了受害者,被媒体追捧、粉丝爱戴,从此星运扶摇直上……。

Ep 1

Tian Ai is an obscure actress, often bullied by popular actress, Wang Ling. Wang Ling even frames Tian Ai, causing her to carry the title of using her body in exchange for a position. However, tables turned the next day and Tian Ai becomes the victim. Tian Ai's popularity then skyrockets. 天爱是个默默无闻的小演员,经常遭受大牌汪玲欺负,甚至被汪玲陷害,背上以肉体交易换取上位的罪名,令天爱百口莫辩。但隔天却形势大逆转,汪玲害人的伎俩被揭发,天爱成了受害者,被媒体追捧、粉丝爱戴,从此星运扶摇直上……。

Ep 2
46 mins

Tian Ai gets into a serious car accident, causing her to forget that she was once together with Zi Yi's Heir, Guo Yu. Guo Yu asks his mother, Zhang Lan to let Tian Ai become a talent manager, and that he will not date Tian Ai. Under Guo Yu's care, Tian Ai begins to develop feelings, but he avoids....... 天爱发生严重车祸,遭毁容兼局部失忆,忘记曾与经纪公司姿意的太子爷国瑜相恋的事。国瑜要求母亲张岚让天爱转当经纪人,答应母亲不会与天爱交往。但天爱在国瑜细心照顾和关爱下,渐渐对他产生情愫,国瑜却刻意回避……。

Ep 2

Tian Ai gets into a serious car accident, causing her to forget that she was once together with Zi Yi's Heir, Guo Yu. Guo Yu asks his mother, Zhang Lan to let Tian Ai become a talent manager, and that he will not date Tian Ai. Under Guo Yu's care, Tian Ai begins to develop feelings, but he avoids....... 天爱发生严重车祸,遭毁容兼局部失忆,忘记曾与经纪公司姿意的太子爷国瑜相恋的事。国瑜要求母亲张岚让天爱转当经纪人,答应母亲不会与天爱交往。但天爱在国瑜细心照顾和关爱下,渐渐对他产生情愫,国瑜却刻意回避……。

Ep 3
45 mins

Le Jun returns to Singapore to take up new works, inadvertently meeting super fan Chen Wei. Le Jun recommends him a role in his new show after seeing his passion in acting. Chen Wei's performance impresses the director. Le Jun feels threatened and asks Guo Yu to cause Chen Wei to lose his opportunity. 知名演员乐军答应国瑜接下新工作,从国外回来,无意间认识超级粉丝陈威。乐军见陈威对演戏充满热忱,推荐他在自己的新剧中演一个角色。不料陈威表现优异,导演赞赏有加,有意增加他的戏份。乐军感觉地位受威胁,要求国瑜向导演施压,令陈威失去演出机会。

Ep 3

Le Jun returns to Singapore to take up new works, inadvertently meeting super fan Chen Wei. Le Jun recommends him a role in his new show after seeing his passion in acting. Chen Wei's performance impresses the director. Le Jun feels threatened and asks Guo Yu to cause Chen Wei to lose his opportunity. 知名演员乐军答应国瑜接下新工作,从国外回来,无意间认识超级粉丝陈威。乐军见陈威对演戏充满热忱,推荐他在自己的新剧中演一个角色。不料陈威表现优异,导演赞赏有加,有意增加他的戏份。乐军感觉地位受威胁,要求国瑜向导演施压,令陈威失去演出机会。

Ep 4
46 mins

Tian Ai is unhappy about Talent Manager Yi Ting and popular actress Guo Yao joining Zi Yi. She tells Guo Yu that she is unwilling to work with Yi Ting, Guo Yu convinces her otherwise. Tian Ai is troubled over Wen Wen breaching the contract due to her pregnancy, Yi Ting solves it, causing Tian Ai to be upset. 经纪人怡婷带着红星郭瑶加盟姿意,天爱不悦,私下向国瑜表示不愿和怡婷这种口蜜腹剑的人合作,国瑜劝天爱接受怡婷。天爱为艺人雯雯怀孕所面对的毁约风波而烦恼,怡婷出面解决,成功劝制作人更改剧本,天爱心中不是滋味。

Ep 4

Tian Ai is unhappy about Talent Manager Yi Ting and popular actress Guo Yao joining Zi Yi. She tells Guo Yu that she is unwilling to work with Yi Ting, Guo Yu convinces her otherwise. Tian Ai is troubled over Wen Wen breaching the contract due to her pregnancy, Yi Ting solves it, causing Tian Ai to be upset. 经纪人怡婷带着红星郭瑶加盟姿意,天爱不悦,私下向国瑜表示不愿和怡婷这种口蜜腹剑的人合作,国瑜劝天爱接受怡婷。天爱为艺人雯雯怀孕所面对的毁约风波而烦恼,怡婷出面解决,成功劝制作人更改剧本,天爱心中不是滋味。

Ep 5
45 mins

Le Jun specifically points out that he wants Zhen Mei to be his Talent manager, Zhen Mei is puzzled. It turns out that the two were lovers 10 years ago and broke up over a misunderstanding, Le Jun was unhappy that Zhen Mei lied and goes overseas. Due to miscommunications, Zhen Mei causes Le Jun to lose his desired job. Le Jun is furious and criticises Zhen Mei in front of the other colleagues. 乐军指定要甄美当他的经纪人,甄美不解。原来两人10年前曾是恋人,后因误会而分手,乐军不满甄美欺骗,,,

Ep 5

Le Jun specifically points out that he wants Zhen Mei to be his Talent manager, Zhen Mei is puzzled. It turns out that the two were lovers 10 years ago and broke up over a misunderstanding, Le Jun was unhappy that Zhen Mei lied and goes overseas. Due to miscommunications, Zhen Mei causes Le Jun to lose his desired job. Le Jun is furious and criticises Zhen Mei in front of the other colleagues. 乐军指定要甄美当他的经纪人,甄美不解。原来两人10年前曾是恋人,后因误会而分手,乐军不满甄美欺骗,,,

Ep 6
46 mins

The Top 6 of Zi Yi's Talent Scout Contest emerges, with Xiao Min, Yang Yu and Shao Peng amongst the 6. Guo Yu explains that intensive training will be arranged before the last round of the contest. Xiao Min falls in love with Guo Yu and her feelings are shown all over her face, causing Tian Ai to be displeased. 姿意从选拔赛中选出六强,其中包括晓敏、杨玉和少朋等。国瑜讲解将给他们安排密集训练,进行最后一次选拔赛。晓敏对国瑜一见钟情,爱慕之情溢于言表,令天爱不悦。

Ep 6

The Top 6 of Zi Yi's Talent Scout Contest emerges, with Xiao Min, Yang Yu and Shao Peng amongst the 6. Guo Yu explains that intensive training will be arranged before the last round of the contest. Xiao Min falls in love with Guo Yu and her feelings are shown all over her face, causing Tian Ai to be displeased. 姿意从选拔赛中选出六强,其中包括晓敏、杨玉和少朋等。国瑜讲解将给他们安排密集训练,进行最后一次选拔赛。晓敏对国瑜一见钟情,爱慕之情溢于言表,令天爱不悦。

Ep 7
45 mins

Tian Ai is troubled as Wen Wen needs someone to replace her for the advertisement shoot. Yi Ting secretly meets the producer of the advertisement, convincing her to let Guo Yao replace Wen Wen. The producer contacts Tian Ai, agreeing to her requests but specifically asks for Guo Yao as replacement. Tian Ai is kept in the dark. 雯雯无法工作,签下的广告必须换角,天爱烦恼。怡婷暗中找广告制作人,说服她让郭瑶顶上。制作人致电天爱,答应换角,但指明要郭瑶代替。天爱被蒙在鼓里。

Ep 7

Tian Ai is troubled as Wen Wen needs someone to replace her for the advertisement shoot. Yi Ting secretly meets the producer of the advertisement, convincing her to let Guo Yao replace Wen Wen. The producer contacts Tian Ai, agreeing to her requests but specifically asks for Guo Yao as replacement. Tian Ai is kept in the dark. 雯雯无法工作,签下的广告必须换角,天爱烦恼。怡婷暗中找广告制作人,说服她让郭瑶顶上。制作人致电天爱,答应换角,但指明要郭瑶代替。天爱被蒙在鼓里。

Ep 8
46 mins

Guo Yao's ex-boyfriend, Qing Feng tells her that their daughter, Xiao Yu has been diagnosed with kidney problems, therefore bringing her to Singapore for check-up. Guo Yao once abandoned Xiao Yu after giving birth to her for the sake of her career. Guo Yao secretly pays Xiao Yu a visit and cries her heart out. 郭瑶前男友清风来找她,指他们的女儿小雨得肾病,所以带她来新检查。郭瑶和清风当年交往时怀孕,但为了事业,生下女儿后狠心将女儿小雨交给清风抚养。郭瑶偷偷看望小雨,痛哭流涕。

Ep 8

Guo Yao's ex-boyfriend, Qing Feng tells her that their daughter, Xiao Yu has been diagnosed with kidney problems, therefore bringing her to Singapore for check-up. Guo Yao once abandoned Xiao Yu after giving birth to her for the sake of her career. Guo Yao secretly pays Xiao Yu a visit and cries her heart out. 郭瑶前男友清风来找她,指他们的女儿小雨得肾病,所以带她来新检查。郭瑶和清风当年交往时怀孕,但为了事业,生下女儿后狠心将女儿小雨交给清风抚养。郭瑶偷偷看望小雨,痛哭流涕。

Ep 9
46 mins

In the past, Lin Fei fell in love with the male lead of her movie, Zhao Teng who was already married. Zhao Teng gets a divorce, Lin Fei is overjoyed, believing that she was the reason for the divorce. However, she was humiliated in public by him. Overwhelmed with hurt, she attempts to commit suicide. 林菲当年演出电影后,便爱上已婚男主角赵腾。赵腾离婚,林菲雀跃不已,认定赵腾是因为她而离婚,却被赵腾当众羞辱。林菲大受打击,在家中自杀!

Ep 9

In the past, Lin Fei fell in love with the male lead of her movie, Zhao Teng who was already married. Zhao Teng gets a divorce, Lin Fei is overjoyed, believing that she was the reason for the divorce. However, she was humiliated in public by him. Overwhelmed with hurt, she attempts to commit suicide. 林菲当年演出电影后,便爱上已婚男主角赵腾。赵腾离婚,林菲雀跃不已,认定赵腾是因为她而离婚,却被赵腾当众羞辱。林菲大受打击,在家中自杀!

Ep 10
46 mins

Tian Ai saves Lin Fei by sending her to the hospital in time. Tian Ai realises that the movie's ending differs from the original. Lin Fei feels regretful. Therefore, Tian Ai and Guo Yu arrange for the two to re-enact the last scene of the movie, successfully leading Lin Fei out of her emotional wounds. 天爱及时将林菲送入医院,救回她一命。天爱发现林菲当年演出的电影,结局与原著不同,令她心中有缺憾。天爱于是与国瑜安排让两人重演最后一场戏,成功让林菲走出情伤。

Ep 10

Tian Ai saves Lin Fei by sending her to the hospital in time. Tian Ai realises that the movie's ending differs from the original. Lin Fei feels regretful. Therefore, Tian Ai and Guo Yu arrange for the two to re-enact the last scene of the movie, successfully leading Lin Fei out of her emotional wounds. 天爱及时将林菲送入医院,救回她一命。天爱发现林菲当年演出的电影,结局与原著不同,令她心中有缺憾。天爱于是与国瑜安排让两人重演最后一场戏,成功让林菲走出情伤。

Ep 11
46 mins

Zhang Lan notices the intimacy between Guo Yu & Yi Ting and asks Zhen Mei to help to handle them. Zhen Mei promises to help Xiao Min, who never hides her love for Guo Yu. Yang Yu envies the close relationship between Shao Peng & his grandma. Guo Yao resumes work before fully healed. Xiao Yu writes a letter to Guo Yao before leaving, Guo Yao has no regrets even if she is unable to acknowledge her.

Ep 11

Zhang Lan notices the intimacy between Guo Yu & Yi Ting and asks Zhen Mei to help to handle them. Zhen Mei promises to help Xiao Min, who never hides her love for Guo Yu. Yang Yu envies the close relationship between Shao Peng & his grandma. Guo Yao resumes work before fully healed. Xiao Yu writes a letter to Guo Yao before leaving, Guo Yao has no regrets even if she is unable to acknowledge her.

Ep 12
45 mins

A reporter from a gossip magazine chases Guo Yao with a photograph of Guo Yao hugging Xiao Yu, questioning the relations between the two. Guo Yu and Yi Ting looks for the chief editor of that magazine, denying all rumours. Yi Ting witnesses Guo Yu's problem solve in such situations, causing her admiration for him to increase. 有八卦杂志记者拍到郭瑶紧抱小雨的照片,追问两人关系。国瑜带着怡婷往找八卦杂志的主编,否认郭瑶一切传闻。怡婷目睹国瑜的处理手法,对他更是仰慕。

Ep 12

A reporter from a gossip magazine chases Guo Yao with a photograph of Guo Yao hugging Xiao Yu, questioning the relations between the two. Guo Yu and Yi Ting looks for the chief editor of that magazine, denying all rumours. Yi Ting witnesses Guo Yu's problem solve in such situations, causing her admiration for him to increase. 有八卦杂志记者拍到郭瑶紧抱小雨的照片,追问两人关系。国瑜带着怡婷往找八卦杂志的主编,否认郭瑶一切传闻。怡婷目睹国瑜的处理手法,对他更是仰慕。

Ep 13
45 mins

Yi Ting tries to convince Shao Peng to be under her care, but Shao Peng rejects as he feels indebted to Tian Ai. Yang Yu tells Yi Ting that she wants to be under Tian Ai's care, as Tian Ai truly cares for her artistes, unlike Yi Ting. Yi Ting is furious, misunderstands that Tian Ai is trying to steal her artistes. 怡婷欲招揽少朋到自己旗下,少朋因感恩天爱,向怡婷表示不想过档。杨玉告诉怡婷,她要过档到天爱旗下,指天爱是真心对待他们。怡婷大怒,误会天爱耍手段挖走她的艺人……。

Ep 13

Yi Ting tries to convince Shao Peng to be under her care, but Shao Peng rejects as he feels indebted to Tian Ai. Yang Yu tells Yi Ting that she wants to be under Tian Ai's care, as Tian Ai truly cares for her artistes, unlike Yi Ting. Yi Ting is furious, misunderstands that Tian Ai is trying to steal her artistes. 怡婷欲招揽少朋到自己旗下,少朋因感恩天爱,向怡婷表示不想过档。杨玉告诉怡婷,她要过档到天爱旗下,指天爱是真心对待他们。怡婷大怒,误会天爱耍手段挖走她的艺人……。

Ep 14
45 mins

Filming for Zi Yi's first movie begins, celebrity director Bang Xing appears to be arrogant and bossy on set. Guo Yu and Tian Ai find out that the shots Bang Xing produced contains many issues, and call for a meeting with Bang Xing and the Cameraman. Bang Xing fails to show any signs of repentance and gets a scolding from Guo Yu. 姿意首部电影开拍,明星导演邦兴在片场颐指气使。国瑜和天爱发现邦兴拍的镜头很有问题,召见邦兴和摄影师。邦兴不知悔改,国瑜把他臭骂一顿。

Ep 14

Filming for Zi Yi's first movie begins, celebrity director Bang Xing appears to be arrogant and bossy on set. Guo Yu and Tian Ai find out that the shots Bang Xing produced contains many issues, and call for a meeting with Bang Xing and the Cameraman. Bang Xing fails to show any signs of repentance and gets a scolding from Guo Yu. 姿意首部电影开拍,明星导演邦兴在片场颐指气使。国瑜和天爱发现邦兴拍的镜头很有问题,召见邦兴和摄影师。邦兴不知悔改,国瑜把他臭骂一顿。

Ep 15
44 mins

Xiao Min complains that she was molested by Bang Xing, her father Jiang Han threatens to sue. Xiao Min is willing to convince Jiang Han to let it rest if Guo Yu agrees to be her boyfriend. Zhen Mei suspects the motive behind Zhang Lan matchmaking Guo Yu and Xiao Min, looks into it secretly, discovering a shocking secret! 晓敏投诉遭邦兴非礼,其父江汉扬言提告。晓敏表示如果国瑜答应当她的男朋友,便会劝阻父亲。甄美怀疑张岚欲撮合国瑜和晓敏的动机,暗中调查,发现一个惊人的秘密!

Ep 15

Xiao Min complains that she was molested by Bang Xing, her father Jiang Han threatens to sue. Xiao Min is willing to convince Jiang Han to let it rest if Guo Yu agrees to be her boyfriend. Zhen Mei suspects the motive behind Zhang Lan matchmaking Guo Yu and Xiao Min, looks into it secretly, discovering a shocking secret! 晓敏投诉遭邦兴非礼,其父江汉扬言提告。晓敏表示如果国瑜答应当她的男朋友,便会劝阻父亲。甄美怀疑张岚欲撮合国瑜和晓敏的动机,暗中调查,发现一个惊人的秘密!

Ep 16
45 mins

Yi Ting is about to transplant her kidney to Chong De. Chong De suggests to pay respects to their parents to tell them about this, and even asked Yi Ting to buy fruits. However, Yi Ting comes back to see Chong De passed away in a car accident. This is a huge blow to Yi Ting, Guo Yao and Guo Yu comfort her. 怡婷即将移植肾脏给崇德,开心不已。崇德提出想去拜祭父母,告诉他们这件事,还叫怡婷去买水果。不料怡婷拿着水果回来时,惊见崇德车祸身亡。怡婷大受打击,郭瑶和国瑜安慰。

Ep 16

Yi Ting is about to transplant her kidney to Chong De. Chong De suggests to pay respects to their parents to tell them about this, and even asked Yi Ting to buy fruits. However, Yi Ting comes back to see Chong De passed away in a car accident. This is a huge blow to Yi Ting, Guo Yao and Guo Yu comfort her. 怡婷即将移植肾脏给崇德,开心不已。崇德提出想去拜祭父母,告诉他们这件事,还叫怡婷去买水果。不料怡婷拿着水果回来时,惊见崇德车祸身亡。怡婷大受打击,郭瑶和国瑜安慰。

Ep 17
45 mins

Guo Yu finds Yi Ting at the columbarium, she tells him she has lost her meaning in life as Chong De will never come back. At this sight, Guo Yu can't help but confess his love to Yi Ting, expressing that he is willing to accompany her in the future. Tian Ai confirms the one she was in love with then was Guo Yu. 怡婷突然失踪,国瑜在骨灰坛找到她。怡婷说知道崇德不会回来了,自己的人生失去意义。看到怡婷痛哭,国瑜忍不住向她示爱,表示愿意陪她一起走下去。天爱确认当年与她相爱的人就是国瑜。

Ep 17

Guo Yu finds Yi Ting at the columbarium, she tells him she has lost her meaning in life as Chong De will never come back. At this sight, Guo Yu can't help but confess his love to Yi Ting, expressing that he is willing to accompany her in the future. Tian Ai confirms the one she was in love with then was Guo Yu. 怡婷突然失踪,国瑜在骨灰坛找到她。怡婷说知道崇德不会回来了,自己的人生失去意义。看到怡婷痛哭,国瑜忍不住向她示爱,表示愿意陪她一起走下去。天爱确认当年与她相爱的人就是国瑜。

Ep 18
45 mins

Tian Ai recalls how she was once together with Guo Yu, Guo Yu's heartlessness causes her to cry her eyes out, questioning him the reason of the breakup. Guo Yu tells Tian Ai the real reason and also reveals that he cannot go against Zhang Lan. Tian Ai is extremely hurt. 天爱想起与国瑜相爱以及分手的往事,对国瑜的绝情伤心欲绝,质问他当年为什么要放弃两人的感情。国瑜说他无法违抗张岚的命令,指出两人无法在一起的原因,天爱痛苦不已。

Ep 18

Tian Ai recalls how she was once together with Guo Yu, Guo Yu's heartlessness causes her to cry her eyes out, questioning him the reason of the breakup. Guo Yu tells Tian Ai the real reason and also reveals that he cannot go against Zhang Lan. Tian Ai is extremely hurt. 天爱想起与国瑜相爱以及分手的往事,对国瑜的绝情伤心欲绝,质问他当年为什么要放弃两人的感情。国瑜说他无法违抗张岚的命令,指出两人无法在一起的原因,天爱痛苦不已。

Ep 19
45 mins

Jiang Han kidnaps Guo Yu as he is unhappy that he used Xiao Min. Zhen Mei tells Jiang Han a piece of news related to Guo Yu, and that he will regret if anything happens to Guo Yu. Jiang Han is shocked and takes Zhen Mei to where Guo Yu is being held captive, but Guo Yu is gone! 江汉不满国瑜利用晓敏,绑架国瑜。甄美告诉江汉有关国瑜的事,指若是国瑜有任何不测,江汉将会后悔。江汉震惊,带甄美到囚禁国瑜的地方,但国瑜已经不知所终!

Ep 19

Jiang Han kidnaps Guo Yu as he is unhappy that he used Xiao Min. Zhen Mei tells Jiang Han a piece of news related to Guo Yu, and that he will regret if anything happens to Guo Yu. Jiang Han is shocked and takes Zhen Mei to where Guo Yu is being held captive, but Guo Yu is gone! 江汉不满国瑜利用晓敏,绑架国瑜。甄美告诉江汉有关国瑜的事,指若是国瑜有任何不测,江汉将会后悔。江汉震惊,带甄美到囚禁国瑜的地方,但国瑜已经不知所终!

Ep 20
45 mins

Zhang Lan talks about her past grudges with Jiang Han and Li Hong. Guo Yu comes to know that Zhang Lan made use of him to take revenge on Jiang Han and is heartbroken. Zhang Lan kicks Guo Yu out of the company. Zhen Mei encourages Tian Ai to rebuild her relationship with Guo Yu, Tian Ai expresses that it is too late...... 张岚说出与江汉以及李虹的恩怨往事,国瑜得知张岚利用自己报复江汉,痛彻心扉。张岚将国瑜逐出姿意。甄美鼓励天爱重新把握与国瑜的感情,天爱感叹一切已经太迟……。

Ep 20

Zhang Lan talks about her past grudges with Jiang Han and Li Hong. Guo Yu comes to know that Zhang Lan made use of him to take revenge on Jiang Han and is heartbroken. Zhang Lan kicks Guo Yu out of the company. Zhen Mei encourages Tian Ai to rebuild her relationship with Guo Yu, Tian Ai expresses that it is too late...... 张岚说出与江汉以及李虹的恩怨往事,国瑜得知张岚利用自己报复江汉,痛彻心扉。张岚将国瑜逐出姿意。甄美鼓励天爱重新把握与国瑜的感情,天爱感叹一切已经太迟……。

Ep 21
45 mins

Jiang Han decides to blacklist Zi Yi, causing Zi Yi to face difficulties. Tian Ai persuades Zhang Lan to patch up with Jiang Han, Tian Ai and Guo Yu arrange for the two to meet but Zhang Lan splashes her tea on Jiang Han, expressing that she will never forgive him. The hatred incurred between the two grows deeper. 江汉决定封杀姿意。姿意面对困境,天爱劝张岚与江汉和解。天爱和国瑜安排两人见面,不料张岚竟将茶水泼向江汉,表示到死都不会原谅他,两人结怨更深。

Ep 21

Jiang Han decides to blacklist Zi Yi, causing Zi Yi to face difficulties. Tian Ai persuades Zhang Lan to patch up with Jiang Han, Tian Ai and Guo Yu arrange for the two to meet but Zhang Lan splashes her tea on Jiang Han, expressing that she will never forgive him. The hatred incurred between the two grows deeper. 江汉决定封杀姿意。姿意面对困境,天爱劝张岚与江汉和解。天爱和国瑜安排两人见面,不料张岚竟将茶水泼向江汉,表示到死都不会原谅他,两人结怨更深。

Ep 22
46 mins

Guo Yu openly confesses to Tian Ai, the two begin to prepare for marriage. Yi Ting is filled with resentment and decides to take revenge. She tricks Guo Yu into entering an abandoned warehouse filled with explosives, lashing out on him. Yi Ting also tricks Tian Ai and Jiang Han to save Guo Yu ……. 国瑜高调向天爱示爱,开始筹备婚事,怡婷愤恨,决定展开报复。她骗国瑜到布满炸药的废弃货仓,痛斥国瑜负情。怡婷又骗天爱和江汉前来解救……。

Ep 22

Guo Yu openly confesses to Tian Ai, the two begin to prepare for marriage. Yi Ting is filled with resentment and decides to take revenge. She tricks Guo Yu into entering an abandoned warehouse filled with explosives, lashing out on him. Yi Ting also tricks Tian Ai and Jiang Han to save Guo Yu ……. 国瑜高调向天爱示爱,开始筹备婚事,怡婷愤恨,决定展开报复。她骗国瑜到布满炸药的废弃货仓,痛斥国瑜负情。怡婷又骗天爱和江汉前来解救……。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children