A Sweet Taste of Art


Desserts have healing effect on our souls. Exquisite and artistic desserts not only satisfy our palate but also bring pleasure to our sight and soul. A Sweet Taste of Art will feature desserts in an artistic perspective and take a look at a countrys local culture and aesthetics through desserts.甜点有疗愈心灵的作用,特别是卖相精致如艺术品般的甜品,不仅满足了人们的味蕾,也满足了人们在视觉上甚至是心灵上的享受。《甜味艺术》从艺术的角度看甜品,从甜点看一个国家一方水土的文化及审美。

Desserts have healing effect on our souls. Exquisite and artistic desserts not only satisfy our palate but also bring pleasure to our sight and soul. A Sweet Taste of Art will feature desserts in an artistic perspective and take a look at a countrys local culture and aesthetics through desserts.甜点有疗愈心灵的作用,特别是卖相精致如艺术品般的甜品,不仅满足了人们的味蕾,也满足了人们在视觉上甚至是心灵上的享受。《甜味艺术》从艺术的角度看甜品,从甜点看一个国家一方水土的文化及审美。

Ep 1
45 mins

The craftsmanship of Japanese desserts is outstanding. Wagashi is a traditional Japanese dessert and also a symbol of the culture. The preparation of ingredients to production process is a profound knowledge. The Japaneses sensitivity to taste and technology have turned Wagashi into a fine art. 日本的甜点工艺出众。和菓子不仅是日本的传统甜点,也是日本文化以及精神的表征。日本的和菓子,从食材的准备到制作工艺,犹如一门高深的学问。在日本人敏感的味觉和技术的淬炼下,和菓子犹如一件精美的艺术品。

Ep 1

The craftsmanship of Japanese desserts is outstanding. Wagashi is a traditional Japanese dessert and also a symbol of the culture. The preparation of ingredients to production process is a profound knowledge. The Japaneses sensitivity to taste and technology have turned Wagashi into a fine art. 日本的甜点工艺出众。和菓子不仅是日本的传统甜点,也是日本文化以及精神的表征。日本的和菓子,从食材的准备到制作工艺,犹如一门高深的学问。在日本人敏感的味觉和技术的淬炼下,和菓子犹如一件精美的艺术品。

Ep 2
46 mins

The combination of Japanese dessert culture and aesthetics has created a refined and diverse development of Japanese desserts. Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese knew about Western desserts. After years of development, Yogashi has gone through stages of imitation, absorption and assimilation. 日本甜点文化和日式极致美学的融合之下,造就了日本甜点精致多元的发展。日本从明治维新提倡西化开始接触西式甜点,经由多年来的发展,经历了模仿、吸收、同化等等阶段出现了折衷式的西式甜点也就是洋菓子。

Ep 2

The combination of Japanese dessert culture and aesthetics has created a refined and diverse development of Japanese desserts. Since the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese knew about Western desserts. After years of development, Yogashi has gone through stages of imitation, absorption and assimilation. 日本甜点文化和日式极致美学的融合之下,造就了日本甜点精致多元的发展。日本从明治维新提倡西化开始接触西式甜点,经由多年来的发展,经历了模仿、吸收、同化等等阶段出现了折衷式的西式甜点也就是洋菓子。

Ep 3
44 mins

Thai people follow the most traditional craftsmanship to create their desserts and this craftsmanship can be meticulously found in every dessert. Many Thai desserts contain craftsmanship from the ancient Thai royalty and the Thai people relay their blessings through all forms of colourful desserts. 泰国人遵循最传统的工艺制作甜点,制作甜点的功力表现在一丝不苟的每道工艺之中。不少泰国甜点蕴藏着泰国古代皇宫甜点制作艺术。在泰国百姓的生活里,人们将美好的祝愿寄托在形形色色,色彩斑斓的甜点上。

Ep 3

Thai people follow the most traditional craftsmanship to create their desserts and this craftsmanship can be meticulously found in every dessert. Many Thai desserts contain craftsmanship from the ancient Thai royalty and the Thai people relay their blessings through all forms of colourful desserts. 泰国人遵循最传统的工艺制作甜点,制作甜点的功力表现在一丝不苟的每道工艺之中。不少泰国甜点蕴藏着泰国古代皇宫甜点制作艺术。在泰国百姓的生活里,人们将美好的祝愿寄托在形形色色,色彩斑斓的甜点上。

Ep 4
46 mins

The variety and flavours of desserts have rapidly changed through the years in Hong Kong. From traditional sweet soups to fruit desserts, from traditional desserts to desserts with a mix of Western and Chinese influence. To the Hong Kong people, it's always a delight to have desserts after a meal. 在香港,甜点的样式种类以及口味随着时代更迭而演变。由传统的糖水,演变到水果甜品。从传统的甜点到打上西方烙印的中西合并甜点。对香港人来说,甜点永远是存留在餐后的最佳调剂品。

Ep 4

The variety and flavours of desserts have rapidly changed through the years in Hong Kong. From traditional sweet soups to fruit desserts, from traditional desserts to desserts with a mix of Western and Chinese influence. To the Hong Kong people, it's always a delight to have desserts after a meal. 在香港,甜点的样式种类以及口味随着时代更迭而演变。由传统的糖水,演变到水果甜品。从传统的甜点到打上西方烙印的中西合并甜点。对香港人来说,甜点永远是存留在餐后的最佳调剂品。

Ep 5
45 mins

The host traces the history of Taiwanese desserts in Taiwan. Be it traditional Chinese pastries, snacks from Japanese occupation period, steamed buns from Northern China or innovative royal snacks, the rich history and culture can be found in the flavour, craftmanship and the exquisite presentation. 主持人来到台湾,跟随历史的轨迹寻访台湾甜点,不论是传统汉式糕饼、日据时代的点心、中国大陆北方的馒头糕点,还是创新的精致宫廷甜点,都可以在其丰富口味、制作工艺以及精致造型中看到历史的缩影和文化的意涵。

Ep 5

The host traces the history of Taiwanese desserts in Taiwan. Be it traditional Chinese pastries, snacks from Japanese occupation period, steamed buns from Northern China or innovative royal snacks, the rich history and culture can be found in the flavour, craftmanship and the exquisite presentation. 主持人来到台湾,跟随历史的轨迹寻访台湾甜点,不论是传统汉式糕饼、日据时代的点心、中国大陆北方的馒头糕点,还是创新的精致宫廷甜点,都可以在其丰富口味、制作工艺以及精致造型中看到历史的缩影和文化的意涵。

Ep 6
44 mins

Hangwa and rice cakes are traditional Korean desserts which are large in variety and beautifully exquisite. The host explores the cultural artistry behind Hangwa and visits the Korea Food Research Institute to learn more about the new rice cake creations on the impressive style and craftsmanship. 甜韩果与米糕是韩国传统甜点,美丽精致种类繁多,主持人除了品尝韩果的美味以及探寻其制作背后的文化艺术之美,也拜访韩国传统饮食研究所,了解新创米糕迷人的风貌与口味,并且一探其精巧技艺。

Ep 6

Hangwa and rice cakes are traditional Korean desserts which are large in variety and beautifully exquisite. The host explores the cultural artistry behind Hangwa and visits the Korea Food Research Institute to learn more about the new rice cake creations on the impressive style and craftsmanship. 甜韩果与米糕是韩国传统甜点,美丽精致种类繁多,主持人除了品尝韩果的美味以及探寻其制作背后的文化艺术之美,也拜访韩国传统饮食研究所,了解新创米糕迷人的风貌与口味,并且一探其精巧技艺。

Ep 7
45 mins

Nyonya desserts are colourful and always a delight to everyone. In this episode, we learn about the differences in Nyonya desserts in Penang, Malacca and Singapore. We also learn how to make traditional Nyonya desserts and how the dessert making skills of early Nyonya are passed down till today. 色彩缤纷,凭外形就能让人心情愉悦的娘惹糕点,是我们最熟悉的甜点。这一集的甜味艺术将带你走访槟城、马六甲和新加坡,看3地娘惹糕点有何不同、看传统的娘惹糕点如何制作、看早年娘惹们的心灵手巧如何传承至今。

Ep 7

Nyonya desserts are colourful and always a delight to everyone. In this episode, we learn about the differences in Nyonya desserts in Penang, Malacca and Singapore. We also learn how to make traditional Nyonya desserts and how the dessert making skills of early Nyonya are passed down till today. 色彩缤纷,凭外形就能让人心情愉悦的娘惹糕点,是我们最熟悉的甜点。这一集的甜味艺术将带你走访槟城、马六甲和新加坡,看3地娘惹糕点有何不同、看传统的娘惹糕点如何制作、看早年娘惹们的心灵手巧如何传承至今。

Ep 8
43 mins

Let's join us in Jaipur to learn about the royal desserts and proceed to the alleys in Delhi to see how dessert chefs recreate the look and taste of desserts of more than thousands years daily. Learn how Indian desserts have transformed since upon landed in Singapore and changed into a modern art. 和我们一起到印度斋浦尔看最宫殿里的甜点,再到德里的小巷里,看甜点师傅日复一日,重现数百甚至是数千年前的甜点外貌与味道。再看印度甜点飘扬过海来到了新加坡之后,有了什么变化?看它如何变身,化身为现代艺术。

Ep 8

Let's join us in Jaipur to learn about the royal desserts and proceed to the alleys in Delhi to see how dessert chefs recreate the look and taste of desserts of more than thousands years daily. Learn how Indian desserts have transformed since upon landed in Singapore and changed into a modern art. 和我们一起到印度斋浦尔看最宫殿里的甜点,再到德里的小巷里,看甜点师傅日复一日,重现数百甚至是数千年前的甜点外貌与味道。再看印度甜点飘扬过海来到了新加坡之后,有了什么变化?看它如何变身,化身为现代艺术。

Ep 9
43 mins

French desserts assume the persistence of tradition by the French and their pride for their culture. The essence of French desserts is not about keeping the tradition but through the ptissiers' constant innovation with new elements to integrate history, trends, romance and art into the desserts. 法式甜点承载着法国人对传统的坚持,对民族文化的自信。法式甜点的精华不是一丝不变地保留传统,而是经由历代甜点师不断地创新,融入新元素,让法式甜点汇聚了历史、时尚、浪漫和艺术于一身。

Ep 9

French desserts assume the persistence of tradition by the French and their pride for their culture. The essence of French desserts is not about keeping the tradition but through the ptissiers' constant innovation with new elements to integrate history, trends, romance and art into the desserts. 法式甜点承载着法国人对传统的坚持,对民族文化的自信。法式甜点的精华不是一丝不变地保留传统,而是经由历代甜点师不断地创新,融入新元素,让法式甜点汇聚了历史、时尚、浪漫和艺术于一身。

Ep 10
43 mins

Italian cuisine is well-known around the world, especially during the Renaissance when a lot of desserts are invented. Desserts in each region are unique and Florence, which is the origin of the Renaissance, is also the birthplace of many classic desserts. Italy will not be perfect without desserts. 意大利的菜肴举世闻名,特别是文艺复兴时期,发明了不少甜点,各个区域的甜点都各有特色。其中位在中部的佛罗伦萨,是文艺复兴的起源地,更是许多经典甜点的发源地。没有甜点的意大利是不圆满的。

Ep 10

Italian cuisine is well-known around the world, especially during the Renaissance when a lot of desserts are invented. Desserts in each region are unique and Florence, which is the origin of the Renaissance, is also the birthplace of many classic desserts. Italy will not be perfect without desserts. 意大利的菜肴举世闻名,特别是文艺复兴时期,发明了不少甜点,各个区域的甜点都各有特色。其中位在中部的佛罗伦萨,是文艺复兴的起源地,更是许多经典甜点的发源地。没有甜点的意大利是不圆满的。

Additional Information

Genresfood, info-ed
Suitable For All Ages