14 Days


In mid-February, Allen and Edwin, two strangers from the same company of different department came back from a business trip in the United States. The two were put under quarantine in a private resort for safety purposes and thus, they began their 2 weeks cohabitation. During the stay, their relationship escalated from loathing the mere sight of each other to becoming friends whom they could open their hearts to. At the same time, they were also shocked to find that their girlfriend turned out to be the same person…… 2月中旬,Allen和Edwin两个不同部门的陌生人不约而同从美国出差回来,公司为了安全起见,安排两人到私人度假屋隔离。于是,两人开始了14天的同居生活,从互看对方不顺眼,到慢慢变成可以交心的朋友,不料,这时却赫然发现两人居然有个共同女友。

In mid-February, Allen and Edwin, two strangers from the same company of different department came back from a business trip in the United States. The two were put under quarantine in a private resort for safety purposes and thus, they began their 2 weeks cohabitation. During the stay, their relationship escalated from loathing the mere sight of each other to becoming friends whom they could open their hearts to. At the same time, they were also shocked to find that their girlfriend turned out to be the same person…… 2月中旬,Allen和Edwin两个不同部门的陌生人不约而同从美国出差回来,公司为了安全起见,安排两人到私人度假屋隔离。于是,两人开始了14天的同居生活,从互看对方不顺眼,到慢慢变成可以交心的朋友,不料,这时却赫然发现两人居然有个共同女友。

Ep 1
7 mins

Edwin and Allen are colleagues from different department. Since they are both back from business trip at the same time, the company arranges the two to be placed under quarantine in the same private resort. The two strangers of different personalities have conflicts ever since the first day of their stay together. Edwin与Allen是不同部门的同事,两人不约而同从美国出差回来,公司为了安全起见,安排两人到私人度假屋隔离。Edwin个性大剌剌不拘小节,而Edwin则生性爱干净;两个性格南辕北辙的陌生人,打从第一天同居,就擦出了矛盾。

Ep 1

Edwin and Allen are colleagues from different department. Since they are both back from business trip at the same time, the company arranges the two to be placed under quarantine in the same private resort. The two strangers of different personalities have conflicts ever since the first day of their stay together. Edwin与Allen是不同部门的同事,两人不约而同从美国出差回来,公司为了安全起见,安排两人到私人度假屋隔离。Edwin个性大剌剌不拘小节,而Edwin则生性爱干净;两个性格南辕北辙的陌生人,打从第一天同居,就擦出了矛盾。

Ep 2
9 mins

When Allen’s gastric acts up, Edwin helps in taking care of his diet. The two slowly become friends. They start to talk about their girlfriends and realize that they are both their girlfriends’ first love. But things take a turn for the worse when they finally find out it is the same girl! Allen胃痛发作,Edwin好心的为他煮食物,两人的关系慢慢破冰。两人聊起了女友,意外发现彼此都是女友的初恋;Edwin好奇心想一窥Allen女友的真面目,却没料到Allen的女友,竟是自己女友!

Ep 2

When Allen’s gastric acts up, Edwin helps in taking care of his diet. The two slowly become friends. They start to talk about their girlfriends and realize that they are both their girlfriends’ first love. But things take a turn for the worse when they finally find out it is the same girl! Allen胃痛发作,Edwin好心的为他煮食物,两人的关系慢慢破冰。两人聊起了女友,意外发现彼此都是女友的初恋;Edwin好奇心想一窥Allen女友的真面目,却没料到Allen的女友,竟是自己女友!

Ep 3
7 mins

When the lie has been exposed, Claris braces herself to face Edwin and Allen. Between the two lovers, Claris chooses Edwin. Allen feels indignant and beats up Edwin. However, that does not ruin their friendship. Instead, they sympathize with each other’s circumstances, and decide to leave Claris. 东窗事发后,面对旧爱与新欢,Claris选择了相识不久的Edwin,Allen心里愤愤不平,怒打Edwin,两人的关系却没因此交恶,反而变得惺惺相惜,同时两人决定一起抛弃女友…

Ep 3

When the lie has been exposed, Claris braces herself to face Edwin and Allen. Between the two lovers, Claris chooses Edwin. Allen feels indignant and beats up Edwin. However, that does not ruin their friendship. Instead, they sympathize with each other’s circumstances, and decide to leave Claris. 东窗事发后,面对旧爱与新欢,Claris选择了相识不久的Edwin,Allen心里愤愤不平,怒打Edwin,两人的关系却没因此交恶,反而变得惺惺相惜,同时两人决定一起抛弃女友…

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for young children