A first of its kind in Singapore, SPOP WAVE is a singing competition specially curated for local artistes passionate about singing and in search of a breakout stage. Keep an eye out for nail biting competition metrics that are sure to bring out the best in our celebrity contestants! Kicking off with an audio-only “masked singer” concept, witness the growth of our contestants as they conquer exciting team battles, unexpected mystery guests and brutal knock out rounds. Be sure to catch the WAVE with us this November!
一群热爱音乐的在线艺人,一个不忘初心寻求突破自我的机会,一场别开生面的歌唱比赛即将奏响!《SPOP艺起唱》旨在为重燃音乐之梦者提供舞台。紧张刺激的赛制贯穿整个比赛,考验参赛者的抗压能力,激发他们的歌唱潜力,只为给观众呈现最完美的表演。参赛者在比赛的初登场便以蒙面方式亮相,保持神秘、以歌会友的方式只为回归到音乐最纯粹的意义。接下来的赛制包括团战、车轮战、帮唱环节,更会迎来神秘嘉宾的踢馆,且看参赛者们如何越挫越勇、逆风而行! 今年11月,敬请期待一场属于歌者的狂欢,听他们把梦唱响!