You Can Be An Angel
You Can Be an Angel is a drama series that revolves around the lives of nursing staff in hospitals, nursing home and day care centre. With a realistic portrayal of the healthcare scenes in Singapore as a setting, many heart-warming stories between the healthcare staff and the people they serve will unfold in each season. 《你也可以是天使》系列以新加坡的医疗工作者为中心,在医院、疗养院以及乐龄护理中心展开一篇篇温暖人心的故事,叙说着医疗人员无私的奉献精神。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives.
Fu Jia Zi and his friend Ken meet You Le, a charming bubbly girl. She leaves an impression on Jia Zi. She hitches a ride from him and gets off halfway to go walking alone in the reserve. Jia Zi ends up in a fatal accident which Ken does not survive. You Le gets mugged and ends up seriously injured. Their lives are changed forever
Fu Jia Zi and his friend Ken meet You Le, a charming bubbly girl. She leaves an impression on Jia Zi. She hitches a ride from him and gets off halfway to go walking alone in the reserve. Jia Zi ends up in a fatal accident which Ken does not survive. You Le gets mugged and ends up seriously injured. Their lives are changed forever
You Le has always dreamed of being a nurse, and finally follows her dreams to enroll in a nursing college. She manages to win a scholarship. Jia Zi ends up in nursing too. On his first day, he encounters a patient with a cardiac arrest. 佑乐一直向往成为一名护士,最后终于听从自己的心愿,走进护理学校报名,还申请到奖学金,解决了学费的问题。家梓也当上护士,第一天到医院报到,就碰上了心脏病发作的病人,一时手足无措……
You Le has always dreamed of being a nurse, and finally follows her dreams to enroll in a nursing college. She manages to win a scholarship. Jia Zi ends up in nursing too. On his first day, he encounters a patient with a cardiac arrest. 佑乐一直向往成为一名护士,最后终于听从自己的心愿,走进护理学校报名,还申请到奖学金,解决了学费的问题。家梓也当上护士,第一天到医院报到,就碰上了心脏病发作的病人,一时手足无措……
Its Xin Nis birthday and Ruo Jun rally the other nurses to give her a surprise party. Yao Zong is tasked to bring her to the pantry, but Xin Ni sees through his lies and does not attend. Yao Zong entertains the disappointed group by asking them to celebrate his birthday instead. 馨霓生日,若君及众同事想帮她庆祝,给她惊喜。耀宗说谎要骗馨霓去休息室,却被馨霓识破。众人失望之余,耀宗灵机一动,竟说当天是自己的生日,要大家改而帮他庆生,免得浪费了蛋糕,众人只好帮他唱生日歌。
Its Xin Nis birthday and Ruo Jun rally the other nurses to give her a surprise party. Yao Zong is tasked to bring her to the pantry, but Xin Ni sees through his lies and does not attend. Yao Zong entertains the disappointed group by asking them to celebrate his birthday instead. 馨霓生日,若君及众同事想帮她庆祝,给她惊喜。耀宗说谎要骗馨霓去休息室,却被馨霓识破。众人失望之余,耀宗灵机一动,竟说当天是自己的生日,要大家改而帮他庆生,免得浪费了蛋糕,众人只好帮他唱生日歌。
You Le does an attachment at the hospital and is mentored by Jia Zi. A patient named Mr Han implores them to find his family. He admits that he is guilty having an affair and tearing the family apart. The two nurses try their best to find his family, but uncover a darker secret. 佑乐到医院当实习生,跟随家梓学习。病人Mr Han哀求他们帮忙寻找家人,后悔当初搞外遇,导致妻离子散,家庭破裂。两人看了感心酸,便帮忙找寻他的家人,却发现他的家人其实已经罹难……。
You Le does an attachment at the hospital and is mentored by Jia Zi. A patient named Mr Han implores them to find his family. He admits that he is guilty having an affair and tearing the family apart. The two nurses try their best to find his family, but uncover a darker secret. 佑乐到医院当实习生,跟随家梓学习。病人Mr Han哀求他们帮忙寻找家人,后悔当初搞外遇,导致妻离子散,家庭破裂。两人看了感心酸,便帮忙找寻他的家人,却发现他的家人其实已经罹难……。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 佑乐和若君久别重逢,开心叙旧。佑乐表示自己是因为若君才当护士的,感激若君当初救了她。若君见佑乐擦伤,帮她敷药。家梓内疚害佑乐跌倒,买了猪肠粉赔给她,佑乐却将猪肠粉转让给病人吴天豪吃。不料天豪突然食物过敏引致休克!
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 佑乐和若君久别重逢,开心叙旧。佑乐表示自己是因为若君才当护士的,感激若君当初救了她。若君见佑乐擦伤,帮她敷药。家梓内疚害佑乐跌倒,买了猪肠粉赔给她,佑乐却将猪肠粉转让给病人吴天豪吃。不料天豪突然食物过敏引致休克!
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 馨霓发现耀宗的后腰上有个黑痣胎记,大惊失色,原来当年非礼园园的男人背后也有一块相同的胎记。馨霓把事情告诉园园,两人到耀宗家搜查证据,找到一个面具,两人深感吃惊,因为当年非礼园园的男人也戴着面具……。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 馨霓发现耀宗的后腰上有个黑痣胎记,大惊失色,原来当年非礼园园的男人背后也有一块相同的胎记。馨霓把事情告诉园园,两人到耀宗家搜查证据,找到一个面具,两人深感吃惊,因为当年非礼园园的男人也戴着面具……。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 若君、佑乐等人出席耀宗的注册典礼。眼看注册时间快到了,园园却没有出现。此时馨霓来到,将婚纱、手花和钥匙等还给耀宗,告知他园园不会出现,而且已经出国。众人惊讶园园竟然逃婚,耀宗不明所以。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 若君、佑乐等人出席耀宗的注册典礼。眼看注册时间快到了,园园却没有出现。此时馨霓来到,将婚纱、手花和钥匙等还给耀宗,告知他园园不会出现,而且已经出国。众人惊讶园园竟然逃婚,耀宗不明所以。
Jia Zi discovers Yao Zongs shoes and silhouette look very similar to a masked Good Samaritan. He baits Yao Zong into revealing himself. Yao Zong explains the reason for being the masked man, and Jia Zi agrees to keep his secret. 家梓发现耀宗穿的鞋子跟经常帮助别人的""蒙面侠""一样,背影也很相似,于是试探他。耀宗不慎上当,被家梓发现他就是""蒙面侠""。耀宗说出自己成为“蒙面侠""的原因,家梓答应帮他保守秘密。
Jia Zi discovers Yao Zongs shoes and silhouette look very similar to a masked Good Samaritan. He baits Yao Zong into revealing himself. Yao Zong explains the reason for being the masked man, and Jia Zi agrees to keep his secret. 家梓发现耀宗穿的鞋子跟经常帮助别人的""蒙面侠""一样,背影也很相似,于是试探他。耀宗不慎上当,被家梓发现他就是""蒙面侠""。耀宗说出自己成为“蒙面侠""的原因,家梓答应帮他保守秘密。
Ma Ji appoints his daughter Ah Ping as his legal guardian, on condition that if his treatment costs exceed $5000, she will halt all treatment. He has a sudden cardiac arrest, and must go for an emergency bypass surgery. Ah Ping is put into a dilemma as the costs will exceed $5000. 马吉指定女儿阿萍为自己的决策人,但要阿萍答应他,一旦治疗费用超过5千元,就不要让他接受治疗,因为他不想连累阿萍。马吉突然心脏病发作,必须动心脏绕道手术,费用超过5千元,阿萍不知如何做决定。
Ma Ji appoints his daughter Ah Ping as his legal guardian, on condition that if his treatment costs exceed $5000, she will halt all treatment. He has a sudden cardiac arrest, and must go for an emergency bypass surgery. Ah Ping is put into a dilemma as the costs will exceed $5000. 马吉指定女儿阿萍为自己的决策人,但要阿萍答应他,一旦治疗费用超过5千元,就不要让他接受治疗,因为他不想连累阿萍。马吉突然心脏病发作,必须动心脏绕道手术,费用超过5千元,阿萍不知如何做决定。
Mei Yins medical report shows a shift in her lumbar. If she does not go for surgery, she risk paralysis and severe incontinence in the future. However the surgery remains risky. Ruo Jun and Ruo En bear the news with a heavy heart, but decide to let Mei Yin decide if she wants the surgery. 美英的检查报告出炉,显示她腰椎盘骨移位,如果不动手术,将来可能导致瘫痪以及大小便失禁,动手术也有一定的风险。若君姐妹俩心情沉重,决定由美英自己决定是否要动手术。
Mei Yins medical report shows a shift in her lumbar. If she does not go for surgery, she risk paralysis and severe incontinence in the future. However the surgery remains risky. Ruo Jun and Ruo En bear the news with a heavy heart, but decide to let Mei Yin decide if she wants the surgery. 美英的检查报告出炉,显示她腰椎盘骨移位,如果不动手术,将来可能导致瘫痪以及大小便失禁,动手术也有一定的风险。若君姐妹俩心情沉重,决定由美英自己决定是否要动手术。
Xin Ni awakes to find herself wearing Yao Zongs shirt. She thinks that Yao Zong has drugged her, and declares that she will uncover the true identity behind his mask. Yao Zong mistakenly thinks that Xin Ni is referring to his masked man identity. 馨霓一早在家里醒来,发现自己穿着耀宗的衣服,以为被耀宗下药侵犯,向他兴师问罪,扬言即使耀宗戴着面具,也一定要揭穿他的真面目!耀宗却误会馨霓是要拆穿他蒙面侠的真实身份。
Xin Ni awakes to find herself wearing Yao Zongs shirt. She thinks that Yao Zong has drugged her, and declares that she will uncover the true identity behind his mask. Yao Zong mistakenly thinks that Xin Ni is referring to his masked man identity. 馨霓一早在家里醒来,发现自己穿着耀宗的衣服,以为被耀宗下药侵犯,向他兴师问罪,扬言即使耀宗戴着面具,也一定要揭穿他的真面目!耀宗却误会馨霓是要拆穿他蒙面侠的真实身份。
Tian Xiang is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He worries that the medical fees would be a burden for his parents, and wants to stop all therapy. His parents ask of Jia Zi to help keep Tian Xiangs true condition from him, but Jia Zi hints that Tian Xiang might already have guessed. 天翔患上末期脑癌,他担心医药费加重父母的负担,想停止治疗出院回家,父母却要他专心养病。两人后悔没有早点察觉天翔的病情,为了不让天翔担心,他们要求家梓隐瞒天翔。家梓尊重两人的意愿,但表示也许天翔已经知道。
Tian Xiang is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. He worries that the medical fees would be a burden for his parents, and wants to stop all therapy. His parents ask of Jia Zi to help keep Tian Xiangs true condition from him, but Jia Zi hints that Tian Xiang might already have guessed. 天翔患上末期脑癌,他担心医药费加重父母的负担,想停止治疗出院回家,父母却要他专心养病。两人后悔没有早点察觉天翔的病情,为了不让天翔担心,他们要求家梓隐瞒天翔。家梓尊重两人的意愿,但表示也许天翔已经知道。
Yao Zong visits the wounded Long Hua, and he realizes that the masked man is a nurse from the hospital. Yao Zong learns that Long Hua pursuing nursing, and encourages him to continue. He brings Long Hua to meet nurses who share a similar background. Long Hua seems to see another aspect of life. 耀宗探望受伤的龙华,龙华才知道原来"蒙面侠"是医院的护士。耀宗知道龙华是修读护理课程的,鼓励他继续进修,不要放弃,并带他去见与龙华背景相同、自费读大学并终有所成的医护人员,让龙华对人生有了另一番领悟。
Yao Zong visits the wounded Long Hua, and he realizes that the masked man is a nurse from the hospital. Yao Zong learns that Long Hua pursuing nursing, and encourages him to continue. He brings Long Hua to meet nurses who share a similar background. Long Hua seems to see another aspect of life. 耀宗探望受伤的龙华,龙华才知道原来"蒙面侠"是医院的护士。耀宗知道龙华是修读护理课程的,鼓励他继续进修,不要放弃,并带他去见与龙华背景相同、自费读大学并终有所成的医护人员,让龙华对人生有了另一番领悟。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 馨霓发现耀宗并非当年非礼她和园园的人,向他道歉,并说出原委。耀宗自叹倒霉,没想到自己生个胎记也和色狼的一样。馨霓透露曾在他家里找到面具的事,耀宗不忿馨霓和园园私自搜查他的家,两人不欢而散。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 馨霓发现耀宗并非当年非礼她和园园的人,向他道歉,并说出原委。耀宗自叹倒霉,没想到自己生个胎记也和色狼的一样。馨霓透露曾在他家里找到面具的事,耀宗不忿馨霓和园园私自搜查他的家,两人不欢而散。
Yi Qiang decides to move away. He decides to do something for Ruo Jun before he leaves, and goes to her place to clean up. He unexpectedly suffers a stroke which will adversely affect his mobility and speech. Ruo Jun is heartbroken when she recalls all that he has done for her. 毅强决定移民,打算临走前为若君做点事,潜入若君家帮忙打扫,不料突然中风瘫痪。若君发现后,赶紧将他送进医院。毅强证实中风,以后的行动力和语言能力都会受影响。若君想起毅强为她所做的一切,伤心不已。
Yi Qiang decides to move away. He decides to do something for Ruo Jun before he leaves, and goes to her place to clean up. He unexpectedly suffers a stroke which will adversely affect his mobility and speech. Ruo Jun is heartbroken when she recalls all that he has done for her. 毅强决定移民,打算临走前为若君做点事,潜入若君家帮忙打扫,不料突然中风瘫痪。若君发现后,赶紧将他送进医院。毅强证实中风,以后的行动力和语言能力都会受影响。若君想起毅强为她所做的一切,伤心不已。
Yao Zong helps a working lady Lucy to turn over a new leaf, and recommends her a job in a hair salon. He visits her as a show of support. Xin Ni sees him enjoying a hairwash, and despises him for spending money on a hairwash from a female despite being a scrooge. Yao Zong tries to explain himself. 耀宗帮风尘女郎Lucy从良,介绍她到理发院工作。为了支持她,耀宗还特地来让Lucy帮他洗头,正好被馨霓看见他享受洗头的情景,产生误会,以为一毛不拔的耀宗竟然愿意花钱让女人洗头按摩,更加看不起他,耀宗解释不果。
Yao Zong helps a working lady Lucy to turn over a new leaf, and recommends her a job in a hair salon. He visits her as a show of support. Xin Ni sees him enjoying a hairwash, and despises him for spending money on a hairwash from a female despite being a scrooge. Yao Zong tries to explain himself. 耀宗帮风尘女郎Lucy从良,介绍她到理发院工作。为了支持她,耀宗还特地来让Lucy帮他洗头,正好被馨霓看见他享受洗头的情景,产生误会,以为一毛不拔的耀宗竟然愿意花钱让女人洗头按摩,更加看不起他,耀宗解释不果。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 耀宗卷入是非之中,被丽雅的丈夫捅伤,命在旦夕。馨霓无法面对,不敢去见他。家梓劝馨霓,指耀宗最想见的人也许是她。馨霓想起耀宗对自己的好,伤心不已。众人见耀宗伤势严重,都很难过。耀宗却表现得很豁达,还和众人开玩笑。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 耀宗卷入是非之中,被丽雅的丈夫捅伤,命在旦夕。馨霓无法面对,不敢去见他。家梓劝馨霓,指耀宗最想见的人也许是她。馨霓想起耀宗对自己的好,伤心不已。众人见耀宗伤势严重,都很难过。耀宗却表现得很豁达,还和众人开玩笑。
Yao Zong finally awakens. He is consoled to see Xin Ni beside him, and starts joking with her. Xin Ni says it all with a rare smile at him. Jia Zi and Ruo Jun visit Li Ya, and hope she tells the truth about Yao Zongs injury. Wanting to protect her husband, Li Ya refuses them. 耀宗终于醒了过来,见馨霓陪伴在侧,心中安慰,开始和馨霓开玩笑。馨霓也难得地对耀宗展露笑颜,一切尽在不言中。 家梓和若君去找丽雅,希望她能说出耀宗受伤的真相,但丽雅为了维护自己的丈夫,不肯答应。
Yao Zong finally awakens. He is consoled to see Xin Ni beside him, and starts joking with her. Xin Ni says it all with a rare smile at him. Jia Zi and Ruo Jun visit Li Ya, and hope she tells the truth about Yao Zongs injury. Wanting to protect her husband, Li Ya refuses them. 耀宗终于醒了过来,见馨霓陪伴在侧,心中安慰,开始和馨霓开玩笑。馨霓也难得地对耀宗展露笑颜,一切尽在不言中。 家梓和若君去找丽雅,希望她能说出耀宗受伤的真相,但丽雅为了维护自己的丈夫,不肯答应。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 家梓约会佑乐,佑乐高兴地盛装赴约,不料两人却意外看见希雯被车撞倒。家梓奋力抢救,将她送院,庆幸希雯只是多处骨折,没有生命危险。佑乐见家梓很紧张希雯,以为家梓对希雯还是难以忘情,选择黯然退出。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 家梓约会佑乐,佑乐高兴地盛装赴约,不料两人却意外看见希雯被车撞倒。家梓奋力抢救,将她送院,庆幸希雯只是多处骨折,没有生命危险。佑乐见家梓很紧张希雯,以为家梓对希雯还是难以忘情,选择黯然退出。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 耀宗为表诚意,拉了馨霓到一大树下,把落叶扫出一个心形,向她求婚,馨霓会答应吗?佑乐出国在即,却因为家梓看了她的情书后没有反应而困扰。家梓突然给了她一封信,佑乐以为家梓把情书退还给她,黯然神伤……。
Heart-warming serial about the lives and motivation behind the nurses, as they balance their passion for their job with their personal lives. 耀宗为表诚意,拉了馨霓到一大树下,把落叶扫出一个心形,向她求婚,馨霓会答应吗?佑乐出国在即,却因为家梓看了她的情书后没有反应而困扰。家梓突然给了她一封信,佑乐以为家梓把情书退还给她,黯然神伤……。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2014 |
Genres | drama |
Seasons | 4 |