Women Behind Bars
Since 2000, female inmates have increased by a whopping 60%, as compared to a 22% rise for males. This ob-doc series seeks to understand why women committed the crimes that put them in jail and learns about how different nations across Asia and beyond approach the rehabilitation of female inmates. 根据数据,全球男性囚犯人数自2000年起仅增22%,而女性囚犯却增加了60%!这现象令人担忧,也好奇背后的原因是什么。这六集纪录片将探讨女受刑人的犯案原因,以及她们如何面对监狱里的矫治教化制度。
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Since 2000, female inmates have increased by a whopping 60%, as compared to a 22% rise for males. This ob-doc series seeks to understand why women committed the crimes that put them in jail and learns about how different nations across Asia and beyond approach the rehabilitation of female inmates. 根据数据,全球男性囚犯人数自2000年起仅增22%,而女性囚犯却增加了60%!这现象令人担忧,也好奇背后的原因是什么。这六集纪录片将探讨女受刑人的犯案原因,以及她们如何面对监狱里的矫治教化制度。
Institution A4 is Singapore's only women prison. Hundreds of inmates eat, sleep and work in close quarters day after day. But behind the austere front, there are also bakery classes. Prison officers trained to listen to woes. And special visits where inmates can hug their children. Is an empathetic approach the answer to reforming these offenders? A4狱所是新加坡唯一一间女子监狱,里头住着数百名受刑人,日复一日地生活和作。但严谨的制度背后,也流露着温情。受刑人可报读课程;监狱官会聆听受刑人倾诉;定期举办的探访活动,让服刑的母亲和孩子零距离互动。
Institution A4 is Singapore's only women prison. Hundreds of inmates eat, sleep and work in close quarters day after day. But behind the austere front, there are also bakery classes. Prison officers trained to listen to woes. And special visits where inmates can hug their children. Is an empathetic approach the answer to reforming these offenders? A4狱所是新加坡唯一一间女子监狱,里头住着数百名受刑人,日复一日地生活和作。但严谨的制度背后,也流露着温情。受刑人可报读课程;监狱官会聆听受刑人倾诉;定期举办的探访活动,让服刑的母亲和孩子零距离互动。
Taoyuan Women's Prison is among the three women's prisons in Taiwan. Having one of the lowest crime rates in the world, Taiwan still harbors nearly 4,000 women inmates in 2024. What leads them to be incarcerated behind bars? Are they subject to invisible social difficulties? Does optimal governance exist between tolerance and punishment? 台湾是世界上犯罪率最低的地区之一,但桃园女子监狱及其他两所女子监狱仍承载着将近4000名女受刑人。被禁锢的个体是罪有应得,还是受制于看不見的社会困境?在宽容的治理和严格的惩治之间,是否存在最符合人性的监狱制度?
Taoyuan Women's Prison is among the three women's prisons in Taiwan. Having one of the lowest crime rates in the world, Taiwan still harbors nearly 4,000 women inmates in 2024. What leads them to be incarcerated behind bars? Are they subject to invisible social difficulties? Does optimal governance exist between tolerance and punishment? 台湾是世界上犯罪率最低的地区之一,但桃园女子监狱及其他两所女子监狱仍承载着将近4000名女受刑人。被禁锢的个体是罪有应得,还是受制于看不見的社会困境?在宽容的治理和严格的惩治之间,是否存在最符合人性的监狱制度?
Fumoto Prison is the only women's prison in Kyushu, Japan. The age of inmates range from 25 to 88 years old, and more than half are recidivists. Regardless of their age, crime or sentence, they undergo rehabilitation together. Let's enter this highly disciplined world to see their lives behind bars. 麓刑务所是日本九州唯一一座女子监狱,关押的受刑人介于25岁至88岁之间,一半以上是惯犯。她们无论什么年龄和罪刑都被关在一起接受改造。这一集将进入这个高度规范化的牢笼,看看她们是如何度过漫长的铁窗生涯。
Fumoto Prison is the only women's prison in Kyushu, Japan. The age of inmates range from 25 to 88 years old, and more than half are recidivists. Regardless of their age, crime or sentence, they undergo rehabilitation together. Let's enter this highly disciplined world to see their lives behind bars. 麓刑务所是日本九州唯一一座女子监狱,关押的受刑人介于25岁至88岁之间,一半以上是惯犯。她们无论什么年龄和罪刑都被关在一起接受改造。这一集将进入这个高度规范化的牢笼,看看她们是如何度过漫长的铁窗生涯。
The Correctional Institution for Women in Mandaluyong is the largest and oldest women's prison in the Philippines. All female felons will end up here to undergo rehabilitation. Their dormitories are crowded, hot and humid. Even the water supply is scarce. How do they cope in such harsh conditions? 位于曼达卢永市的女子惩教所是菲律宾最大最古老的女子监狱。所有当地的女重犯最终都会被送到这里接受改造。她们住的地方拥挤、闷热又潮湿,连水供都匮乏。在如此严峻的环境下,她们如何度过漫长的牢狱生涯?
The Correctional Institution for Women in Mandaluyong is the largest and oldest women's prison in the Philippines. All female felons will end up here to undergo rehabilitation. Their dormitories are crowded, hot and humid. Even the water supply is scarce. How do they cope in such harsh conditions? 位于曼达卢永市的女子惩教所是菲律宾最大最古老的女子监狱。所有当地的女重犯最终都会被送到这里接受改造。她们住的地方拥挤、闷热又潮湿,连水供都匮乏。在如此严峻的环境下,她们如何度过漫长的牢狱生涯?
Since the 2000s, the percentage of women inmates in the Italian penitentiary system has fluctuated around 4% of the total prison population. The under-presented number has led to slight attention to the female inmates and a lack of rehabilitation resources. Venice Giudecca Women's Prison, one of the only four women's prisons in Italy, has stood out as it provides a variety of rehabilitation pathways for the inmates. 自2000年起,意大利女受刑人仅占总受刑人4%...
Since the 2000s, the percentage of women inmates in the Italian penitentiary system has fluctuated around 4% of the total prison population. The under-presented number has led to slight attention to the female inmates and a lack of rehabilitation resources. Venice Giudecca Women's Prison, one of the only four women's prisons in Italy, has stood out as it provides a variety of rehabilitation pathways for the inmates. 自2000年起,意大利女受刑人仅占总受刑人4%...
Additional Information
Premiered | 2024 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |