Tuesday Report: Late Bloomers


Poor academic results in schooling years may have derailed some in the academic rat race, but do grades define you? What qualities will propel one to succeed as an artist, entrepreneur, athlete, or professional? With the support of arresting animation graphics, we'll enter the intimate lives of 10 individuals to see how they rise above their academic failures to blossom in later life and career. 早年因学业成绩不理想,而落单输在人生的起跑线。日后人生创造的价值和成就是否已成定局?艺人成功与否靠坚持不懈,企业家需要激情才能创业,创新求变的思维更重要,体育健将也需不断学习精进才能突围。全新5集《输在起跑点》透过真人真事采访,穿插创意动漫来呈现在学业上吃过败仗的各业人士,如何活出更精彩、丰盛的生命。

Cast & Crew

Poor academic results in schooling years may have derailed some in the academic rat race, but do grades define you? What qualities will propel one to succeed as an artist, entrepreneur, athlete, or professional? With the support of arresting animation graphics, we'll enter the intimate lives of 10 individuals to see how they rise above their academic failures to blossom in later life and career. 早年因学业成绩不理想,而落单输在人生的起跑线。日后人生创造的价值和成就是否已成定局?艺人成功与否靠坚持不懈,企业家需要激情才能创业,创新求变的思维更重要,体育健将也需不断学习精进才能突围。全新5集《输在起跑点》透过真人真事采访,穿插创意动漫来呈现在学业上吃过败仗的各业人士,如何活出更精彩、丰盛的生命。

Ep 1 Out of the Cocoon
23 mins

Poor school results school led TV host Belinda Lee to believe she would never succeed in life. Trapped in a vicious cycle of self-doubts, her self-esteem was badly affected. A PSLE failure, Wang Jianyi is now a Sec 4 student at Northlight School. With loving care from teachers, he gains courage and confidence. When Jianyi hears Belinda sharing on how she broke out of her cocoon, he finds hope. 新加坡知名主持李心钰自小成绩差,长期被灌输“做什么都不会成功”和“一辈子不会出人头地”...

Ep 1 Out of the Cocoon

Poor school results school led TV host Belinda Lee to believe she would never succeed in life. Trapped in a vicious cycle of self-doubts, her self-esteem was badly affected. A PSLE failure, Wang Jianyi is now a Sec 4 student at Northlight School. With loving care from teachers, he gains courage and confidence. When Jianyi hears Belinda sharing on how she broke out of her cocoon, he finds hope. 新加坡知名主持李心钰自小成绩差,长期被灌输“做什么都不会成功”和“一辈子不会出人头地”...

Ep 2 Entrepreneur Made in School of Hard Knocks
23 mins

The pioneer batch of EM3 students, Joyce did badly for her PSLE with a T-score of 101. She had to take her O-level English exam three times. Darren failed his A-level exam and was refused entry to his choice university. Academic failures are hard to swallow, but they never give up. Discover how Joyce rose to start an interior design firm and how Darren created Singapore’s first forest school. 室内设计师林姸杏是我国首批EM3源流学生,PSLE考获101分,O水准英文也考了三次才过关。。。

Ep 2 Entrepreneur Made in School of Hard Knocks

The pioneer batch of EM3 students, Joyce did badly for her PSLE with a T-score of 101. She had to take her O-level English exam three times. Darren failed his A-level exam and was refused entry to his choice university. Academic failures are hard to swallow, but they never give up. Discover how Joyce rose to start an interior design firm and how Darren created Singapore’s first forest school. 室内设计师林姸杏是我国首批EM3源流学生,PSLE考获101分,O水准英文也考了三次才过关。。。

Ep 3 Overcoming Invisible Obstacles
23 mins

Renowned Chef Heman grows up with dyslexia. He struggled in school and was labelled as “stupid”. Disillusioned, Heman joined the secret society and got addicted to drugs. Caleb has mild autism and finds it hard to relate well with classmates. He was often bullied and later failed to deliver in PSLE. Handicapped at their starting point, how would the duo overcome life challenges to emerge victors? 铁人名厨陈喜明自小患有阅读障碍,导致他无心向学,小学成绩一落千丈。中二就辍学的陈喜明曾误入歧途...

Ep 3 Overcoming Invisible Obstacles

Renowned Chef Heman grows up with dyslexia. He struggled in school and was labelled as “stupid”. Disillusioned, Heman joined the secret society and got addicted to drugs. Caleb has mild autism and finds it hard to relate well with classmates. He was often bullied and later failed to deliver in PSLE. Handicapped at their starting point, how would the duo overcome life challenges to emerge victors? 铁人名厨陈喜明自小患有阅读障碍,导致他无心向学,小学成绩一落千丈。中二就辍学的陈喜明曾误入歧途...

Ep 4 Climbing the Sports Ladder
23 mins

Rocky Chan scrapped passed his PSLE and entered Normal Tech. He devoted himself to skateboarding to earn his place as a SEA Games athlete. Disinterested in studies, Roy Kek went astray with bad company. He was arrested in a fight and had a big epiphany. Roy started an esports company and is now a business mentor. Discover how Rocky and Roy forge their own sporting path with firm self-belief. 陈泽诺从小不爱念书,PSLE刚及格,中学念普通工艺班,但是他玩滑板却很出色。虽不被人看好,他坚持挑战自我...

Ep 4 Climbing the Sports Ladder

Rocky Chan scrapped passed his PSLE and entered Normal Tech. He devoted himself to skateboarding to earn his place as a SEA Games athlete. Disinterested in studies, Roy Kek went astray with bad company. He was arrested in a fight and had a big epiphany. Roy started an esports company and is now a business mentor. Discover how Rocky and Roy forge their own sporting path with firm self-belief. 陈泽诺从小不爱念书,PSLE刚及格,中学念普通工艺班,但是他玩滑板却很出色。虽不被人看好,他坚持挑战自我...

Ep 5 Keep Moving Forward
23 mins

3 former Normal stream students discover their path in life. A lost girl with no goals learnt to work hard to attain perfection. A playful boy took the winding road, more years than others to enter university with later found quiet confidence. Another low self-esteemed boy was hampered by ADHD, but he eventually rose to serve the underprivileged. Their secret? The fortitude to keep pressing ahead. 普通源流出身,一辈子不出头?三名平凡青年为此纠结,促使他们各自寻求出路。。。

Ep 5 Keep Moving Forward

3 former Normal stream students discover their path in life. A lost girl with no goals learnt to work hard to attain perfection. A playful boy took the winding road, more years than others to enter university with later found quiet confidence. Another low self-esteemed boy was hampered by ADHD, but he eventually rose to serve the underprivileged. Their secret? The fortitude to keep pressing ahead. 普通源流出身,一辈子不出头?三名平凡青年为此纠结,促使他们各自寻求出路。。。

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Suitable For All Ages