Truths About Us


Claire Koh, a young victim of an university voyeur incident is in a coma from an attempted suicide after appearing on journalist Li Silin’s controversial interview segment. One night, Silin unexpectedly begin receiving mysterious emails in Claire's name that reveals more than meets the eye. 大学厕所偷窥事件的女事主Claire,接受记者思林的访问时,反被指控她是自取其咎,Claire受不了社交媒体的评击,两个月后企图自杀,昏迷不醒。思林接二连三收到有人以Claire的名义发送的电邮,揭发了不为人知的秘密

Claire Koh, a young victim of an university voyeur incident is in a coma from an attempted suicide after appearing on journalist Li Silin’s controversial interview segment. One night, Silin unexpectedly begin receiving mysterious emails in Claire's name that reveals more than meets the eye. 大学厕所偷窥事件的女事主Claire,接受记者思林的访问时,反被指控她是自取其咎,Claire受不了社交媒体的评击,两个月后企图自杀,昏迷不醒。思林接二连三收到有人以Claire的名义发送的电邮,揭发了不为人知的秘密

Ep 1
22 mins

Claire, a victim of an university toilet peeping incident, is interviewed by a hard-driving journalist Silin, who insinuates that the incident could be a self-inflicted setup. Claire attempts suicide two months later and remains unconscious. Silin begins receiving mysterious emails in Claire's name. 大学宿舍偷窥事件的女主角Claire清晨开车撞上树的视频, 在社交媒体上疯传!舆论都把矛头指向两个月前在直播上访问了她的记者李思林,指控思林害了她!在舆论的压力下,愧疚的思林决心找出真相。

Ep 1

Claire, a victim of an university toilet peeping incident, is interviewed by a hard-driving journalist Silin, who insinuates that the incident could be a self-inflicted setup. Claire attempts suicide two months later and remains unconscious. Silin begins receiving mysterious emails in Claire's name. 大学宿舍偷窥事件的女主角Claire清晨开车撞上树的视频, 在社交媒体上疯传!舆论都把矛头指向两个月前在直播上访问了她的记者李思林,指控思林害了她!在舆论的压力下,愧疚的思林决心找出真相。

Ep 2
22 mins

Whilst Claire is still in a coma, Silin receives an unedited video of Claire and her best friend Dianne, which confirms Silin's allegations to be false and that the damning video evidence she had previously, was in fact manipulated. Silin goes on a search to find out who might have done the deed. 昏迷的Claire寻死前发了未剪辑过的视频给思林,证实了思林的指控是假的,她和偷窥者Christopher不是情侣关系。思林要找出是谁剪辑了视频. 首先怀疑Claire的闺蜜Dianne,但又觉得不像是她。

Ep 2

Whilst Claire is still in a coma, Silin receives an unedited video of Claire and her best friend Dianne, which confirms Silin's allegations to be false and that the damning video evidence she had previously, was in fact manipulated. Silin goes on a search to find out who might have done the deed. 昏迷的Claire寻死前发了未剪辑过的视频给思林,证实了思林的指控是假的,她和偷窥者Christopher不是情侣关系。思林要找出是谁剪辑了视频. 首先怀疑Claire的闺蜜Dianne,但又觉得不像是她。

Ep 3
22 mins

Silin receives another of Claire's videos again, this time, it was filmed after her previous nightmares. Silin finds out that Claire often had the same dream. When she questions Claire's mother Rose about it, she seems to be hiding something. In her video, Claire suggests that everyone has secrets. 思林再收到了Claire的视频,是她恶梦之后拍摄的,Claire提出大家都隐藏了秘密,让思林有很多的反思。思林发现Claire时常做同样的梦,寻问Claire的妈妈玫瑰时,觉得她似乎隐藏了什么。

Ep 3

Silin receives another of Claire's videos again, this time, it was filmed after her previous nightmares. Silin finds out that Claire often had the same dream. When she questions Claire's mother Rose about it, she seems to be hiding something. In her video, Claire suggests that everyone has secrets. 思林再收到了Claire的视频,是她恶梦之后拍摄的,Claire提出大家都隐藏了秘密,让思林有很多的反思。思林发现Claire时常做同样的梦,寻问Claire的妈妈玫瑰时,觉得她似乎隐藏了什么。

Ep 4
23 mins

In her next video, Claire reveals her depression after the peeping incident and promised to appear on Silin's show as a way to take back control. But she didn't expect to end up falling deeper. Whilst faced with guilt, Silin's younger brother Siyang falls into depression after a breakup. 思林收到Claire的电邮,透露了偷窥事件后她的抑郁,答应上思林的节目是一个反击,不让自己不成为弱者,没想到却坠得更深。这让思林更内疚,弟弟思阳和Joy分手,陷入抑郁,让她更了解这个精神疾病。

Ep 4

In her next video, Claire reveals her depression after the peeping incident and promised to appear on Silin's show as a way to take back control. But she didn't expect to end up falling deeper. Whilst faced with guilt, Silin's younger brother Siyang falls into depression after a breakup. 思林收到Claire的电邮,透露了偷窥事件后她的抑郁,答应上思林的节目是一个反击,不让自己不成为弱者,没想到却坠得更深。这让思林更内疚,弟弟思阳和Joy分手,陷入抑郁,让她更了解这个精神疾病。

Ep 5
23 mins

Trapped in a toxic relationship,Dianne reveals to Joy that it was her boyfriend Christopher who had asked her to steal Claire's video, and manipulate it for ill intentions. In the meantime, Siyang spirals out of control in his breakup with Joy. Silin seeks Rui An's comfort and help with his brother. Dianne向Joy透露是男友Christopher要她偷Claire的视频,剪辑制造错觉是Claire勾引男友。Dianne得知父母瞒着她分居一年多, 大受打击。思阳失恋,央求Joy回心转意被Joy奚落,视频被同学们拍下广传,让思阳有更大的压力。

Ep 5

Trapped in a toxic relationship,Dianne reveals to Joy that it was her boyfriend Christopher who had asked her to steal Claire's video, and manipulate it for ill intentions. In the meantime, Siyang spirals out of control in his breakup with Joy. Silin seeks Rui An's comfort and help with his brother. Dianne向Joy透露是男友Christopher要她偷Claire的视频,剪辑制造错觉是Claire勾引男友。Dianne得知父母瞒着她分居一年多, 大受打击。思阳失恋,央求Joy回心转意被Joy奚落,视频被同学们拍下广传,让思阳有更大的压力。

Ep 6
24 mins

Silin is taken aback by the revelation of Siyang's involvement in Claire's incident. Meanwhile, Siyang finds a kindred spirit in Dianne who struggles to come to terms with her parents' lies. They continue to feed on each other's negative emotions in an ominous downward spiral. 思林震惊弟弟是剪辑视频的人,责骂他,和他冷战。Dianne情绪陷入低谷,和思阳同病相怜,二人一起大吃大喝发泄。思林得到辅导员瑞安的开解,决定和弟弟结束冷战,却发现思阳房间的窗口打开,震惊!

Ep 6

Silin is taken aback by the revelation of Siyang's involvement in Claire's incident. Meanwhile, Siyang finds a kindred spirit in Dianne who struggles to come to terms with her parents' lies. They continue to feed on each other's negative emotions in an ominous downward spiral. 思林震惊弟弟是剪辑视频的人,责骂他,和他冷战。Dianne情绪陷入低谷,和思阳同病相怜,二人一起大吃大喝发泄。思林得到辅导员瑞安的开解,决定和弟弟结束冷战,却发现思阳房间的窗口打开,震惊!

Ep 7
24 mins

After a false scare, Silin is determined to help Siyang walk out of the darkness of depression. Dianne refuses to go home to her parents and goes on the run as her mental health worsens. Meanwhile, Silin receives the final video from Claire, telling her a secret she remembered. 思林见思阳没寻死,激动抱着弟弟道歉,鼓励弟弟一定可以走出来。Dianne逃避不肯回家,却找不到可以陪伴的朋友,只能靠着暴食零食发泄情绪。思林接到Claire的最后一个视频,告诉思林她想起的一个秘密。

Ep 7

After a false scare, Silin is determined to help Siyang walk out of the darkness of depression. Dianne refuses to go home to her parents and goes on the run as her mental health worsens. Meanwhile, Silin receives the final video from Claire, telling her a secret she remembered. 思林见思阳没寻死,激动抱着弟弟道歉,鼓励弟弟一定可以走出来。Dianne逃避不肯回家,却找不到可以陪伴的朋友,只能靠着暴食零食发泄情绪。思林接到Claire的最后一个视频,告诉思林她想起的一个秘密。

Ep 8
22 mins

Claire's final video reveals a childhood trauma that she had no memory of until recent events triggered fragmented recollections that her own family tries to conceal,resulting in her deterioration.Siyang's mood begins to improve for the better while Rui An and Silin learns of Dianne's disappearance. 思林通过视频得知Claire是因创伤后遗症,感觉被亲人出卖而企图自杀。思阳情绪开始有好转,思林感谢瑞安的帮助,二人感情有所进展。思林得知Dianne离家出走,告诉了瑞安Dianne是剪辑视频的主脑。

Ep 8

Claire's final video reveals a childhood trauma that she had no memory of until recent events triggered fragmented recollections that her own family tries to conceal,resulting in her deterioration.Siyang's mood begins to improve for the better while Rui An and Silin learns of Dianne's disappearance. 思林通过视频得知Claire是因创伤后遗症,感觉被亲人出卖而企图自杀。思阳情绪开始有好转,思林感谢瑞安的帮助,二人感情有所进展。思林得知Dianne离家出走,告诉了瑞安Dianne是剪辑视频的主脑。

Ep 9
23 mins

Claire regains consciousness and the news goes viral. Rose learns that her daughter chose to end her life because of the childhood trauma they had tried so hard to bury. Silin is tasked to persuade Claire to accept professional help, only to find out that Claire hadn't sent her any emails. Claire醒过来了,大家都很开心,社交媒体也疯传开来!玫瑰获悉女儿选择结束生命是因为想起了小时候的创伤。大家委派思林去劝解Claire接受专业的帮助。思林向Claire道歉, 谢谢Claire给她的电邮,哪知Claire说她没有发电邮给思林。

Ep 9

Claire regains consciousness and the news goes viral. Rose learns that her daughter chose to end her life because of the childhood trauma they had tried so hard to bury. Silin is tasked to persuade Claire to accept professional help, only to find out that Claire hadn't sent her any emails. Claire醒过来了,大家都很开心,社交媒体也疯传开来!玫瑰获悉女儿选择结束生命是因为想起了小时候的创伤。大家委派思林去劝解Claire接受专业的帮助。思林向Claire道歉, 谢谢Claire给她的电邮,哪知Claire说她没有发电邮给思林。

Ep 10
26 mins

Silin is surprised that Claire wasn't the one who had sent the pre-scheduled emails to her but she continues rooting for Claire's recovery together with Rui An and her family. Dianne re-emerges after a frantic search while Siyang confesses to Silin about an even bigger revelation. 思林制作了一个视频鼓励Claire,邀请了许多患上心理疾病的人给她打气,意外其中有瑞安,原来瑞安曾是中度忧郁症患者。思阳向思林坦白,电邮是他以Claire名义发送的,思林不责备他,赞他很勇敢,精神疾病是可以战胜的。

Ep 10

Silin is surprised that Claire wasn't the one who had sent the pre-scheduled emails to her but she continues rooting for Claire's recovery together with Rui An and her family. Dianne re-emerges after a frantic search while Siyang confesses to Silin about an even bigger revelation. 思林制作了一个视频鼓励Claire,邀请了许多患上心理疾病的人给她打气,意外其中有瑞安,原来瑞安曾是中度忧郁症患者。思阳向思林坦白,电邮是他以Claire名义发送的,思林不责备他,赞他很勇敢,精神疾病是可以战胜的。

Additional Information

Parental guidance advised for children below the age of 13