The Zoe and Liang Show
On "The Zoe & Liang Show," Mediacorp's veteran stars Zoe Tay and Guo Liang share their opinions, life stories, and experiences with their guests. They will discuss topics, no holds barred, in this unscripted format, which makes for an interesting and educational program. 《惠眼说亮话》为一档聊天型Podcast节目,由新传媒阿姊郑惠玉与主持一哥郭亮联手主持,与每集嘉宾分享各自观点立场、生活体悟与人生故事。无话稿无框架的自在对谈,让所有人畅所欲言,也让观众回味无穷。
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On "The Zoe & Liang Show," Mediacorp's veteran stars Zoe Tay and Guo Liang share their opinions, life stories, and experiences with their guests. They will discuss topics, no holds barred, in this unscripted format, which makes for an interesting and educational program. 《惠眼说亮话》为一档聊天型Podcast节目,由新传媒阿姊郑惠玉与主持一哥郭亮联手主持,与每集嘉宾分享各自观点立场、生活体悟与人生故事。无话稿无框架的自在对谈,让所有人畅所欲言,也让观众回味无穷。
The Zoe and Liang Show invites Ben Yeo, a father who loves to cook and with many side jobs, to talk about the sacrifices and helplessness that he has involuntarily faced as an artiste. What secrets of the past will the Queen of Mediacorp Zoe Tay and veteran host Guo Liang reveal? 当艺人真的钱途无量吗? 《惠眼说亮话》节目邀请到拥有众多副业的爱煮的爸爸-杨志龙,聊聊身为艺人有哪些身不由己的牺牲与无奈。 阿姊惠玉和主持阿哥郭亮又会讲出哪些不为人知的过往秘密?
The Zoe and Liang Show invites Ben Yeo, a father who loves to cook and with many side jobs, to talk about the sacrifices and helplessness that he has involuntarily faced as an artiste. What secrets of the past will the Queen of Mediacorp Zoe Tay and veteran host Guo Liang reveal? 当艺人真的钱途无量吗? 《惠眼说亮话》节目邀请到拥有众多副业的爱煮的爸爸-杨志龙,聊聊身为艺人有哪些身不由己的牺牲与无奈。 阿姊惠玉和主持阿哥郭亮又会讲出哪些不为人知的过往秘密?
Is there true friendship in the media industry? Are our local celebrities friends with one another or are they just colleagues? Find out how Pan Lingling and Zoe Tay became good friends, and how they join hands to make host Guo Liang speechless! 你相信艺人们在演艺圈能结交到好朋友吗?他们是逢场做戏,或者掏出真心?潘玲玲与郑惠玉是怎么成为好朋友,两人又是如何联手让名嘴郭亮哑口无言?
Is there true friendship in the media industry? Are our local celebrities friends with one another or are they just colleagues? Find out how Pan Lingling and Zoe Tay became good friends, and how they join hands to make host Guo Liang speechless! 你相信艺人们在演艺圈能结交到好朋友吗?他们是逢场做戏,或者掏出真心?潘玲玲与郑惠玉是怎么成为好朋友,两人又是如何联手让名嘴郭亮哑口无言?
Zoe and Guo Liang invites Ya Hui to discuss workplace relationship - is maintaining a rapport with colleagues more important than the work itself? Find out if Ya Hui speaks her mind or shy away from the topic. 资深艺人惠玉与郭亮遇上中生代演员雅慧聊起做人与做事的人生难题,他们会认真开导后辈,还是说说场面话?雅慧会松口说出委屈,或避而不谈?
Zoe and Guo Liang invites Ya Hui to discuss workplace relationship - is maintaining a rapport with colleagues more important than the work itself? Find out if Ya Hui speaks her mind or shy away from the topic. 资深艺人惠玉与郭亮遇上中生代演员雅慧聊起做人与做事的人生难题,他们会认真开导后辈,还是说说场面话?雅慧会松口说出委屈,或避而不谈?
Kiss buddies, situation-ship… what are these terms that shock Zoe and Guo Liang? Join Ze Tong and Juin Teh as they discuss the dating scene these days with our hosts 情人,难道越多越好?两代交友观到底有多不同?为何六月和哲通说的每句话都让惠玉瞠目结舌、惊叹不已?
Kiss buddies, situation-ship… what are these terms that shock Zoe and Guo Liang? Join Ze Tong and Juin Teh as they discuss the dating scene these days with our hosts 情人,难道越多越好?两代交友观到底有多不同?为何六月和哲通说的每句话都让惠玉瞠目结舌、惊叹不已?
Zoe and Guo Liang invites Kym Ng to discuss help at home - are domestic helpers here to lessen our workload or are they another cause of worry at home? 从来没请过帮佣的钟琴,遇上极度依赖帮佣的两位主持人惠玉和郭亮,他们聊起在本地常见的帮佣话题,会有哪些趣事分享?繁琐的家务事有了帮佣的协助,能减轻负担减少烦恼吗?
Zoe and Guo Liang invites Kym Ng to discuss help at home - are domestic helpers here to lessen our workload or are they another cause of worry at home? 从来没请过帮佣的钟琴,遇上极度依赖帮佣的两位主持人惠玉和郭亮,他们聊起在本地常见的帮佣话题,会有哪些趣事分享?繁琐的家务事有了帮佣的协助,能减轻负担减少烦恼吗?
From cheating to weekend couples arrangements, are taboo relationships becoming a norm? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Hazelle Teo and Jensen Wang to discuss the unqiue relationship models these days. "出轨、包养、周末夫妻",这些男女关系真的颠覆三观?上个世纪的感情观,时至今日还适用吗?颖双、嘉瑞会带来哪些震撼弹?惠玉和郭亮能接受的了这些观念冲击吗?
From cheating to weekend couples arrangements, are taboo relationships becoming a norm? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Hazelle Teo and Jensen Wang to discuss the unqiue relationship models these days. "出轨、包养、周末夫妻",这些男女关系真的颠覆三观?上个世纪的感情观,时至今日还适用吗?颖双、嘉瑞会带来哪些震撼弹?惠玉和郭亮能接受的了这些观念冲击吗?
Is it crucial to hold a wedding banquet when getting married? Where would be the ideal location to propose at? How does one decide the amount to give in the red packet? Zoe and Guo Liang chats with with Sin Nee and Ze Liang to learn about their idea of marriage. 新人办不办婚宴,最终会是谁拍板決定呢?女人希望在公众场合求婚显面子,或二人世界承诺更珍贵?大家喜欢参加婚礼吗,包红包又有哪些学问?
Is it crucial to hold a wedding banquet when getting married? Where would be the ideal location to propose at? How does one decide the amount to give in the red packet? Zoe and Guo Liang chats with with Sin Nee and Ze Liang to learn about their idea of marriage. 新人办不办婚宴,最终会是谁拍板決定呢?女人希望在公众场合求婚显面子,或二人世界承诺更珍贵?大家喜欢参加婚礼吗,包红包又有哪些学问?
Social media platforms have made it possible for anyone to perform for an audience, but does it make it easier for someone to become famous? Zoe and Guo Liang finds out how what it takes for young artistes like Yang Guang Ke Le to rise to fame. 艺人与网红想要一炮而红,越来越容易吗?阳光可乐眼中的大红大紫是什么样子?当艺人又有哪些委屈要吞?阿姊和郭亮把累积多年的苦一次讲清楚。
Social media platforms have made it possible for anyone to perform for an audience, but does it make it easier for someone to become famous? Zoe and Guo Liang finds out how what it takes for young artistes like Yang Guang Ke Le to rise to fame. 艺人与网红想要一炮而红,越来越容易吗?阳光可乐眼中的大红大紫是什么样子?当艺人又有哪些委屈要吞?阿姊和郭亮把累积多年的苦一次讲清楚。
Should parents support their children's dreams unconditionally even when it is a reach for the star? JJ Neo shares her growing up story wih Zoe and Guo Liang while Shuan Chen lets on his hopes for his daughters. 孩子想追梦,父母会愿意无条件支持吗?泓宇对两个女儿的期许,竟是最基本的打招呼? 星二代 JJ Neo 读冷门科系,她的父母全力支持吗?阿姊的孩子想当农夫,她又会如何应对呢?
Should parents support their children's dreams unconditionally even when it is a reach for the star? JJ Neo shares her growing up story wih Zoe and Guo Liang while Shuan Chen lets on his hopes for his daughters. 孩子想追梦,父母会愿意无条件支持吗?泓宇对两个女儿的期许,竟是最基本的打招呼? 星二代 JJ Neo 读冷门科系,她的父母全力支持吗?阿姊的孩子想当农夫,她又会如何应对呢?
Why aren't celebrities announcing their relationships? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Jeffrey Xu to understand why he kept his relationship with Felicia Chin under wraps. Sheryl Ang also shares why she didn't tell anyone when she dated within the media industry. 艺人恋爱包袱多,他们秘恋不公开的原因到底是什么? 和陈凤玲新婚的徐鸣杰,道出为保护恋情受过最深的委屈?洪丽婷曾交往过圈内人,现大方公开与圈外男友热恋进行式?
Why aren't celebrities announcing their relationships? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Jeffrey Xu to understand why he kept his relationship with Felicia Chin under wraps. Sheryl Ang also shares why she didn't tell anyone when she dated within the media industry. 艺人恋爱包袱多,他们秘恋不公开的原因到底是什么? 和陈凤玲新婚的徐鸣杰,道出为保护恋情受过最深的委屈?洪丽婷曾交往过圈内人,现大方公开与圈外男友热恋进行式?
Will travelling abroad with friends make or break a friendship? Which type of friends do you "ban" from travelling together with? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Herman Keh and Evelyn Tan to share their travel experiences. 跟好朋友出国,会让感情升温还是友情决裂引爆弹?哪些旅伴让人避之唯恐不及?阿姐爆出好友潘玲玲小怪僻?快来听听Herman与启佳分享有趣的旅游趣闻。
Will travelling abroad with friends make or break a friendship? Which type of friends do you "ban" from travelling together with? Zoe and Guo Liang invites Herman Keh and Evelyn Tan to share their travel experiences. 跟好朋友出国,会让感情升温还是友情决裂引爆弹?哪些旅伴让人避之唯恐不及?阿姐爆出好友潘玲玲小怪僻?快来听听Herman与启佳分享有趣的旅游趣闻。
Is finding a partner more difficult these days? Zoe and Guo Liang finds out why Jernelle Oh remained single for close to 8 years, and also why Kiki Lim is happy being single. 新加坡女生找对象,为什么越來越像天方夜谭?单身长达8年的煜诗大喊脱单真难!21岁的Kiki说单身真好,去夜店不用报备?阿姐口中的择偶标准,老公全数达标?
Is finding a partner more difficult these days? Zoe and Guo Liang finds out why Jernelle Oh remained single for close to 8 years, and also why Kiki Lim is happy being single. 新加坡女生找对象,为什么越來越像天方夜谭?单身长达8年的煜诗大喊脱单真难!21岁的Kiki说单身真好,去夜店不用报备?阿姐口中的择偶标准,老公全数达标?
Are good looks all you need in showbiz? Zoe and Guo Liang are surprised to learn that Hong Ling was told she has fat thighs. Benjamin Tan shares how growing up changed his appearance. 外型亮眼的洪凌,入行后被嫌弃四方脸、大腿粗,曾因脸臭被阿姐看衰演艺事业。政序男大十八变,从小胖弟转型成师奶杀手,一度被怀疑整形?艺人的外型出众,演艺事业真能天下无敌吗?
Are good looks all you need in showbiz? Zoe and Guo Liang are surprised to learn that Hong Ling was told she has fat thighs. Benjamin Tan shares how growing up changed his appearance. 外型亮眼的洪凌,入行后被嫌弃四方脸、大腿粗,曾因脸臭被阿姐看衰演艺事业。政序男大十八变,从小胖弟转型成师奶杀手,一度被怀疑整形?艺人的外型出众,演艺事业真能天下无敌吗?
Additional Information
Premiered | 2023 |
Genres | variety |
Seasons | 1 |