The Royal Monk


'The Royal Monk' is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin Temple, his wit and lively personality made him the abbot's favourite. His only desire is reunited with his mother.

'The Royal Monk' is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin Temple, his wit and lively personality made him the abbot's favourite. His only desire is reunited with his mother.

Ep 1
47 mins

The Royal Monk' is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy.

Ep 1

The Royal Monk' is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy.

Ep 2
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 2

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 3
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 3

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 4
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 4

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 5
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 5

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 6
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 6

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 7
47 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 7

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 8
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 8

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 9
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 9

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 10
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 10

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 11
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 11

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 12
47 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 12

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 13
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 13

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 14
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 14

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 15
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 15

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 16
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 16

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 17
48 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 17

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 18
47 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 18

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 19
47 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 19

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 20
47 mins

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Ep 20

"The Royal Monk" is a action drama of a young monk. The play premiered in 1997, a total of 20 episodes were staged in mainland China and Singapore. The story revolves around a lively eight year old monk named Happy. He started his life from Shaolin...

Additional Information

Genresaction and adventure, drama, historical
Parental guidance advised for young children