Strangers At Home
Strangers at home explores stories around Asia of minority communities who feel foreign in their homeland, and the anxiety they feel towards their belonging and identity. The series featured stories of those who has been born and raised locally, but are labelled as foreigners by fellow locals. Were they treated unfairly or were discriminated against in their own country? Are they faced with the dilemma of preserving their own unique culture whilst attempting to assimilate into local society? What are their hopes and dreams for the future?《身在异乡非异客》将到亚洲各个地区,探讨当地少数族群的生活与故事。他们的外貌、肤色或许与大多数人格格不入,却是土生土长的当地人。他们的祖先来自异乡,他们却在先人的“异乡”落地生根。他们生活在像异乡的家乡里,在身份认同上面对着怎样的危机感?身处自己成长的国家,却被大多数人视为异乡客。他们在成长过程中可曾遇到任何的歧视或不平等待遇?他们如何努力让自己融入当地社会,成为他们的一份子?他们对未来的展望如何?他们在被“同化”的同时,自身的文化是否也影响了当地的社会?
- Oldest First
- Newest First
Strangers at home explores stories around Asia of minority communities who feel foreign in their homeland, and the anxiety they feel towards their belonging and identity. The series featured stories of those who has been born and raised locally, but are labelled as foreigners by fellow locals. Were they treated unfairly or were discriminated against in their own country? Are they faced with the dilemma of preserving their own unique culture whilst attempting to assimilate into local society? What are their hopes and dreams for the future?《身在异乡非异客》将到亚洲各个地区,探讨当地少数族群的生活与故事。他们的外貌、肤色或许与大多数人格格不入,却是土生土长的当地人。他们的祖先来自异乡,他们却在先人的“异乡”落地生根。他们生活在像异乡的家乡里,在身份认同上面对着怎样的危机感?身处自己成长的国家,却被大多数人视为异乡客。他们在成长过程中可曾遇到任何的歧视或不平等待遇?他们如何努力让自己融入当地社会,成为他们的一份子?他们对未来的展望如何?他们在被“同化”的同时,自身的文化是否也影响了当地的社会?
In order to propagate nationalism after the Korean War, the Korean government initiated the policy of 'mono-ethnic state' danil minjok, which instilled the anti-foreign mentality in many Koreans till now. In Korea where over 90% of its citizens are 'pure blooded', the mixed race and new citizens who wasn't '100% Korean' are always treated as an outsider.韩国在战后为了宣扬国家民族主义,政府所倡导的其中一个建国方针就是“单一民族”danil minjok,因此韩国人甚至到了现在都有非常严重的排外心态。。。
In order to propagate nationalism after the Korean War, the Korean government initiated the policy of 'mono-ethnic state' danil minjok, which instilled the anti-foreign mentality in many Koreans till now. In Korea where over 90% of its citizens are 'pure blooded', the mixed race and new citizens who wasn't '100% Korean' are always treated as an outsider.韩国在战后为了宣扬国家民族主义,政府所倡导的其中一个建国方针就是“单一民族”danil minjok,因此韩国人甚至到了现在都有非常严重的排外心态。。。
Dating back to the 19th century, many South East Asians came to Hong Kong with their British colonial masters. Throughout the years, they have made significant contributions to the city's development. Many of these South East Asians retired back to India and Pakistan, others chose to stay and start a family here...早在19世纪就已经有许多南亚裔人随着英国殖民政府来到香港,也曾经为建立香港这个大都市作出贡献。(警探等的职务)许多南亚裔人士落叶归根回到了印度与巴基斯坦,也有许多决定落地生根在香港建立家庭。。。
Dating back to the 19th century, many South East Asians came to Hong Kong with their British colonial masters. Throughout the years, they have made significant contributions to the city's development. Many of these South East Asians retired back to India and Pakistan, others chose to stay and start a family here...早在19世纪就已经有许多南亚裔人随着英国殖民政府来到香港,也曾经为建立香港这个大都市作出贡献。(警探等的职务)许多南亚裔人士落叶归根回到了印度与巴基斯坦,也有许多决定落地生根在香港建立家庭。。。
There are a total of 40,000 native Portuguese worldwide. This week, we explore the lives and stories of people of Portuguese descent in Macau and Malacca. How have Macau's native Portuguese's lives and identities been affected by the handover from British rule to China?全世界目前估计有4万名土生葡人。在澳门,拥有葡萄牙血统的后裔现在大约有一万人左右,只占澳门总人口的2%。不管回归前还是回归后,土生葡人一直都是澳门的少数族群。回归之前,澳门是由土生葡人当家,回归之后换成了由中国人做主。政权转变到底怎么影响土生葡人对于自己的身份认同呢?此外,澳门土生葡人的共同语言Patua逐渐式微,他们又如何去维护与传承他们的文化呢?
There are a total of 40,000 native Portuguese worldwide. This week, we explore the lives and stories of people of Portuguese descent in Macau and Malacca. How have Macau's native Portuguese's lives and identities been affected by the handover from British rule to China?全世界目前估计有4万名土生葡人。在澳门,拥有葡萄牙血统的后裔现在大约有一万人左右,只占澳门总人口的2%。不管回归前还是回归后,土生葡人一直都是澳门的少数族群。回归之前,澳门是由土生葡人当家,回归之后换成了由中国人做主。政权转变到底怎么影响土生葡人对于自己的身份认同呢?此外,澳门土生葡人的共同语言Patua逐渐式微,他们又如何去维护与传承他们的文化呢?
There's an estimated 200,000 Brazilians in Japan. Our host explores the Brazilian Town in Japan, experiencing their unique Brazilian way of life. Intermarriages are common, but how do their children, labelled "Hafu", identify with a society that doesn't see them as native Japanese? 据估计,目前有超过20万名巴西人住在日本。距离东京约一个半小时车程的大泉町,有“小巴西”的称号。当地居民每10人当中就有一个是巴西人。他们说的是巴西的葡萄牙语,吃的是巴西的食物,过的是巴西的传统节庆,但是他们可都是血统纯正的日本人。而日本对他们来说到底是故乡,还是异乡?
There's an estimated 200,000 Brazilians in Japan. Our host explores the Brazilian Town in Japan, experiencing their unique Brazilian way of life. Intermarriages are common, but how do their children, labelled "Hafu", identify with a society that doesn't see them as native Japanese? 据估计,目前有超过20万名巴西人住在日本。距离东京约一个半小时车程的大泉町,有“小巴西”的称号。当地居民每10人当中就有一个是巴西人。他们说的是巴西的葡萄牙语,吃的是巴西的食物,过的是巴西的传统节庆,但是他们可都是血统纯正的日本人。而日本对他们来说到底是故乡,还是异乡?
This week, we explore those with Southeast Asian roots in Taiwan. Since the arrival of the Burmese Chinese in the 1950s, and the influx of Southeast Asian labourers in the 1990s, interracial marriages have flourished...最先来到台湾的东南亚群体,是50年代移居台湾的缅甸华人。在90年代,台湾人开始大量雇用东南亚劳工和帮佣,同时台湾男性娶东南亚配偶的人数也越来越多。。。
This week, we explore those with Southeast Asian roots in Taiwan. Since the arrival of the Burmese Chinese in the 1950s, and the influx of Southeast Asian labourers in the 1990s, interracial marriages have flourished...最先来到台湾的东南亚群体,是50年代移居台湾的缅甸华人。在90年代,台湾人开始大量雇用东南亚劳工和帮佣,同时台湾男性娶东南亚配偶的人数也越来越多。。。
The Philippines has the biggest Japanese community in Southeast Asia, with many arriving in the early 19th century. They bore the wrath of the locals after WWII, though this has dissipated through the years. Still, many have mixed feelings on their identity. Where do they truly belong?19世纪初日本劳工的涌入,促使菲律宾达沃的麻蕉出口蓬勃发展,并成功蜕变成菲律宾最早现代化的城市之一。而菲律宾也是东南亚住有最多日本人的国家。多年以来,许多生活在菲律宾的日本后裔总是面对一种矛盾,他们是日本人,而菲律宾却是他们成长的地方,他们该如何自处?何去何从?上一代日本后裔背负着战争的枷锁,饱受主流社会的仇视。。。
The Philippines has the biggest Japanese community in Southeast Asia, with many arriving in the early 19th century. They bore the wrath of the locals after WWII, though this has dissipated through the years. Still, many have mixed feelings on their identity. Where do they truly belong?19世纪初日本劳工的涌入,促使菲律宾达沃的麻蕉出口蓬勃发展,并成功蜕变成菲律宾最早现代化的城市之一。而菲律宾也是东南亚住有最多日本人的国家。多年以来,许多生活在菲律宾的日本后裔总是面对一种矛盾,他们是日本人,而菲律宾却是他们成长的地方,他们该如何自处?何去何从?上一代日本后裔背负着战争的枷锁,饱受主流社会的仇视。。。
Former North Koreans have through the years fled to China to escape war and famine back home. This week, we explore their community in the fringes of Jilin. We'll also look at the plight of North Koreans who seek better lives in South Korea, but face tensions from locals there.这一集节目将会到吉林省的延边地区,了解朝鲜族人到底过着怎么样的生活?他们的祖先为了逃避战火与饥荒来到了中国,现在虽拥有中国国籍,在生活习惯上仍保持着传统的朝鲜族文化。他们吃泡菜、说朝鲜话、念朝鲜族学校,他们的文化如何在异乡落地生根,茁壮成长呢?韩国崛起,和他们有着相同文化和语言的朝鲜族人都蜂拥到那里工作。。。
Former North Koreans have through the years fled to China to escape war and famine back home. This week, we explore their community in the fringes of Jilin. We'll also look at the plight of North Koreans who seek better lives in South Korea, but face tensions from locals there.这一集节目将会到吉林省的延边地区,了解朝鲜族人到底过着怎么样的生活?他们的祖先为了逃避战火与饥荒来到了中国,现在虽拥有中国国籍,在生活习惯上仍保持着传统的朝鲜族文化。他们吃泡菜、说朝鲜话、念朝鲜族学校,他们的文化如何在异乡落地生根,茁壮成长呢?韩国崛起,和他们有着相同文化和语言的朝鲜族人都蜂拥到那里工作。。。
India has one of the most ethnic communities in the world. One of them is the Indian Chinese, most of whom reside in Kolkata. Their numbers are dwindling as the youths migrate for better prospects. This week, we explore this minority group's way of life and untold stories.印度有13亿人口,是世上拥有最多族群、语言、宗教的国家之一。华人,是印度其中的一个少数群体。身为人口大国中的少数族裔,印度华人过着怎样的生活?他们与主流社会的关系又如何?加尔各答是印度最主要的华人社区,近半个世纪以来,老一辈的人有些选择留在当地生活、老去。也有许多年轻一代却对印度没有太大眷念,纷纷移居外国,追求更好的发展。。。
India has one of the most ethnic communities in the world. One of them is the Indian Chinese, most of whom reside in Kolkata. Their numbers are dwindling as the youths migrate for better prospects. This week, we explore this minority group's way of life and untold stories.印度有13亿人口,是世上拥有最多族群、语言、宗教的国家之一。华人,是印度其中的一个少数群体。身为人口大国中的少数族裔,印度华人过着怎样的生活?他们与主流社会的关系又如何?加尔各答是印度最主要的华人社区,近半个世纪以来,老一辈的人有些选择留在当地生活、老去。也有许多年轻一代却对印度没有太大眷念,纷纷移居外国,追求更好的发展。。。
Additional Information
Premiered | 2017 |
Genres | info-ed |
Seasons | 1 |